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Biology o'level

direct-practice sheet
Collection of Direct questions According to the new syllabus
Still under development
1. Define species.

2. Define sensitivity.

3. Define growth

4. Define the term organ.

5. Define the term sense organ.

6. How bacteria differ from other groups of organisms?

7. State features that all prokaryotes have.

8. State structural features that distinguish the cells of a Protoctist from a Prokaryote.

9. State the function of the nucleus.

10. State the function of the cell membrane.

11. Define tissue.

12. Outline the roles of DNA in a cell

13. Explain what happens to the cell of a leaf that causes wilting.

14. Suggest the advantages to a plant of wilting.

15. Explain why the shape of an enzyme is important.

16. What happens during plasmolysis?

17. Why plant cells don't burst?

18. State features of diffusion that do not apply to active transport.

19. Describe in detail how enzymes function.

20. Define the term catalyst.

21. Describe the use of carbohydrates (glucose) in plants.

22. Describe the use of amino acids in plants.

23. Explain how gravitropism enables a plant to survive

24. Describe ways in which palisade mesophyll cells are adapted.

25. Explain why some parts of a plant can act as both a source and a sink.

26. Explain how roots are adapted to absorb ions.

27. Why increase in temperature increase rate of photosynthesis?

28. Why increasing temperature above optimum temperature decreases the rate of

29. Describe the role of bile.

30. What are the symptoms of anemia?

31. Describe the effects of diarrhea on the body.

32. What is meant by double circulation.

33. What are the advantages of double circulation?

34. Explain why vitamin D is important?

35. Explain why iron is important?

36. Explain why vitamin C is important?

37. Describe the effects of vitamin D deficiency in humans.

38. Explain how cholera causes diarrhea.

39. Define chemical digestion.

40. Define the term assimilation.

41. Explain the role of mechanical digestion.

42. What is the function of canine?

43. What is the function of molar?

44. Explain how villi are adapted for absorption.

45. Explain the importance/ function of microvilli.

46. Suggest why a protective substance(mucus) is necessary in the intestines.

47. Describe the roles of lacteals.

48. Explain how transpiration occurs in leaves?

49. Explain the mechanism that is responsible for the movement of water in xylem vessels.

50. Explain the role of phloem in plant transport.

51. Explain how xylem is adapted for its function.

52. State structural features of xylem vessels and explain how this is related to the function
of water transport.

53. What is the feature and adaptation of epidermis?

54. What is the feature and adaptation of mesophyll?

55. Explain the effects of nitrate ion deficiency on plant growth.

56. Explain how auxins control the growth response.

57. Describe and explain how root hair cells are adapted for their function.

58. What is the function of stomata?

59. Outline how water that has entered a root hair cell reaches the stomata.

60. How CHD is caused?

61. How CHD is prevented?

62. Explain why exercise is recommended for people with a high risk of developing coronary
heart disease.

63. Describe the effect on the heart of a blockage in the coronary artery.

64. Describe the functions of arterioles in the skin.

65. Describe the structure of veins.

66. Describe and explain the structure of arteries.

67. Outline the role of antibodies in the defense of the body against pathogens.

68. State the role of lymphocytes.

69. Define the term transmissible disease.

70. How vaccination provides active immunity?

71. Why antibodies must be injected rather than taking them by mouth?

72. Why passive immunity does not give long-term protection against diseases?

73. How bacterial resistance is caused

74. What is passive immunity?

75. Why antibiotics cannot kill viruses?

76. Describe how HIV is transmitted from one person to another.

77. What is the effect of carbon monoxide on gas exchange system?

78. What is the effect of tar on gas exchange system?

79. What is the effect of smoke particles on gas exchange system?

80. Explain why it is recommended that pregnant women do not smoke.

81. What is the function of goblet cells and ciliated cells?

82. Describe the mechanism of inspiration.

83. Describe the mechanism of expiration.

84. Describe how impulses are transmitted across the synapse.

85. What are nerve impulses?

86. Define hormone.

87. Explain the advantages of coordinating the response to a dangerous situation using both
the nervous system and the endocrine system.

88. Describe the role of insulin in the body.

89. Explain how coordination by hormones differs from coordination by nerves.

90. Describe the function and adaptation of neurones.

91. State ways in which a voluntary action differs from an involuntary action

92. Describe the role of rod cells.

93. Describe and explain the changes that occur in the eye when adjusting focus from a
distant object to a near object

94. Outline the role of liver in excretion.

95. Define excretion.

96. Where is blood filtered in kidney?

97. Outline the role of the glomerulus.

98. Describe the function of glomerulus in the kidney.

99. What is the function of bowman capsule?

100. What is the function of tubule?

101. What is the function of collecting duct?

102. Define the term deamination.

103. Describe the process of blood clotting.

104. State which events occur between pollination and fertilization.

105. State which events occur between fertilisation and production of seed.

106. What is the advantage of sexual reproduction in wild population of flowering Plants.

107. What are the advantages of self-pollination?

108. What are the advantages of cross-pollination?

109. What are the disadvantages of self-pollination?

110. What are the implications of self-pollination?

111. State how self-pollination differs from cross-pollination

112. State structural features of wind pollinated plants.

113. State structural features of insect pollinated plants.

114. Name the part of the flower that develops into the seed.

115. Name the part of the flower that develops into the fruit.

116. What is the importance/advantage of sexual reproduction?

117. What are the disadvantage of sexual reproduction?

118. What is the importance of meiosis?

119. What is the role of placenta in humans?

120. What is the role of amniotic fluid?

121. Describe the functions of amniotic fluid and the amniotic sac.

122. Describe the role of ribosomes in the synthesis of proteins such as enzymes.

123. Describe how protein are made in cell.

124. Explain why the sex of a child is determined by its father.

125. Outline the role of FSH.

126. Outline the role of LH.

127. Outline the role of oestrogen.

128. Outline the role of progesterone

129. Describe the changes that occur in the lining of the uterus during one menstrual

130. Describe what happens at ovulation.

131. Describe what happens after sperm reach the egg cell, till implantation.

132. What happens after implantation, in terms of hormones.

133. State ways in which a sperm cell differs from an egg cell.

134. Define the term co-dominance.

135. Define the term allele.

136. Define the term sex-linked characteristic.

137. Define the term phenotype.

138. Define the term inheritance.

139. Define the term chromosome.

140. Explain what is meant by the term adaptive feature.

141. Explain how protein in the cattle manure is converted to the type of ions that plants
can absorb.

142. Describe how eutrophication of streams and rivers can lead to the death of fish.

143. Explain the meaning of the term producer.

144. Explain how natural selection differs form selective breeding/ artificial selection.

145. Explain how selective breeding/ artificial selection differs form natural selection.

146. Suggest why selective breeding should continue for many generations

147. Define population.

148. Define fitness.

149. Explain the advantages of presenting information about food webs as a pyramid of
biomass and not as a pyramid of numbers.

150. Why something is a example of discontinuous variation?

151. Suggest how herbicides damage ecosystems in a lake.

152. State why testosterone can improve sporting performance.

153. Outline the process of sewage treatment.

154. What are the sources of methane?

155. State adaptation of xerophytes.

156. How xerophytes absorb sufficient water in the conditions in which they live.

157. Explain how xerophytes are adapted to reduce water loss to the atmosphere.

158. Describe and explain adaptation of hydrophytes.

159. How does nitrogen fixation occurs?

160. What are the impact of monoculture on the environment?

161. Suggest reasons why a plant species can become endangered species.

162. State reasons why a plant species could become endangered?

(solve it again but write down points so you memorize question as it is important)

163. Suggest reasons why a fish species can become endangered species.

164. Suggest reasons why a animal species can become endangered species.

165. Explain the risks to a plant species of having very small numbers.

166. What are the disadvantage of captive breeding programme involving very small
number of animals?

167. Why captive-breeding programs might fail?

168. Why it is more efficient for humans to eat plant than to eat animals.

169. Outline the effects of deforestation on the environment

170. Describe the negative impact of intensive production of livestock.

171. What are the advantages of intensive livestock farming?

172. Explain the effects of soil erosion on ecosystems.

173. Define ecosystem.

174. Explain the benefits to other organisms of reducing deforestation and conserving

175. Describe how drought can contribute to famine.

176. State and explain ways in which modern technology has resulted in increased food

177. List reasons for why bacteria and single-celled fungi are useful in biotechnology

178. Why it is important to stir the contents of the fermenter continuously.

179. Describe the advantages of genetically modifying crops.

180. Describe the disadvantages of genetically modifying crops.


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