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Adam Cody

Mrs. El-Jourbagy

Advanced Animation

07 May 2024

Animation Reflection

A skill I have improved on is drawing and animating. My past 10th-grader self would

have completely avoided any sort of drawing or completely traced the drawing. Now I’m more

confident in using reference images to create my characters or whatever I want to use it for. This

also gave me the opportunity to create my very own OC (Original Character), Daniella Eve

Hernandez. I’ve also envisioned making one, plus I know multiple friends, now and in the past,

who have made OCs before, and that, plus this class, gave me the motivation to make one finally.

And to say I’m extremely proud of it is an understatement. It is a character that I cherish, and I’m

glad I drew it.

The most challenging skill had to have been anything that involved Blender. Even though

I have used that app in the past, before this class, coming back to it was horrible. It was like

coming back to a traumatic household. But even then, I will say it did help me refresh my

memory on how to work Blender. As you know, my favorite Adobe program is Adobe After

Effects. So obviously, that would be the least challenging skill all year. It’s just very simple to

me. It might be because I’ve used it for the past 5 years, but either way, I do enjoy using it, even

though I don’t use it as much anymore.


All in all, I’m glad to have completed the Animation Pathway. Not only has it taught me

skills, but it allowed me to express myself and my thoughts in drawing form. If it were not for

this class, I would’ve never made Daniella, I would’ve never gotten the opportunity to earn

actual certifications for Adobe Animate, Photoshop, and After Effects, and I would’ve never

become more confident in my drawing skills. Though they are not perfect, a small improvement

is still an improvement.

Works Cited

Dolor, L.I. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, 1998. Print.

Dolor, L.I. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh.

New York: Columbia UP, 1998. Print.

Doe, R. John. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh,

1998. Print.

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