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Denis Simmons lecture

What is southwest of western Australia called?

Wadjuk noongar
How many nations existed pre-colonisation?
14 nations with moveable boundaries
How many tribes existed pre-colonisation?
Over 750 tribes
How many people existed pre colonisation?
Over 1.4 million people
What are people each state called?
Sydney: Koori People
Melbourne: Yorta Yorta
Queensland: Murri People
Northern Territory: Yolongu People
Western Australia: Noongar people
What are the names of the six seasons?
Birak (Dec-Jan) , Bunuru (Feb-March), Djeran (April-May), Makuru (June-July), Djilba (Aug-
Sept) and Kambarang (Oct-Nov)
What is a totem and what are the major ones?
A totem is a natural object, plant or animal that is inherited by members of a Clan or family as
their spiritual emblem. A person can have more than one totem and they cannot eat the animal
associated with their totem.
The two major totems are
Wardang (crow)
Manitj (White cockatoo)
What is careniup or Karrinyup?
Place where the spirits go and it is kinda like a heaven.
When the indigenous Australians saw the settlers coming with a big ship, they assumed that it
was a giant bird bringing the spirits of their ancestors back to them. That why they put the
settlers on the shore the swan river (Derbarl Yerrigan) and moved back so they can have a place
to live and have fresh water.
For the settlement saw that the indigenous people were there one season, and they were gone the
next season they assumed that they don’t stay here. So they decided to settle there and they
brought there sheep, farms and cattle.
How did the noongar boodja change in the early colonial times?
As the settlers kept coming in they took up space and the indigenous people decided to move
back so they had space they also move away from the oceans this is because people at the ocean
where readily massacred.
What is the limestone bridge?
It was a bridge that separated salty water and fresh water. CY connor wanted to destroy the
bridge to make it easy for the ships to move forward. People were not happy when he decided to
destroy it because by doing so it exposed fresh water and salt water.
He later committed suicide and indigenous people believe it is because he interfered with the
swan river which is a sacred place
What is Kings Park?
it is called Karrgatup and it is a sacred place.
Parliament House:
The parliament house used to be a place that indigenous people will gather and have a ceremony.
Even when settlers wanted to speak with elders this is where to speak to the elders.
What are the different world views: challenges between Aboriginal people and settlers?
When settlers first came, they were a minority however, they were treated well by the indigenous
Australians. However, problems arise between the parties when the non-indigenous people
became the majority.
- Sharing land and sharing of animals
For indigenous people it was okay for them to share animals and land. However, for westerns
what belongs to someone belong only to them. They don’t have the same values of sharing.
People who used to spear cattle or sheep belonging to non-indigenous people will get killed.
- Justice
Indigenous people had a pay-back system. When one person is killed from them then they will
kill one person from the other party.
Non-indeogneous people: they said that when they kill the indigenous people it was by accident
however yaygan will kill people on purpose.

Kahoot quiz
How many tribes/communities were there prior to colonisation?
Over 750 communities
How many Indigenous people were estimated to exist prior colonisation?
1.4 million
How many Indigenous people were estimated to exist prior colonisation?
Nyoongar peoples have six-seasons cycle. What are the seasons connected to? What are
observed to understand the seasons?
“Cycle of plants and movement of animals”
In addition to plants, that are totems connected to?
One of the 'major' totems used by Nyoongar peoples is?
Wardang the crow
What is the correct Aboriginal spelling for the place of Karrinyup as per Dennis Simmons?
What is the significance of Careniup/Karrinyup for Aboriginal peoples?
Place where spirits go-like a heaven
Why did Aboriginal people move inland, away from the oceans?
Aboriginal people were massacred on the beachfronts/near the oceans
What does Dennis Simmons say C. O’Connor did?
Blew up the bridge (creating Fremantle Harbour) mixing fresh water and salt water.
According to Aboriginal Peoples why did C Y O’Connor commit suicide?
Cursed by Wagyl (spiritual being) of the spiritual river.
what is the significance of Parliament House for Aboriginal Peoples?
Was a decision place for Nyoongar peoples
Non-Aboriginal people brought what types of food?
Cattle and sheep
What instrument has been 'incorporated' into Nyoongar culture?
Finish Dennis Simmons's sentence: "more different cultures you learn about..."
The more stronger you become in culture
Match term to definition: Widely held, but fixed & oversimplified image or idea of a
particular type of person or thing
Match term to definition: Unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people
based on race, age etc.
According this intersectionality wheel, what is an able-bodied, white, male over a disabled,
person of colour, female?
Aboriginal men's & women's business refers to the spiritual responsibilities and practices
given to Aboriginal peoples?
Characteristics of Aboriginal peoples' egalitarian and collectivist culture include:
- All people deserve equal rights and opportunities
- Relationship prevails over task
- Needs of the whole group priortised over needs/desires of each individual

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