Mid Semester Exam of Human Resource Management: Rengovo

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Mid Semester Exam of

Human Resource Management

“Build Different”
Submitted By: Aamna Khan JLU07201
Adifaa Husaini JLU07183
Archi Jain JLU07225
Garima Sujwani JLU07111
Luv Lokwani JLU07006
Monis Khan JLU07117
Siddhart Meena JLU06995

Submitted to Mrs. Deepal Mehrotra Suyash Agrawal JLU06869

Usama Khan JLU06862
Vikas Jhariya JLU06996
Introduction of our
• Rengovo is an Indian technology company with its main operating
unit in Delhi, India. It is amongst the leading technological
companies in India and develops software and hardware extensively.
The company produces micro components such as chipsets,
processors etc as well as mobile phones, tablets, earphones,
laptops etc. Our company’s motto is “Build Different” and we believe
in producing advancing technological products at affordable prices
while maintaining proper care of the environment by using
environmental friendly and recyclable products.
Evaluation and Control During
• Evaluation and control of recruitment
• Evaluation and control of recruitment programme is the last stage of a
recruitment process. In any process, Evaluation and control of recruitment
is required to ensure that the process has gone well in the light of its
stated objectives and costs. The post action evaluation of a recruitment
programme has important implications for the further recruitment
programmes. While the basic objective of recruitment is to attract
maximum number of suitable applicants, the costs of the recruitment are
on the following items.
• 1. Cost of salary and other perquisites of the recruits.
• 2. Management and professional time spent on preparing job
descriptions, job specifications, advertisements, agency etc.
Evaluation and Control During
• 3. Cost of advertisement or other recruitment methods such as
cost of campus recruitment, consultant's fee, etc.
• 4. Cost of producing supporting literature.
• 5. Recruitment overheads and administrative expenses.
• 6. Cost of overtime and outsourcing while the vacancies
remain unfilled.
• 7. Cost of the recruitment unsuitable candidates for the
selection process.
SMAC(Social, Mobile, Analytics,
Technologies under SMAC
• Social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and
Snapchat have provided businesses with new ways to reach, interact
with, target and acquire customers. It has given rise to new job titles
such as social media influencer or digital influencer, new marketing
tactics such as viral marketing campaigns, and new data sources
such as likes, reposts, hashtags and network connections.
Technologies under SMAC
• Mobile technologies and platforms such as the iPhone and the iPad,
have changed the way people communicate, shop and work. The
introduction of connected devices and wearable devices, both of
which rely on cheap sensors to generate and transmit data, are the
basis for new business models and new services offered to
Technologies under SMAC
• Data analytics allows businesses to understand how, when and
where people consume certain goods and services. It is also used as
a predictive indicator for future customer behavior as well as when
physical assets, such as parts of a jet engines, will experience
degradation. As the cost for processing power and storage
decreased, analytics became a top priority for companies. The open
source project Apache Hadoop ushered in a new era of analytics
called big data.
Technologies under SMAC
• Cloud computing provides a new way to access technology and the
data a business needs to quickly respond to changing markets and
solve business problems. It ushered in a new way to build
infrastructure, platforms and services. Amazon Web Services was
one of the big disruptors in this space.
Do’s for the
• 1. The interviewer should be an active listener. He should not
interrupt unnecessarily.
• 2. The interviewer should be considerate enough. Even if the interviewer does
not agree with the interviewee, he must respect the latter’s feelings.
• 3. The interviewer should be friendly and understanding. He should begin the
interview in a friendly manner, some friendly conversation and then show
concern in family background, hobbies, etc. This will make the interviewee
more relaxed and comfortable.
• 4. The interviewer should restrain to the time allotted. He shouldn’t indulge in
arguments unnecessarily.
• 5. He should try to be precise.
• 6. The interviewer must be thoroughly prepared for the questions that are
likely to be asked.
Do’s for the
• 7. He should be a good planner.
• 8. The interviewer must focus attention on the interviewee.
• 9. He should use positive gestures when conducting the interview.
• 10. Encourage/invite questions from the interviewee and ensure that
the interviewee clarifies the question he has.
• 11. When selected a candidate should not feel he was not told about
a certain aspect of the job.
• 12. Avoid distraction in the interview area. Ensure that there is no or
minimal distraction where the interview is being conducted. A phone
ringing all the time in the background can distract the interviewer
and interviewee.
Don’ts for the
• 1. Do not ask personal questions. Until a candidate is hired, they are not
your co-worker, friend or acquaintance. They are still an applicant so
you want to remain professional at all times — but be friendly.
• 2. Asking certain questions can come off as offensive or discriminative
(e.g., questions about family orientation, age, physical attributes, etc.). This
can also lead to biasness
• 3. Do not make promises. Even if you absolutely love an applicant from
the first interview, it is never suggested to promise a candidate a job or
even a next round of interviewing until you’ve spoken with your team.
Recruitment processes may always change — you might speak to a better
candidate, the role may close due to budgeting reasons, etc. You never
want an applicant to be disappointed by misinformation, which can
tarnish their view of the company.
Don’ts for the
• 4. Do not speak negatively about your employer. If you are currently
unhappy with your job and discuss with a candidate any negative
experiences you have had, you're only discouraging others from joining
the team, even if you are trying to relate to the candidate.
• 5. Lead the conversation but do not overtalk during the interview.
Candidates are usually nervous during an interview, so it is your job to
make them feel comfortable. Overtalking can make a candidate withdraw
from responding. Also always remember interviews are a chance for you
to learn about a candidate so allow the candidate to talk openly.
Interview Questions of Chief Executive
• Q1. What do you think our company’s mission and vision
• Q2. What changes would you implement during your first year in
the company? How would you build a 5-year plan?
• Q3. What would you do in your first 30 days as CEO of
our organization?
• Q4. Who do you believe are our biggest competitors? How do
we differ from them?
Interview Questions of Chief Executive
• Q5. What do you think are the biggest challenges our industry
will face in the next 5 years?
• Q6. What are the most helpful technological platforms and tools
you have used? Would you implement them in our organization?
• Q7. What is the most innovative product or service you’ve worked on
at a previous company?
• Q8. Describe your rationale before you make a big financial
decision. What criteria do you use to decide which products or
services to invest in?
Interview Questions for Recruitment of
Graphic Designer
• Q1. Tell me about yourself.
• Q2. Why do you want to work for us?
• Q3. Where do you see yourself in five years?
• Q4. Why did you choose graphic design as a profession?
• Q5. What makes you a good graphic designer?
• Q6. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
• Q7. What kind of graphics can you create(image/video, 2D/3D)?
• Q8. What are the best works that you have created?
Interview Questions for Recruitment of
Marketing Manager
• Q1. What is an innovative new marketing strategy that you’d like to
implement while in this position?
• Q2. A customer left a negative review of our product on a
social media site. How do you respond to the customer?
• Q3 Tell us about a product that you successfully marketed. What
was your strategy?In the case of the product that you successfully
marketed, how did you assess the impact of the campaign?
• Q4. Tell me about a marketing campaign you conducted that wasn’t
successful. What did you learn from that?
Interview Questions for Recruitment of
Marketing Manager
• Q5. Tell me about a working situation in which you had to market
a product with a team of people who had very different ideas and
values from you.
• Q6. How did you manage the situation?
• Q7. You have been charged with the task of creating a new
branding campaign for a product that hasn’t been doing well. What
is your process?
• Q8. How do you decide which marketing channels to use for
your target audience?
References and Background Checks
of Interviewee
• What is Background Check?
• A background check is a straightforward process that a person or company uses to verify
a person’s identity, legal records and education or work history.
• What do background checks look for?
• Background checks look for a person’s criminal record, education, employment
history, and other activities that have been recorded. Keep in mind that the findings
from a background check are limited to the type of search you do, and the costs can
increase with each additional search you conduct or require.
• There are many different types of background checks including but not limited to:
1. Employment Verification
2. Criminal Background Checks
3. Credit Background Checks
4. Personal Background Checks
5. Professional License Checks
Key Features of Employment Contract
• An employment contract is a legally binding agreement between an employer
and an employee. It sets out the rights and obligations of both parties, and
can help to prevent disputes from arising.
• Some of the key features of an employment contract include:
• 1. The names of the parties involved.
• 2. The job title or position that the employee will be performing.The duties
and responsibilities of the employee.
• 3. The length of the employment contract. This can be for a set period of time, or
it can be open-ended.
• 4. The salary or wage that the employee will be paid.
• 5. Any benefits that the employee is entitled to, such as health insurance
or vacation days.
• 6. The start date of the employment contract

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