Materi Kelas 6

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Materi kelas 6

Semester 1
Past activities (aktivitas kemarin):
I studied last night, but my sister didn’t.
Made talked to Joshua yesterday.
1. They ______ football in the yard last week. (played)
2. I ___________________ a book yesterday. (read)
3. He ________________ the bedroom last night. (cleaned)

Was/were for past activities

4. Tayo and Rogi were in the canteen last Friday.
5. Upin was swimming yerterday.
6. Upin and Ipin were under the tree.
7. Cici was happy.
8. Cici and her friends were hungry.
9. I was sleepy.

Students are able to answer WH question for past activities.

Who siapa, What apa, Where di mana, When kapan, Why mengapa, How bagaimana

Ibu Via went to Tarakan
Where did Ibu Via go? She went to Tarakan
How did Ibu Via go there? She went to Tarakan by speedboat/plane
What did Ibu Via buy? She bought a meal
Did she buy a book? Yes, she did
What did she eat in the restaurant? She ate fried rice

Baca dan jawab bersama:

Made Visited his Grandmother
Aisyah visited the library

Semester 2
What will you do tomorrow?
I will study English tomorrow.
Made’s mother will cook fish next week.
Joshua will call his friend tonight.
Made will fly a kite this evening.
Made will swim next year.

my dream:
What do you want to be? I want to be a teacher, football player, pilot, policeman,
nurse, an architect, doctor, chef, sailor, farmer, singer

1. Bu Alma is a nurse. She works in a hospital.

2. Pak Abdullah is a farmer. He plants rice in a ricefield.
3. Bu Nina is a teacher. She teaches English in our class. /at a classroom.
4. Pak Anto is a chef. He makes delicious food.
5. Pak Putra is a pilot. He flies a plane. He works in the airport.

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