OS - PYQ's

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Operating System : PYQ’s

MODULE 1 : Fundamentals of OS

Sr. Years
Question Marks
No. (Month YY)

1. Explain UNIX OS kernel. 5 May 23

2. Write a short note on Process Control Block 5 May 23

3. Explain process state model. 5 Dec 23

What is a process? Explain Process control block in

4. 10 Dec 23

Give a detailed comparison of user level and

5. 10 Dec 23
kernel level threads.

What is an Operating System? Explain structure of

6. 10 Dec 23
Operating System.

What are the various objectives and functions of May 22

7. 5
Operating Systems? Dec 22

Explain about file attributes, file operations, and

8. 5 May 22
file types.

MODULE 2 : Process Management

Sr. Years
Question Marks
No. (Month YY)

Compare process scheduling and process May 23

1. 5
switching Dec 23

2. 10 May 23

What is Threading and Multithreading? Explain the

3. 10 May 23
importance of Multithreading.

Write different types of process scheduling

4. algorithms? Explain any one scheduling algorithm 10 Dec 23
with an example.
May 22
5. Differentiate between process and threads. 5
Dec 22

Consider the following five processes, with the

length of the CPU burst time given in milliseconds.
Process Burst time is P1-10, P2-29, P3-3,
P4-7,P5-12. Consider the First come First serve
6. (FCFS), Non Preemptive Shortest Job First(SJF), 10 May 22
Round Robin(RR) (quantum=10ms) scheduling
algorithms. Illustrate the scheduling using a Gantt
chart. Calculate the Average Waiting Time and
Turn Around Time.

7. 10 Dec 22

What is Thread? How is multithreading beneficial?

8. Compare & contrast different multithreading 10 Dec 22

MODULE 3 : Process Coordination

Sr. Years
Question Marks
No. (Month YY)

1. What is Semaphore? What is its significance? 5 May 23

2. 10 May 23

Write short notes on Necessary conditions for

3. 5 May 23

4. Write short notes on Deadlock avoidance 5 May 23

5. Explain about Inter Process Communication (IPC) 5 Dec 23

What is a critical region? Explain necessary

6. 10 Dec 23
conditions for deadlock.

7. Write short notes on Deadlock recovery 5 Dec 23

8. Write short notes on Semaphores 5 Dec 23

9. Give the explanation of necessary conditions for 10 May 22

deadlock. Explain how a resource allocation graph Dec 22
determines a deadlock.

May 22
10. Explain Resource Allocation Graph (RAG) 5
Dec 22

What is semaphore and its types? How the classic

May 22
11. synchronisation problem - Dining philosopher is 10
Dec 22
solved using semaphores

MODULE 4 : Memory Management

Sr. Years
Question Marks
No. (Month YY)

1. What is the content of the page table? Explain. 5 May 23

Explain with a suitable example, how virtual May 23

2. 10
address is converted to physical address? Dec 22

What is virtual memory technique? Discuss

3. 10 May 23
segmentation with an example.

Consider the following reference string: 1, 2, 3, 4,

2, 1, 5, 6, 2, 1, 2, 3, 7, 6, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 6. Find the
4. 10 May 23
number of page faults with FIFO, Optimal Page
Replacement and LRU with frame size=4

What is demand paging? Discuss the hardware

5. 10 May 23
support required to support demand paging.

6. Explain memory fragmentation 5 Dec 23

List page replacement algorithms? Explain anyone

7. 10 Dec 23
page replacement algorithms with example.

Dec 23
8. Write short note on Virtual Memory 5 May 22
Dec 22

What is Internal fragmentation? Explain static

partitioned allocation with partition sizes 400,180,
May 22
9. 100,300,45. Assuming First fit and Best fit 10
Dec 22
method indicate the memory status after memory
request for sizes 95, 180, 285, 380, 30.

Consider the page reference string

1,2,3,5,2,4,5,6,2,1,2,3,7,6,3,2,1,2,3,6. Calculate May 22
10. 10
the Page fault using 1. Optimal 2. LRU 3. FIFO Dec 22
algorithms for a memory with three frames
MODULE 5 : Storage Management

Sr. Years
Question Marks
No. (Month YY)

1. Write short notes on RAID levels 5 May 23

2. Write short notes on Disk Scheduling 5 May 23

Describe the implementation of file allocation

3. 10 Dec 23

Dec 23
4. Explain RAID with different levels. 10
Dec 22

5. Write short notes on File Allocation Methods 5 Dec 23

6. Explain File Allocation Methods with diagram 10 Dec 22

MODULE 6 : Special Purpose OS

Sr. Years
Question Marks
No. (Month YY)

State features of Cloud OS. Enlist its advantages

1. 10 May 23
and disadvantages.

May 23
2. Write a short note on Real Time Operating System 5
Dec 23

Explain objectives and characteristics of a modern

3. 10 Dec 23
operating system. Explain Network OS.

4. Write a short note on Android 5 Dec 23

What are various features of Mobile and Real Time

5. 5 May 22
Operating Systems?

What is an open-source OS? What are the design

6. 10 Dec 22
issues of Mobile OS and Real time OS?

Paper May 23 Dec 23 Dec 22

MODULE 1 : Fundamentals of OS 10M 35M 5M

MODULE 2 : Process Management 25M 15M 25M

MODULE 3 : Process Coordination 25M 25M 25M

MODULE 4 : Memory Management 45M 20M 35M

MODULE 5 : Storage Management 10M 25M 20M

MODULE 6 : Special Purpose OS 15M 20M 10M

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