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Importance of Rizal Law and its Implication in Promoting Nationalism and

Mandy Val A. Balcita1, Cindy C. Castaneda2, Alyssa Jane DL. De Guzman 3, John David Del
Rosario4, Sherwin D. Sumalbag5, John Jerico C. Fajardo6
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science Student, Core Gateway College Inc, SJC
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science Student, Core Gateway College Inc, SJC
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science Student, Core Gateway College Inc, SJC
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science Student, Core Gateway College Inc, SJC
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science Student, Core Gateway College Inc, SJC
Faculty, Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, Core Gateway College, Inc,SJC

emails: ,,,, and

Abstract. This study utilized the Descriptive research design method to identify the Importance
of the Rizal law and its Implication in Promoting Nationalism and Patriotism among the students
in Core Gateway College, Inc. in San Jose City, Nueva Ecija. A total of 269 students served as
respondents of this study. Data gathered were classified and analyzed. Percentage, frequency
count, standard deviation and mean were used. The following statistical techniques were used to
describe, analyze and interpret the data in the study: Frequency distribution and gathered data
from the Socio-Demographic Characteristics of the respondents. Weighted Mean was used to
interpret the answers of the respondents in the second part of the questionnaire which is
measuring the Importance of the Rizal law and its Implication in Promoting Nationalism and
Patriotism among the students in Core Gate Way College, Inc. The objective of this research is to
assess the importance of Rizal Law in promoting nationalism and patriotism among the college
students of Core Gateway College, Inc., the impact and effect of the study of Rizal’s life, works,
and writings was on the ideals of nationalism and patriotism in the lives of the students. Result
showed that the importance of Rizal Law is significant to the implication in promoting
nationalism and patriotism among the students in Core Gate Way College, Inc.
Keywords, Rizal Law, mandatory, Republic Act 1425, nationalism and patriotism.

The Rizal Law is a law in the Philippines, known as Republic Act 1425, was signed by
Present Ramon Magsaysay and was authorized by Senator Claro M. Recto while Senator Jose P.
Laurel, Sr., who was then the Chairman of the Committee on Education that time and sponsored
the bill in the Senate. The law was Approved on June 12, 1956, and published in the Official
Gazette of the Philippines. The law requires all public and private schools, colleges, and
universities to include courses on the life, works, and writings of Dr. Jose Rizal, the national hero
of the Philippines, particularly his novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo.
But before everything, who is Dr. Jose Rizal and why he is so important in the history of
our country? Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado Y Alonso Realonda he is also called Dr. Jose Rizal.
Dr. Jose Rizal was born on June 19, 1861 in Calamba, Laguna. His advocacy for reforms in the
Philippines under the hands of Spanish colonial authorities led to his early death at the age of 36.
He was executed in Bagumbayan, now called Luneta, in Manila on December 30, 1896. But his
death meant much more for the Filipinos. It sparked the revolution in the country against the
Spanish government, which ruled Las Islas Filipinas (now the Philippines) from 1565 to 1898
and Rizal inspired the nation to be born also because of him we celebrated Independence Day in
our country.
One of the underlying principles of the Rizal Law is the promotion of patriotism and
nationalism among the Filipino people. Patriotism is a love and loyalty towards one’s country,
while nationalism is the idea that a nation is defined by its common culture, history, and
language. The study of Rizal’s life, works, and writings is intended to instill in Filipinos a sense
of pride in their national identity and a deeper appreciation for their country’s history and
culture. Overall, the study of Rizal’s life and works is a crucial component of promoting
patriotism and nationalism among Filipinos.
However, this study focused on the Importance of Rizal Law and its Implication in
Promoting Nationalism and Patriotism to all Filipinos especially to all students in all colleges.
This study was conducted to find out how important the study of Rizal law is and how it will
affect students patriotism and nationalism.
Research Problem. The objective of this research is to assess the importance of Rizal Law in
promoting nationalism and patriotism among the college students of Core Gateway College, Inc.
How impactful and effective the study of Rizal’s life, works, and writings was on the ideals of
nationalism and patriotism in the lives of the students.

Methods and Procedures

This study utilized Descriptive research design method. The respondents of this study are
the college students of Core Gateway College INC. San Jose City Nueva Ecija. The researchers
made checklist questionnaire was used in gathering data. To describe, analyze, and interpret the
data in the study, frequency counts, percentage, mean and standard deviation were used in this

Results and Discussions

Importance of Rizal Law

Table presents the Importance of Rizal Law among the respondents. Pooled mean
obtained was 3.40 described as strongly agree. This implies that the respondents strongly agreed
to the importance of Rizal Law because it helps them to become better citizens and they believe
that its highly effective in fostering patriotism among Filipino.

Table 1.1 Importance of Rizal Law

1. Rizal Law is necessary to prevent the erasure of
Philippine history and culture from the curriculum. 3.40 Strongly Agree
2. Rizal Law helps promote a deeper understanding
of Philippine history and culture. 3.59 Strongly Agree
3. Rizal Law has been effective in promoting
sense of national identity and unity among Filipinos. 3.38 Strongly Agree
4. Rizal Law is an important tool for promoting
social justice and equality in the Philippines. 3.38 Strongly Agree
5. Rizal Law has had a positive impact on the
development of Philippine education and society. 3.41 Strongly Agree
6. Studying the life and works of Dr. Jose Rizal
through the implementation of the Rizal Law
is essential in preserving our national identity
and culture. 3.32 Strongly Agree
7. Rizal Law has contributed significantly to
the development of critical thinking skills among
Filipino students. 3.36 Strongly Agree
8. The study of Dr. Jose Rizal's life and works
through the Rizal Law can inspire and motivate
students to become agents of positive change
in their communities. 3.37 Strongly Agree
9. Rizal Law is a reminder of our responsibility
as Filipinos to uphold our cultural values and
traditions, and to work towards a better future
for our country. 3.45 Strongly Agree
10. Rizal Law is a testament to the Philippines'
rich cultural and historical heritage, and should
be celebrated and promoted. 3.37 Strongly Agree
Pooled Mean 3.40 Strongly Agree

The statement “Rizal Law helps promote a deeper understanding of Philippine history
and culture.” got the highest mean of 3.59 described as strongly agree. The statement “Studying
the life and works of Dr. Jose Rizal through the implementation of the Rizal Law is essential in
preserving our national identity and culture.” got the lowest mean of 3.32 described as strongly
agree which indicated that it is essential for students to study the life and works of Dr. Jose Rizal
to preserve the dignity of the Filipinos national identity and culture.
According to Valdeavilla (2018) most people wonder why it’s important to study Rizal’s
life when all he did is write literature. It is through his writings that he revealed how cruel and
abusive the Spaniards truly are in their treatment of the Filipino people. He also enlightened his
fellow countrymen to take up arms and stand up for their right.

Implication in Promoting Nationalism and Patriotism

Table 2.1 Showed that nationalism had a pooled mean of 3.59 described as strongly agree
which implies that the respondents strongly agreed that they loved their own country and they
are willing to show it by loving and support our own.

Table 2.1 Nationalism

1. I value much my Filipino identity. 3.65 Strongly Agree
2. I have to be aware of the issues of our
country. 3.51 Strongly Agree
3. I stand proud for every Filipinos

achievement. 3.73 Strongly Agree

4. I patronized and support our own
product. 3.54 Strongly Agree
5. I am one with those who are celebrating
and presenting the Filipino cultures. 3.53 Strongly Agree

Pooled Mean 3.59 Strongly Agree

The statement “I stand proud for every Filipino achievement” got the highest mean of
3.73 described as strongly agree. The statement “I have to be aware of the issues of our country”
got the lowest mean of 3.51 described as strongly agree.
According Miscevic (2005), nationalism – the attitude that the members of a nation have
when they care about their national identity and their actions when seeking to achieve or sustain
national unity and independence – must be emphasized in social institutions like family, school
and work place.


Table 2.2 Revealed that the patriotism had a pooled mean of 3.63 described as strongly
agree which implies that respondents showed their love and pride in their country.

Table 2.2 Patriotism


1. I have big respect to the country,

its national symbols. 3.72 Strongly Agree
2. I take seriously the idea that people
are criticizing the country and its
government. 3.40 Strongly Agree
3. I feel so proud whenever I see the
Philippine flag. 3.65 Strongly Agree
4. It makes me feel angry when I
see people burn the Philippine
flag during protest and mass gatherings. 3.58 Strongly Agree
5. I am proud to be a Filipino. 3.79 Strongly Agree

Pooled Mean 3.63 Strongly Agree

The statement “I am proud to be a Filipino” got the highest mean of 3.79 described as
strongly agree. It implies that majority of the respondents are proud of their nationality.
The statement “I take seriously the idea that people are criticizing the country and its
government” got the lowest mean of 3.40 described as strongly agree. It implies that the
respondents are very proud of having a Filipino blood.

According to Valdeavilla (2018), today, Dr. Rizal’s brilliance, compassion, courage, and
patriotism are greatly remembered and recognized by the Filipino people. His novels are
continuously being analyzed by students and professionals. Colleges and universities in the
Philippines even require their students to take a subject which centers around the life and works
of Rizal. Every year, the Filipinos celebrate Rizal Day – December 30 each year – to
commemorate his life and works. Filipinos look back at how his founding of La Liga Filipina
and his two novels had an effect on the early beginnings of the Philippine Revolution. The
people also recognize his advocacy to achieve liberty through peaceful means rather than violent
revolution. Furthermore, Mariano (2021) learning the life of our national hero, Jose Rizal, is very
interesting and at the same time beneficial to us, especially the Filipino youth.

Based on the result of the study, we concluded that the importance of Rizal Law is
significant to the implication in promoting nationalism and patriotism among the students in
Core Gate Way College, Inc. This study’s findings show how impactful and effective the study
of Rizal’s life, works, and writings was on the ideals of nationalism and patriotism in the lives of
the students of Core Gateway Colleges, Inc. which they believe it helps them to become better
citizens and they believe that its highly effective in fostering patriotism among Filipino. They
also agreed that it is essential for students to study the life and works of Dr. Jose Rizal to
preserve the dignity of the Filipinos national identity and culture. In the implication in promoting
nationalism and patriotism, students strongly agreed that they loved their own country and they
are willing to show it by loving and support our own and that they showed their love and pride in
their country and are very proud of having a Filipino blood. Overall, by studying the life, works,
and writings of Dr. Jose Rizal, students are exposed to important aspects of Filipino culture,
history, and identity. This knowledge fosters a sense of national pride, appreciation for Filipino
heritage, and a commitment to the betterment of the country. Clearly, the importance of Rizal
Law is significant to the implication in promoting nationalism and patriotism among the students
in Core Gate Way College, Inc.

They encourage to study and pay attention to the Rizal law so that they can be more
effective in promoting nationalism and patriotism in their country, which will further build their
love and respect for the unique identity and nation. Rizal should be introduced more to the youth
because studying the life and works of Rizal, students will gained a deeper understanding of his
ideologies and writings. This will help to inspire them to become a good citizens of the country
and serve the nation.
About. (n.d.). Relevance of Rizal as a Subject.
Hằng X. T. C. B. V. B. Đ. T. (2018, August 17). Colonial Mentality: A Filipino Heritage? CVD.
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Mariano, C. C. (2021). LIFE AND WORKS OF RIZAL Reflection: The First Filipino.
Valdeavilla, R. (2018). The Life and Legacy of José Rizal: National Hero of the Philippines.
Culture Trip.

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