Nutrition Mcqs 2

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1 When the food is directly given in the veins, it is called ______ nutrition.

A Parenteral

B Enteral

C Intravenous

D Saline

2 When food is given in the stomach or intestines directly then it is ________ nutrition.

A Intravenous

B Saline

C Enteral

D Parenteral

3 A person who has had a renal transplant should regulate the intake of ______

A carbohydrates

B proteins

C fats

D vitamins

4 To overcome diabetes, a person can increase the intake of ______ and reduce the intake of

A carbohydrates, proteins

B proteins, fats

C fats, carbohydrates

D carbohydrates, fats
5 For a person suffering from problems like slow neural transmission, eg dementia, they should be given

A Increased sodium

B Increased potassium

C Increased calcium

D Increased magnesium

6 A person who is suffering from high blood pressure should cut down on _______

A sodium

B potassium

C calcium

D magnesium

7 Long periods of parenteral nutrition is not recommended because of ______

A it increases the toxicity of blood

B it puts pressure on the kidney

C it puts pressure on the heart

D it causes the GI track to degenerate

8 In cases of renal insufficiency, what should take in place of proteins?

A Triglycerides

B Essential Amino Acids

C Glucoseα-1-4 linkage
D Vitamin K

9 In cases of muscle fatigue, which of the Vitamin should be taken?





10 Which Vitamin in large amounts harms the bones?





11 Respiratory quotient (R.Q.) falls in all the following conditions except-

A Acidosis

B Febrile conditions

C Diabetes mellitus

D Starvation

12 Choose the incorrect statement about BMR out of the following-

A BMR is directly related to the surface area

B BMR is inversely proportional to the age

C BMR is increased in warm climate

D Males have higher BMR than age matched females

13 The percentage of total calories obtained from carbohydrates should be between-

A 15- 20%

B 20-35%

C 50-60%

D 5-10%

14 All are true about milk as a diet except-

A It is low in iron content but rich in calcium, sodium and potassium

B The major carbohydrate is lactose

C The chief proteins are caseinogens and lactalbumin

D It is rich in vitamin C and D but poor in Vitamin A and Riboflavin

15 In a child suffering from marasmus which of the following clinical manifestation is not observed?

A Watery diarrhea with acid stools

B Subnormal temperature

C Visible peristalsis from thin abdominal wall

D Generalized edema

16 The chemical score of gelatin is –


B 44

C 60
D 42

17 Which of the following has the best chemical score?

A Wheat

B Egg

C Milk

D Pulses

18 In a person on hunger strike from the past three days which of the following urinary tests would give
a positive reaction?

A Benedict

B Barfoed

C Rothera

D Biuret

19 A child has presented with growth retardation, inability to walk and bruises all over the body. Which
of the following nutrients should be recommended as a supplement to the diet?

A Milk

B Egg yolk

C Citrus fruits

D Pulses

20 Which of the following has the highest glycemic index?

A Ice cream

B Cucumber

C Bread

D Dextrose

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