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Mazen Ahmed Gaber Mohamed, 11A

Cycle 4:
1. Rigid: Despite facing numerous challenges, she remained rigid in her commitment
to her principles.
2. Determined: With unwavering determination, he pursued his dreams relentlessly,
overcoming every obstacle in his path.
3. Dependable: Whenever a task needed to be completed, Sarah was the one
everyone relied on; her dependable nature never faltered.
4. Resourceful: When confronted with limited options, he proved remarkably
resourceful, finding creative solutions to complex problems.
5. Well-Founded: The decision to invest in the project was well-founded and supported
by thorough research and analysis.
6. Pitfalls: Navigating the pitfalls of the project required careful consideration to avoid
redundancy and becoming obsessed with unnecessary details.
7. Optimism x pessimism: Finding a balance between optimism and pessimism was
crucial for success.
8. Antidote: The antidote to the job's dead-end was to remain diligent about seeking
new opportunities.
9. Freelance: Even freelance work requires a resilient attitude and a proactive initiative
akin to a butler anticipating the needs of their employer or a shepherd guiding their
10. Milkman: Like a milkman delivering sustenance or a Beefeater guarding tradition,
one must not overlook the humble tasks, whether sweeping chimneys or scaling
steeples like a steeplejack.
11. Town Crier: In the bustling town, the town crier's call echoed, reminding them all of
their duties.
12. Redundancy: Redundancy in the workplace can create a sense of stagnation,
contributing to a feeling of being stuck in a dead-end job.
13. Diligent: Remaining diligent about opportunities is essential, especially in the
freelance world.
14. Resilient: To thrive, one must be resilient in the face of challenges.
15. Initiative: Taking initiative is key, whether acting as a butler or a shepherd of one's
16. Beefeater: Like a Beefeater guarding tradition, each task, even sweeping chimneys,
holds significance.
17. steeplejack: Scaling heights, like a steeplejack, requires courage and
18. Stockbroker: The stockbroker, whether employed or self-reliant, navigates the spires
of the market with expertise.
19. Grace, Church Spires: Within the church's spires, one finds both grace and
20. Ceremonial: Every action carries a ceremonial weight in the grand scheme of life.
21. Promotion: His hard work finally paid off with a well-deserved promotion.
22. Booming: The economy was booming, creating new opportunities for entrepreneurs.
23. Workers carefully loaded the fragile items into the sturdy crate for shipping.
24. Crate: The strain of the project deadline was evident on everyone's faces.
25. Faulty: The faulty equipment caused delays and frustration in the production line.
26. Obstruction: An obstruction on the road caused traffic to come to a standstill.
27. Ventilation: Proper ventilation is essential for maintaining a healthy indoor
28. Hub: The bustling hub of activity
29. Strive: encourages citizens to strive
30. Gratitude: for a culture of gratitude,
31. Interweave: where they interweave cherished relics
32. footprint of philanthropy: all while acknowledging the impactful footprint of
33. public figures: left by esteemed public figures and intellectuals.
34. campaign fundraising: Initiating campaign fundraising efforts
35. pressing need: directly addresses the pressing need for societal progress.
36. Surged: The demand for the product surged
37. Frantic: causing a frantic rush to meet orders
38. Anticipated: they were anticipated, which is the rush.
39. Electrification: the electrification of the market.
40. Momentous: He marked a momentous shift
41. Bankruptcy: the company faced bankruptcy.

Cycle 5
1. Opera soap: The opera soap transported viewers to a world of extravagant emotions and
theatrical plots.
2. Reality show: The reality show peeled back the layers of everyday life, revealing the raw
and unfiltered experiences of its participants.
3. Documentary: The documentary sheds light on pressing issues, aiming to provoke
empathy, and understanding among its audience.
4. Sitcom: The sitcom's witty banter and clever jokes kept viewers entertained with its
lighthearted approach to comedy.
5. Celebrity: Celebrity culture on the screen dazzled with its allure and glossiness,
captivating audiences worldwide.
6. Smuggle: Some plots managed to smuggle unexpected twists, leaving audiences on the
edge of their seats.
7. Swooping: With a swooping motion, the story fairy transported listeners into fantastical
realms and enchanted adventures.
8. Down-to-earth: The down-to-earth characters of the show resonated with audiences,
offering relatable experiences and genuine emotions.
9. Detract: The detraction from the main storyline only served to heighten the suspense and
10. Sympathize: Viewers found it easy to sympathize with the struggles of the characters,
forming deep emotional connections.
11. Potential: The potential for greatness shone through the challenges and obstacles faced by
the protagonists.
12. Formula: The formula for success in entertainment often relied on a careful balance of
humor, drama, and relatability.
13. Tempers: Tempers flared as conflicts escalated, adding fuel to the fiery exchanges on
14. Contestants: Contestants vied for their moment in the spotlight, willing to break the rules
for a chance at fame and fortune.
15. Sarcastic: Sarcastic remarks and witty retorts peppered the dialogue, adding a layer of
humor to the narrative.
16. Exaggeration: Exaggeration was a common tool used to amplify the drama and tension
within the storyline.
17. Story fairy: The story fairy wove tales of legends and myths, keeping the magic of
storytelling alive for generations to come.
18. Nothingness: The vast expanse of nothingness stretched endlessly before them, a stark
reminder of the void they sought to fill.
19. Augment: With technology's rapid advancement, they sought to augment their reality,
blurring the lines between the physical and digital worlds.
20. Carcass: The decaying carcass of the once-majestic tree served as a haunting symbol of
nature's impermanence.
21. Venture: Embarking on a new venture, they braved the unknown, eager to explore
uncharted territories and discover hidden treasures.
22. Gamboled: Children laughed and gamboled in the meadow, their carefree spirits a joyful
sight amidst the chaos of the world.
23. Resplendent: The resplendent sunset painted the sky in hues of orange and pink, casting a
warm glow over the landscape.
24. Portentous: The portentous clouds loomed ominously overhead, foretelling an impending
storm of great magnitude.
25. Soliloquy: Lost in thought, he delivered a soliloquy to the empty room, pondering the
mysteries of life and existence.
26. Trend: The latest fashion trend involves oversized jackets and bold patterns.
27. Costumes: The theater troupe spent weeks designing elaborate costumes for their
upcoming production.
28. Chorus: The choir sang the chorus with enthusiasm, filling the auditorium with
harmonious melodies.
29. Youngsters: The youth center provides a safe space for youngsters to socialize and
engage in recreational activities.
30. Theatrical: The theatrical performance received rave reviews for its stunning visuals and
captivating storytelling.
31. Solitude: After a long day at work, she craved solitude and spent the evening reading
32. Sanctuary: The church served as a sanctuary for those seeking refuge from the storm.
33. House buffeted wind: The house, buffeted by the strong wind, creaked and groaned under
the strain.
34. Robin: The robin chirped cheerfully as it perched on the fence, heralding the arrival of
35. Transcendent: His music possessed a transcendent quality that moved listeners to tears.
36. Bedridden: He was bedridden for weeks after breaking his leg in a skiing accident.
37. Moors: The rugged beauty of the moors inspired many famous literary works.
38. Support: Friends and family rallied around her to provide emotional support during her
time of need.
39. Auction: The rare painting fetched a high price at the auction, much to the delight of the
40. Breadwinner: As the sole breadwinner of the family, he worked tirelessly to provide for
his loved ones.
41. Habit buying-dress: Her habit of impulse buying dresses often left her with a closet full
of unworn clothes.
42. Unmitigated: The project's failure was an unmitigated disaster, resulting in significant
financial losses.
43. Tyranny: The people rose up against the tyranny of the oppressive regime.
44. Vividly: She vividly remembered the events of that fateful day as if they had happened
45. Hunchback: The old man walked with a hunchback, his spine curved from years of hard
46. Hysterical: She burst into hysterical laughter at the sight of the comedian's antics.
47. Lump: He discovered a lump in his throat as he struggled to contain his emotions.
48. Potent: The potion was potent enough to knock out a horse with just a single drop.
49. Optimism: Despite facing numerous setbacks, his optimism never wavered, and he
always looked on the bright side.
50. Credo: Her personal credo was to always treat others with kindness and respect.
51. Conclusively: The evidence conclusively proved his innocence, leading to his
52. Creakiness: The old wooden floorboards emitted a loud creakiness with every step.
53. Contrivance: His elaborate contrivance to surprise his girlfriend on their anniversary
involved a scavenger hunt across the city.

Cycle 6
1. Expectancy: the expectancy of winning the championship filled the team with
2. Double: The farmer decided to double his crop production this year to meet the
increasing demand.
3. Lifespan: Lifespan is influenced by various factors such as genetics and lifestyle
4. Longevity: Some people believe that a healthy diet and regular exercise can
contribute to longevity.
5. Intake: Monitoring your daily intake of food and water is essential for maintaining
good health.
6. Centenarians: Centenarians are individuals who have lived for more than a century.
7. laugh inaudibly : She couldn't help but laugh inaudibly at his clumsy antics.
8. Amiable: Despite his stern appearance, he was known to be quite amiable in social
9. burdens: The burdens of responsibility weighed heavily on his shoulders.
10. mischief: The mischief caused by the mischievous child was usually minor but still
11. Fuss: She made a fuss over the smallest details, causing unnecessary stress for
everyone involved.
12. Leisure: After months of hard work, she finally had some leisure time to spend with
her family.
13. Resolution: The board passed a resolution to implement stricter safety measures in
the workplace.
14. Heroically: The firefighters acted heroically to rescue the trapped family from the
burning building.
15. Buttonhole: She struggled to fasten the button through the small buttonhole on her
16. Slave: Slavery is a dark chapter in human history that we must never forget.
17. Good-natured: Despite facing many challenges, he remained good-natured and
18. Delicate: The delicate flower required gentle handling to prevent any damage.
19. semi-autobiographical: Her semi-autobiographical novel explored themes of
identity and self-discovery.
20. Phenology: Phenology helps scientists understand how seasonal changes affect
21. Clockwork: The clockwork mechanism kept the old grandfather clock ticking for
22. Precipitation: Heavy precipitation caused flooding in low-lying areas of the city.
23. Migratory: Migratory birds travel thousands of miles each year in search of warmer
24. Bioaccumulation: The bioaccumulation of toxins in the food chain poses a threat to
ecosystem health.
25. disturbance: The loud noise outside caused a disturbance in the classroom.
26. Fluctuation: Fluctuations in stock prices can cause uncertainty for investors.
27. Clear-cutting: Clear-cutting forests can have devastating effects on local
28. Dieback: The dieback of trees in the forest was attributed to a prolonged drought.

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