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Present Perfect Simple and Continuous .

Tense review
. Phrasal verbs . Pronunciation - words that sound the same
g x

Present Perfect Simple

I Two emails
Complete the emails with the verbs in brackets in the
Present Perfect Simple or Past Simple.

I thought
l\ hear) from you for a while' so
l'd droP You a quick email'
How are you?
2 you _- (star1) your new lob

-(not we, _ (speak) a month or so

v"1z rn" last time job' but you
yo, had just heard that you'd got the
;-- '
"go (not know)when you had to start'
I hope your old

(give) you a big party when

you left!
"orpuny'- Greece at this.time of year'
You usually go on holiday to
;;;;;6 6(so)awaY alreadY' You could be
reading this email on the beachl
7 (buy) a new
l'm fine. My only news is that I
few weeks'.time'
flat, which l'm moving into in a
8 (find) it on the lnternet' and it's perfect for me
so there's plenty of light'
- near where I work and top floor'
o ,=-You _- (see) Helen latelY? I
s"e; h", for ages! I think the last time was at your
lnot-t my love if you see her'
t,nf,Ouy partyl Do give her
me an email when you can'
Anyway, I hope you're OK' Send

Love .,:

Paul '.:ii

74 Unit 1l . Life s what you make it

Questions Present Perfect Continuous
Complete the questions about the emails onpage74.
Forming the tense
I 'When Paul last (speak) to Sally?'
Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box in
A month or so agol the Present Perfect Continuous.
2 'What he just (buy)?'
look play watch try learn study revise we*
A new flatl
3 'Where he (find) it?' 1 |oe and Stephanie havobsenworking really hard
'On the Internetl to save money to buy a house.
4 'When he
last (see) Helen?' 2 Tony and |ames tennis for
At Sally's birthday party. hours! They must be exhausted!

5 'How lons Sallv (be) in Greece?' 3 Alice medicine for three years,
'|ust over a week.' and she still has three more years to do before

6 '- she (start) her new job yet?' she graduates.

'Yes, she has.' 4l Spanish because my

7 '-she - (see) Helen recently?' girlfriend's from Madrid, and we're going to see

'No, she hasntl her family next month.

8 'How long - Helen and Rafael (know) 5We for a flat to rent for months,
each other?'
but itt impossible to find something we can afford.
'For a yeari- 6I to get hold of my sister for
days, but she isnt answering her phone.
been or gone?
7 Sorry I missed your call. I
Complete the conversations with been or gone. television, and I didnt hear my phone.

1 'Can I speak to lack?' 8 Dan's so tired! He for his exams

'Sorry. He's on holiday. He's to Spainl all weekend, and now he's exhausted!
'Look at your suntan! Have you on holiday?'
- Forming the question
'Yes, we've to Spainl
'Where's Tony?'
- Complete the questions. Put the verbs in brackets into
the Present Perfect Continuous.
'He's to school. He'll be back this afternoonl - (wait) long?
1 Sorry I'm late. you
'Why is there no one in the office?'
'Thev'veall home. It's after six o'clockl 2 How long you (play) chess?
You're very goodl
'Have vou ever to Russia?' -
'No, I havent. What's it like?' 3 The streets are wet! - it (rain)?

'Hi, Suzy! I m back. Is everything OK?' 4 What -

the children (doX
'No! Where have you We have so much They're filthy!
work to dol' How long
- he - (go out)
-? withAnn? -
6 (watch) the new series on
TV? It's great! -

Unit ll . Life's what you make it 75

6 Whot's she been doing? Tense review
Match a line in A with a line in B.
8 Present and past
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct
I Anns been sunbathing. a I We've got dirty frngernails. tense, Present or Past Simple, Present Perfect
Simple or Continuous.
2 Shes been shopping. b I Shes crying.

3 We've been gardening. cf Shes a bit burnt. 1I' (learn) Italian for the past
4 Shes been watching a sad film. aE fne whole house is clean! three years. My teacher is very good,
5 I've been waiting for hours! eI lcansmeltgarlic. and I 2 (like) her very much.
6 Hes been doing the housework. f E I 3 - (be) to Italy rhree times.
7 Shes been cooking. gI fheyte atlsweatyl Io (go) there last year with
B They've been jogging. hE t'm absolutely furious with you!
my familp and we _ s
inFlorence. I6-never
- (see) anywhere more beautiful
7 Present Perfect Simple or Continuous? than Florence in mywhole life!We
' three days going
Choose the correct form of the,r.rb. @)the correct answer.
round the museums.
1 'Why are you all wet?'
'Because I _ l -(spend)
@ ". been swimming b 've swum

'Oh dear! That sounds like a bad cold. How long _ it?'
a have you had b have you been having
'|erry and Sophie make a lovely couplei
'It's true. How long _ together?'
a have they gone out b have they been going out 2 My daughter '_ (try) to find a
job for months. She'- (leave)
'What have you had to eat today?'
university in |une, and since then she
'I two hamburgers, a banana, and two ice-creams.'
'- (have) one or two part-time
a- 've had b 've been having jobs. She n in a caf6 for
'What was that noise?' the last two weeks.
'It was fack. He _ your favourite vase!' She s (want) to work in
a 's broken b 's been breaking
publishing. She 6 (write)
dozens ofletters of application, and she
'Wow! You play guitar really well!'
'Thanks. i ' a few interviews but
lessons for a few monthsl
no job offers yet. -
a,'ve had
- b ve been having

'Katel Hi! How are you?' -(have)

'Pete! How lovely to see youl What _ for the past few months?'
a have you done b have you been doing
'Have you finished your homework yet?'
'Yes. I my essay, so I'm going to bed nowl
a 've -finished b 've been finishing

76 Unit ll . Life's what you make it

Read the magazine interview with the actress, ]uliette Binoche.
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. Choose from the tenses in the box.

Present Simpte Present Continuous Past Simple Past Continuous Present Perfect Simple Present Perfect Continuous

Juliette Binoche
Juliette Binoche was born in Paris.
She is an actress and also a passionate
painter. She is involved in politics and
fund-raising for charities. She has two
children, a boy and a girl.

lt 'vebeen acting (act) since I was a teenager.

Where did you learn to act?

l2 at the National Conservatory of
Dramatic Arts in Paris.
-(train) 3
How many films you (make)?
Over 40.
- -
_ you ever _ (win) any awards?
Yes, I won an Oscar in 1997 for my role in a film called
The English Potient. There have been other awards, too.

What s
_ your parents _ (do) when they
were younger? t^rhat's the worst thing anyone ever (say)
My father was a director, and my mother was an actress. to you?
They 6
(Cet) divorced when I was four, I don't want to remember, -
What is your earliest memory?
" (Prefer) cats or dogs?
I was two. I fell over and banged my head as I I love them both.
(run)from the kitchen to my bedroom.
-Jou -
- When 13
you last (cry)?
tnlhat 8
_ you _ (do) in your free time? Today, while I t* (rehearse). lt's my job to bring
I adore gardening, -
emotions to life. -
What are you doing now? ln/hat is your greatest achievement?
_ (shoot) a film set in lreland. lt's a political It's not for me to say, but the film Ihree Colours 8/ue is one
thriller, of the best films I 1s ever (make),

What's the best book you to ever (read)? What is your motto on life? - -
Tolking with Angels, by Citta Mallasz, Don't look back. Live in the present, Here and now,
- -
Unit 11 . Life's what you make it 77
Vocabulary Reading
l0 Phrasal verbs ll The greatest rock'n'rotlband in the world
I Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. 1 O Read the text quickly. Tick (/) the song titles that you see.

Srve ffi set tidy pick take slow tZ sI

Satisfaction nubyTuesday
z I CetOffOfMyCloud 6 [ [umpin ]ackFlash
I Could you do me a favour? Could you fittd
out the times of trains from London to
: INotFadeAway z IHonkyTonkWoman
Cambridge? + E tgth Nervous Breakdown 8 f Brown Sugar
2 There was a terrible mess after the party. It 2 Read the text again. Are these sentences true (/) or false (,x)?
took me ages to everlthing up. Correct the false sentences.
3 I have to be at the airport at 10.00, so I need
I E fhe band have been playing for nearly 50 years.
to offat about 8.00. Thebandhavebeen playingfor over 50 years-
4 'What time does vour olane off?'
ZE Two of them have known each other since school days.
'Midday. Why?'
: I They wanted a 'bad-boy' gang image to be like
5 i'll give you a lift to the airport if you like. The Beatles.
Whv dont I vou up at about 9.30?
+[ They started touring when The Beatles stopped.
6 You can borrow my camera, but you must 5E Ronnie Wood joined the band just before Brian
it back to me.
fones died.
7 You're drivins too fast! down! Of] trrtict< |agger has never learnt to read music.
ZE goth Mick |agger and Keith Richards have
Complete the sentences with the particles in
the box. been knighted.

up(x2) back off away out(x2) fen'lard

S I Theyve never been to Russia.

1 I ve heard so much about you. I'm really 3 who are the people in italics in these sentences?

looking forward to meeting you. I They started the band.

2 come ! Don,t rvalk an a,v! I'm sorry if Mick Jagger, KeithRichards, andBrian Jones.

I upset you! 2 He playsthe drums.

3 Hurry ! If we dont go now we'll miss
the train! 3 They stopped touring in 1966.
4 I'll do your washing, but I refuse to put all
your clothes inyour cupboards and 4 He drowned in a swimming pool.
drawers. You can do that yourself!
5 When I was five I fell my horse and 5 He has seven children.
broke my arm.
6 -
My mother is always having arguments with 6 He appeared in a film.
oeoole. She's fallen with all her friends
and most of the neighbours. 7 She gave him a knighthood.
7 Shl Dont make a noise or you'll wake the
babv !
I They watched The Stones at the Tsar's Winter Palace.
8 There are so many cheap restaurants in our
town that we eat most evenings.

78 Unit ll . Life's what you make it

The group wos formed in Englond in 1962 by school friends worked hord with Richords os songwdter, following the exomple
Mick Jogger ond Keith Richords, olong with guitorist Brion ofThe Beotles']ohn Lennon ond Poul McCortney.
|ones. Loter they were loined by Chorlie Wotts on drums ond Besides his music coreer, Mick hos fothered seven children with
Bill Wymon on boss. They wonted o 'bod-boy'gong imoge in four women and donoted to numerous chorities. He is now 'Sir
controst to the most fomous bond of the time, The Beotles. Mick'! He wos knighted by Queen Elizqbeth II in 2003. Keith
They were soon pop idols with teenoge fons qll over Europe Richords hos worked os on octor, oppeoring in the blockbuster
ond Americo. movie Pirates of the Caribbean os the fother of Jock Sporrow.
In L964, they reoched the UK Top 10 ond the US Top 50 with 'Not
The Stones hove mode 55 olbums ond sold over 200 million
Fode Awoy'. The 'bod boys' were on their woy. 'Sotisfoction' ond records worldwide. They have ployed in oll kinds of ploces from
'19th Nervous Breokdown', written by ]ogger ond Richords in smoll clubs to huge stodiums. ln 2007 , they ployed in front of
1965, ore considered to be two of the greotest rock songs ever. the Tsort Winter Poloce in St. Petersburg, Russio, for 50,000 fons.
ln 1966, The Beotles stopped touring, ond The Stones storted. They hove given more shows internotionolly thon ony other
They've been touring the world ever since ond hove continued to bond in the world. Their lost tour eorned over $559 million.
write great hits such os']umpin' |ock Flosh' (1968) ond 'Honky Since the 1960s, The Rolling Stones hove been touring the world,
Tonk Womon' (1969). Howeveq, with their fome come trogedy, giving their oudiences the kind of music they love - rock 'n' roll.
coused by olcohol ond drugs. Brion |ones become on oddict And despite their oge, The Rolling Stones is o better bond now
ond could no Ionger tour. In |uly 1969, he drowned in his own thon it ever wos.
swimming pool. It wos o poinful time for The Stones, but they
were still writing good songs. Their olbums Beggars Banquet Long live rock'n' roll -long live The Rolling Stonesl
(1968) ond Sticky Fingers (1971) were o huge success. Ronnie
Wood joined the bond in 1974, ond during the 1970s they
remoined the biggest bond in the world.
If Mick fogger is the 'heort' of The Stones, then Keith Richards is
'the soul'. The two hove survived ups ond downs in their coreers
ond personol lives. Mick con't even reod music, but he hos

12 My kind of music
t @ Listen to Amy and her mum. Answer the questions. 2 Listen again. @)the correct answer.

I What is Amy's mum's favourite pop group? Amy Winehouse and Brian |ones were both 26 / 27 when
they died.

2 What kind of music does Amy's dad like? 2 The Rolling Stones arc a bit / lot older than Amy's mum.
3 Amy can / can't imagine the world in 50 years time.

What kind of music does Amy like? What doesnt 4 Amy is 15 / 16 years old.
she like? 5 Amy's dad was / wasn't a big fan of The Beatles.

6 Amy makes fun of / really likesher dad's music.

4 What day of the week is it? 7 When Amy was little she laughed / screamedif her
parents played their favourite music.

Unit Il . Life's what you make it 79

Pronunciation Jrurt for fw+!
13 Words that sound the same 14 Crossword - people in the arts
Some words sound the same, but they are spelt differently and Complete the crossword. The answers are all people
have different meanings. They are called homophones. in the arts and entertainment industry.
lmi:tl meet Let's meet ot six.
lmitl meat Do you eat meat?

I O Listen and tick (/) the word that sounds the same
as the word on the left.

1 fair lfs(r)l E [ fire f fure

2 been lbi'^nl E b"u,, E uir, ! een
3 know lnertl I now Ino Inew
4 where lwee(r)lE *rt [ *... ! *ear
5 hear lht(r)l I h"r. E h.r ! halr
6 wait lwettl E what I wet ! weight
7 caught lkc'^tl E .ot E court E coat
8 piece /pirs/ E p.u.. I p"as E pies

2@ Listen and write the other spelling of the word in

phonetic script.
I lwudl would and
2 lblu'^l blew and
3 lwt'^kl weak and
4 l9rv^l through and
5 lraudl rode and
6 lneuzl knows and
7 lbatl by and
8 lsc'^(r)l sore and

@ Listen and complete the sentences with the correct

spelling of the phonetic script in brackets.

1 I'm not very well. ['ve got a (/so:1r)/) throat. Across

I've (/bi:n/) offwork for a _(/wuk/). I Someone who tells jokes to make us laugh. (B)

- so I won't have 3 Mick Jagger is a _. (6)

2 lose
I want to (lwettl), 6 Nureyev was a ballet _. (6)
another (/pirs/)ofcake,thankyou. 8 Juliette Binoche is an (7)

3 That's a lovely (/blu:/) dress. _ (/wee(r)/)

9 Johnny Depp is an _. (5)
ll CharlieWatts is a_.--. (7)
did you (lbarl) it? 12 Someone who writes novels. (8)

4 The boys (lrcodD their bikes along the l3 Shakespeare was a _.(i0)
(/reud/) to school.
5 We walked (/Orur/) the dark (lwud| 2 Pianists and vlolinists are _. (9)

then out into the lovely sun. 4 Keith Richards is a _. (9)

5 Picasso was an _. (7)
6 He _ (/0rur/) the ball high into the air and 7 Beethoven was a _. (8)
I _ (/kcrt/) it. l0 Someone who writes poems. (4)
80 Unit l1 . Life's what you make it

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