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St. James High School

Human and Social Biology
Topics: Movement of substances, Photosynthesis,
Feeding relationships and Nutrient cycles

Prepared by: Ms. H. Williams

For: 10 S- H Shift 1& 2 Revised October 2019

Name: ______________________

Class: ______
Teacher: ____________________

Movement of particles

Learning objectives: At the end of this topic you should be able to do all the following:

1. Name three processes by which particles move in organisms

2. Define the term diffusion
3. Explain how diffusion occurs
4. Explain the importance of diffusion in living organisms
5. Define the term osmosis
6. State examples of osmosis taking place in living organisms
7. Explain the process of active transport

How do substances move?

Particles move via two (3) basic motions. They are:

1. Diffusion
2. Osmosis
3. Active transport

Definition: The process by which particles move from an area of high concentration to an
area of low concentration until they are evenly distributed

Prepared by: Ms. H. Williams

For: 10 S- H Shift 1& 2 Revised October 2019

Examples of diffusion taking place in animal cells

1. Oxygen diffuses from the lungs into the blood.

2. Oxygen diffuses from the blood cells into the muscle cells of the body.
3. Carbon dioxide diffuses from the blood into the lungs to be exhaled from the body

Diagram showing the diffusion of oxygen into the blood and the diffusion of carbon
dioxide out of the blood

Examples of diffusion taking place in plant cells

1. Carbon dioxide diffusing into plants through their leaves

2. Oxygen diffusing out of plants through their leaves

Showing the diffusion of gases in leaf


Definition: ccc

● A selectively permeable membrane means that it will only allow certain molecules or ions to
pass through it

Diagram illustrating osmosis

Prepared by: Ms. H. Williams

For: 10 S- H Shift 1& 2 Revised October 2019

Example of osmosis taking place in plant cells

Water molecules move from the soil where they are in high concentration into the cells of
the root of the plant where water is in low concentration

Effect of osmosis on animal cells

Depending on the solution in which the animal cell is in, there are three possible ways in
which water can move. The three solution types are isotonic, hypotonic and hypertonic

Prepared by: Ms. H. Williams

For: 10 S- H Shift 1& 2 Revised October 2019

⮚ In an isotonic solution, the concentration of water inside the cell is equal to the
concentration of water outside the cell. Therefore the same amount of water that
enters the cell will be equal to the amount that is leaving the cell. This is shown by ‘A’
in the diagram above.

⮚ In a hypotonic solution, the concentration of water outside the cell is higher than the
water concentration inside of the cell. Therefore water will move into the cell causing
it to swell and may eventually burst.

⮚ In a hypertonic solution, the concentration of water inside the cell is higher than the
water concentration outside of the cell. Therefore water will move out of the cell
causing it to become shrivelled.

Prepared by: Ms. H. Williams

For: 10 S- H Shift 1& 2 Revised October 2019

Active transport

This is the movement of ions or molecules in or out of a cell through the cell membrane
against a concentration gradient, using energy released during respiration.

Practice questions

1. State three differences between osmosis and diffusion

2. Kylie’s mother asked her to wash some lettuce in mild salt water before adding it to the
vegetable bowl. However kylie poured too much salt in the water and left the lettuce in it for
twenty minutes. When kylie removed the lettuce from the salt water they looked flaccid and

a. Explain to Kylie why the lettuce was shrivelled in appearance?

Prepared by: Ms. H. Williams

For: 10 S- H Shift 1& 2 Revised October 2019

b. State the name of the process that occurred in the lettuce leaves
Answer: ____________________________
3. With the aid of a labelled diagram explain the term active transport.


4. Give one example of diffusion taking place inside a named living organism


Learning objectives: At the end of this topic you should be able to do all the following:

1. Define photosynthesis
2. List the conditions necessary for photosynthesis
3. Write a word equation for photosynthesis
4. Identify the sources of the raw materials and conditions required for photosynthesis
5. State the site of photosynthesis
6. Differentiate between the light dependent and light independent reaction
7. State the fate of the products of photosynthesis

Prepared by: Ms. H. Williams

For: 10 S- H Shift 1& 2 Revised October 2019

8. Explain the importance of the products of photosynthesis to the environment and

other organisms

Definition: Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants make carbohydrates by

combining carbon dioxide and water using sunlight energy absorbed by chlorophyll in
the chloroplasts.

Where does photosynthesis take place?

Photosynthesis takes place in the chloroplast of plant cells.

The raw materials/conditions that are needed for photosynthesis

● Raw materials needed for photosynthesis are:

1. Water (H2O)
2. Carbon dioxide (CO2)

● Conditions necessary for photosynthesis are:

1. Sunlight energy
2. Chlorophyll

Sources of the raw materials and conditions for photosynthesis

● Carbon dioxide: diffuses into the leaf from the atmosphere

● Water: absorbed by the roots from the soil

● Sunlight energy: absorbed by the chlorophyll

● Chlorophyll: produced and stored by the chloroplast

Equations for the process of photosynthesis

Worded equation

Carbon dioxide + water sunlight energy absorbed by the chlorophyll

glucose + oxygen

The process of photosynthesis

Prepared by: Ms. H. Williams

For: 10 S- H Shift 1& 2 Revised October 2019

Photosynthesis occurs in two stages, they are:

1. Light dependent reaction:- (requires light to take place)

2. Light independent reaction:- (does NOT require light to take place)

Light dependent reaction

⮚ The light dependent reaction requires light energy. Light energy is absorbed by
chlorophyll in the chloroplast.

⮚ The light energy is then used to split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen

⮚ The oxygen atoms combine to form oxygen molecules which are released as oxygen

Equation for light dependent reaction

Water sunlight energy absorbed by the chlorophyll hydrogen atoms +oxygen atoms

Light independent reaction

⮚ This stage does not require light energy to take place, however it occurs during the
day light.

⮚ The hydrogen atoms (produced from the light dependent reaction) combines with
carbon dioxide to form the carbohydrate glucose

Equation for light independent reaction

� Carbon dioxide + Hydrogen atoms enzymes


The fate of the products of photosynthesis

Prepared by: Ms. H. Williams

For: 10 S- H Shift 1& 2 Revised October 2019

1. Glucose is converted to starch and stored in the leaf to be used at night for
2. Glucose is stored as starch in storage organs, to provide food for other animals
3. Oxygen is released from the plant. Animal breathe it in to be used in respiration

How humans and other animals depend on plants for food

Direct dependence: Humans and other living organisms consume plants straight into
their diet. They feed on the plants directly to gain a variety of nutrients to provide them
with the required energy.

Picture of a lady consuming lettuce directly

Indirect dependence: Humans and carnivores feeds on other animals (herbivores), they
are directly obtaining there food and energy from the animals. However they also gain their
energy indirectly from plants because the herbivore initially gained its food and energy
from plants.

Picture of a man consuming meat from a herbivore

Practice questions

Prepared by: Ms. H. Williams

For: 10 S- H Shift 1& 2 Revised October 2019

1. Explain why photosynthesis is important to all plants


2. Name the organelle in which photosynthesis is carried out

Answer: ________________________

3. Name two raw materials that are needed by green plants to carry out
photosynthesis and state how the plant obtain the raw materials

Raw materials: I_____________________________ II____________________________________

How plant obtain the raw material
Raw material I:_______________________________________________________________________________
Raw material II: ______________________________________________________________________________

4. Write a worded equation to illustrate the process of photosynthesis


5. a. Photosynthesis occurs in two stages, name the two stages

Stage 1: ___________________________________________
Stage 2: ___________________________________________

b. Using the answers given above explain what happens in each stage

Explanation Stage 1:

Explanation stage 2:


Prepared by: Ms. H. Williams

For: 10 S- H Shift 1& 2 Revised October 2019

7. Mary says that plants are not important and that all trees should be cut down so as
to provide more space to build houses, roads and amusement parks. Explain to Mary
that life on earth would end if this were to happen. Your answer should include how
humans depend on plant directly and indirectly for food.

8. State two uses of any of the products of photosynthesis


Prepared by: Ms. H. Williams

For: 10 S- H Shift 1& 2 Revised October 2019

Feeding relations

1. Define the following terms

-food chain
-Trophic levels
-consumers (primary and secondary)
2. Construct a food chain from two habitats (terrestrial and aquatic)
3. Explain why there is a reduction of available energy at each trophic level

Definition of terms

⮚Food chain: a simple diagram that shows how the food or nutrients pass from one
organism to another

Examples food chains:

1. Terrestrial food chain

Leaf caterpillar small bird hawk

2. Aquatic food chain

Green algae mosquito larvae small fish

⮚Trophic level: this indicates the number of stages in a food chain

1. Terrestrial food chain

Leaf caterpillar small bird hawk

(Stage 1) (Stage 2) (Stage 3) (Stage 4)

2. Aquatic food chain

Green algae mosquito larvae small fish

Prepared by: Ms. H. Williams
For: 10 S- H Shift 1& 2 Revised October 2019

(Stage 1) (Stage 2) (Stage 3)

⮚Producers: any organism that possess the ability to make their own food. These include
land plants, mosses, aquatic organisms such as algae, aquatic plants, and

⮚Consumers: organisms which are incapable of producing their own food, hence they feed
on other organisms whether plants or animals

⮚Primary consumer: organisms that are the first feeders in the food chain (normally feeds
on the producer)

⮚Secondary consumer: organisms that are the second feeders in the food chain (normally
feeds on the primary consumers)

Producers Primary consumers Secondary consumers

⮚Herbivores: A type of consumer that feeds only on plants

⮚Carnivores: A type of consumer that feeds only on other animals

Prepared by: Ms. H. Williams

For: 10 S- H Shift 1& 2 Revised October 2019

⮚Omnivores: A type of consumer that feeds both on plants and animals. Examples humans,
bears and pigs
Reason for reduction of energy at each trophic level

Energy is lost at each trophic level in the form of respiration, excretion, egestion,
movement and other bodily functions. Hence a smaller amount of energy will be
passed on to the next consumer (trophic level).

Practice questions
1. Read the following description of the ecosystem of a mangrove swamp and answer the
questions that follow.

Pieces of dead leaves from mangrove plants in the water are fed on by a range of crabs,
shrimps and worms. These, in turn, are fed on by young butterfly fish, angelfish, tarpon,
snappers and barracuda. Mature snappers and tarpon are caught by fishermen as the
fish move out from the swamps to the open sea.
a) Construct two (2) food chains from the above ecosystem with each having at
least four organisms.
b) On each of the food chains constructed above, label the producer, primary
consumer, secondary consumer and the tertiary consumer.

c) Name the organisms that would be found at the third trophic level in each food
Answer: _________________________________________________________________________________
Prepared by: Ms. H. Williams
For: 10 S- H Shift 1& 2 Revised October 2019

2. Differentiate between the role of herbivores and carnivores within an ecosystem


3. Distinguish between producers and consumers


Nutrient cycles
Learning objectives: At the end of this topic you should be able to do all the following:

1. Explain the processes involved when carbon is recycled

2. Describe the recycling of carbon
3. Describe the recycling of nitrogen involving:
A. The uptake of nitrates by green plants to form plant protein
B. The role of decomposers
C. The role of nitrogen fixing bacteria
D. The role of nitrifying bacteria
E. The role of denitrifying bacteria

Carbon cycle
What is the carbon cycle?

This is a series of events that illustrates how the element carbon is recycled through
various processes so as to ensure that there is always a continuous supply of the element.

Diagram of the carbon cycle

Prepared by: Ms. H. Williams

For: 10 S- H Shift 1& 2 Revised October 2019

Steps involved in the carbon cycle

Nb. Carbon exists in its gaseous form in the in the atmosphere as carbon dioxide

1. Carbon dioxide is taken from the atmosphere and from water (e.g. lakes and oceans)
by plants, algae and other photosynthetic organisms through the process of
photosynthesis. During photosynthesis plants uses the carbon dioxide to make
2. Animals then obtain their supply of carbon by eating plants or the animals that have
eaten plants.
3. As the plants and animals respire they return carbon dioxide to the atmosphere
4. As plants lose leaves and die; animals pass out waste products in their urine and faeces.
Decomposers then feed on dead and decaying plants and animals, along with their
excreta, they release carbon dioxide by respiration back into the atmosphere.
5. Carbon dioxide is also added to the atmosphere through the process of combustion
(burning) of wood and fossil fuel.

Practice questions

1. State the name of the organism that removes carbon from the atmosphere
Prepared by: Ms. H. Williams
For: 10 S- H Shift 1& 2 Revised October 2019

Answer: _____________________________

2. By which two (2) processes is carbon returned to the atmosphere

Answer: Process I: _____________________________ Process II: _______________________________

3. What is the role of decomposers in the carbon cycle?


Nitrogen cycle
Nitrogen exists naturally as a gas. This gas is needed in the making of several compounds
one of which is protein. However before nitrogen can be used to make proteins it has to be
converted into a form that can be used by plants.

Diagram of the Nitrogen cycle

Prepared by: Ms. H. Williams

For: 10 S- H Shift 1& 2 Revised October 2019

How nitrogen is converted into a form to be used by plants and animal

Below are the steps involved in the nitrogen cycle:

1. Nitrogen fixation: this is carried out by nitrogen fixing bacteria in the soil as well
as those found in the root nodules of legumes. These bacteria convert nitrogen gas
in the soil into ammonium compounds by the process known as ammonification.

• Apart from nitrogen fixing bacteria lightning can also fix nitrogen gas into
ammonium compounds.

2. Nitrification
⮚ Nitrifying bacteria converts ammonium compounds into nitrites

⮚ A second nitrifying bacteria then converts the nitrites into nitrates

3. Absorption of nitrates from the soil by plants, to be used in the making of plant

Prepared by: Ms. H. Williams

For: 10 S- H Shift 1& 2 Revised October 2019

4. Animals then consumes plants to make animal protein

5. The animals in turn release faecal matter and when they eventually die they are
broken down by decomposers reforming ammonium compounds which are again
converted to nitrates in the soil.

6. The nitrates may suffer one of two fates:

• Some of the nitrates will be reabsorbed by the plants to make proteins
• Some will be acted on by denitrifying bacteria to form nitrogen gas which
will return to the atmosphere. This process in called denitrification

Additional Notes


Practice questions
1. State why nitrogen is important to all living organism

2. State what happens in the following processes:

Prepared by: Ms. H. Williams
For: 10 S- H Shift 1& 2 Revised October 2019

a. Nitrification
b. Denitrification
c. Nitrogen fixation

Using figure 1 below answer the following questions:

a. State the name of the processes taking place at A and F


b. Name the type of bacteria that would be found at B and C

B: _______________________________ C:______________________________

c. On the diagram above complete the labels at D and E

Additional Notes
Prepared by: Ms. H. Williams
For: 10 S- H Shift 1& 2 Revised October 2019


Prepared by: Ms. H. Williams

For: 10 S- H Shift 1& 2 Revised October 2019

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