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2023 / 2024




2023 / 2024

1 Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris SD/MI TP. 2023/2024 | Kecamatan Sepaku


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Jenjang : SD/MI

Hari/Tanggal :
Jam :


1. Isikan identitas Anda ke dalam Lembar Jawaban Ujian Sekolah (LJUS)

yang tersedia dengan menggunakan pensil 2B sesuai petunjuk di (LJUS)
2. Silanglah (X) jawaban pada huruf yang Anda anggap benar ke dalam
3. Tersedia waktu 120 menit untuk mengerjakan paket tes tersebut.
4. Jumlah soal sebanyak 50 butir, pada setiap butir soal terdapat 4 (empat)
pilihan jawaban.
5. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawabnya.
6. Laporkan kepada pengawas ujian apabila terdapat lembar soal yang kurang
jelas, rusak, atau tidak lengkap.
7. Mintalah kertas buram kepada pengawas ujian, bila diperlukan.
8. Tidak diizinkan menggunakan kalkulator, HP, tabel matematika atau alat
bantu hitung lainnya.
9. Periksalah pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian.
10. Lembar soal tidak boleh dicoret-coret.

2 Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris SD/MI TP. 2023/2024 | Kecamatan Sepaku

Choose the correct Answer by crossing A, B, C, or D !

1. How do you saya roller skate in Indonesia?

a. Layang-layang
b. Kelereng
c. Sepatu roda
d. Kursi roda

2. Arrange this word into good word !

a. Malbres
b. Merlbas
c. Marbles
d. Mlarbes

3. I have a lunch at one forty five.

The underline word means.......
a. Pukul dua lima belas menit
b. Pukul satu empat puluh menit
c. Pukul satu empat puluh lima menit
d. Pukul dua empat puluh menit

4. What time is it?

a. It is six thirty
b. It is eight thirty
c. It is seven thirty
d. It is one thirty

Read the text below and answer the question for number 5 and 6 !
Natali is a nun. She devoted Chatholic. She lives in an abbey. She always do her
activity there.

5. What is Natali’s religion?

a. Christian
b. Chatolic
c. Hindu
d. Muslim

6. She always do her activity there.

The underline word refers to.......
a. Abbey
b. Chatholic
c. Nun

3 Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris SD/MI TP. 2023/2024 | Kecamatan Sepaku

d. Devoted

7. Arman has a chicken pox.

Chicken pox means.......
a. Asma
b. Sakit punggung
c. Cacar
d. Pilek

8. I earache.
a. Has
b. Have
c. Is
d. Am

9. Where is Tanjung Jumlai beach located ?

a. Balikpapan
b. Tenggarong
c. Samarinda
d. Penajam Paser Utar

10. Bangkirai hill is tourism object in Tenggarong Kutai Kartanegara.

The underline word means.......
a. Wisatawan
b. Taman hutan
c. Tempat wisata
d. Pantai

11. A......... look strong.

a. Elephant
b. Lion
c. Kangaroo
d. Rabbit

12. What does a zebra look like ?

a. Like a horse
b. Strog
c. Has a pouch
d. Tall

13. What can lion do ?

a. Climb
b. Climb a tree
c. Crash a tree

4 Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris SD/MI TP. 2023/2024 | Kecamatan Sepaku

d. Run fast

14. Which statement is TRUE about the picture?

a. It eats bamboo
b. It eats wild pig, deer, antelope and buffalo
c. It eats seals, walruses, narwhals, seaweed and bird’s eggs
d. It eats fruits

15. There are a cute animals, except......

a. Kitten
b. Puppy
c. Lion
d. Rabbit

16. ............. has a pouch.

a. Rabbit
b. Zebra
c. Monkey
d. Kangaroo

17. Monkey eats banana, panda eats .........

a. Apple
b. Bamboo
c. Pineapple
d. Carrot

18. Where is orang utan live?

a. Artic
b. Forest of China
c. Grasslands
d. Tropical rainforests

19. Lian is Confucian, she goes to..... to pray

a. Chinese temple
b. Ballinese temple
c. Church
d. Mosque

20. Mosque is.............people to pray.

a. Chatholic
b. Confucian
c. Muslim
d. Hindu

5 Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris SD/MI TP. 2023/2024 | Kecamatan Sepaku

21. Amara get a merry chirsmast’s card. Amara is......
a. Budha
b. Hindu
c. Muslim
d. Chirstian

22. Andara is a Chatholic. He goes to chruch to pray.

The underline word means.......
a. Kelenteng
b. Pura/kuil
c. Gereja
d. Masjid

Read the text below and answer the question for number 22 until 25 !
Hello, my name Kaira. I am twelve years old. Do you know I m from? I am a six-grade
student of Bali Internasional School. I live in Denpasar, Bali. Bali is a beautiful island in
Indonesia. Many tourist visit Bali.
23. What is the writer’s name ?
a. Kemal
b. Kara
c. Kiara
d. Kiana

24. How old is she ?

a. 12
b. 13
c. 14
d. 15

25. Where does she live?

a. Denpasar
b. Ubud
c. Kuta
d. Balikpapan

26. Bali is a beautiful island in Indonesia.

The underline word means...........
a. Kota
b. Desa
c. Negara
d. Pulau

6 Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris SD/MI TP. 2023/2024 | Kecamatan Sepaku

27. Friendly in Indonesian is . . . .
a. Ramah
b. Ceria
c. Suka menolong
d. Rajin

28. Salma smiles to everyone

She is a . . . . girl
a. Clever
b. Diligent
c. Confident
d. Cheerfull

29. Zahro help her parents cleaning her house

She is a . . . . .girl
a. Clever
b. Diligent
c. Confident
d. Cheerfull

30. Niko always study after school

He is a . . . . boy
a. Confident
b. Helpful
c. Friendly
d. Hardworking

Read the text below and answer the question for number 31 until 33 !
He is Mr. Habibie. His full name is Bacharudin
Jusuf Habibie. He was born in Pare-Pare, South
Sulawesi, June 25 1936. He is the third of
Indonesian President. Mr. Habibie is a clever
man. He is also a diligent man. He studied hard
and be a success man. He is famous in the
world. He designs many planes.

31. Where was he born?

a. He was born in Samarinda
b. He was born in Jakarta
c. He was born in Bandung
d. He was born in Pare-pare

32. When was he born?

a. He was born at June 25 1936
b. He was born at June 26 1936
c. He was born at June 25 1946
d. He was born at June 26 1946

7 Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris SD/MI TP. 2023/2024 | Kecamatan Sepaku

33. The third of Indonesian President is . . . .
a. Ir. Soekarno
b. Bacharudin Jusuf Habibie
c. Joko Widodo
d. Moh. Hatta

34. Majalah in english is . . . .

a. Printer
b. Newspaper
c. Magazine
d. Notebook

35. Which one is Group of technology devices . . . .

a. Newspaper, magazine, printer
b. Printer, computer, and magazine
c. Smarthphone, newspaper, and printer
d. Notebook, smartphone, and printer

36. Koran in English is . . . .

a. Newspaper
b. Magazine
c. Notebook
d. Printer

37. What can we use to print our work?

a. Smartphone
b. Notebook
c. Printer
d. Computer

38. Nanda has a tailor shop. She is a . . . .

a. Barber
b. Baker
c. Tailor
d. Breeder

Read the text below and answer the question for number 39 until 41 !
Mrs. Desi is a baker. She has a bakery in the city. She has nine employers. Every day,
they make breads and cakes. The bakery is famous. Many people come to buy the bread.
The breads and cakes are delicious.
39. Who is a baker?
a. Mrs. Nanda
b. Mrs. Desi
c. Mrs. Tasya
d. Mrs. Intan

8 Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris SD/MI TP. 2023/2024 | Kecamatan Sepaku

40. What does she have?
a. She has a tailor shop
b. She has a barber shop
c. She has a bakery
d. She has a restaurant

41. How many employers does she have?

a. seven
b. eight
c. nine
d. ten

42. Delicious in Indonesian is . . . .

a. Kue
b. Lezat
c. Terkenal
d. Roti

43. A breeder works in an . . . .

a. Animal farm
b. Tailor shop
c. Restaurant
d. Bakery

44. Mail man in indonesian is . . . .

a. Tukang roti
b. Penjahit
c. Tukang pos
d. Tukang cukur

45. Mr. Farel works in the hospital. He helps the doctor take care the patients. He is a . . .
a. Nurse
b. Teacher
c. Druggist
d. Mail man

46. What does the midwife do ?

a. She helps her friends
b. She helps pregnant woman
c. She helps children
d. She helps Man

47. Mother - midwife – my – a – is

The right arrangement is . . . .
a. a mother is my midwife
b. midwife a is my mother
c. my midwife is a nurse

9 Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris SD/MI TP. 2023/2024 | Kecamatan Sepaku

d. a midwife my is mother

48. A doctor work at a . . . .

a. Hospital
b. Farm
c. School
d. Library

49. My father work at a drugstore. He is a . . . .

a. Nurse
b. Doctor
c. Druggist
d. Midwife

50. A : What is this?

B : This is a . . . .

a. Medicine
b. Cakes
c. Breads
d. Rice

10 Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris SD/MI TP. 2023/2024 | Kecamatan Sepaku

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