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Read the passages and choose the correct answer by circling A, B, C or D.

Reading 1: MAI’S SCHOOL

Hello, my name is Mai. I am 11 years old. I’m studying at a public school called Nguyen Du
Secondary school. I am in grade 6. In our class, there are 15 girls and 12 boys.
My classroom is big and nice. Our teacher is Ms. Alice. She likes decorating the walls with
posters and maps. In our class, there is a computer and a blackboard.
My desk and my chair are brown. My pencil case is on my desk. It’s colorful. I have lots of
things in my pencil case: a red sharpener, two pencils, a rubber, three paper clips and a purple
I go to school by bicycle with my friends. We like our school because there are playgrounds,
a big gym and a fantastic music room with many instruments.
1. How many students are there in Mai’s class?
A. 27 B. 15 C. 12 D. 11
2. What does Ms. Alice decorate the walls with?
A. posters and maps B. posters and balls
C. pictures and balls D. posters and flowers
3. How many things are there in Mai’s pencil case?
A. 6 B. 7 C. 8 D. 9
4. Which is NOT in her pencil case?
A. a blue sharpener B. a pencil
C. paper clips D. a purple pen
5. Which sentence is TRUE?
A. Mai’s classroom is small and nice.
B. There are two computers in her class.
C. There is a music room with lots of posters.
D. Mai cycles to school with her friends.

Reading 2:
York is a small ancient city in the north of England. It is located on the river Ouse. The city
has many historic attractions such as York Minster – a very large cathedral, Castle Museum,
York Art Gallery and many churches.
The old small streets in the center of York are very small and attractive. These streets are only
for walking. But it is very convenient to go to other cities from York by train. York is a very
clean city. The air is fresh and the climate is so fantastic in summer months. It is an ideal place
for visitors to come.

6. What is the passage about?

A. York City B. The history of York
C. The attractions of York D. The beauty of York
7. Where is York City?
A. Near the river Ouse B. In the North of England
C. Near Lead City D. In the West of England
8. York Minster is _____.
A. a very large cathedral B. a castle
C. an art gallery D. a church
9. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A. The city has fresh air. B. York is a big city.
C. The streets are very small. D. This city is a wonderful place to visit
10. How can people get to other cities?
A. By walking B. By air plane
C. By train D. By car

Reading 3:
Today, there is a TV set in nearly every home. People watch television every day, and
some people watch it from morning until night. Americans watch television about 5 hours a day.
But is television good or bad for you? People have different answers. Some say that there is a lot
of violence on TV today, the programs are terrible and people don't get any exercise because
they only sit and watch TV. Others think that TV programs bring news from around the world,
help you learn many useful things, especially children. Thanks to television, people learn about
life in other countries, and it helps people relax after a long day of hard work.

11. What is there in nearly every home?

A. bed B. table C. television D. fridge
12. How many hours a week do American watch TV?
A. 5 hours B. 35 hours C. 20 hours D. 35 hours
13. What are the disadvantages of watching TV too much?
A. It makes people lazier. B. It makes people become more violent.
C. A and B are correct. D. A and B are false.
14. What can TV help people?
A. earn money B. work faster C. save money D. relax
15. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. People rarely watch programs on television
B. Watching TV helps people to keep fit
C. People can’t learn anything from programs on televisions
D. Thanks to TV, people know more about life in other countries

Reading 4: School of the air

Many of us may be surprised to hear the name “School of the Air”, but there are over ten of
them in Australia. Alice Springs School of the Air is one of these in the Northern Territory. The
school provides an educational service for about 120 children living in the Central Australia.
Students of this school live far from each other, so they don’t have normal lessons in
classrooms, but they study at their homes. They get lessons from their teachers through post or e
– mail. They have to work five or six hours a day, five days a week. They send their work to the
teachers and discuss it over the Internet. They can borrow books from the school library, and the
books arrive by post. They also take part in outside classroom activities such as sports and
16. Alice Springs School of the Air teaches children in _____.
A. Central Australia B. Northern Australia
C. All Australia D. Southern Australia
17. Students get their lessons from their teachers ______.
A. through post or e-mail. B. through TV net work
C. in classrooms D. on the website
18. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. Students have lessons five days a week.
B. Students can read books in the library.
C. Students can play sports and games.
D. Students send their work to the teachers through post.
19. The word “them” in the first paragraph refers to ______.
A. many of us B. schools in general
C. schools of the air D. Alice Springs School of the Air
20. What is the passage mainly about?
A. Schools in Australia B. Special kind of school
C. Good way of learning D. Online learning

Reading 5:
English is my mother tongue. Besides, I can speak French and Spanish. I studied the two
languages when I was at high school. Now, I am still learning Spanish at the University. As for
me, learning a foreign language is not easy. After studying a language, practice is very necessary
and useful. Travelling to the country where the language is spoken is very helpful, but if you
cannot speak the language well enough you will certainly have difficulty. I also frequently go to
the movies, watch television, listen to the radio in the language I am trying to learn. Reading is
another good way to learn. Books are good, but I personally think newspapers and magazines are
better. However, getting some knowledge of the language is the most important thing. Grammar
and vocabulary should be mastered first.

21. How many languages can the writer speak?

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
22. The writer has learnt Spanish _______.
A. in Spain B. at high school
C. in other countries D. at home
23. Travelling may have difficulty if _______.
A. you cannot speak the language well enough.
B. you can speak the language well enough.
C. you can speak the language bad enough.
D. you can communicate in the target language.
24. Some useful ways to practice foreign language are _______
A. listening to the radio and watching TV in the language.
B. reading books in the language.
C. seeing films in the language.
D. all are correct.
25. According to the writer, what should be mastered first?
A. Vocabulary B. Vocabulary and grammar
C. Writing skill D. Reading skill

Reading 6:

Jack is my best friend. He is a teacher. He's teaching in a school in London. Every

morning he gets up at about 7 o'clock, has breakfast and a cup of coffee. Then he leaves for
work. The school is far from his home, so he can't walk there. He must go by bus. He has lunch
at a restaurant nearby. In the afternoon he works until 5 or 5:30 and then he goes home. He
doesn't work on Saturdays or Sundays. He goes to the cinema or theatre. He is married and he
has a son. He loves his family. They are very happy.
26. What's Jack's job?
A. a student B. a teacher C. a writer D. a doctor
27. Which word has the same meaning with the word “leave for “?
A. run to B. swim to C. fly to D. go to
28. What's his favorite drink?
A. milk B. tea C. coffee D. lemonade
29. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
A. He doesn't have lunch at home. B. He works in a school.
C. He doesn't have any son. D. He goes to work by bus.
30. How many days off does Jack have in a week?
A. 2 days B. 1 day C. 3 days D. 4 days

Reading 7:

At my school, there are different sports activities but I only take part in one club called
“Walking for fun” or WFF. Last year, there was a district walking competition for school
children and my school team won the first prize. Everybody was so happy and wished to keep
this activity, therefore, we organized this club. The number of participants increases every week.
The regular activity of the club is a 5 km walk to the beach on Sunday morning. Another activity
is a walk-to-school day (or WTS day). Members living near school volunteer to take a walk
instead of taking motorbike or bicycle trips every Wednesday. Walking is a fun, easy and
inexpensive activity, and people of all ages and abilities can enjoy it.
31. What sports activities does the writer take part in?
A. Walking B. Swimming C. Cycling D. badminton
32. What are two activities of the club?
A. Walking for fun and music
B. Walk-to-school day and speaking English
C. Walking for fun and music and walk to school day
D. Walking to the beach on Sunday morning and walk-to-school day
33. Which day of the week is the WTS day of the club?
A. Wednesday B. Sunday C. Saturday D. Friday
34. Why is walking easy?
A. Because it is interesting B. Because everyone can do it
C. Because it needs to be healthy
35. A 5km walk to the beach takes place ______
A. Every Sunday morning B. In the middle of the week
C. Once a month D. Every day
36. Which word has the same meaning with ‘inexpensive ‘?
A. beautiful B. difficult C. cheap D. dangerous

Reading 8:
Cycling is the best means of transportation and exercise for three reasons. First, it is one
of the safest forms of exercise. A daily bike ride will help improve your breathing (especially if
you smoke) and gently increase your energy. Cycling, therefore, is suitable for people of all ages,
but if you have any medical problems, check with your doctor before you start. Besides being an
excellent form of exercise, cycling allows you to see the country as you ride your bike slowly
through small quiet villages or beautiful forest paths. Cycling is also an easy, convenient and
inexpensive means of transportation. Ride your bike to school and you never get stuck in traffic
on the way! You’ll be in control, keep your teacher happy and be healthier, too.

37. Which of the following can be the best title of the pasage?
A. The disadvantages of cycling B. The benefits of cycling
C. How to improve our health? D. Means of public transportation
38. Riding regularly is especially good for _____.
A. smokers B. non – smokers C. patients D. the old
39. Can a patient ride a bicycle?
A. No, he/she can B. Yes, he/she can
C. Maybe yes, but ask your doctor first D. Yes, only once a week.
40. What kinds of people are suitable for riding?
A. Young people B. People of any ages
C. Old people D. Children
41. How many reasons are mentioned in the passage for choosing cycling?
A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four
42. Why should you cycle to school?
A. Because your teacher has a bicycle, too
B. Because it is easy to park at school.
C. Because it is easy to use.
D. Because you are never late due to the traffic
43. Cycling has many advantages apart from _________
A. Improving our breathing B. Exhausting our energy
C. Going sightseeing D. Avoiding traffic jam

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