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Group: Ángel Gutiérrez, Alondra, José Mario, Crosby,

Juan Carlos.
Teacher: Mr. Odiel Reyes
Class: Universal History
Topic: Modern Age
Grade : 11th A
Date: 21/2/2024

Modern Age
In this report we will comment on data, advances and changes that other eras have made to
reach this modern era.

The modern era is a widely recognized period spanning from the 15th century to the present
day. This period is characterized by a series of significant changes in world history,
including the expansion of global trade, the conquest of new lands, the Industrial
Revolution, the Enlightenment, and the rise of democracy and human rights. The modern
era has seen technological and scientific advances that have transformed everyday life, as
well as changes in the way societies are organized and governed. This period has also been
marked by global conflicts, emancipation movements and a rapid growth in interconectan
and interdependence between nations.

The Modern Age

The Modern Age began after the Middle Ages and lasted through the early decades of the
20th century, when the Postmodern Age began. The Modern Age was marked by
Enlightenment philosophy, which focused on the individual and placed a high value on
rational decision making.
Modern age a historical time period that spanned the years 1500 to 1945. The Modern Era
occurred following the Middle Ages and can be further divided into two time periods: the
Early Modern Period and the Late Modern Period is the postmedieval era, a wide span of
time marked in part by technological innovations, urbanization, scientific discoveries, and
globalization. Was marked by Enlightenment philosophy, which focused on the individual
and placed a high value on rational decision making. This period saw the wide expansion of
capitalism, colonialism, democracy, and science-based rationalism.
The 10 greatest developments of the modern age are subjective and can vary depending on
the perspective. However, some commonly cited developments include:
1. The Internet: Revolutionizing communication, information access, and commerce.
2. Electricity: Powering modern industry, technology, and infrastructure.
3. Medical advancements: Including vaccinations, antibiotics, and surgical techniques.
4. Space exploration: Leading to scientific discoveries and technological innovation.
5. Industrial Revolution: Transforming manufacturing and transportation.
6. Globalization: Connecting economies and cultures around the world.
7. Renewable energy: Advancements in sustainable energy sources.
8. Civil rights movements: Leading to social and political progress.
9. Technological innovations include smartphones, computers, and artificial intelligence.
10. Environmental awareness: Promoting conservation and sustainability efforts.

These developments have significantly impacted the modern world and continue to shape
our future.
The modern era, is characterized by distinct differences from earlier historical periods.
Some key differences include:
Technological advancements: The modern era has seen rapid technological progress,
leading to innovations in communication, transportation, medicine, and industry.
Globalization: The modern era is marked by increased interconnectedness among nations,
cultures, and economies, creating a globalized society.
Shifts in power structures: The modern era has witnessed changes in political, economic,
and social power dynamics, leading to varying systems of governance and economic
Social and cultural changes: Attitudes, beliefs, and values have shifted over time, reflecting
changes in societal norms, gender roles, and individual rights.
Environmental impact: The modern era has seen unprecedented human impact on the
environment, leading to concerns about climate change and sustainability.
Economic systems: The modern era has seen the rise of capitalism, market economies, and
global trade networks, impacting wealth distribution and economic development.
Overall, the modern era is characterized by its emphasis on progress, innovation, and
interconnectedness, setting it apart from earlier historical periods in significant ways.

The conclusion of the modern era is a complex topic that involves many different aspects,
including technological advances, cultural changes, and significant historical events.
Our lives have been shaped by a variety of eras and events throughout history. Each era has
brought significant changes in society, technology, culture and the way we live our lives.
For example, the Industrial Revolution radically transformed the way we work and produce
goods, while the information and technology age has revolutionized the way we
communicate and access information. Each era has uniquely contributed to our evolution as
a species, and understanding how each era has influencies us can shed light on the current
world in which we live.

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