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COR AD (INSTITUTIONAL CORRECTION) • Basis of criminal liability - absolute human free will

1. Institutional Correction • Purpose of punishment - retribution

• Rehabilitation of offenders in Jail or Prison. 2. THE NEO-CLASSICAL SCHOOL
• BJMP, DSWD (Bahay Pag-asa), BUCOR • It maintained that while the classical doctrine is
correct in general, it should be modified in certain
2. Non- Institutional Correction / Community- details.
Based Correction
Since children and lunatics cannot calculate the
• Correctional activities that takes place in the differences of pleasures from pain, they should not
community that directly addressed to the offender be regarded as criminals, hence, they should be
and aimed at helping him to become a law abiding free from punishment.
• Parole-BPP
• The school that denied individual responsibility
• Probation- Court and reflected non-punitive reactions to crime and
• Executive Clemencies-President criminality. It adheres that crimes, as any other act,
is a natural phenomenon.
Criminals are considered as sick individuals who
• It is the study of punishment for crime or of need to be treated by treatment programs rather
criminal offenders. than punitive actions against them.
• It includes the study of control and prevention of • Treats criminals as sick individuals
crime through punishment of criminal offenders.
• Purpose of punishment - treatment/rehabilitation
• The term is derived from the Latin word "POENA"
which means pain or suffering and "POENALIS" In the 13th Century, a criminal could avoid
which means punishment punishment by claiming refugee in a church for a
period of 40 days at the end of which time, he has
PENAL MANAGEMENT compelled to leave the realm by a road or path
assigned to him
• It refers to the manner or practice of managing or
controlling places of confinement in jails or prisons. • BENEFIT OF THE CLERGY
CORRECTION In the 13th Century, a compromise between the
church and the king, wherein any member of the
• A branch of the Criminal Justice System
clergy brought to trial in the king's court shall be
concerned with the custody, supervision, and
claimed from the jurisdiction by the bishop or
rehabilitation of criminal offenders.
chaplain representing him and placed under the
- It is that field of criminal justice administration authority of the ecclesiastical court.
which utilizes the body of knowledge and practices
• GAOLS - (Jails)
of the government and the society in general
involving the processes of handling individuals who pre-trial detention facilities operated by English
have been convicted of offenses for purposes of Sheriff.
crime prevention and control.
• GALLEYS - long, low, narrow, single decked
• Positivist Doctrine Influence ships propelled by sails usually rowed by criminals.
A type of ship used for transportation of criminals in
the 16th century
- It is the study and practice of a systematic
Decrepit transport, former warships used to house
management of jails or prisons and other
prisoners in the 18th and 19th century.
institutions concerned with the custody, treatment,
and rehabilitation of criminal offenders. These were abandoned warships converted into
prisons as means of relieving congestion of
prisoners. They were also called "floating hells"
• 16th Century
-It maintains the "doctrine of psychological
Transportation of criminals in England was
hedonism" or
authorized. At the end of the 16" Russia and other
"free will". That the individual calculates pleasures European countries followed this system
and pains in advance of action and regulates his
It partially relieved overcrowding of prisons.
conduct by the result of his calculations.
• 17th Century to late 18th Century abiding citizen and productive upon his return to the
community by requiring him to undergo intensive
Death penalty became prevalent as a form of program of rehabilitation in prison
• 18th Century
1. General Deterrence - the state tries to convince
-is a century of change. It is the period of potential criminals that the punishment they face is
recognizing human dignity. It is the movement of certain, swift, and severe so that they will be afraid
reformation, the period of introduction of certain to commit an offense.
reforms in the correctional field by a certain person,
gradually changing the old positive philosophy of 2. Specific Deterrence - convincing offenders that
punishment to a more humane treatment of the pains of punishment is greater than the benefits
prisoners with innovational programs. of crime so they will not repeat their criminal
-The Age of Enlightenment or Age of Reason
3. Incapacitation - if dangerous criminals are kept
NOTE: behind bars, they will not be able to repeat their
• 1870 - 1880 (GOLDEN AGE OF PENOLOGY) illegal activities.
4. Retribution/Just Desert - punishment should be
no more or less than the offenders actions deserve,
PRUNISHMENT vS PENALTY it must be based on how blameworthy the person is
PUNISHMENT 5. Equity/Restitution - convicted criminals must
pay back their victims for their loss, the justice
• It is the redress that the state takes against an
system for the costs of processing their case and
offender where it signifies suffering
society for any disruption they may have caused.
Or curtailment of its freedom.
6. Rehabilitation - if the proper treatment is
PENALTY applied, an offender will present no further threat to
• is the suffering that is inflicted by the state for the
transgression of law 7. Diversion - criminals are diverted into a
community correctional program for treatment to
avoid stigma of incarceration. The convicted
PURPOSES/JUSTIFICATIONS OF PUNISHMENT offender might be asked to make payments to the
crime victim or participate in community based
1. Retribution (PERSONAL VENGEANCE/ program that features counseling.
8. Restorative Justice - repairs injuries suffered by
• the punishment should be provided by the state the victim and the system into a healing process
whose sanction is violated to afford the society or rather than distributor of retribution and revenge.
the individual the opportunity of imposing upon the
offender suitable punishment as might be enforced. ANCIENT FORMS OF PUNISHMENT
Offenders should be punished because they 1. Death Penalty / Capital Punishment - Affected
deserve it. by burning, beheading, hanging, breaking at the
2. Expiation or Atonement wheels, pillory and other forms of medieval
• it is punishment in the form of group vengeance
where the purpose is to appease the offended • DEATH CONVICT- This refers to an inmate were
public or group. death penalty/sentence imposed by the Regional
Trial Court is affirmed by the Supreme Court.
3. Deterrence - punishment gives lesson to the
offender by showing to others what would happen 2. Physical Torture / Corporal Punishment- It is
to them if they violate the law. Punishment is affected by maiming, mutilation, whipping and other
imposed to warn potential offenders that they inhumane or barbaric forms of inflicting pain.
cannot afford to do what the offender has done. • CORPORAL PUNISHMENT - It is the infliction of
4. Incapacitation and Protection - the public will physical pain as a form of punishment.
be protected if the offender has been held in 3. Social Degradation - The act of putting the
conditions where he cannot harm others especially offender into shame or humiliation
the public.
4. Banishment or Exile / ostracism / outlawry -
Punishment is effected by placing offenders in The sending or putting away of an offender which
prison so that society will be ensured from further was carried out either by prohibition against coming
criminal depredations of criminals. into a specified territory such as an island to where
5. Reformation or Rehabilitation - it is the the offender has been removed.
establishment of the usefulness and responsibility - Presently known as Destierro
of the offender. Society's interest can be better
served by helping the prisoner to become law
- It is a form of execution wherein the
condemned person is pelted with stones
Death by Musketry or Firing Squad
• Firing Squad refers to a group of soldiers. Usually,
all members of the group are instructed to fire • act of methodically beating or whipping the human
simultaneously, thus preventing both disruption of body.
the process by a single member and identification
of the member who fired the lethal shot. The - The word flagellation was derived from Latin word
prisoner is typically blindfolded or hooded, as well "flagellum" which means whip.
as restrained. • It is done by repeatedly hitting the body, usually in
GALLOWS the back with the use of a whip, cane, wood,
leather, or other objects hard enough to inflict pain.
• Refers to a frame usually of two upright post
traverse beam from which criminals are hanged MUTILATION

STRANGULATION THROUGH HANGING • the cutting off of an organ of the body As a

punishment, it is done in accordance with the law of
• Hanging is the strangulation by the use of a rope retaliation or lex taliones. Lex taliones resembles
while the body is suspended in the air. As oppose the biblical principle of "an eye for an eye, tooth for
to decapitation, hanging was the standard non- a tooth"
honorable form of death penalty.
• an instrument of torture consisting of a hollow iron
Condemned frame shaped like the human body and lined with
spikes to impale the victim.
- strangling condemned persons consists of
an iron collar attached to a post. The
victim's neck is placed in the collar, and the
collar is slowly tightened by a screw until FORMS OF PUNISHMENT THROUGH PUBLIC
asphyxiation occurs. HUMILIATION


• designed for efficiently carrying out execution by • Human branding or stigmatizing is the process in
beheading. The device consists of a tall. upright which a mark usually symbol or ornamental pattern,
frame with a weighted and angled blade suspended is burned into the skin of a living person, with the
at the top. intention that the resulting scar makes It
permanent. It is done by pressing a burning, hot
• The condemned person is secured with a pillory at iron to the person's skin or body which would result
the bottom of the frame, holding the position of the in a wound caused by the burning
neck directly below the blade.
- The blade is then released, swiftly and
• an iron collar fastened by a short chain to a wall.
forcefully. decapitating the victim with a single, often of the parish church, or to a tree or cross. The
clean pass; the head falls into a basket or other collar was placed round the offender's neck and
receptacle below. fastened by a padlock. Time spent in the jougs was
intended to shame an offender publicly.
The condemned man's neck is placed on the
wooden curved wood specially designed for the • is a wooden or metal device mounted on a post
purpose. Most often, the doomed-man is black with three holes to fit the head and the wrists. The
hooded with both hands tied at the back before his offender had to bend down while standing up, while
head is positioned at the chopping block. At a given his head and wrists are trapped in the holes. He
signal, the head is axed and the severed head fall had to remain in this position for a certain number
on the truck provided therefore. of hours, depending on the crime he committed.
• derived from a LATIN word"DE" meaning FROM - was used by the Romans to add public humiliation
and'CAPUT" meaning HEAD. Instead of using axe, to a death penalty of Roman soldiers would crucify
the method employed is by the use of a sword and people naked, and using different torture positions
the practice is widespread in China and Muslim as a way to further humiliate them. Crucified bodies
States. were left to decay on the cross for weeks, and
crows would come to feed on the corpses; this can
EARLY FORMS OF CORPORAL PUNISHMENT be seen as post-mortem public humiliation.
• is a wooden device with holes for the wrist and releasing court and under the supervision of a
legs but not for the head. An offender has to sit probation officer.
down in order to lock his wrists and legs.
4. Fine - a pecuniary amount given as a
BRIEF HISTORY OF CAPITAL PUNISHMENT IN compensation for a criminal act.
5. Destierro - the penalty of banishing a person
• Electric Chair from the place where he committed a crime,
prohibiting him to get near or enter the 25-kilometer
• as a method of execution was introduced in 1926 perimeter.
during the American Pceupatio Ferdinand Marco
"Article 3%. rune Revised Penal Correas the PENALTY
provision pertaining to the death penalty.
- 1987 Philippine Constitution - abolished the
death penalty except for heinous crimes, as stated 1. PREVENTION - the state shall punish the
under Section 19, Article III. criminal to prevent or suppress the danger to the
state arising from the criminal acts of the offender.
Republic act 7659
2. SELF-DEFENSE - the state has a right to punish
• An act to impose the death penalty on certain the criminal as a measure of self-defense so as to
heinous crimes, amending for that purpose the protect society from the threat and wrong inflicted
revised penal laws, as amended, other special by the criminal
penal laws, and for other purposes
3. REFORMATION - the object of punishment in
criminal cases is to correct and reform the offender
Republic Act No. 8177 4. EXEMPLARITY - the criminal is punished by the
state as an act to deter others from committing
-approved March 20, 1996 crimes
• It is the law that designated lethal injection as the 5. JUSTICE - that the crime must be punished by
method for carrying out the capital punishment in the state as an act of retributive, a vindication of
the Philippines. absolute right and moral violated by the criminal.
-Developed in 1924 by an anaesthesiologist in PURPOSE OF PENALTY
Nevada. Components of chemicals used in Lethal
Injection are: 1. RETRIBUTION OR EXPIATION - the penalty is
commensurate with the gravity of offense as a
1. SODIUM THIOPENTAL - a sleep inducing matter of payment for the damage done
2. PANCURONIUM BROMIDE - a drug capable of by the rules which regulates the execution of the
paralyzing the muscles; penalties consisting in deprivation of liberty, thereby
3. POTASSIUM CHLORIDE - capable of stopping giving chance for his reformation.
heartbeat within seconds and this is commonly 3. SOCIAL DEFENSE - as shown by its inflexible
used in Heart-by-pass operations. severity to recidivist and habitual delinquents.
Republic Act No. 9346 Society must provide the welfare of the people
against any order in the community.
• the law prohibiting the imposition of the death
penalty. It was approved on June 24, 2006. JURIDICAL CONDITIONS (LEGAL REQUISITES)
Punishment must be:
1. Productive of suffering - without however
1. Imprisonment / isolation / incarceration / affecting the integrity of the human personality.
commitment ! incapacitation- putting the offender
in prison for the purpose of protecting the public 2. Commensurate with the offense - different
against criminal activities and at the same time crimes must be punished with different penalties
rehabilitating the prisoners by requiring them to (Art. 25, RPC).
undergo institutional treatment programs. 3. Personal - the guilty one must be the one to be
2. Parole - a conditional release of a prisoner after punished, no proxy.
serving part of his/her sentence in prison for the 4. Legal - the consequence must be in accordance
purpose of gradually re-introducing him/her to free with the law.
life under the guidance and supervision of a parole
officer. 5. Equal - applicable for all persons.
3. Probation - a disposition whereby a defendant 6. Certain - no one must escape its effects.
after conviction of an offense, the penalty of which
does not exceed six years imprisonment, is 7. Correctional - changes the attitude of offenders
released subject to the conditions imposed by the and become law-abiding citizens.
DURATION OF PENALTIES 3. Monotony - giving the same food that is "off" diet
or requiring the prisoners to perform drab or boring
1. Death Penalty - Capital punishment daily routine.
2. Life imprisonment - life time imprisonment for 4. Uniformity - "we treat the prisoners alike"; "the
Special Penal Law fault of one is the fault of all".
5. Mass Movement - mass living in cell blocks,
AFFLICTIVE PENALTIES mass eating, mass recreation, mass bathing.

3. Reclusion Perpetua - 20 yrs and 1 day up to 40 6. Degradation - uttering insulting words or

years languages on the part of prison staff to the
prisoners to degrade or break the confidence of
4. Reclusion Temporal - 12 yrs and 1 day to 20 prisoners.
years imprisonment
7. Corporal Punishment - imposing brutal
5. Prision Mayor - 6 yrs and 1 day to 12 years punishment or employing physical force to
intimidate a delinquent inmate.
8. Isolation or Solitary Confinement /
6. Prision Correctional - 6 months and 1 day to 6
BARTOLINA - non-communication, limited news,
"the lone wolf"
7. Arresto Mayor - 1 month and 1 day to 6 months
It is a place for locking-up persons who are
8. Arresto Menor - 1 day to 30 days
convicted of minor offenses or felonies who are to
9. Bond to Keep the Peace - discretionary on the serve a short sentences imposed upon them by a
part of the court. competent court, or for confinement of persons who
are awaiting trial or investigation of their cases.

• The Phil. Constitution directs that excessive fines - It is said to have been derived from the Spanish
shall not be imposed, nor cruel and unusual word JAULA / CAULA which means a CAGE.
penalties when it is so disproportionate to the
- It is also said to have been derived from the
offense committed as to shock the moral sense of
French word GAOL pronounced as "geole", a place
all reasonable men as to what is right and proper
for the arrested criminals.
under the circumstances.
1. Lock-up Jail
HISTORY OF CORRECTION Is a security facility, common to police stations,
used for temporary confinement of individual held
1. The Auburn Prison System - the prison system
for investigation.
called the "Congregate System" / GROUP
SYSTEM 2. Ordinary Jails
- The prisoners are confined in their own cells The type of jail commonly used to detain a
during the night and congregate work in shops convicted criminal offender who serves less than
during the day. Complete silence was enforced three years.
HARD WOOD SHOP - A place where prisoners do 3. Workhouse, Jail Farms or Camp
their labor.
Facility that houses minimum custody offenders
2 The Pennsylvania Prison System - the prison who are serving short sentences or those who are
system called "Solitary System" / SILENT SYSTEM undergoing constructive work programs. It fine
/ SEPARATÉ SYSTEM. provides full employment of prisoners, remedial
services and constructive leisure
Prisoners are confined in single cells day and night
where they lived, they slept, and they ate and
receive religious instructions. Complete silence was
also enforced. They are required to read the Bible.
1. Hard Labor - productive works
2. Deprivation - deprivation of everything except
the bare essentials of existence
Building) is for prisoners whose sentences are 20
years and above, life termers or those under capital
punishment, those with pending cases, those under
disciplinary punishment, those whose cases are on
appeal, those under detention, and those that do
not fall under medium and minimum security status
-wears tangerine shirt
-not allowed to do furlough
This type of institution is characterized by thick all
enclosures, 18 to 25 feet high. On top of the wall
are catwalks along which the guards patrol at night.
At corners and strategic places are tower posts
manned by heavily armed guards.
Sampaquita) is for prisoners whose sentences are
below 20 years (computed from the minimum
sentences per classification interpretation) and
those classified for colony assignment.
FACILITIES IN THE PHILIPPINES This type of institution is usually enclosed by two
layers of wire fence. The inner fence is 12 to 14
1. BILIBID PRISONS feet high with curb and the outer fence is 8 to 12
feet high. The two fences are from 18 to 20 feet
a. OLD BILIBID PRISON (CARCEL Y PRESIDIO apart. Usually, the top portion of the fence is
CORRECTIONAL) - the main insular penitentiary provided with barbed wire
during the Spanish regime. This was constructed in
1847 and was formally inaugurated in 1865 by c. MINIMUM SECURITY COMPOUND (Camp
virtue of the Royal Decree of the Spanish Crown. Bukang Liwayway) is an open camp with less
This was located at Azcaraga St. (now Recto Ave.) restrictions and regimentation. This is for prisoners
then famous "May Haligue Estate" at nearby who are 65 years old and above, medically certified
Central Market at Oroquieta St. This was as invalids and for those prisoners who have six
constructed in radical spokes-of-a-wheel form with months or less to serve before they are released
a tower in the center spoke for easy command and from prison.
The lethal injection chamber is also located here.
CARCEL - 600 INMATES' CAPACITY This type of institution is usuall without a fence and
if there is one, its purpose is to keep away the
PRESIDIO - 527 INMATES' CAPACITY civilian population from entering the institution
In 1936, the City of Manila exchanged its rather than preventing escapes
Muntinlupa property with that of the Bureau of
Prison lot, the Muntinlupa property was intended as
a site for Boys Training School, but because it was 2. SAN RAMON PRISON AND PENAL FARM,
too far, the City preferred the site of the Old Bilibid
Prison, the present site of Manila City Jail (BJMP) Zamboanga del Sur

b. NEW BILIBID PRISON, Muntinlupa City - founded by Capt. Ramon Blanco, a member of the
(Approximately 552 hectares) - this is where the Spanish Royal Army and named the prison facility
Bureau of Corrections Central Office is situated. after the patron saint. This was initially intended for
The New Bilibid Prison has a capacity of 3,000 the confinement of political prisoners during
Prisoners. Within the complex are the three (3) Spanish era. On August 21, 1869, the San Ramon
security camps administered by a Penal Prison and Penal Farm in Zamboanga City was
Superintendent and assisted by an Assistant established to confine Muslim rebels and
Superintendent in each camp. recalcitrant political prisoners opposed to the
Spanish rule. The facility which faced the Jolo sea
The New Bilibid Prison specializes in the industrial had Spanish-inspired dormitories and was originally
type of vocational training. It operates a furniture set on a 1,414-hectare sprawling estate.
shop, shoe repair shop, blacksmith and tinsmith
shop, auto mechanics and automobile body Land area: Currently approximately 1,546 hectares
building shop, tailoring, electronics, watch-repair, Principal product: Copra, rice, coffee, etc
carpentry and rattan furniture shop. It is also
engaged in track gardening, poultry, piggery and Year established: 1869 - 1870
animal husbandry.
- 2nd oldest prison after Old Bilibid Prison
San Ramon has an average population of 1,200 By virtue of: Act 3579 which was passed on Nov.
prisoners 27, 1929
3. IWAHIG PRISON AND PENAL FARM (Luhit), Vocational activities: Dress making, beauty culture,
Puerto Princesa, Palawan handicrafts
The Americans established in 1904 the LUHIT Capacity: 200
PENAL SETTLEMENT (now Iwahig Prison and
Penal Farm) on a vast reservation of 28,072 Note: September 18, 2007, it opened a branch in
hectares. It would reach a total land area of 40,000 Mindanao - the Correctional Institution for Women
hectares in the late 1950s. Located on the in Mindanao (CIWM), a satellite prison under the
westernmost part of the archipelago far from the supervision and direction of the Davao Prison and
main town to confine incorrigibles with little hope of Penal Farm administration.
rehabilitation. The area was expanded to 41,007
hectares by virtue of Executive Order No. 67 issued 5. LEYTE REGIONAL PRISON, Abuyog,
by Governor Newton Gilbert on October 15, 1912. Southern Leyte
ENVISIONED BY: Gov. Luke E. Wright Date established: Jan. 16, 1973
ORDERED BY: Gov. William Cameron Forbes Under Proclamation No. 1101
- Envisioned as an institution for incorrigible It is a prison facility which has a receiving and
criminals. The first contingent of prisoners who process station.
were confined here revolted against the
It has three security facilities - maximum, medium,
authorities.The farm is predominantly designed for
agro-industrial activities. Within its area are four (4)
sub-colonies: - Because of its terrain, prison agro-industrial
activities could not be fully developed.
1. Central sub-colony
- Youngest prison
2. Inagawan sub-colony
- Built during martial law - Ferdinand Marcos.
3. Montible sub-colony
- Fastest arowing prison
4. Sta. Lucia sub-colony
- Maximum capacity - 500 prisoners
All these colonies are administered by a Penal
Sablayan, Mindoro Occidental
-It administers the Tagumpay Settlement which is
approximately 1, 000 hectares with six hectares - With four sub-colonies within the prison
homestead lots distributed to inmates who desired compound:
to live in the settlement after service of sentence.
1. Central sub-colony
- One of the best open institutions in the world.
2. Pusog sub-clony
Date established: Nov. 16, 1904
3. Pasugui sub-colony
By virtue of: Reorganization Act of 1407
4. Yapang sub-colony
Land area: Approximately 36, 000 hectares -
41,007 (1912) - This penal farm is intended for agro-industrial
Principal product: rice, corn, copra and other forest
product Land area: Approximately 16, 408.5 hectares

- Largest penal colony By virtue of: Proclamation no. 72

- Prison without walls Date established: Sept. 26, 1954

- The most open prison facility Principal product: Rice

- The best and the finest prison -Nearest Penal Colony in Manila

Davao del Norte
Mandaluyong City
- The Davao Penal Colony was established on
- The only female institution in the Philippines January 21, 1932 in accordance, with Act No.
-Since 1934, a female Superintendent was 3732 and Proclamation No. 414. series of
assigned to supervise the prison facility.
1931. With two sub-colonies:
CITY 1. Panabo sub-colony

Year established: 1931 2. Kapalong sub-colony

- It administers the Tanglaw Settlement for those a. To improve the living conditions of offenders in
inmates who desire to live within the compound accordance with the accepted standards set by the
United Nations;
- 30.000 HECTARES
b. To enhance the safekeeping, rehabilitation and
- First headed by: GEN. PAULINO SANTOS development of offenders in preparation for their
- Richest and highest income earner eventual reintegration into the mainstream of
society upon their release; and
- Biggest Banana and Abaca plantation
c. To professionalize jail services
The Bureau of Jail Management and Penology

• also referred to as the Jail Bureau created • Carpeta - otherwise known as "inmate record or
pursuant to section 60 to 65, chapter V, RA no. jacket", contains the personal and criminal records
6975 otherwise known as the Department of The of inmates, documents related to his/her
Interior And Local Government Act Of 1990, which incarceration such as but not limited to:
took effect on commitment order, subpoenas, personal
identification, orders from the court, and all other
January 2, 1991. papers necessarily connected with the detention of
an inmate.
• Commitment Order - a written order of the court,
otherwise known Bureau of Fire Protection and
or any other agency authorized by law to issue,
Bureau of Jail Management and
entrusting an inmate to a jail for the purpose of
Penology Professionalization Act of 2004 safekeeping during the pendency of his/her case.

REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9252 • Mittimus Order - a warrant issued by a court

bearing its seal and the signature of the judge,
• An act extending for five (5) years the directing the jail or prison authorities to receive
reglementary period for complying with the inmates for the service of sentence
minimum educational qualification and appropriate
eligibility in the bureau of fire protection (BFP) and •Conjugal Visitation - refers to the visit by the wife
the bureau of jail management and penology for a short period, usually an hour, more or less, to
(BJMP) her incarcerated husband during which they are
allowed privacy and are generally understood to
have sexual contact.
BJMP MANUAL • Detainee - a person who is accused before a
POWERS court or competent authority and is temporarily
confined in jail while undergoing or awaiting
The BJMP exercises supervision and control over investigation, trial, or final judgment.
all district, city and municipal jails.
• Inmate - is the generic term used to refer to a
Core Values (PROTECS) detainee or prisoner.
1. PROfessionalism • Prisoner - an inmate who is convicted by final
2. Teamwork
Contraband - any article, item, or thing prohibited
3. Efficiency/Competence by law and/or forbidden by jail rules that would
4. Self-discipline pose as security hazards or endanger the lives of
• Illegal Contraband- are those that are unlawful in
a. to enhance and upgrade organizational capability themselves and not because of some extraneous
on a regular basis; thus, making all BJMP circumstances (i.e. dangerous drugs, weapons,
personnel updated on all advancements in law potential weapons, explosives.
enforcement eventually resulting in greater crime
solution efficiency and decreased inmate •Nuisance Contraband - are those that may not be
population; classified as illegal under the Philippine laws but
are forbidden by jail rules i.e. cellphone, money or
b. to implement strong security measures for the other commodities of exchange such as jewelry,
control of inmates: appliances and gadgets, excessive wearing
apparels and sleeping paraphernalia, intoxicating
c. to provide for the basic needs of inmates; liquors, cigarettes, pornographic materials,
d. to conduct activities for the rehabilitation and gambling paraphernalia and other products that are
development of inmates; and improve jail considered as instruments for vices since they
facilities and conditions. threaten the security, fire safety, sanitation of the
facility,and the orderly activities of the jail.
• Escape-Prone Inmates - are inmates who are • Gay - is a male homosexual inmate, who
likelv and have the tendency to escape from the jail experiences romantic love or sexual attraction to
facility. fellow male inmates
• Infirmed Inmates - are those inmates who are • Lesbian - is a female homosexual inmate, who
physically or mentally weak for a prolonged period experiences romantic love or sexual attraction to
of time specifically caused by age or illness. fellow female inmates.
• Instrument of Restraint - a device, contrivance, • Transgender - are those inmates whose gender
tool or instrument used to hold back, keep in, check identity or gender expression does not match with
or control inmates; e.g., handcuffs. their innate sexual identity.
• Jail Incident -any untoward or uncommon
actions, events, or conditions such as jail break,
riot, noise barrage, stabbing or assault upon COMMITMENT AND CLASSIFICATION OF
personnel that occurs in jail and perpetrated by any PRISONERS AND DETAINEES COMMITMENT
person, which may or may not have followed or • Means entrusting for the confinement of an inmate
depended upon another action of grave or serious to a jail by a competent court or authority, for the
consequences such as escape, injury, death, fire, purposes of safekeeping during the pendency of
flood, earthquake, or other calamity which affects his/her case.
the jail
Jailbreak - the escape from jail by more than two TO COMMIT A PERSON TO JAIL
(2) inmates by the use of force, threat, violence or
deceit or by breaching security barriers such as by a. Supreme Court;
scaling the perimeter fence, by tunneling and/or by
b. Court of Appeals;
other similar means or by burning or destructing of
the facility or a portion of the facility with or without c. Sandiganbayan;
the aid of jail officer or any other person
d. Regional Trial Court;
• Jail escape - it is an act of leaving from jail of an
inmate through unofficial and illegal ways or without e. Metropolitan/Municipal Trial Court;
any legal order from the authorities. f. Municipal Circuit Trial Court;
• Reformation - means amending or improving by g. Congress of the Philippines; and
changing inmate's behavior or removing his or her
faults or abuse and removing or correcting an h. All other administrative bodies or persons
abuse a wrong or error. authorized by law to arrest and commit a person to
• Rehabilitation - a program of activity directed to
restore an inmate's self respect and sense of CLASSIFICATION
responsibility to the community, thereby making
him/her a law-abiding citizen after serving his/her • It is a process of determining the needs and
sentence. requirements of prisoner for assigning them to their
programs according to their needs and existing
• Safekeeping - refers to the temporary custody of resources.
a person for his/her own protection from the
community he or she comes from, and for the DIVERSIFICATION
community he or she comes from • the principle of separating homogenous type of
• Sex Offenders - are those inmates who prisoners that requires special treatment.
committed crimes involving sex, including rape, Seperation can be done through proper
molestation, pedophilia, sexual harassment and classification of inmate.
pornography production or distributions. CATEGORIES OF INMATES
• Sexual Deviates - inmates who have a type of The two (2) general categories of inmates are:
mental disorder characterized by a preference for
or obsession with unusual sexual practices, as a. Prisoner - inmate who is convicted by final
pedophilia, sadomasochism, or exhibitionism or judgment; and
inmates whose sexual practices are socially
prohibited. b. Detainee - inmate who is undergoing
investigation/trial or awaiting final judgment.
• Suicidal Inmates - are those inmates who have a
tendency to commit suicide or to harm themselves. CLASSIFICATION OF PRISONERS

•Bisexual - are those inmates who have a sexual The four (4) main classes of prisoners are:
attraction or sexual behavior toward both males a. Insular Prisoner - one who is sentenced to a
and females, and may also encompass sexual prison term of three (3) years and one (1) day to
attraction to people of any gender identity or to a Reclusion Perpetua or Life imprisonment;
person irrespective of that person's biological sex
or gender.
b. Provincial Prisoner - one who is sentenced to a control, violations of atomic energy regulations,
prison term of six (6) months and one (1) day to anti-piracy and anti highway robbery, illegal and
three (3) years; unlawful possession, manufacture, dealing in,
acquisition or disposition of firearms, ammunitions
c. City Prisoner - one who is sentenced to a prison or explosives.
term of one (1) day to three (3) years; and
g. Violent Extremist Offender (VEO) - a person
d. Municipal Prisoner - one who is sentenced to a whose political or religious ideologies are
prison term of one (1) day to six (6) months. considered far outside the mainstream attitudes of
CLASSIFICATION OF DETAINEES (FIT) the society or who violates common moral
standards and who has adopted an increasingly
a. Awaiting final judgment. extreme ideals and aspirations resorting to the
employment of violence in the furtherance of
b. Undergoing investigation; and
his/her beliefs.
c. Awaiting or undergoing trial
h. Medium Risk Inmates -those who represent a
moderate risk to the public and staff. These inmates
still require greater security, control and supervision
INMATES SECURITY CLASSIFICATION as they might escape from and might commit
• a. High Profile Inmate - those who require violence inside the jail.
increased security based on intense media i. Minimum Risk Inmates (Ordinary Inmates) -
coverage or public concern as a result of their those inmates who have lesser tendencies to
offense such as but not limited to those who have commit offenses and generally pose the least risk
been involved in a highly controversial or to public safety. In most cases, they may be first
sensationalized crime or those who became time offenders and are charged with light offenses.
prominent for being a politician, government official,
multi-million entrepreneur, religious or cause-
oriented group leader and movie or television
b. High Risk Inmate - those who are considered
highly dangerous and who require a greater degree No person shall be committed to any jail facility
of security, control and supervision because of their without the following required documents:
deemed capability of escape, of being rescued, and
their ability to launch or spearhead acts of violence a. Commitment Order;
inside the jail. This includes those charged with b. Medical Certificate - recent medical certificate
heinous crimes such as murder, kidnapping for taken within 24 hours prior to admission;
ransom, economic sabotage, syndicated or
organized crimes, etc. Also included are inmates c. Complaint/Information;
with military or police trainings or those whose life
is in danger or under imminent threat. d. Police Booking Sheet; and

c. High Value Target (HVT) - a target, either a e. Certificate of Detention from PNP and/or NBI.
resource or a person, who may either be an enemy RECEPTION PROCEDURES
combatant, high ranking official or a civilian in
danger of capture or death, typically in possession 1. GATER
of critical intelligence, data, or authority marked as
• He or she checks the credentials of the person
an obiective for a mission and which a commander
bringing the inmate/the committing officer to
requires for the successful completion of the same.
determine his/her identity and authority. Also, he or
d. Security Threat Group - any formal or informal she reviews the completeness of the following
ongoing inmates' group, gang, organization or documents before the person bringing an
association consisting of three or more members inmate/the committing officer is allowed to enter the
falling into one of the following basic categories: facility. The documents mentioned earlier refer to
street gangs, prison gangs, outlaw gangs, the:
traditional organized crime, aboriginal gangs,
• Commitment Order;
subversive groups and terrorist organizations.
• Medical Certificate - recent medical certificate
e. Subversive Group - a group of persons that
taken within 24 hours prior to admission;
adopts or advocates subversive principles or
policies tending to overthrow or undermine an • Complaint/Information;
established government.
• Police Booking Sheet; and
f. Terrorist Group - a group of persons that
commits any of the following: piracy and mutiny in Certificate of Detention from PNP and/or NBI.
the high seas or in the Philippine waters, rebellion 2. RECORDS UNIT
or insurrection, coup d'état, murder, kidnapping and
serious illegal detention, crimes involving • This unit examines the completeness and
destruction, arson, hijacking, violation of laws on authenticity of the requirements for Commitment
toxic substances and hazardous and nuclear waste (Commitment Order, Booking Sheet, Arrest Report
and Information) before it refers the inmate for 6. DESK OFFICER
physical examination by the Health Unit.
• books the newly committed inmate in the jail
3. HEALTH UNIT blotter: assigns the inmate to a reception area, it
any, where he/she shall be scheduled for
• Checks the authenticity of the entries in the orientation on jail rules and regulation, and shall
medical certificate; conducts thorough physical undergo risk assessment and classification,
examination of the inmate to determine his or her evaluation and conduct of further medical
true physical condition; and asks searching evaluation/screening by the Medical Officer
questions to determine injury/injuries found to have
been sustained by the inmate after the conduct of 7. ASSISTANT WARDEN OR OFFICER OF THE
medical examination or those injuries not DAY
diagnosed prior to commitment in jail.
Orients the newly committed inmates on jail rules
• In case of any discrepancy found during physical and regulations using the Inmate's Orientation
examination but same discrepancy is not indicated Sheet.
in the medical certificate, the committing officer
shall be required to secure another medical 8. JAIL WARDEN
certificate of the inmate. Coordinates with concerned agencies regarding the
If no discrepancy is found during physical case of inmate for speedy disposition and to furnish
examination, the inmate shall be referred back to them with copies of the available needed
the Records Unit. documents.


1. Start the booking procedures: Each jail shall maintain a classification board, if
facilities and personnel are available, to be
a. Accomplish the jail booking sheet; composed of the following
b. Strip-search the inmate to check for any birth Chairperson - Assistant Warden
marks, tattoos, etc;
• Member - Chief, Custodial/Security Office
c. Encode the inmate's information to the NIMS;
• Member - Medical Officer/Public Health Officer
d. Fingerprint and photograph the inmate with mug
shot background; and • Member - Jail Chaplain

e. List the names of the visitors authorized by the • Member - Inmates Welfare and Development
inmate. Officer

2. Apprise the inmate in a dialect that he/she CLASSIFICATION PROCESS

understands of the provisions of Art 29 of the RPC 1. Admission of Inmate
which was further amended by R.A. 10592;
Once the inmate has undergone the registration
Facilitate the signing of the Detainee's process; he/she will be temporarily housed at the
Manifestation if he/she agrees to abide by the same
disciplinary rules imposed upon convicted inmates. Inmate Classification and Counseling Unit (ICCU)
Otherwise, the warden issues a certification under in jails where it is available. The inmate shall stay at
oath manifesting that the inmate was apprised of the ICCU for a minimum period of thirty (30) days
the provision of Art 29 of the RPC as amended and but not exceeding sixty (60) days or until the
refused to abide by the same completion of the classification process. At the
ICCU. the newly committed inmate will undergo
5. PROPERTY CUSTODIAN assessment by the different health professionals.
1. Checks the inmate's belongings for presence of 2. Medical Examination
contraband. Discovery of any contraband shall be
policies. treated in accordance with existing 3. Dental Examination
2. Takes all cash and other personal properties 4. Psychological Examination
from the inmate, lists them down on a receipt form
5. Social Case Study - The jail social worker at the
with duplicate, duly signed by him/her and
ICCU shall conduct in-depth interview with the
countersigned by the inmate. The original receipt
newly admitted inmate, an interview that considers
should be given to the inmate and the duplicate be
the "who the inmate is" from birth up to the present
kept by the Property Custodian.
including his/her familial, educational, social,
3. Keeps all cash and other valuables of the inmate vocational and other issues that has an impact on
in a safety vault. his/her personality.
Said cash and valuables may be turned over to any 6. Risk Assessment - A risk assessment tool shall
person authorized by the inmate. be utilized to determine the level of violence/risk the
inmate poses, either external or internal.
4. Refers the inmate to the desk officer.
7. Psychiatric Evaluation - to determine the c. Additional job functions/community service within
present mental state of the inmate and to diagnose the jail premises;
any existing psychiatric illness for further treatment
d. Temporary or permanent cancellation of some or
8. Case Management - The case manager shall be all recreational privileges;
responsible for the consolidation of all the results
and shall make the proper decision as to the e. Reduction of visiting time;
classification of the inmates and the identification f. Close confinement in a cell for a period not
development programs for each inmate. exceeding seven (7) days in any calendar month,
9. Inmate Orientation and Counseling - inmate provided that this disciplinary action shall be
shall be oriented on the basic jail rules and imposed only in the case of an incorrigible inmate,
regulations. and when other disciplinary measures had been
proven ineffective;
10. Inmate Evaluation and Classification -
inmate will now be classified based on the level of E transter to another BJMP jail in the area in
risk and present physical, mental and coordination with the
emotionalstate. h. Suspension of visiting privileges for a period
11. Proper Cell Assignment and Development not exceeding one (1) month, provided that this
Plans sanction shall not apply to the lawver. physician or
religious minister serving the needs of the prisoner.
12. The newly committed inmate is encouraged
to participate in the recommended development i. Permanent cancellation of visiting. privileges
programs. with respect to persons not included in the
definition of immediate family under RA 7438,
13. Monitoring provided that this sanction shall not apply to the
lawyer, physician or religious minister serving the
DISCIPLINARY BOARD needs of the prisoner.
Chairperson - Assistant Warden In addition to the above-mentioned punishment, the
• Member - Chief, Custodial/Security Office disciplinary board may recommend to the warden
partial or full forfeiture of good conduct time
• Member - Medical Officer/Public Health Officer allowance (GCTA) to be earned for a particular
month and subsequent months depending upon the
• Member - Jail Chaplain
gravity of the offenses.
• Member - Inmates Welfare and Development
• Member - Inmates' Representative
• An inmate may be released through:
If the above composition is not feasible because of
personnel limitation, the warden shall perform the a. Service of sentence;
board's functions and he shall act as the summary
disciplinary officer. b. Order of the Court;


1. For Detainees: e. Amnesty.
a. Admonition or verbal reprimand; -Before an inmate is released, he/she shall be
b. Restitution or reparation; properly identified to ensure that he/she is the
same person received and is subiect of release.
c. Temporary or permanent cancellation of all or
some recreational privileges; -No inmate shall be released on a mere verbal
order or an order relayed via telephone.
d. Reduction of visiting time;
-Upon proper verification from the court of the
e. Close confinement in a cell for a period not authenticity of the order, an inmate shall be
exceeding seven (7) days in any calendar month, released promptly and without unreasonable delay;
provided that this disciplinary action shall be
imposed only in the case of an incorrigible inmate, -Under proper receipt, all money earned, other
and when other disciplinary measures had been valuables held and entrusted by the inmate upon
proven ineffective; and admission, shall be returned to him/her upon
f. Transfer to another BJMP jail in the area, in
coordination with the Court. -The released inmate shall be issued a certification
of discharge from jail by the warden or his/her
For Prisoners: authorized representative
a. Admonition or verbal reprimand; PROCEDURE ON RELEASING
b. Restitution or reparation; 1. Desk Officer
• Upon receipt of release order, the desk officer Decisions of the board are subject to review and
shall coordinate with the paralegal officer for approval by the warden whose decision should be
verification of the authenticity of said order. final and executory.
2. Paralegal Officer PUNISHABLE ACTS
• Verifies the authenticity of the release order. 1. MINOR OFFENSES:
3. Records/Admin Officer a. Selling or bartering with fellow inmate(s) those
items not classified as contraband;
a. Starts processing inmate's release.
b. Rendering personal service to fellow
b. Checks inmate records to ensure that the data in
the release order coincide with the data in the inmate(s);
inmate's carpeta (spelling of name, offense,
Criminal Case Number, etc.). c. Untidy or dirty personal appearance

c. Checks that the inmate has no other pending d. Littering or failing to maintain cleanliness and
case/s. orderliness in his/her quarters and/or surroundings;

d. Routes the release paper to different signatories e. Making frivolous or groundless complaints;

4. Property Custodian f. Taking the cudgels for or reporting complaints on

behalf of other inmates;
1. Checks on the receipt of property and returns to
the inmate his/her deposited items. g. Reporting late for inmate formation and inmate
headcount without justifiable reasons; and
2. Makes sure that returned items of the inmate are
duly received and properly recorded. h. Willful waste of food.

5. Desk Officer 2. LESS GRAVE OFFENSES:

• Records the release of inmate and the condition a. Failure to report for work detail without sufficient
of the inmate upon his/her release. justification;
b. Failure to render assistance to an injured
personnel or inmate;
c. Failure to assist in putting out fires inside the jail;
6. Jail Warden
d. Behaving improperly or acting boisterously
• Reports to concerned agencies/persons the during religious, social and other group functions;
release of inmate for aftercare program.
e. Swearing, cursing or using profane or
DUTIES AND FUNCTIONS OF THE defamatory language directed at other persons;
f. Malingering or pretending to be sick to skip work
• The Board is tasked to investigate the facts of an assignment;
alleged misconduct referred to it. It shall hold
sessions as often as necessary in a room, which g. Spreading rumors or malicious intrigues to
may be provided for the purpose. besmirch the honor of any person, particularly
BJMP personnel;
All cases referred to it shall be heard and decided
within forty-eight (48) hours from the date of receipt h. Failure to stand at attention and give due respect
of the case. when confronted by or reporting to any BJMP
DISCIPLINARY CASES i. Forcing fellow inmates to render personal service
to him/her and/or to others;
i. Exchanging uniforms or wearing clothes other
• Upon submission of the complaint to the desk than those issued to him/her for the purpose of
officer, he/she will submit a written report to the circumventing jail rules;
warden and the latter will direct the investigation
unit to conduct an investigation within 24 hours. k. Loitering or being in an unauthorized place;

• If no sufficient ground - warden will dismiss the 1. Using the telephone without authority from the
case desk

• If minor violations - warden m. Writing, defacing, or drawing on walls, floors or

any furniture or equipment;
• If less for grave or grave violations-warden will
endorse it to disciplinary board for hearing or n. Withholding information, which may be inimical
decided to in himself/herself summary disciplinary or prejudicial to the jail administration;

officer in the absence of the latter o. Possession of lewd or pornographic literature

and/or photographs;
p. Absence from cell, brigade, place of work during v. Engaging in gambling or any game of chance;
headcount. or at an time without justifiable reason:
and w. Committing any act which violates any law or
ordinance, in which case, helshe shall be
q. Failure to turn over any implement/article/s prosecuted criminally in accordance with law; and
issued after work detail.
X. Committing any act prejudicial to good order and
3. GRAVE OFFENSES: discipline.
a. Making untruthful statements or lies in any • MINOR
official communication, transaction, or investigation;
- bartering and vending
b. Keeping or concealing keys or locks of places in
the jail which are off-limits to inmates; - personal services

c. Giving gifts, selling, or bartering items with jail - untidy appearance

personnel; - littering
d. Keeping in his/her possession money, jewelry, - groundless complaints
cellular phones or other communication devices
and other items classified as contraband under the - reporting complaints on behalf of another
- late in headcount
e. Tattooing others or allowing him/her to be
- waste of food
tattooed on any part of the body, or keeping any
paraphernalia to be used in tattooing; • LESS GRAVE
f. Forcibly taking or extorting money from fellow - absent in prison labor
inmates and visitors;
- failure to render assistance to an injured
g. Punishing or inflicting injury or any harm upon personnel or inmate in putting fires in jail
himself/herself or other inmates;
- improper behavior during religious, social event
h. Receiving, keeping, taking or drinking liquor and
prohibited drugs; - profanity

i. Making, improvising or keeping any kind of deadly - malingering (pretend to be ill)

weapon; - spreading rumors
i. Concealing or withholding information on plans of - failure to give due respect to bjmp
attempted escapes;
- forcing to render personal service
k. Unruly conduct and flagrant disregard for
discipline and instructions; - exchanging uniforms
I. Escaping, attempting or planning to escape from - loitering
the institution or from any guard; m. Helping, aiding
or abetting others to escape; - unauthorized use of telephone

n. Fighting, causing any disturbance or participating - vandalism

therein and/or agitating to cause such disturbance - witholding information
or riot;
- lewd or pornographic lit and pic
o. Indecent. immoral or lascivious acts bv
himself/herself or others and/or allowing - absent in headcount
himself/herself to be the subject of such indecent,
immoral or lascivious acts; - failure to turn over any implement, articles after
work detail
p. Willful disobedience to a lawful order issued by
any BJMP personnel; • GRAVE

q. Assaulting any BJMP personnel; - malicious lying

r. Damaging any government property or - keeping or concealing keys or locks

equipment; colarticinaticlein kandarisrecart, an una - direct/indirect bribery
uternveradon or quar procedures as a mock court
by the inmates in a jail/prison; - possession of contrabands

t. Affiliating with any gang or faction whose main - tatting others or nagpapatattoo
purpose is to foment regionalism or to segregate
- extortion
themselves from others;
-punishing or inflicting injury or harm to self or
u. Failing to inform the authorities concerned when
afflicted with any communicable disease, such as
tuberculosis, sexually-transmitted diseases, etc.; - concealing info about attempt to escape
- unruly conduct and flagrant disregard for • Long distance transport of one (1) or more
discipline and instruction inmates shall be escorted by a minimum of three
(3) escort personnel and a back-up vehicle, if
- escaping, attempting or planning to escape available;
- helping others to escape The most direct and shortest route to the
- fighting or causing disturbance destination shall be taken and no deviation shall be
allowed except when security consideration
- indecent. immoral lascivious act requires otherwise
- willful disobedience to lawful order Team leader of the escort personnel must be
equipped with a two-way radio and/or a mobile
- assaulting BJMP
- damaging property or equipment
• Using rented vehicle shall not be allowed when
- kangaroo court transporting inmates; Escort personnel shall be the
first ones to disembark from the vehicle and shall
- gang to form regionalism position in a safe distance to ensure clear vision of
- concealing any communicable disease, disembarking inmates. However, when boarding
the vehicle, it should be the inmate who shall first
- gambling board the vehicle,
- acts violating law • Escort personnel are justified in using deadly
force to protect themselves and/or the inmate/s
- prejudicial to good order and discipline from ambush or any deadly attack while in
*warden who tolerates will be immediately relieved transport;

*INMATES COUNT • Maximum security measure shall be observed at

all times in providina escort to high risk. high profile
It is imperative that at specified times during each inmates and VEO's following the ratio of one is to
24-hour period, all inmates are physically counted. one plus one escort supervisor;
For this type of count, the general procedures are
as follows: • The driver shall not leave the vehicle while in
court or other authorized destination and be
a. Count each inmate physically at specified times watchful of any suspicious individual;
or as necessary;
• To avoid unnecessary stops while in transit,
b. During the count, ensure that all movements of inmates should have relieved themselves from
inmates are stopped until the count is completed; personal necessity;
c. The count must be accurate. Make a positive
verification to ascertain that the inmates are
physically present. Refrain from conducting a count CONDUCT OF BODY SEARCHES ON JAIL
on the basis of only having seen any part of his VISITORS
clothing, hair or shoes; PURPOSE AND SCOPE
d. Submit a report of each count of a group of -This SOP aims to provide adequate safeguards
inmates to the warden and/or assistant warden against the introduction of contraband into jail
(officer of the day); and facilities and to establish guidelines for different
e. If the total jail count does not tally with the total types of searches. All searches should be
jail population at any given time, conduct another conducted in a professional manner, without
count. violating the legal rights of visitors/inmates and with
due respect and regard to human dignity
Render an immediate report to the warden and/or
assistant warden (officer of the day) relative to any BODY SEARCHES ON JAIL VISITORS
unaccounted inmate. 1. PAT/FRISK SEARCH - is a search wherein the
NOTE: officer pats or squeezes the subject's clothing to
attempt to detect contraband. For same gender
Conduct regular count of inmates at least five to six searches the Pat/Frisk search is normally
(5-6) times within a 24-hour period and strictly accomplished in concert with Rub Search.
implement the established procedures in counting
inmates 2. RUB SEARCH - is a search wherein the officer
rubs and/or pats the subject's body over the
RULES TO BE FOLLOWED WHEN clothing, but in a more intense and thorough
manner. In a rub search, the genital, buttocks, and
TRANSPORTING INMATES breast (of females) areas are carefully rubbed-
NOTES: areas, which are not searched in a frisk/pat search.
Rub searches shall not be conducted on cross-
• Whenever possible, transfer shall only be made gender individuals.
during daytime;
3. STRIP SEARCH - is a search, which involves the 4. Custodial - 1:7
visual inspection of disrobed or partially disrobed
subject. 5. Reformation officer - 1:24

4. VISUAL BODY CAVITY SEARCH - is a search, Bureau of Corrections (BUCOR)

which involves the inspection of the anus and/or -an agency under the Department of Justice (DOJ,
vaginal area, generally requiring the subject to tasked to effectively rehabilitate and safekeep
bend over and spread the cheeks of the buttocks; national prisoners sentenced to more than three (3)
to squat and/or otherwise expose body cavity years,
-It was formerly called Bureau of Prisons
• It was renamed Bureau of Corrections under
• It aims to eliminate in all BJMP manned facilities Executive Order No. 292 of the Administrative Code
any form of contrabands that could have adverse of 1987 to emphasize the shift in its primary goal
implications on overall administration of the from punitive to rehabilitative approach.
facilities and to ultimately establish order in all jails,
promote operational efficiency and encourage Republic Act 10575
adherence to prescribed operating policies.
• otherwise known as the Bureau of Corrections Act
**Oplan Galugad - of 2013 which was signed on 24 May 2013,
provides for the modernization, professionalization
BUCOR and restructuring of the Bureau
• It is created purposely to respond immediately a. to segregate him from society; and
and efficiently and to contain, control, and solve in
the shortest possible time any form of jail b. to rehabilitate him so that upon his return to
incidents/disturbance while waiting for the arrival of society he shall be a responsible and law-abiding
reinforcement from the National/Regional STAR citizen.
team/s and friendly forces.
• Shall be under the command and control of the jail
a. Seek to promote discipline and to secure the
warden, or in his absence, the assistant warden or
reformation and safe custody of inmates.
the most senior JCO/JNCO
b. Shall be applied impartially, without
discrimination on grounds of race, color, sex,
SPECIAL TACTICS AND REPONSE (STAR) language, religion or other opinion, national or
TEAM social origin, property, birth or other status.
It is an elite tactical unit trained to perform high-risk c. Shall be enforced with firmness but tempered
operations that falls outside the operational abilities with understanding.
of the regular BJMP personnel and is equipped with
specialized skills and sophisticated firearms and
equipment •CARPETA- refers to the institutional record of an
inmate which consists of his mittimus/commitment
A ready force is composed of highly trained BJMP
order, the prosecutor's information and the decision
personnel and experts in dealing with high risk,
of the trial court, including that the appellate court, if
high profile inmates and VEO's, as well as in
controlling critical jail disturbance and incidents
PRISON RECORD- refers to information
concerning an inmate's personal circumstances,
escalating level of force commencing from no force, the offense he committed, the sentence imposed,
to non-deadly force and ultimately, to deadly force. the criminal case numbers in the trial and appellate
courts, the date he commenced service of his
NATIONAL INMATES' MONITORING SYSTEM sentence, the date he was received for
(NIMS) confinement, the place of confinement, the date of
• A dynamic stand-alone client application software expiration of his sentence, the number of previous
is used in Bureau of Jail Management and convictions, if any, and his behavior or conduct
Penology (BJMP) Jails nationwide in automating while in prison.
BJMP MANNING LEVEL Reception and Diagnostic Center
1. Escort ratio - 1:1+1 (High risk, High profile, VEO) • There shall be a Reception and Diagnostic Center
2. Court room - 2:1 (NOW DRD/ Directorate for Reception and
Diagnostics) in every prison which shall receive,
3. Long distance travel - 1:3 study and classify inmates and detainees
committed to the Bureau.
Quarantine DIAGNOSIS - inmates case history is taken and his
personality is studied
• Upon admission in the Reception and Diagnostic
Center, an inmate shall be placed in quarantine for TREATMENT PLANNING - formulation of tentative
at least five (5) days during which he shall be treatment program best suited to the needs of the
a. given a physical examination to determine any
physical illness or handicap or mental ailment and EXECUTION OF TREATMENT PROGRAM - actual
to segregate those suspected of having an application of the treatment program
infectious or contagious disease. If found sick, the
inmate shall be immediately confined in the prison RECLASSIFICATION - process of monitoring the
hospital; response of the prisoner to the treatment program
and conduct review to the previous finding
b. oriented with prison rules; and compared to new information available.
c. interviewed by a counselor, social worker or THE RDC STAFF AND THEIR FUNCTIONS
other program staff officers. The interview shall be
conducted in private. • Psychiatrist

ADMISSION AND CONFINEMENT OF INMATES - examines the prisoner and prepares an abstract
of his findings. The abstract includes a brief
• Assignment of inmate statement of the mental and emotional make-up of
the individual with particular reference to
• After the quarantine period, the inmate shall abnormalities of the nervous system and the
remain in the Reception and Diagnostic Center for presence of psychoses, psychopathic behavior,
a period not exceeding fifty-five (55) days where he neurotic tendencies, paranoid trends and other
shall undergo psychiatric, psychological, special abnormalities.
sociological, vocational, educational and religious
and other examinations. • Psychologist - interviews the man and
administers tests. The psychological abstract
• The results of said examinations shall be the presents a statement of the psychologist's findings
basis for the inmate's individualized treatment with regard to the mental level, general and special
program. Thereafter, he shall be assigned to a abilities, interests and skills of the prisoner.
prison facility as may be recommended by the
Chief of the Reception and Diagnostic Center. Sociologist
ADMISSION OF INMATES - the prisoner is interviewed by the sociologist.
Additional information is obtained through
An inmate shall be admitted in the Reception and correspondence with the prisoner's friends,
Diagnostic Center of a prison upon presentation of relatives, and social agencies.
the following documents:
• Education Officer or Counselor - the prisoner is
a. Mittimus/Commitment Order of the court; interviewed by the educational officer in order to
b. Information and Court decision in the case; determine his educational strengths and
weaknesses and to recommend suitable
c. Certification of detention, if any; and educational program for him.
d. Certification that the case of the inmate is not on • Vocational Counselor - the vocational counselor,
appeal. by interview, obtains a record of the man's former
employment and tests the man to determine his
• A female inmate shall be received only at the CIW.
general and special abilities, interests and skills.
• The Chaplain - The inmate is interviewed by the
A prison shall keep abound registration book Chaplain and he is encouraged to participate in
wherein all commitments shall be recorded religious worship.
• Medical Officer - a complete physical
The register shall contain the following entries: examination is given each inmate at which time his
medical history is obtained. The examination
a. Name of the inmate; covers the major organs of the body, such as the
b. Reason for commitment and the authority lungs and the heart, and includes tests of the blood
therefor; and sense organs.

c. Sentence; - Custodial-Correctional Officer - the Chief of the

correctional unit prepares the custodial officer's
d. Date and hour of admission; and abstract which includes all significant observations
made by the correctional officers of the inmate's
e. Date and hour of discharge or transfer and basis behavior and interactions to various situations in
therefor. the dormitory, place of recreation, work
assignments, etc.


• Classification Board. -
security inmates if they have served eight (8 years
Every prison shall have a Classification Board that
since they were recommitted. Those with one (1)
shall classify inmates in accordance with this
record of escape must serve five (5) years; and
v. first offenders sentenced to life imprisonment.
The Board shall be composed of the following:
They may be classified as medium security if they
Chairman: Superintendent have served five (5) years a maximum security
prison or less upon the recommendation of the
Vice-chairman: Chief, Reception and Diagnostic Superintendent. Those who were detained in a city
Center Members: and/or provincial jail shall not be entitled to said
• Medical Officer classification.

• Chief. Education Section C. MINIMUM SECURITY - This shall include those

who can be reasonably trusted to serve their
• Chief, Agro-Industries Section Secretarv: sentences under less restricted conditions. Under
this category are -
• Chief Overseer
i. those with a severe physical handicap as certified
INMATES; HOW CLASSIFIED by the chief medical officer of the prison;
• Inmates shall be classified as to security status it. those who are sixty-five (65) years old and
and as to entitlement to prison privileges. above, without pending case and whose
CLASSIFICATION OF INMATES AS TO convictions are not on appeal;
SECURITY RISK ili. those who have served one-half (1/2) of their
An inmate shall be assigned to any of the following minimum sentence or one-third (1/3) of their
security groups: maximum sentence, excluding Good Conduct Time
Allowance (GCTA) as provided in Chapter 4, Part lIl
A. MAXIMUM SECURITY- This shall include highly hereof; and
dangerous or high security risk inmates as
determined by the Classification Board who require iv. Those who have only six (6) months more to
a high degree of control and supervision. serve before the expiration of their maximum
Under this category are
i. those sentenced to death; CLASSIFICATION
it. those whose minimum sentence is twenty (20) • The color of the uniform of an inmate shall be
years imprisonment; based on his security classification, as follows:
ili. remand inmates or detainees whose sentence is a. Maximum security - tangerine
twenty (20) years and above and those whose
sentences are under review by the Supreme Court b. Medium security - blue
or the Court of Appeals; iv. those with pending c. Minimum security - brown
d. Detainee - gray
v. recidivists, habitual delinquents and escapees;
vi. those confined at the Reception and Diagnostic ENTITLEMENT TO PRIVILEGES
Inmates shall be classified as follows to determine
vii. those under disciplinary punishment or their entitlement to prison privileges:
safekeeping; andviii. those who are criminally
insane or those with severe personality or a. Detainee;
emotional disorders that make them dangerous to
fellow inmates or the prison staff. b. Third Class inmate - one who has either been
previously committed for three (3) or more times as
B. MEDIUM SECURITY - This shall include those a sentenced inmate, except those imprisoned for
who cannot be trusted in less-secured areas and non-payment of a fine and those who had been
those whose conduct or behavior require minimum reduced from a higher class;
supervision. Under this category are -
c. Second Class inmate - a newly arrived inmate;
i. those whose minimum sentence is less than an inmate demoted from first class; or one
twenty (20) years imprisonment; promoted from the third class;
it. remand inmates or detainees whose sentences d. First Class inmate - one whose known
are below twenty (20) years; character and credit for work while in detention
earned assignment to this class upon
ill. those who are eighteen (18) years of age and commencement of sentence; or one who has been
below, regardless of the case and sentence; promoted from the second class;
iv. those who have two (2) or more records of e. Colonist.
escapes. They can be classified as medium
who has been confirmed to be mentally abnormal
- The Director may, upon the recommendation of or insane may be transferred to a mental hospital
the Classification Board, classify an inmate who with the approval of the Director.
has the following qualifications as a colonist:
1. at least a first class inmate; JAIL AND VICE VERSA - The President of the
2. has served one year immediately preceding the Philippines may direct, as the occasion may
completion of the period specified in the following require, the transfer of inmates from a national
qualifications; and prison to a provincial jail, or vice versa. The
expenses for such transfers shall be borne by the
3. has served imprisonment with good conduct for a Bureau except the cost of escort service which
period equivalent to one-fifth of the maximum term shall be provided by the Philippine National Police.
of his prison sentence, or seven years in the case

PRIVILEGES OF A COLONIST The Superintendent of a prison may authorize an

inmate to be taken out of prison in the following
A colonist shall have the following privileges: instances:
a. credit of an additional GCTA of five (5) days for a. to appear in court or other government agency
each calendar month while he retains said as directed by competent authority;
classification aside from the regular GCTA
authorized under Article 97 of the Revised Penal b. for medical examination/treatment or
Code; hospitalization in an outside clinic or hospital; or

b. automatic reduction of the life sentence imposed c. to view the remains of a deceased relative
on the colonist to a sentence of thirty (30) years;
c. subject to the approval of the Director, to have • OUTSIDE MOVEMENT OF DEATH CONVICT -
his wife and children, or the woman he desires to
marry, live with him in the prison and penal farm. A death convict shall not be allowed to leave his
place of confinement_except for the urgent
Transportation expenses of the family going to and treatment or diagnosis of a life-threatening or
the discharge of the colonist from the prison and serious ailment, if the diagnosis cannot be done or
penal farm shall be for the account of the the treatment provided in the prison hospital.
government. The family may avail of all prison
facilities such as hospital, church and school free of • BASIS OF COURT APPEARANCE
charge. All the members of the family of a colonist
shall be subject to the rules governing the prison The court appearance of an inmate shall be based
and penal farm; on a subpoena issued by the court as endorsed by
the Director.
d. as a special reward to a deserving colonist, the DECEASED RELATIVE; SUPPORTING
issuance of a reasonable amount of clothing and DOCUMENTS
ordinarily household supplies from the government
commissary in addition to free subsistence; and A minimum or medium security inmate may, upon
written application, be allowed by the
e. to wear civilian clothes on such special Superintendent to view the remains of the following
occasions as may be designated by the relatives upon written application and submission of
Superintendent. the original or certified true copies of the death
certificate, the burial permit and the documents
INMATES WHO ARE SPOUSES specified hereunder:
Husband and wife inmates may be allowed to serve a. Wife or husband (marriage certificate);
their sentence together in a prison and penal farm
as soon as both are classified as colonists. b. Child (birth certificate of child and marriage
certificate of the inmate);
c. Brother/sister (birth certificate of brother/sister
The grant of colonist status may, for cause, be and birth certificate of the inmate);
revoked at any time by the Superintendent with the
approval of the Director. d. Father/mother (birth certificate of the inmate);
TRANSFER OF INMATES e. Grandchild (birth certificate of grandchild and of
the latter's parent who may be son or daughter of
An inmate may be transferred by the Director upon
the recommendation of the Superintendent f. Grandparent (birth certificate of the inmate and of
concerned to another prison facility to bring said his/her parent who is the son/daughter of the
inmate closer to his family or as part of his deceased grandparent).
rehabilitation program.
Note: Application
3 days- BJMP
(8 hours a day, except on Sundays and legal
2 days- BUCOR
holidays, in and about the prison, public buildings,
DURATION OF PRIVILEGE grounds, roads, and other public works of the
national government. In the interest of the service,
The inmate may be allowed more or less three (3) however, they may be required to work on excepted
hours to view the deceased relative in the place days.
where the remains lie in state but shall not be
allowed to pass any other place in transit, or to join PRISON LABOR OF DETAINEE - A detainee may
the funeral cortege. not be required to work in prison. However, he may
be made to police his cell and perform such other
DISTANCE OF TRAVEL labor as may be deemed necessary for hygienic or
The privilege may be enjoyed only if the deceased sanitary reasons.
relative is in a place within a radius of thirty (30) FEMALE INMATE - A female inmate shall only be
kilometers by road from the prison. Where the assigned to work on jobs suitable to her age and
distance is more than thirty (30) kilometers, the physical condition. She shall be supervised only by
privilege may be extended if the inmate can leave women officers.
and return to his place of confinement during the
daylight hours of the same day. OLD INMATE - An inmate over sixty (60) years of
age may be excused from mandatory labor.
RIGHTS OF AN INMATE - An inmate shall have and minimum security inmates may be assigned to
the following basic rights: work in agricultural field projects within a prison
a. to receive compensation for labor he performs; reservation.

b. to be credited with time allowances for good Maximum security inmates shall not be allowed to
conduct and loyalty; work outside the maximum security compound.

c. to send and receive mail matter;

d. to practice his religion or observe his faith; ~ COMPENSATION CREDITS

e. to receive authorized visitors; INMATE COMPENSATION - Six (6) months after

being permanently assigned to work in prison, an
f. to ventilate his grievances through proper inmate mav receive compensation credits at rates
channels; and to be prescribed by the Director, provided:
g. to receive death benefits and pecuniary aid for a. He maintains good conduct; and
b. He shows interest and a definite degree of
PRIVILEGES OF AN INMATE progress in the particular work assigned to him
The following privileges shall also be extended to WITHDRAWAL OF EARNINGS
an inmate:
The inmate may, at any time, withdraw from his
a. Attend or participate in any entertainment or compensation earnings in an amount not exceeding
athletic activity within the prison reservation; one-half (1/2) of his total earnings.
b. Read books and other reading materials in the However, in cases of urgent need and at the
library; discretion of the Superintendent, the whole of his
earnings may be withdrawn. But he may, at any
c. Smoke cigar and cigarettes, except in prohibited time, withdraw any part or all monies received from
places; other sources.
d. Participate in civic, religious and other activities INMATE COMMUNICATION
authorized by prison authorities; and
RIGHT TO COMMUNICATE - An inmate shall have
e. Receive gifts and prepared food from visitors the right to communicate or correspond with
subject to inspection. persons and organizations and to send and receive
RIGHTS OF A DETAINEE letters, packages, books, periodicals and other
materials that can be lawfully sent by mail.
A detainee may, aside from the rights and privileges
enjoyed by a finally convicted inmate, wear civilian COLLECTION AND DELIVERY OF MAIL - The
clothes and to grow his hair in his customary style. mail officer shall collect and deliver mail matters on
a daily basis, Monday through Friday. An inmate
PRISON LABOR shall be advised to claim his mail if he fails to claim
his letter within twenty-four (24) hours after it is
received in prison.
INMATE - A finally convicted able bodied inmate
may be required to work at least eight EXPENSES FOR SPECIAL DELIVERY OF MAIL -
Inmates shall be allowed to send letters by
registered, certified, stamped or special delivery at PRACTICES
their expense
RELIGIOUS FREEDOM - The religious beliefs and
USE OF TELEPHONE - All offender who moral precepts of an inmate shall be respected.
demonstrates good behavior shall earn one
telephone call to an authorized individual every PROSELYTIZING
ninety (90) days. In such a case, the telephone call - No prison official shall proselytize inmates under
shall be monitored and shall have a duration not his supervision or allow an inmate to do so without
exceeding five (5) minutes. When making the call, the consent of the inmate concerned. Reasonable
the inmate shall be identify himself as an inmate. opportunity and access shall be provided to
inmates requesting information about the activities
of any religion with whom they may not be actually
MATTER Board of Discipline
The sending and receiving of mail by all inmates The Director shall establish a Board of Discipline in
shall be governed by the following guidelines each prison to hear cases involving an inmate who
violates prison rules. It shall be presided over by
a. Inmate mail shall be secured until such time that the Assistant Superintendent.
the censors are ready to examine them.
b. Inmate mail shall be opened and searched by
qualified, trained and authorized personnel. The Board of Discipline shall be authorized to
impose any of the following disciplinary measures
c. Greeting cards shall be carefully examined and on an errant inmate:
fillers of any kind found therein shall be collected
for laboratory examination. a. Caution or reprimand.
d. Photographs shall be marked on the reverse side b. Cancellation of recreation, education,
and replaced in the envelope. entertainment and visiting privileges.
e. In censoring mail, prison slang, unusual c. Deprivation of GCTA for a specific period.
nicknames and sentences with double meaning
shall be carefully studied and deciphered. d. Change of security status to the next higher
category e.g., from medium to maximum.
f. Letters passed by censors shall bear the censor's
stamp at the top of each page and on the envelope. CONFINEMENT IN DISCIPLINARY CELL
The letter shall be replaced in the same envelope If the above corrective measures prove to be
and resealed. ineffective, an obstinate inmate may be punished
. The contents of an inmate's mail shall be by confinement in a disciplinary cell from one (1) to
confidential and shall not be discussed with other two (2) months depending upon the gravity of the
prison personnel. offense committed. This punishment shall only be
meted out if the prison medical officer, after
INMATE HEAD COUNT examination, certifies that the inmate is fit to
undergo the same or will not adversely affect his
A head count of inmates shall be conducted four (4) physical or mental health.
times a day or as often as necessary to ensure that
all inmates are duly accounted for. NOTE:
• BJMP - (1-7 DAYS)
PROCEDURE FOR INMATE COUNT • UN Rules- (22 hours to 15 days)
The procedure for conducting a periodic physical RELEASE OF INMATE
head count of inmates shall be as follows
a. During the count, the inmates shall not be inmate may be released from prison:
allowed to move until the count is completed.
a. upon the expiration of his sentence;
b. There must be a positive verification of an
inmate's presence. Counting an inmate as present b. by order of the Court or of competent authority;
on the basis of seeing any part of his clothing, his or
hair, or shoes shall not be made. c. after being granted parole, pardon or amnesty.
C. A written report on the results of each head WHO MAY AUTHORIZE RELEASE
count shall be submitted to the Chief Overseer.
The following are authorized to order or approve
d. If the inmate count does not tally with the list of the release of inmates:
inmates, the matter shall be immediately reported
to the Chief Overseer. •the Supreme Court or lower courts, in cases of
acquittal or grant of bail; the President of the
EXERCISE OF RELIGIOUS BELIEFS AND Philippines, in cases of executive clemency or
-the Board of Pardons and Parole, in parole cases;
• the Director, upon the expiration of the sentence DISTURBANCES
of the inmate.
1. Sound the alarm
2. All visitors shall be immediately ushered out the
An inmate shall only be released by the prison
Superintendent with the approval of the Director.
3. All guards who are not on duty shall be directed
VERIFICATION OF IDENTITY OF INMATE TO BE to immediately report to the Desk Officer. The most
RELEASED senior guard present shall take command of the
custodial force and make assessment of the
Before an inmate is released, he shall be properly situation.
identified. His fingerprints and other identification
marks shall be verified with those which were taken 4. All telephone calls to and from the prison
when he was admitted in prison, and any change in compound shall be controlled.
his distinguishing marks since said admission.
5. The Armorer shall issue the necessary anti-riot
6.Based on his assessment of the prevailing
The Director shall not order or allow an inmate to conditions, the guard in command shall deploy the
leave prison sixty (60) days before and thirty (30) guards into the following groups: (1st, 2nd and 3rd
days after an election except for valid or legal group)
• 1st Group - This is the initial wave of anti-riot
SEPARATION AND PLACEMENT CENTER assault contingent who shall be armed with wicker
shields, protective headgear, gas masks and night
An inmate shall, thirty (30) days before his sticks or batons, when these are available.
scheduled date of release, be transferred to the
Separation and Placement Center to prepare him The objectives of this group are to disperse the
for reentry into free society, provided he is not rioters and get their leaders.
under punishment or an escape risk, and is cleared
of his government property accountability • 2nd Group - This is the back-up force of the 1st
Group who shall be equipped with tear gas guns
DISTURBANCES • 3rd Group - This is composed of guards who are
trained in the proper handling and use of firearms.
•Control Center shall be under the command of
the Superintendent or, in his absence, the Assistant Under the direct command of the guard-in-charge,
Superintendent, and in the latter's absence, the they shall provide covering fire to the first two
most senior prison guard present. groups.


• When a jail break is in progress or has just
occurred, the Control Center shall immediately
sound the alarm_and the Superintendent or the
Commander of the Guards shall be notified.
• At the first sound of the alarm, all inmates shall
be locked in their respective cells while those in
work detail shall be marched in orderly manner to
their cells.
• In case of mass jail breaks, all members of the
custodial force shall be immediately issued firearms
and assigned to critical posts to seal off all possible
escape routes while teams search the prison
premises. Prison personnel who are off-duty shall
be required to report for duty immediately.
• If any prison officer or employee is held hostage EXECUTION OF DEATH PENALTY
by the escapee, reasonable caution to insure safety
Death penalty, how executed. - The death penalty
shall be taken. If it is the Superintendent who is
shall be executed under the authority of the
taken as hostage, the Assistant Superintendent
Director by lethal injection.
shall assume command.
• Holding cell.- Whenever practicable, the death
convict shall. twelve (12) hours prior to the
scheduled time of execution, be confined in an
individual cell in a maximum security level facility. accordingly.
The convict shall be provided therein with a bunk, a
steel/wooden bed or mat, a pillow, a blanket and a RA 9263
mosquito net. • AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE
• Death watch. - Four (4) guards shall keep a close PROFESSIONALIZATION OF THE BUREAU OF
watch over a death convict confined in the holding FIRE PROTECTION (BFP) AND THE BUREAU
cell.Said guards shall keep a detailed log book of OF JAIL MANAGEMENT AND PENOLOGY
VISITATION - A death convict shall be allowed to THEREOF AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES
be visited by his immediate family and reputable
friends at regular intervals and during designated SECTION 1. Title. - This Act shall be known as the
hours subject to security procedures. Subiect to the "Bureau
approval of the Superintendent, a death convict
shall, seven (7) days before the scheduled date of of Fire Protection and Bureau of Jail Management
execution, be allowed daily visits by his authorized and Penology Professionalization Act of 2004"
visitors and his attorney of record.
Organization and Key Positions of the
BFP and the BJMP (RA 9263)
Thirty (30) days prior to the execution date, the
Superintendent shall instruct the mail room officer 1ST IN COMMAND - Chief, BJMP (Rank: Director)
to forward all the incoming mail of the death convict
to the Commander of the Guards for censorship. 2ND IN COMMAND-Deput Chief for Administration
(Rank: CSUPT)
SENTENCE - Execution by lethal iniection shall not 3RD IN COMMAND -Deputy Chief for Operation
be inflicted upon a woman within one year after (Rank: CSUPT)
delivery, nor upon any person over seventy (70)
years of age. In this last case, the death sentence 4TH IN COMMAND - Chief of Directorial Staff
shall be commuted to the penalty of Reclusion
Perpetua with the accessory penalty provided in (Rank: CSUPT)
article 40 of the Revised Penal Code. APPOINTED BY: PRESIDENT
injection shall take place in the prison
establishment and space thereat as may be Organization and Key Positions of the
designated by the Director. Said place shall be
closed to public view. BFP and the BJMP (RA 9263)

ADMINISTERING OF LETHAL DRUGS - The • The BFP and the BJMP shall be respectively
injection of the lethal drugs to a death convict shall headed by a Chief who shall be assisted by two (2)
be made by a person designated by the Director. deputy chiefs, one

IDENTITY OF RELATIVES OF DEATH CONVICT (1) for administration and one (1) for operations, all
AND OF PERSON ADMINISTERING LETHAL of whom shall be appointed by the President upon
INJECTION - The identity of the relatives of the recommendation of the Secretary of the DILG from
death convict and the person who were designated among the qualified officers with at least the rank of
to administer the lethal injection shall be kept senior superintendent in the service


• SECTION 1. The imposition of the penalty of
death is hereby prohibited. Accordingly, Republic
Act No. Eight Thousand One Hundred Seventy-
Seven (R.A. No. 8177). otherwise known as the Act
Designating Death by Lethal Injection is hereby
Lateral Entry of Officer into the BFP and the
• Republic Act No. Seven Thousand Six Hundred BJMP (RA 9263)
Fifty-Nine (R.A.
In general, all original appointments of officers in
No. 7659), otherwise known as the Death Penalty the Fire Bureau and Jail Bureau shall commence
Law, and all ther lawin execnare orders the rank of fire/jail inspector
aneredecrees. escar as theymendse
Doctor of Medicine, members of the Philippine Bar
penalty are hereby repealed or amended and chaplains shall be appointed to the rank of
fire/jail senior inspector in their particular technical
service. Graduate of the Philippine National Police
Academy (PNPA) shall be automatically appointed • Corrections Chief Superintendent
to the initial rank of fire/jail inspector Rank: Chief Superintendent -3rd in command
• Corrections Senior Superintendent
REPUBLIC ACT No. 10575 Rank: Senior Superintendent -4th officer in
An act strengthening the Bureau of Corrections command
(BUCOR) and providing funds therefore shall be • Corrections Superintendent
known as "The Bureau of Corrections Act of 2013"
Rank: Superintendent- 5th officer in command


The safekeeping of inmates shall include decent
provision of quarters, food, water and clothing in
compliance with established United Nations
standards The security of the inmates shall be
undertaken by the Custodial Force consisting of
Corrections Officers with a ranking system and
salary grades similar to its counterpart in the BJMP.
The reformation programs, which will be instituted
the BuCor for the inmates, shall be the following:
(1) Moral and Spiritual Program;
(2) Education and Training Program;
(3) Work and Livelihood Program; IRR)
(4) Sports and Recreation Program; Section 10. INCREASE OF PERSONNEL. The
(5) Health and Welfare Program; and BuCor shall maintain the custodial personnel-to-
inmate ratio of 1:7 for three (3) shifts and
(6) Behavior Modification Program, to include reformation personnel-to-inmate ratio of 1:24 for
Therapeutic Community. one (1) shift
The reformation programs shall be undertaken by The reformation ratio is broken down into the
Professional Reformation Personnel consisting of following:
Corrections Technical Officers with ranking system
and salary grades similar to Corrections Officers. a) Moral and Spiritual personnel-to-inmate ratio is
BUREAU OF CORRECTIONS (RA 10575) b) Sports and Recreation personnel-to-inmate ratio
is 1:225;
HEAD: Director General of Corrections
c) Work and Livelihood personnel-to-inmate ratio is
(Rank: Undersecretary) - 1st in command 1:180;
ASSISTED BY: Deputy Directors of Corrections - d) Behavior Modification personnel-to-inmate ratio
is 1:150.
(Rank: Assistant Secretary)-2nd in command
e) Education and Training personnel-to-inmate ratio
» Administration is 1:120;and
Security and Operations f) Health and Welfare personnel-to-inmate ratio is
» Reformation 1:80;

Appointed By: President

Recommended By: DOJ Secretary BUCOR MANNING LEVEL

Tour of Duty: Not exceeding 6 Years; 1. Custodial - 1:7 for 3 shifts

Extend: In Times of War (Declared By Congress) 2. Reform personnel - 1:24 for 1 shift (MSWBEH)
Moral & spiritual - 1:240
Sports & recreation - 1:225 (7) Must not have been convicted by final judgment
of an offense or crime involving moral turpitude;
Work & livelihood - 1:180 and
Behavior modification - 1:150 (8) Must he at least one meter and sixty-two
Education & training - 1:120 centimeters (1.62 m) in height for fifty-seven
centimeters(1.57) female: Provided, That a waiver
Health & welfare - 1:80 for height and age requirement/s may be granted to
applicants belonging to the cultural communities:
Provided, further, That a new applicant must not be
less than twenty-one (21) or more than forty (40)
The appointment of the BuCor shall be effected in years of age. Except for this particular provision,
the following manner: the above-enumerated qualifications shall be
continuing in character and an absence of any one
(a) Corrections Officer to Corrections Chief of them at any given time shall be ground for
Superintendent - Appointed by the Director separation or retirement from the service: Provided,
General of Corrections, and attested by the furthermore, That those who are already in the
Civil Service Commission (CSC); and service upon the effectivity of this Act shall be given
(b) Director General of Corrections and Deputy five (5) years from the date of such effectivity to
Director of Corrections - Appointed by the obtain the minimum educational qualification and
President upon the eligibility with subsidiary assistance as provided for
in this Act.
recommendation of the Secretary of the DOJ, with
the proper endorsement by the chairman of the


(a) No person shall be appointed as personnel of
the BuCor unless one possesses the following
(1) A citizen of the Republic of the Philippines; DESIGNATION OF PERSONNEL OF THE BUCOR
(2) A person of good moral character;
(1) Sub-Colony Supervisor - Should have the
(3) Must have passed the psychiatric/psychological, rank of Senior Inspector, who must have finished at
drug and physical test for the purpose of least-second year Bachelor of Laws or earned at
determining his/her physical and mental health; least twelve (12) units in a master's degree
(4) Must possess a baccalaureate degree from a program
recognized learning institution; (2) Colony Assistant Superintendent - Should
(5) Must possess the appropriate civil service have the rank of Chief Inspector, who must have
eligibility; finished at least second year Bachelor of Laws or
earned at least twenty-four (24) units in a master's
(6) Must not have been dishonorably discharged or degree program
dismissed for cause from previous employment;
(3) Colony Superintendent - Should have the rank
of Superintendent, who must be a graduate of
Bachelor of Laws or a holder of a master's degree PREGNANT FEMALE INMATE
Provided, That in prison and penal farms with an
inmate population of two thousand (2,000) but • BJMP - not more than 1 month
below three thousand (3,000), the Colony • BUCOR - not more than 1 year
Superintendent shall have the rank and
qualification of a Colony Senior Superintendent;
4) Regional Superintendent - Should have the
rank of Senior Superintendent or Chief
Superintendent, who must be a graduate of • 48 hrs - BJMP (DB)
Bachelor of Laws or a holder of a master's degree
• 5 days - BUCOR (BD)
Provided, That in prison and penal farms with an
inmate population of three thousand (3,000) but REPUBLIC ACT No. 10592 AN ACT AMENDING
below five thousand (5,000), the Regional ARTICLES 29, 94, 97, 98 AND 99 OF ACT NO.
Superintendent shall have the rank and 3815, AS AMENDED, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS
qualification of a Colony Senior Superintendent: THE REVISED PENAL CODE
Provided, further, That in prison and penal farms
with an inmate population of over five thousand
(5,000), the Regional Superintendent shall have the Section 1. Article 29 of Act No. 3815, as amended,
rank and qualification of a Chief Superintendent. otherwise known as the Revised Penal Code, is
hereby further amended to read as follows:
CORRECTIONS (RA 10575 IRR) "ART. 29. Period of preventive imprisonment
deducted from term of imprisonment. -
a) DORMITORY - refers to the facility exclusivel Offenders or accused who have undergone
used as confinement area of all inmates within the preventive imprisonment shall be credited in the
prison camp with specific consideration on spatial service of their sentence consisting of deprivation
designation. of liberty, with the full time during which they have
Classification of Dormitory undergone preventive imprisonment if the detention
prisoner agrees voluntarily in writing after being
• Type A Dormitory - above 500 inmate capacity informed of the effects thereof and with the
and lot area of more than 1.5 hectares assistance of counsel to abide by the same
disciplinary rules imposed upon convicted
• Type B Dormitory - 101 to 500 inmate capacity
prisoners, except in the following cases:
and lot area of 1.5 hectares
1. When they are recidivists, or have been
• Type C Dormitory - 1 to 100 inmate capacity and
convicted previously twice or more times of any
lot area of 3,000 sq. m.
crime; and
The recommended lot area per inmate is 30 sq. m.
2. When upon being summoned for the execution
of their sentence they have failed to surrender
"If the detention prisoner does not agree to abide
by the same disciplinary rules imposed upon
convicted prisoners, he shall do so in writing with
the assistance of a counsel and shall be credited in
the service of his sentence with FOUR-FIFTHS
(4/5) of the time during which he has undergone
preventive imprisonment.
"Credit for preventive imprisonment for the penalty
of Reclusion Perpetua shall be deducted from thirty
(30) years.
Whenever an accused has undergone preventive
• Ideal habitable floor area per inmate = 4.7 square imprisonment for a period equal to the possible
meters maximum imprisonment of the offense charged to
• Maximum number of inmates per cell = 10 which he may be sentenced and his case is not yet
terminated, he shall be released immediately
• Maximum number of bunks beds = 5 units two without prejudice to the continuation of the trial
level thereof or the proceeding on appeal, if the same is
under review
• Wash area (for utensils, hand washing) = 1 unit
That recidivists, habitual delinquents, escapees and
• Water closet (toilet bowl) = 1 unit persons charged with heinous crimes are excluded
• Bath area = 1 unit from the coverage of this Act.
In case the maximum penalty to which the accused • 3rd to 5th year - 23 days / month
may be sentenced is Destierro, he shall be
released after thirty (30) days of preventive 6th to 10th year - 25 days / month
imprisonment." 11th up - 30 days / month
Section 4. Article 98 of the same Act is hereby 15 days/ month for study and mentoring
further amended to read as follows:
May be granted by the Director of BJMP, Director of
"ART. 98. Special time allowance for loyalty. - A BuCor and Provincial, City and Municipal Jail
deduction of one fifth (1/5) of the period of his Wardens and can now be granted even to a
sentence shall be granted to any prisoner who, detainee while undergoing trial.
having evaded his preventive imprisonment or the
service of his sentence under the circumstances DISQUALIFIED FOR GTA
mentioned in Article 158 of this Code, gives himself
~ Recidivist, quasi-recidivist and habitual
up to the authorities within 48 hours following the
issuance of a proclamation announcing the passing
away of the calamity or catastrophe referred to in Failed to surrender voluntarily after being
said article. A deduction of two-fifths (2/5) of the summoned to the execution of the sentence
period of his sentence shall be granted in case said
prisoner chose to stay in the place of his
confinement notwithstanding the existence of a This refers to the suffering inflicted by the state for
calamity or catastrophe enumerated in Article 158 the transgression of the law.
of this Code.
A. Punitive Action
"This Article shall apply to any prisoner whether
undergoing preventive imprisonment or serving B. Punishment
C. Penalty
D. Sanction
• Art 158 - Evasion of Service of Sentence due to
failure to return within 48 hours after passing of One of the juridical conditions of punishment states
calamity or disorder. Surrendered after 48 hours that "no one must escape its effects". This refers
shall also be charged with Art. 158 but must be to?
given the mitigating circumstance of voluntary A. Equal
B. Certain
1) 1st 2 year - 5 days per month D. Correctional
2) 3rd - 5th year - 8 days per month Pedro was sentenced by the Court of Prison Mayor.
How long will he serve his sentence?
3) 6th - 10th year - 10 days per month
A. 6 months & 1 day to 6 years
4) 11th - succeeding years - 15 days per month
B. 12 years & 1 day to 20 years
Granted only by the director of BUCOR to a
convicted inmate & cannot be applied in BJMP. C. 1 month & 1 day to 6 months
Act No. 2489, otherwise known as the Industrial D. 6 years & 1 day to 12 years
Good Time Law, provides that when a prisoner has
been classified as trusty or penal colonists, he is
given an additional 5 days' time allowance for every It is a security facility, common to police stations,
month of service. A prisoner serving life sentence used for the temporary confinement of individuals
has his sentence automatically reduced to 30 years held for investigation.
of imprisonment upon attaining the classification of
trusty or penal colonists A. Ordinary Jails

The abovementioned privilege will not apply if. B. Lock up Jails

When they are recidivists, or have been convicted C. Jails

previously twice or more times of any crime; and
D. Jail Farms
When upon being summoned for the execution of
their sentence they have failed to surrender It is a security camp where PDL is not allowed to do
A. Minimum
10592) B. Medium
1st to 2nd year - 20 days / mon C. Maximum
D. Super Maximum the prison director, how many days each month
would you approve as Alex's good conduct time
It is an agency mandated to direct, supervise, and allowance?
control the administration and operation of all
district, city, and municipal jails. A. 20 days
A. BUCOR B. 23 days
B. BJMP C. 25 days
C. Provincial Government D. 30 days
If the PDLs started to attack each other, as a jail
guard, what would you do?
A warrant issued by a court bearing its seal and the
signature of the judge, directing the jail or prison A. All inmates must be locked up inside the
authorities to receive an inmate for the service of its respected cell
B. Persuasive talk
A. Carpeta
C. Gas Grenade
B. Prison Record
D. An assault group of jail guards fires at the
C. Commitment Order rioters.
D. Mittimus Order
accepts inmates who committed major offenses or Assistant Regional Director Pedro promoted to the
offenders with more than 3 years of imprisonment? position of Deputy Chief for Administration. His
insignia will be
A. 1 star
B. 3 Sampaguita
C. Provincial Government
C. 2 Sampaguita
D. 2 Anahaw
Ana was sentenced by the court for 4 years to 6
years. Ana will serve her sentence at Note:
A. BJMP • Assistant Regional Director -SEN. SUPT
B. BUCOR • Deputy Chief for Administration -C, SUPT
C. Provincial Government
D. CIW The following may grant GCTA to an inmate as a
matter of privilege for good behavior, except
A. Director of BUCOR
dormitory, which has a capacity of 101-500 inmates
and a lot area of 1.5 hectares. B. President
A. Туре D C. Director of BJMP
B. Туре С D. Warden
C. Туре B
D. Type A
Juan is a newly arrived inmate committed for the
first time. He is classified as
among the
classifications of inmates according to privileges.
A. 1st Class Inmate
B. 2nd Class Inmate
C. 3rd Class Inmate
D. Colonist
Alex has been in prison for the past 36 months and
has never been involved in any trouble. If you were

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