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COVID-19 has impacted

worldwide, but by
following preventive
measures, staying
informed, and seeking
medical care when
needed, we can work
together to mitigate its
spread and protect
ourselves and others.

A Comprehensive Guide

BSN 1201
Symptoms of COVID-19 Prevention
What is COVID-19?
Symptoms vary but commonly Preventive measures include
include fever, cough, fatigue, shortness vaccination, frequent handwashing,
of breath, loss of taste or smell, muscle wearing masks in public or when
aches, and more. Some individuals around sick individuals, maintaining
may remain asymptomatic. physical distance, and avoiding large

Who is at Risk?
Those at higher risk include older
adults, individuals with underlying Stay Informed
medical conditions, and those in close
COVID-19, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 contact with infected persons or in Stay updated with reliable sources
virus, is a respiratory illness that areas with active spread. such as the Centers for Disease
emerged in Wuhan, China, in Control and Prevention (CDC) and the
December 2019. It belongs to the World Health Organization (WHO) for
family of coronaviruses, known for
their crown-like spikes. Other Diagnosis and Testing the latest information on COVID-19.

coronaviruses include SARS and

COVID-19 is diagnosed through
laboratory tests, typically involving
saliva or nasal swabs. Testing is
How Does COVID- recommended for those with Seek Medical Attention
symptoms or known exposure to the
If you experience severe symptoms,
19 Spread? virus.
such as difficulty breathing, persistent
chest pain, confusion, or bluish lips or
Management and face, seek immediate medical
COVID-19 primarily spreads through Treatment attention.
respiratory droplets when an infected
person coughs, sneezes, talks, or Treatment varies based on symptom
breathes near others. It can also severity, ranging from supportive care
spread through close contact with to antiviral medications or
infected individuals or contaminated supplemental oxygen. Vaccination
surfaces. significantly reduces the risk of severe

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