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Anexo 1 – T2. Adam Smith


Nelcy Lorayne Zafra León


Fabian Darío Turriago

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

126007_141, Macroeconomía


Actividad 1: Lea el siguiente texto y diligencie la ficha correspondiente en español o

inglés (en sólo uno de los idiomas):

What are the main macroeconomics variables?

What Is Macroeconomics?

Macroeconomics is a branch of economics that studies how an overall economy—the markets,

businesses, consumers, and governments— behave. Macroeconomics examines economy-wide

phenomena such as inflation, price levels, rate of economic growth, national income, gross

domestic product (GDP), and changes in unemployment.

Some of the key questions addressed by macroeconomics include: What causes unemployment?

What causes inflation? What creates or stimulates economic growth? Macroeconomics attempts

to measure how well an economy is performing, understand what forces drive it, and project how

performance can improve.


• Macroeconomics is the branch of economics that deals with the structure, performance,

behavior, and decision-making of the whole, or aggregate, economy.

• The two main areas of macroeconomic research are long-term economic growth and

shorter-term business cycles.

• Macroeconomics in its modern form is often defined as starting with John Maynard Keynes

and his theories about market behavior and governmental policies in the 1930s; several

schools of thought have developed since.

• In contrast to macroeconomics, microeconomics is more focused on the influences on and

choices made by individual actors in the economy (people, companies, industries, etc.).

Understanding Macroeconomics

As the term implies, macroeconomics is a field of study that analyzes an economy through a

wide lens. This includes looking at variables like unemployment, GDP, and inflation. In addition,

macroeconomists develop models explaining the relationships between these factors.

These models, and the forecasts they produce, are used by government entities to aid in

constructing and evaluating economic, monetary, and fiscal policy. Businesses use the models to

set strategies in domestic and global markets, and investors use them to predict and plan for

movements in various asset classes.

Properly applied, economic theories can illuminate how economies function and the long-term

consequences of particular policies and decisions. Macroeconomic theory can also help

individual businesses and investors make better decisions through a more thorough

understanding of the effects of broad economic trends and policies on their own industries.

Diligencie la siguiente ficha de lectura

a. Antes de leer el texto:

 Title of the text: What are the main macroeconomics variables?

 Author of the text: THOMAS J. CATALANO

 Year of Publication: December 2023

 Bibliography: THE INVESTOPEDIA TEAM (2023). What are the main

macroeconomics variables?

 What you know about it: Macroeconomics, which focuses on the study of the

economy, analyzing variables such as GDP, inflation, unemployment, and

others that affect an economy as a whole

b. Después de Leer el Texto:

 What I learned from the text: Macroeconomics helps entities make forecasts

to help in the construction and monetary evolution of the country, planning

and predicting the right movements

 The central idea of the text: Know the most important aspects of

macroeconomics, including analyzing unemployment, el PIB and inflation.

 Three secondary ideas of the text:

1. Macroeconomics is used to measure the performance of an economy, understand

the forces that drive it, and project how it can improve

2. Modern macroeconomics can be traced back to the theories of John Maynard

Keynes in the 1930s and has developed through various schools of thought.

3. Macroeconomics studies the behavior of an economy, including markets,

businesses, consumers, and governments, as well as phenomena such as inflation,

economic growth, and unemployment.



English Word Spanish Word Concept

The economy refers to the system by which goods and
services are produced, distributed, and consumed within a
Economy Economía society or country. It encompasses all economic activities
and interactions, including production, trade, consumption,
and the allocation of resources.
Inflation is the rate at which the general level of prices for
goods and services rises, leading to a decrease in the
purchasing power of a currency. It is typically measured as
Inflation Inflación
an annual percentage increase in prices and is influenced
by factors such as demand, supply, production costs, and
government monetary policies.
Growth in an economic context refers to an increase in the
production of goods and services in an economy over a
period of time. Economic growth is typically measured as
Growth Crecimiento the percentage increase in real GDP (Gross Domestic
Product) or real income. It is driven by factors such as
investment, technological progress, population growth, and
improved productivity.
Is the total monetary value of all goods and services
produced within a country's borders in a specific time
Gross Domestic Producto Interno
period, usually a year. It is a key indicator of the economic
Product Bruto PIB
performance of a country and is used to measure the size
and growth of its economy.
Unemployment Desempleo Unemployment refers to the state of being without any
work, yet actively seeking work. It is a key measure of
economic health and is influenced by factors such as

economic growth, labor market policies, and demographic

trends. Unemployment is typically classified into different
categories, such as frictional, structural, and cyclical
unemployment, each of which has different causes and
implications for the economy.

Actividad 2 En una economía se presentan los siguientes datos:

a. Con los datos de la tabla determine el PIB nominal y real para los años 2000 a 2002 por

medio del Valor Agregado. Sólo tome en cuenta el producto final. Use el año 2000 como

año base. Justifique por qué sólo se toman en cuenta los productos finales.

 Cálculo del valor agregado:


2000: $12-$0=$12

2001: $14-$12=$2

2002: $16-$14=$2


2000: $30-$0=$30

2001: $29-$30=-$1

2002: $33-$29=$4


2000: $60-$0=$60

2001: $62-$60=$2

2002: $64-$62=$2

 PIB nominal para los años 2000 a 2002

PIB 2000= 12+30+60= $102

PIB 2001= 2+(-1) +2= $3

PIB 2002= 2+4+2= $8

 PIB real para los años 2000 a 2002, con año base 2000

PIB 2000= $102

PIB 2001=$102.04

PIB 2002= $102.04

b. Determine en cuánto creció esta economía entre 2000 a 2001 y entre el 2001 a 2002

usando los datos del PIB Real. Explique la razón para usar los precios reales.

200 0 102
PIB200 1= ∗100=98.03

2001 102.04
PIB2002 = ∗100=100

Justificación: El precio real permite que sea un indicador más fiable, ya que los

precios reales presentan un bien o servicio en términos cuantitativos, lo cual se puede


c. Halle el IPC y la inflación de esta economía tomando como base el año 2000. Explique

los resultados.

IPC 2000= 102

IPC 2001= (3/102)x100= 2.94

IPC 2002= (8/102)x100= 7.84

Entre 2000 y 2001: Inflación

IPC 2001−IPC 2000 2.94−100

( ¿ X 100=( ) X 100=−97.06 %
IPC 2000 10 0

Entre 2001 y 2002: Inflación

IPC 200 2−IPC 200 1 7.84−2.94

( ¿ X 100=( ) X 100=166. 6 7 %
IPC 200 1 2.94

La inflación negativa entre 2000 y 2001 (-97.06%) indica una deflación, ya que el IPC en 2001

es significativamente más bajo que en 2000.

La alta inflación entre 2001 y 2002 (166.67%) indica un aumento considerable en los precios en

2002 en comparación con 2001.


Actividad 3

1. Calcula el Producto Interno Bruto a precios de mercado (PIB)

PIB = 40+37+14(37-18)

PIB = 91-19

PIB = 72

2. Calcula el Producto Nacional Bruto a precios de mercado (PNB)

PNB = 72+ (37-14)

PNB = 72 + 23

PNB = 95

3. Calcula el Producto Nacional Neto a precios de mercado (PNN)

PNN = 95 – 11

PNN = 84


La economía analizada experimentó cambios significativos en períodos cortos. Pasó

de una contracción severa en el año 2001, con una inflación del -97.06%, a un

crecimiento notable en el año 2002, con una inflación del 166.67%., También El uso

del PIB Real proporciona una perspectiva más precisa del crecimiento económico al

ajustar el PIB nominal por los efectos de la inflación, lo que ayuda a comprender

mejor la evolución de la economía en términos reales.


Referencias Bibliográficas

Buchieri, F., Perticarari, N., Mancha, T. y Pereyra, A. (2017). ¿Qué es la

macroeconomía? ECOE.

Mochón, F. (2006). Principios de Macroeconomía (pp.1-23). Madrid, ES: McGraw-Hill. España.

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