Text Connectives

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Text Connectives – are used to link different parts of a text

together. They help to make the text smooth and easy to

understand. They join the different ideas together to make a
stronger argument.
There are different kinds of text connectives. We usually see them
at the start of paragraphs or sentences.

Time (to Cause (to Additive (to Comparative Clarifying (to

show time or show cause add more (to compare give
to sequence and effect) information) or contrast examples, or
ideas) different to make
things) something

Firstly As a result Also However For example

Secondly So Besides Alternatively In fact

Next Therefore Furthermore On the other

Finally Consequently In addition
To conclude As a Similarly
In Likewise
The text connectives in bold can also be used as conjunctions,
where they link two parts of a sentence together. When used like
this, they appear in the middle of a sentence.
1. Look at the model text about eating healthy food.
Highlight all the text connectives you can see.
2. Write 3 different examples here, with the sentence that you
found them in.




3. Have a go at writing some sentences about healthy eating yourself. Use different text
connectives to begin your sentences.

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