GA 2 Eminent Personalities of The English Subject

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William Shakespeare
vWilliam Shakespeare was born on April
23, 1564, in Stratford-upon-Avon. The son
of John Shakespeare and Mary Arden, he
was probably educated at the King
Edward VI Grammar School in Stratford,
vWhile he learned Latin
Shakespeare wasand a littleasGreek
regarded the foremost
and read the
dramatist of Roman dramatists
his time, .
evidence indicates that both he and
his contemporaries looked to poetry, not playwriting, for
enduring fame. Shakespeare’s sonnets were composed
between 1593 and 1601, though not published until 1609.
That edition, The Sonnets of Shakespeare, consists of 154
sonnets, all written in the form of three quatrains and a
couplet that is now recognized as Shakespearean. The
sonnets fall into two groups: sonnets 1–126, addressed to
a beloved friend, a handsome and noble young man, and
vIn his poems and plays, shakespeare invented thousands
of words, often combining or contorting latin, french,
and native roots. his impressive expansion of the english
language, according to the oxford English dictionary,
includes such words as: arch-villain, birthplace,
bloodsucking, courtship, dewdrop, downstairs, fanged,
heartsore, hunchbacked, leapfrog, misquote, pageantry,
radiance, schoolboy, stillborn, watchdog, and zany.
vShakespeare wrote more than thirty plays. these are
usually divided into four categories: histories, comedies,
tragedies, and romances. his earliest plays were primarily
comedies and histories such as henry vi and the comedy of
errors, but in 1596, shakespeare wrote romeo and juliet,
his second tragedy, and over the next dozen years he
would return to the form, writing the plays for which he
is now best known: julius caesar, hamlet, othello, king
vOnly eighteen of Shakespeare’s plays were published
separately in quarto editions during his lifetime; a complete
collection of his works did not appear until the publication
of the First Folio in 1623, several years after his death.
Nonetheless, his contemporaries recognized Shakespeare's
achievements. Francis Meres cited “honey-tongued”
Shakespeare for his plays and poems in 1598, and the
Chamberlain’s Men rose to become the leading dramatic
company in London, installed as members of the royal
household in 1603.

vSometime after 1612, Shakespeare retired from the stage

and returned to his home in Stratford. He drew up his will
in January of 1616, which included his famous bequest to
his wife of his “second best bed.” He died on April 23, 1616,
and was buried two days later at Stratford Church.
GEORGE ORWELL (1903—1950)
Eric Arthur Blair, better known by his pen name George
Orwell, was a British essayist, journalist, and novelist.
Orwell is most famous for his dystopian works of
fiction, Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four, but many of his
essays and other books have remained popular as well. His
body of did
Orwell work provides
not receiveone of the twentieth
academic training century’s most
in and widely
philosophy, but hisrecognized critiques of totalitarianism.
writing repeatedly
focuses on philosophical topics and
questions in political philosophy,
epistemology, philosophy of language,
ethics, and aesthetics. Some of Orwell’s
most notable philosophical
contributions include his discussions of
nationalism, totalitarianism, socialism,
propaganda, language, class status,
Orwell’s writings map onto his intellectual journey. His
earlier writings focus on poverty, work, and money, among
other themes. Orwell examines poverty and work not only
from an economic perspective, but also socially,
politically, and existentially, and he rejects moralistic and
individualistic accounts of poverty in favor of systemic
Orwell’s In so doing,
experiences in thehe1930s,
provides the groundwork for
his later championing
including reporting onof socialism.
the living
conditions of the poor and working class
in Northern England as well as fighting as
a volunteer soldier in the Spanish Civil
War, further crystalized Orwell’s political
and philosophical outlook. This led him to
write in 1946 that, “Every line of serious
work I have written since 1936 has been,
directly or indirectly, against
For Orwell, totalitarianism is a political order
focused on power and control. Much of Orwell’s
effectiveness in writing against totalitarianism
stems from his recognition of the epistemic and
linguistic dimensions of totalitarianism. This is
exemplified by Winston Smith’s claim as the
protagonist in Nineteen Eighty-Four: “Freedom is
the freedom to say that two plus two makes four.
If that is granted, all else follows.” Here Orwell
uses, as he often does, a particular claim to
convey a broader message. Freedom (a political
state) rests on the ability to retain the true belief
that two plus two makes four (an epistemic state)
and the ability to communicate that truth to
others (via a linguistic act).
Orwell also argues that political power is
vJane Austen was born in Steventon, England,
in 1775. Her father, George Austen, was the
rector of the local parish and taught her
largely at home. The seventh of eight
children, Austen lived with her parents for
her entire life, first in Steventon and later in
Bath, Southampton, and Chawton. Her father
was the parish rector in Steventon, and,
though not wealthy, her family was well
connected and well educated. Both Jane and
her sister Cassandra were mostly educated
at home, though they spent a short period of
time at Abbey School. Jane's relationship
with her sister was perhaps the strongest
connection which existed in her life. Her
numerous letters to and from Cassandra
Full Name: Emily Brontë
Pen Name: Ellis Bell
Occupation: Author
Born: July 30, 1818 in Thornton, England
Died: December 19, 1848 in Haworth,
Parents: Patrick Brontë and Maria
Blackwell Brontë
Published Works: Poems by Currer, Ellis,
and Acton Bell (1846), Wuthering
Heights (1847)
Quote: "I wish to be as God made me."
Emily Bronte was a great writer of the early 19th century. Emily was
born on 30 July 1818 in Market Street in Thornton bear the rapidly
growing town of Bradford in Yorkshire. Her father Patrick Bronte was
a clergyman. Her mother was Maria Bronte. The couple had 6 children.
Emily was their 5th child. In 1820 the Bronte family moved to the
village of Haworth. Unfortunately in 1821 her mother Maria Bronte
died. Her aunt came from Cornwall to look after the family.
In 1824 Emily Bronte was sent to the clergy daughter’s school in
Cowan Bridge in Lancashire. However, two of her sisters, who were also
at the school, Maria Bronte and Elizabeth Bronte died of tuberculosis.
Emily Bronte then returned home to be cared for by her aunt. Emily was
then educated at home.
In 1842 Emily was sent to Brussels with her sister Charlotte Bronte.
However, they both returned home in January 1844 and Emily became a
housekeeper. Meanwhile, Emily wrote poetry. A book of poems by Emily
Bronte and her two sisters Charlotte and Anne was published in 1846.
The famous novel by Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights was published in
December 1847.
Unfortunately, Emily fell ill in November 1848. Emily Bronte died on 19
December 1848. She was only 30 years old. Emily was buried in Haworth
Church on 22 December 1848.
Kamala Das (born March 31,
1934, Thrissur, Malabar Coast [now in Kerala],
British India—died May 31, 2009, Pune, India)
Indian author who wrote openly and frankly
about female sexual desire and the experience
of being an Indian woman. Das was part of a
generation of Indian writers whose work
centred on personal rather than colonial
experiences, and her short stories, poetry,
memoirs, and essays brought her respect
and notoriety in equal measures. Das wrote
both in English (mostly poetry) and, under the
pen name Madhavikutty, in the Malayalam
language of southern India.
Das was born into a high-status family. Her
mother, Nalapat Balamani Amma, was a well-

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