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Subject: Work immersion grade:12 name: prince haru pascual section: hums b

Our time starts at 1:00pm we will give our DTR to the manager and we will start to
ask the manager if what we can do for that day.and after 5 hours we have a
breaktime they give us one meal each other we have only one hour breaktime and
back in 6pm and when its already 10pm this is our out time. This circumstances
repeated in 10 days to fulfill out 80 hours work immersion

On first day we used to do basic tasks such as wiping the tables, mopping the floor,
cleaning up the table used by customers, cleaning up the glass walls. Using squigy
and wet towel then we will rub it to the wall until it gets softer.

We also use brooms to wipe the floor because we have a lot of customers who
come in to the store. So Dust and muds would inevitable. And when we are
done mapping the floor we pit signage or caution to warn customers about
wet floor.
We also wash dishes at all time because customers continues to come and for
our industry partner of course it's good. And mopping the floor while we
mopping the floor we need to put the sign to avoid everyone to get slide. After
the floor was dry it's done.

we also do the work of guard on this job we need to open the door if
customers is coming in or going away. We're not allow to sit.

Moreover, my immersion at Jollibee has served as a catalyst for personal and

professional growth, equipping me with practical skills, insights into business
dynamics, and a newfound appreciation for the value of hard work and
dedication. As I conclude this report, I am grateful for the opportunity to have
been a part of the Jollibee family, and I am inspired to carry forward the
lessons learned and the values embraced into my future endeavors.

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