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Enrolment No: ...... .. 1.1:S.\½,'j.\.J .1.b...... ...

S\J£\1f\.....>\...... ............... .
Name: ...... .

Address: ...?.~.J .i ·-J-··\)·\S.r.lN.~....~.l\

~i) f Y'-'J
.........N.lW. ....~.Gt\i\ .~J\.q~Jk .............. .

I Cou rse Title: ... M.f\-.N~.0:tf.~ £\'J.\...... .O..t f,t--it\N l\trl ~t~\hC.t S
M.M.f.r ...0..9..b...........
Course Code: ..........

Assignment No: ............2.9. .......................

0 .7.3.J .................... ..
Stud y Cen tre: ...........

Phone No.: ........

Email ID Sne..t9'St~ .3:n~s--@-~MOil\- U)r>I

Date: __- __ 1lq \ \9.) l ?.:l._~ ___ _ Signature:------------~ ------- ------- ---
~ .......................c.-,(..-C..•-.-~-00.,-
~===---:.:-::::.-=:-=. =:.=-=:-.::=-.
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I MMPF-006

Mast rr of Businrss Administration (MBA)/ Mast er of Business

.- Administration (Online) MBA(OL) / Mast er of Business Adm
inistr ation
(Banking & Finance) (MBF ) Master of Business Adm inistr
ation (Fina ncial
Management) (MBAFM)/ Post Grad uate Diploma in Finan cial
Mana geme nt
(PGDIFM)/Post Gradua~e Dipl9ma in Services Mana geme nt

July 2023 and Janua ry 2024 Sessions

MMP F-00 6: · Mana geme nt of Finan cial Services

(Last date of submi ssion for July 2023 session is 31 st Octob

er 2023
and for Janua ry 2024 session is 30th April, 2024)

ig nou
School of Mana gemen t Studie s
- - - -

C,,110,• Cmlr MMr•·-oott

Con~t' Tilk l\tnnRaemmt of •'lnRndal Service!!
.-\ni11nmrnt Codr MMr•·-00<,ffMA/ Jlll,Y/202.l
All Ulock!I
~ok : Attt-mpt all thr questions nnd submit
this Hsignment to the Coordinator of your
stud~· ('ffltf"t'. I.Ht datt' of !lubmlsslon for July
2023 session Is 31 st October, 2023 and for
Janua11· 2024 se!lslon is 301• April 2024.

I. Select any Financial Institution of your choic

e and try to find out the various financial
sen ices that are being offered by that Institution
. Write a detail note on your Findings.
., Discuss the major Provisions relating to Stock
brokers and Sub-brokers in the Securities
Contracts (Regulation) Act, 19~6.

3. What are Corporate Advisory Services? Expl

ain the major Corporate Advisory Services
provi ded by any such agency of your choice.

4. Discuss the Salient Features of SEBI (Venture

Capital Funds) Regulations, 1996.

5. Find out about the various New Age Bank

ing Technologies and their Applications m
Financial Services. Discuss aboµt any one of those
technologies in detail.
\I Topic........ ........ .... .... . .................................................... Dato ................... ]

TELC~· Teacher's Sign.................................. ...

Date................................... /I
II Toplc..................... ........... ............................................................

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Teacher's Sign... .......... .. .


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TEL C•· Teacher's Sign ........... ............................. ·····

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TELCe· Teacher's Sign ......................................

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TELC~· Teache r's Sign .................... .......... .......

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