Petty Reference

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2506 Section 3 Kambuzuma District Office
Cell: +263 778 66L B7O

27 October 2022

To whom it may concern

Re: Reference letter for Petronella Denhere writing to provide my formal recommendation for Petonella Denhere. I have known petronella
since 2014 when she started her role as a Communify Worker for our HIVIAIDS project.
Our aim is to
improve the health and well-being of people living with Hry/ArDS. We endeavour to
achieve this
through providing support and advice to people living with HIV/AIDS.

I have supervised Petronella from 2017 to present and I would rate her performance as
excellent. She
is a diligent professional, and a great team player. Petronella is responsibl" for providing home
care (including physical, psychosocial, palliative, and spiritual carefto people living
with HIV/AIDS.
We work with a disadvanta-ged community that is ill-served by the Govemment and has very
access to basic necessities
of life. People living with HfV/fDS are the worst affected due to stigma and
discrimination. The work that has been undertaken by Petronella has helped to improve
the welfare of
people living with HIV/AIDS. Petronella is highly motivated to make the situation
better for people
living with HIV/AIDS. She is resourceful, knowlebgeable and has good understanding of the
needs of
people living with HIV/AIDS. She has helped people living with trrvlaros
to acclss support from
other agencies.

During the time Petronella has worked for our organization she has consistently demonstrated
a strong
work ethic and a dedication to success and her main priority has been .*,rrirrg that our
service is
accessible to people who need it the most. Peffonella has been-a strong advocate
6r people living with
HMAIDS and has suppgrted pople living with Hry/AIDS to get the treatment and care tt"y rr"J.
has worked very well with other professionals including nutritlonists, and community
nurses. With the
assistance of Dieticians and Nutritionist Petronella t"a abl" to analyse how
diets ilpact on health of
people living with HIV/ArDS and she organised workshops ano indiuau*
sessions/#etings to educate
people living HIV/{DS about health eating.

Petronella has always been interested in improving her knowledge and therefore
I do not hesitate to
recommend her for further studies. I have no doubi that she *ould be an excellent
caadidate for your
esteemed programme.
If I can be of any further assistance, please feel &ee to contact me.

Yours Sincerely

Project Co-ordinator
Madonna Mlambo 20?2
4772 49t 704 2? 0c1 \


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