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50th International Coconut Technical Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1235 (2023) 012004 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1235/1/012004

Production of Coco-Biodiesel from CNO (Coconut Natural

Oil) for Small Scale Industries/Coconut Farmers Using Static
Mixer and Dry Washing

Rizal Alamsyah1, Maharani Dewi Solikhah1, Agus Kismanto1 and Susi Heryani2
Organization for Energy and Manufacture, National Research and Innovation
Agency (BRIN)
Center for Agro-based Industry, Ministry of Indutry-Indonesia


Abstract. Coco-biodiesel is a derivative product of coconut (copra) and is a substitute for

diesel fuel. The production of coco-biodiesel is a solution when the price of fossil fuels is
uncertain and increasing. In addition, producing coco-biodiesel for coconut farmers will
increase the added value of coconut, ensure the availability of local fuel, and support integrated
coconut processing. The objective of the study is to introduce a process and equipment
prototype for processing coco-biodiesel that can be operated on a small scale which is suitable
for coconut farmers, especially in remote areas. Coconut natural oil (CNO) was mixed with
0.1% phosphoric acid in a tank, heated for 2 hours at 80°C, and settled for 4 hours. After that,
the transesterification reaction was carried out by reacting coconut oil with methanol with a
molar ratio variation of 1: 10, 1: 6, and 1: 4. The process was conducted at a temperature of
65°C and a flow speed of 1.25 m/s (on a static mixer) and using methanol 98 % and 1% KOH
catalyst. The crude coco-biodiesel washing was done using dry washing (membrane filter), the
results of which were compared with washing using hot water. The type of membrane filter
used was ultra-filtration membrane with a membrane area of 0.0055 m 2, length of 1200 mm,
and porous size of 0.2-1.2 micrometers. The optimum condition of triglycerides synthesis into
fatty acid methyl esters (coco-biodiesel) to produce a 96.5% content (requirement) was
obtained at a molar ratio of 1: 6. Acid numbers, total glycerol, free glycerol, density, viscosity,
and Iodine number of coco-biodiesel produced were <0.5, 0.1%, 0.02%, 855 kg/m 3, 3.6 cSt,
respectively. The values of these parameters meet the Indonesian biodiesel standards. The
performance of dry washing exhibited the capacity of biodiesel washing of 0.56 kg/minute or
0.65 l/min, an energy consumption of 315 kJ/kg which was less than the energy consumption
of water washing (1361 kJ/kg).

1. Introduction
World oil prices continued to increase significantly, which has impacted the price of domestic fuel oil
(BBM) in Indonesia, which is still using the subsidy scheme. Such condition influences the
government's subsidy budget (Jazuli et al 2021). This situation happens not only for world crude oil
prices but also for the price of gas, which has an impact on the increase in the price of non-subsidized
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (Kuehl et al 2021).
To reduce the consumption of fossil fuels, the government strives to accelerate the implementation
of new and renewable energy (EBT) to achieve the target of 23% new renewable energy (EBT) in the
national energy mix in 2025 as mandated by the National Energy General Plan (Simanjuntak 2022). In

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50th International Coconut Technical Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1235 (2023) 012004 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1235/1/012004

developing renewable energy as well as bioenergy, various efforts have been conducted, including the
development of small-scale biofuel production (Raharjo et al 2022).
One of the important and widely used fossil fuels in Indonesia is diesel fuel, which is being
replaced by biodiesel. Biodiesel is a fuel substitute for diesel oil derived from vegetable oils such as
coconut oil and palm oil. Biodiesel can potentially replace diesel oil and can solve fuel oil (BBM)
problems in the future (Liew et al 2014). In line with that, coconut and palm oil as feedstocks are
considered adequate to support the development of biodiesel production in Indonesia without
disrupting the food sector (Rahman et al 2022, Guimaraes Pereira et al 2014).
Indonesia is one of the biggest coconut producers countries in the world. It has production of 14.50
billion kernels per year with an area of 3.88 million hectares of coconut trees and 98% of which are
community plantations. The number of coconut farmers involved in the business of coconut
cultivation in Indonesia is 6.155 million households (International Coconut Community 2017). Most
coconut production in Indonesia is produced by the plantation of people who are located in remote
areas (Alouw and Wulandari 2019). Coconut produced in this area is very difficult to distribute,
especially to outsiders areas or islands. Some of the coconuts produced in remote areas it is made into
copra. Coconut farmers are often faced with the unstable selling price of copra. Indonesia has a very
long coastal area where coconut trees grow abundantly and has the potential to be developed as an
alternative fuel for coco-biodiesel (biodiesel derived from coconut/copra). The use of coco-biodiesel
in remote areas is expected to help the government to create self-sufficient energy and to improve the
community's economy therefore for coconut farmers in remote areas, the presence of biodiesel will be
very helpful. In Indonesia, biodiesel is produced by large-scale factories for the use of diesel oil blends
and export (Tupa R. Silalahi et al 2020). For that reason, it is necessary to introduce small-scale
biodiesel processing with appropriate equipment so that it can be operated by coconut farmers in
plantation areas or remote areas (Jamaran 2008).
Coconut oil and palm oil are potential vegetable oils to be used as raw materials for biodiesel
because of their superior characteristics (Fukuda et al 2001). In terms of quality, biodiesel produced
from coconut oil and palm oil has a higher cetane number than biodiesel derived from vegetable oils.
Also compared to fossil fuels, the process of making biodiesel is easier. There are three
processes/steps for biodiesel processing, namely degumming, transesterification, washing, or
purification (Alamsyah et al 2010).
The stirring factor strongly influences biodiesel production. The problem with conventional mixing
is that the two phases of the material (vegetable oil and methanol) in the reaction are difficult to mix.
If the agitator blade is used, rotation is not high enough to give a maximum mixing effect, so it isn’t
easy to get a short reaction time due to a slow reaction rate (Koflo Corp 2006). In this study, crude
coconut oil was processed using a static mixer reactor. The static mixer reactor is used for
transesterification process, where coconut oil is converted into coco-biodiesel. The advantage of using
a static mixer is that the stirring mechanism is more effective, so that biodiesel will form faster. Static
mixers can be applied to mix fluids that have low viscosity, high viscosity, fibrous materials and for
blending processes (Thompson and He 2007, Paul et al 2003). The shear stress in the static mixer will
be higher because the shear stress result is quite large. The value of shear force will be increased
because the fluid (reactants) are splitted, twisted, turned, and recombined (Paul et al 2003).
Washing of crude biodiesel methods should be always continuously developed, due to the results of
the process which will largely determine the quality of biodiesel, energy consumption, and overall
production costs (Zhang et al 2003). One of the methods that can be applied is the dry method (dry
washing) which is useful to remove all soap and dirt from crude biodiesel without using water. There
are several ways to dry washing biodiesel for instance biodiesel purification by washing or cleaning
agent or absorbent technology is one of the solutions that can be offered (Faccini et al 2011). The
disadvantages of biodiesel dry washing system are the additional equipment to perform the dry
washing column (membrane) and the pump, and when using resin it needs to be washed. Applied dry-
washing biodiesel is highly recommended because it will save water and time. In addition, to shorter

50th International Coconut Technical Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1235 (2023) 012004 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1235/1/012004

time needed especially to get products ready, the sooner biodiesel produced the faster can be used
(Atadashi 2015).
The purpose of this study is to introduce a process and equipment prototype for processing coco-
biodiesel that can be operated on a small scale which is suitable for coconut farmers, especially in
remote areas. Meanwhile, the benefits expected from this study are to create a design of energy self-
sufficiency village through the utilization of local resource potential namely copra where these
materials are very abundant in coconut-producing main areas and generally located in isolated areas.
Hopefully, these villages can create new job opportunities, provide productive economic activities,
and increase the income of coconut farmers.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Materials and Equipments

2.1.1. The raw material used in this work was coconut natural oil (CNO) which was processed
from copra compression or extraction. Crude coconut oil obtained from PT. Kurnia
Abadi, Cilincing Jakarta. Other materials used are methanol (CH3OH), Potassium
hydroxide (KOH), as a catalyst for the transesterification process.
2.1.2. The main equipment used for this experiment consists of 1) a settling tank for settling
CNO after degumming and for settling crude coco-biodiesel, 2) a static mixer reactor
with a capacity of 30 litters for the transesterification process, and 3) a dry washing
membrane reactor with a continuous system, and 4) and settling tank (50 litters). The
membrane was made of ceramic with the specification namely: surface area (0.0055 m 2),
length (1200 mm), and porous size (0.2-1.2 micrometers).

2.2. Methods
The experimental methods for making coco-biodiesel from CNO consisted of the following steps:
1) degumming, 2) transesterification, 3) settling, 4) washing of crude coco-biodiesel, 5) testing of
coco-biodiesel quality, including methyl ester content, free glycerol, total glycerol, viscosity, water
content, density, iodine number, acid number, and Free fatty acid or FFA, and 6) recovery of
methanol. The coco-biodiesel processing flow chart can be seen in Figure 1.

50th International Coconut Technical Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1235 (2023) 012004 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1235/1/012004

Figure 1. Flow process of coco-biodiesel production using a static mixer

2.2.1. Degumming
The degumming process was conducted by adding phosphoric acid into CNO with a concentration of
2% (V/V), then the reactants were heated at a temperature of 80–90°C for two hours. After that, the
mixture was settled for 4 hours (Alamsyah 2020). The degumming process can be done with a
centrifuge and the treatment is the same with the addition of phosphoric acid and heating, followed by
centrifugation for 1-2 hours.
Since the free fatty acid value of CNO is around 5 - 6%, it must be reduced to below 5%. After the
degumming process, the FFA (Free fatty acid) value was tested. If the FFA content is less than 5%, the
oil can be processed directly. However, If the FFA content is higher than 5%, it will consume a lot of
catalyst and coco-biodiesel products that have high soap content. When FFA levels are high, the
esterification process must be carried out with an acid catalyst (Ramadhas et al 2005).

2.2.2. Transesterification
The synthesis of coco-biodiesel was conducted by transesterification of crude palm oil with methanol
using a static-mixer reactor (Figure 2). The molar ratio between CNO and methanol consists of 1: 10,
1: 6, and 1: 4. Each treatment was repeated three times, and the results were averaged. The purpose of
the variation of the molar ratio is to obtain optimum conditions for the use of methanol to produce
maximum coco-biodiesel yield and to obtain the shortest reaction time so that the transesterification
process can be operated out economically.
The amount of KOH used was 1% of the amount of crude coconut oil. The first stage in the
production of coco-biodiesel was by heating the coconut oil in a reactor at a specified temperature
(65°C) and at the same time methanol was mixed with KOH. When the desired temperature of crude
coconut oil is reached, a mixture of KOH with methanol is put into the reactor, then mixing was
started and the pump was turned on so that the mixture of reactants passes through the reactor and
static mixer at a speed of 1.25 m/s.

50th International Coconut Technical Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1235 (2023) 012004 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1235/1/012004

Sampling during the transesterification process was carried out at 2, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, and 90
minutes. After 90 minutes, the product mixture flowed into a settling tank. The resulting product was
allowed to stand for 4 hours to form a glycerol layer at the bottom and a methyl ester layer at the top
(coco-biodiesel). Furthermore, the coco-biodiesel is washed or purified using dry/membrane washing.

1. Feed inlet
2. Condenser
3. Sprayer
4. Static mixer
5. Heater
6. Pump
7. outlet

Figure 2. Static mixer reactor for transesterification process

2.2.3. Settling
After transesterification, the mixture of reactants has flowed into the settling tank. The product formed
was settled for 4 hours to form a glycerol layer on the bottom and a methyl ester layer (coco-biodiesel)
at the top. The two layers are formed due to the difference in specific weight. The glycerol layer
formed still contains methanol. Next, the two layers are separated by flowing glycerol at the bottom
and settled in a separate tank. Meanwhile, the coco biodiesel layer is flowed by a circulation pump to
the washing tank.

2.2.4. Washing
To wash crude coco-biodiesel in the washing reactor, crude coco-biodiesel was collected into the
feeder tank. This tank serves to accommodate crude biodiesel to be washed or purified. Crude coco-
biodiesel was flowed using rotary gear pumps into the membrane such that crude biodiesel will be
filtered out and flowed to the pipe covered by the membrane, while the impurities that do not pass the
filter will be trapped inside the membrane (Atadashi 2015). Refined biodiesel then will collect into an
outlet. Measurements of the flow rate of dry washing of biodiesel were done by collecting 1 litter of
refined biodiesel in one minute.
For washing biodiesel using water, 30 liters of water are heated at a temperature of 90 degrees
Celsius. Hot water then flowed into 10 kg of crude biodiesel repeatedly. Feeding of hot water is
stopped when the water that passed through biodiesel has a clear color and at the same time, the water
consumption for this washing method was calculated (Bateni 2017). Biodiesel was then dried at a
temperature of 100-110 degrees Celsius until the air bubbles disappear.
Measurement of the amount of energy required for dry washing was by measuring the power of a
1.5 hp electric motor to filter crude biodiesel into the membrane and to flow crude biodiesel from the
tank to the feeder tank using a kWh-meter. It was also calculated the energy released by operators
during the washing process takes place. The energy consumption for water washing was also

50th International Coconut Technical Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1235 (2023) 012004 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1235/1/012004

measured using a kWh-meter. The measurement was done for: the measurement of heat energy
released from the heater (1500 Watts) for heating water up to 90°C, the measurement of heat energy
released from the heater for drying biodiesel at a temperature of 110°C, and the measurement of
energy for drainage biodiesel and water for washing using electric pumps 250 watts. The energy
released from operators was also measured. According to Stout (1990), the energy released from
operators can be calculated by multiplying the number of operators worked with a calorific value of
human labor (0.94 MJ/person) divided by production capacity (kg/h).
Second, each layer still contains methanol. Washing is done several times until the washing water
is clear, at least 2 times. At the time of decantation, need to be careful in separating and removing the
undercoat. Tank washing is equipped with a heater and hot water inlet (80–90°C) as well as a
circulation pump. Need anticipation for vaporized methanol (condenser). After washing, it is
necessary to analyze the levels of glycerol and acid number.

2.2.5. Drying
Coco-biodiesel drying tank and glycerol purification were conducted with the same process or
equipment, because the mechanism was also the same, namely by evaporating the methanol that
remained in these two reactants and applying a vacuum pressure of 1 atm (360 cm Hg) which
previously preheated at a temperature of 100-110°C.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Performance of static mixer reactor

The performance of the static mixer transesterification reactor was based on how fast the static mixer
reactor can covert triglyceride into Fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) or coco-biodiesel so that its
content reaches 96.5% as required in the biodiesel standard SNI 04-7182-2006 (BSN 2006). Based on
the results of observations to achieve FAME content of 96.5%, the fastest time was 15 minutes. These
results were obtained in a process with a molar ratio of 1: 6 (TG: methanol) as shown in Table 1. The
resulting time was much shorter than biodiesel production which is processed from vegetable oil using
a blade agitator reactor, which ranges from 30 minutes to 1 hour.
In this experiment, a transesterification process was also carried out with a molar ratio of 1:10. The
time to reach 96.5% FAME content was 10 minutes, but this treatment was considered inefficient
because more methanol was used. Thus the treatment with a molar ratio of 1:10 was considered
uneconomical in terms of the amount of methanol. Treatment with the molar ratio of 1:4 also did not
exhibit good results because after 1 hour of processing time, FAME is not formed, and it can be seen
that the mixture of TG and methanol did not react and was still in its original phase or state. Thus, the
best result was the process with a molar ratio of 1:6. The results were then analyzed for quality
characteristics and compared with the Indonesian biodiesel standard of SNI 04-7182-2015.
Table 1. Results Observation of the characteristics of coco-biodiesel produced with a molar ratio
of 1: 6
Duration (minute)
2 5 10 15 30 60 90
Free fatty acid (FFA) < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5
Methyl Ester (%) 95.5 95.6 96.4 96.5 97.5 97.0 98.0
Density 40°C (kg/m3) 840 850 856 857 875 870 875
Kinematic viscosity 40°C (Cst) 6.0 5.7 4.5 3.7 3.0 2.9 2.8
Acid number (mgKOH/gram) 0.6 0.55 0.45 0.36 0.30 0.29 0,6
Total Glycerol 0,19 0,17 0,13 0,10 0,10 0,10 0,19
Free Glycerol 0,030 0,025 0,020 0,020 0,015 0,015 0,030
Iodine number (g Iod/100 g) 120 120 115 115 110 100 100

50th International Coconut Technical Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1235 (2023) 012004 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1235/1/012004

3.2. Settling
After transesterification, the reactant mixture was flowed into a settling tank and settled for 4 hours
until two layers were formed, namely the top layer (coco-biodiesel) and the bottom layer (glycerol)
which has a higher density than coco-biodiesel. The appearance of coco-biodiesel was different from
crude coconut oil. The coco-biodiesel has a light yellow color and has a lower viscosity than glycerol.
Meanwhile, glycerol was more viscous than coco-biodiesel. The glycerol layer formed still contains
methanol. Next, the two layers are separated by flowing glycerol at the bottom and stored in a separate
tank. Meanwhile, the coco-biodiesel layer flowed to the washing tank. The product of coco-biodiesel
and glycerol (a by-product of the transesterification process) can be seen in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Coco-biodiesel and glycerol produced from transesterification using a static mixer
As shown in Table 1, the production of coco-biodiesel using a static-mixer reactor with 98.30%
FAME was reached after 30 minutes. By reacting 30 kg of CNO and 8.2 kg of methanol produced
39.24 kg of coco-biodiesel and 5.33 kg of glycerol. The average weight of coco-biodiesel and glycerol
obtained after washing and drying were 28.8 kg and 3,81 kg respectively. The amount of coco-
biodiesel obtained was higher than 28.8 kg, it was because there was still some left in the static mixer
pipe, so the amount was slightly reduced. Glycerol still contained a small amount of methanol which is
carried from the transesterification process so it needs to be evaporated.

3.3. Washing
Table 2 below shows the results of the energy analysis for washing coco-biodiesel both by dry
washing (membrane) and washing using hot water. The energy used in dry washing consists of the
energy used by the pump to flow the crude coco-biodiesel to the membrane, to flow the coco-biodiesel
from the holding tank to the feeder tank, and the energy released from the operator during processing.
Meanwhile, for the method of washing coco-biodiesel with hot water, the energy used consists of
energy to heat water, to heat coco-biodiesel, to flow coco-biodiesel (pumps), and for operators. From
Table 2, it can be seen that the energy used in dry washing was much smaller than the energy used in
water washing. Based on this table, the energy consumption for the dry washing method can be
reduced from 1361.81 kJ/kg to 315.49 kJ/kg and the energy ratio between energy for dry washing and
energy for water washing was 0.23. It was also exhibited that the use of dry washing methods energy
released by the operator was reduced from 92.72 kJ/kg to 24.21 kJ/kg.

50th International Coconut Technical Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1235 (2023) 012004 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1235/1/012004

Table 2. Comparison of energy used for washing crude coco-biodiesel (dry washing and hot water)
Types of washing Energy (kJ/kg)
- Pump (membrane) 288
- Pump (holding tank) 3.28
- Operator 24.21
Total 315.49

Water washing
- Heater (heating water) 968
- Heater (heating biodiesel) 268
- Pump 13.09
- Operator 92.72
Total 1361.81

3.4. Coco biodiesel quality

The analysis of quality of coco-biodiesel was based on the SNI biodiesel standard or ASTM
(American Standard Testing Method 2002). There are 18 biodiesel quality parameters from the SNI or
ASTM biodiesel standards, but if the test is conducted for all parameters, the cost will be expensive.
However, quality characterization of coco-biodiesel can be tested with several parameters, and the
main quality includes 1) visual inspection, 2) content methyl ester (fatty acid methyl ester/FAME), 3)
viscosity, 4) density, 5) acid number, 6) free fatty acids (FFA), 7) total glycerol, 8) free glycerol, and
9) Iodine number. The analysis results of the main quality parameters namely methyl ester content
(FAME), viscosity, density, acid number, total glycerol, free glycerol, water content, and iodine
number met the above standard required as shown in Table 1.

3.5. Recovery of methanol

Recovery of methanol can be conducted by distillation (Kirtania and Dhar 2009, Salehi et al 2019).
The excess methanol was collected from the biodiesel layer in the washing step. Recovery of methanol
by dry and washing methods can reach 90% and 60%. A small-scale methanol distillation can be
executed using a batch system or continuous system. A batch system can be operated with a small
amount of methanol feed that may be produced in a small-scale biodiesel plant, using a simple control
system, and flexible in varied feed compositions. However, a batch system required extra energy in
start-up and required a multi-vessel to obtain high purity. Therefore a continuous system methanol
recovery is conducted by collecting the methanol feed in a methanol feed tank (1000 liters) and then
feeding into a multistage distillation using packing as a contactor. The feed flow rate was set to 100
liters/hour to produce methanol in the purity of a minimum of 97.5% m/m so that can be recycled back
to the reactor. By applying this technique, the methanol loss can be reduced and operational costs can
be minimized.

3.6. Energy self-sufficiency

By introducing coco-biodiesel processing using a static mixer and dry washing in isolated areas, it is
hoped that it will help local fuel production and not rely on external fuel supply from the outside. By
introducing coco-biodiesel processing using a static mixer and dry washing in isolated areas, it is
hoped that it will run processing equipment and fulfill household fuel. This is very useful especially
when there is an increase in fuel prices, and it is required by people living in isolated areas where fuel
is difficult to obtain.
Local processing of coco-biodiesel will create energy self-sufficiency and this will also support the
regional development program which is a program that empowers the advantages of natural resources
in such area. Viewed from the aspect of environmental management, the development of an

50th International Coconut Technical Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1235 (2023) 012004 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1235/1/012004

independent energy village will support environmental harmony, it will not hurt the environment, and
it will not be exploitative.
To realize energy self-sufficiency or an energy-independent village, one of the ways is to use a
green investment scheme (Cakranegara and Sidjabat 2021). Green investment program funds are
supported by several world and national institutions as well as national and international banks. Green
Investment is an investment scheme environmentally friendly and whose main condition is that the
business is carried out must be safe and do not destruct the environment. Green Investment Concept
directed the establishment of agricultural products businesses and community plantations, including
coconut plantations to be processed or increased its added value. The green investment must have a
real impact on the local community. Many remote areas of Indonesia still have conditions like this, so
it is necessary to empower coconut natural resources for local economic activities.

4. Conclusion
The use of a static mixer can increase the effectiveness of the transesterification process of coconut
natural oil (CNO) into coco-biodiesel. The use of a static mixer has a significant effect in reducing the
reaction time of the transesterification process in the biodiesel production process. To achieve a fatty
acid methyl ester (FAME) content of 96.5% as required in the SNI Biodiesel Standard (SNI 04-7182-
2006), the static mixer reactor only takes 15 minutes at a temperature of 65°C at a flow rate of 1.25
m/s. The optimum conditions for the transesterification process can be achieved with a molar ratio of
1: 6 (TG: methanol) which can provide minimal use of methanol. The use of a static-mixer reactor also
produces biodiesel quality characteristics that meet the requirements of SNI Biodiesel (SNI 04-7182-
The washing capacity of crude coco-biodiesel using a dry washing reactor (membrane) was higher
than washing using hot water, namely 0.67 litter/minute. The reactor was able to reduce the amount of
washing energy to 1046.32 kJ / kg which was 23.2% smaller than the energy for washing water. By
using the dry method, it was able to eliminate the use of 30 liters of water for washing 10 kg of crude

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50th International Coconut Technical Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1235 (2023) 012004 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1235/1/012004

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