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Aim – To study and perform the patient counselling on pyrexia.

Reference – Patil L. Akansha, Usman Md. Rageeb , “A practical manual of Community pharmacy &
management” , 1st edition 2022, published by Vikas & Company Tanda road Jalandhar city 144008
Punjab, page no. 98-100.

Theory :-

 Pyrexia also known as Hypothermia, which describe body temperature that is higher than
normal body temperature.
 Normal body temperature is 37oC & pyrexia is considered at or above the temperature
 Short term temperature in body can help your body to fight off illness.
 Severe fever can be a symptom of a serious condition that require immediate medical
 The increase body temperature reduces the number of micro-organism as they cannot
multiply in such condition.
 In a body hypothalamus a part of brain transmits the signal based on release of pyrogen.
 It causes the flow of blood to the centre of body from peripheral body parts resulting

Various conditions of body temperature: -

 Normal body temperature may depend on the time of the day.

 It tends to be lower in the morning and higher in the late after noon & evening.
 Other factors such as menstrual cycle, intense exercise also effect body temperature.

Various routes for checking body temperature: -

 There are 3 main routes: - oral, armpit & rectum.

 For oral route we use oral thermometer that should be placed under the tongue for 3 min.
 For armpit reading we can also use oral thermometer
 Simple place the thermometer in the armpit & cross your child over the chest & wait for 3-5
 For rectum we use rectum thermometer, it is for child & infants. To do this –
I. Place a small amount of petroleum jelly on the bulb.
II. Lay your body on their stomach & gently insert thermometer about 1 inch into the
III. Hold the bulb & your baby for atleast 3 min.
IV. In general baby has fever when their body temperature increases 38oC.
 Rectal route show accurate reading as it read temperature of inner areas of body.

Types of Pyrexia

I. Infectious causes: -
 Bronchitis & other disease of the lower respiratory tract (inflammation of the air tubules that
carry blood in & out of the lungs)
 Tuberculosis is a bacterial lung infection that can cause pyrexia.
 Infection of the urinary tract
II. Non – infectious cause: -
 Brain fever & haemorrhage are example of neurological disease which can lead
to pyrexia.
 Problems with bowel of the bladder blood transfusion reactions.


 Weakness
 Chills
 Shivering
 Headache
 Dehydration
 Muscle pain
 Loss of appetite

Conditions that trigger fever: -

a) Infection (pneumonia, flu)

b) Immunization (tetanus, diphtheria)
c) Inflammatory disease (Arthritis, Chron’s disease)
d) Food poisoning
e) Medications like antibiotics

Prevention: -

Limiting exposure to infectious agent is one of the best way to prevent fever. Some tips that reduce
the exposure: -

i. Wash your hand properly before eating

ii. Carry hand sanitizer
iii. Cover your mouth during coughing & also your nose while sneezing

Treatment: -

 Low grade fever with no symptom doesn’t require any medical treatment – drinking fluid and
resting is enough.
 When fever is accompanied by mild symptom like – general discomfort, dehydration etc can
helpful to treat body temperature by taking ibuprofen, acetaminophen.

Condition to consult doctor: -

 You should take infant to doctor if they are –

Younger than 3 months old and having temp. 38oC.
Between 6 – 24 months old having temperature higher than 38.9oC that last longer than 1
Medical Emergency: -

Go to nearest hospital if the child experiencing –

 Confusion
 Inability to walk
 Trouble in breathing
 Chest pain
 Seizures
 Inconsolable crying

Result: - The study on patient counselling of pyrexia has been studied.

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