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BEED 3 – EDUC 30063

Assignment to Lesson 3

Takeaways (Watch)

 Diversity is a broad spectrum of people

 Let the child feel belonged in the classroom and in the society

What can Higher Education do to encourage inclusivity for students and faculty with various

 Access
 Accessibility
 Diverse team
 Inclusivity and Accessibility
 Lens and motivation

B. Reflection (Watch)

The practice of providing all students, including those with disabilities, with equal access and
support in order to create learning and development opportunities is known as inclusive
education. This method is based on the concept that every child deserves an education and the
chance to reach their full potential, regardless of their abilities or limitations.
Strong policies and procedures that meet the needs of students with disabilities are essential for
achieving inclusive education and fairness in education. This includes providing specific
instructional materials, making accommodations and assistive technology available, offering
support services like speech and physical therapy, and preparing educators to be inclusive and
sensitive to the needs of a wide range of students. Establishing a culture of inclusion and
support for students with disabilities is also important. This includes maintaining a positive
perspective on disabilities and appreciating the contributions these kids make to society.
In summary, fair and inclusive education are essential for ensuring that all students, regardless
of their skills or limitations, have equal access to and opportunities within the educational
system. It is necessary to have a just and equal educational system that is favorable to every

C. Takeaways (Watch)

The Individuals with Disabilities Act – originally called The education for All Handicapped
Children Act of 1975
• Free and Appropriate Education (FAPE)
• Unique and Individualized Education
• Parent involvement
• Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) - Move to regular classroom
• Law for students with disability
• Confidentiality protection – Specific Eyes only
• Individualized Education Plan (IEP) – Modifications, Accommodations, Related Services,
Duration of Services, PLEP
• Manifestation
• Transition services – Includes vocational Training
• Vocational training
• Protection of rights
• Appropriate evaluations

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