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By Jane Kirsten Suarez

I. Introduction
The purpose of this activity is to assess the physical activeness of the students during the SSG
days. SSG days mainly focuses on sports and other physical activities.
In this activity, out of all the students involved, one will be interviewed and will be asked with
few questions. Information would be gathered through the method of taking notes and close
observation. With the information gathered through the subject, it would be discovered if this
student actively participates on this specific event or not otherwise.
II. Description of Activities
Desiree Joy Umacob is a grade 8 student in East Visayan Adventist Academy. She would be
described as a typical cute little girl. She likes to hang out with her friends and would sometimes
engage in light physical activities. She has the energy as children her age would have, and she
has been active in participating on the social gatherings in her school.
Desiree would be the subject in this activity. I would be observing her physical activeness
during the whole week of SSG days in her school. I have chosen desiree as my subject because
of few advantageous reasons. First, she has the qualities I want to include in this activity. Second,
I want to choose someone that has no common experience during SSG days. And lastly, we are
related to each other as roommates and our relationship gave me an easier access to the
information needed in this activity.
III. Interpretation and Analysis
Desiree had an asthma attack once and her condition would sometimes deprive her from
participating in such activities, though I have observed that she is quite interested. During the
SSG days, she was not able to participate in the physical activities, but I have seen her being
active on social nights and watching her teammates play. Desiree participated on the cheering
competition and according to her, cheering practices are fun especially when everyone helps and
supports each other. Though she was not active on sports, she was quite busy through the whole
week assisting as a medic and roaming around enjoying the view of different kinds of sports
activities with her friends.
Not being active on sports activities doesn’t mean a person is not physically active. According to
Benefits of Physical Activity for Children (2022), physical activity does not need to be a
structured sport. Anything that gets them up and moving will benefit children.
IV. Conclusion and Recommendation
Throughout this activity, I conclude that the subject was active during the SSG days. She has
been doing light activities that would not affect her physical health condition. It is good for her to
have consistent light activities for her health to improve and it is also said that physical activities
can replenish the body and the mind.
Physical activity has many well-established mental health benefits. Physical activity’s
implications for significant positive effects on mental health and social well-being are enormous,
impacting every facet of life. While physical activity is not a substitute for mental health
treatment when needed and it’s not the answer to certain mental health challenges, it does play a
significant role in our emotional and cognitive well-being (Reed,2021).
Though she did not participate on hard physical activities such as sports or activities that would
exhaust her, she did say that she had fun and that she is looking forward to the next SSG days.

Reed, Paul, MD. (2021) Health and Well-Being Matter. Published by Office of Disease
Prevention and Health Promotion (OASH).

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