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Ricardo Ghilardi
English II
Ms. Solo

03.08 Let's Write! Assessment

Know What to Expect: Read the Directions and Grading Rubric all the way through
before starting.
Worksheet Download Instructions:
Microsoft Word Users: Click <File>, <Download>, <.rtf>, save to a specific file folder (recommended) or
on your desktop.
Google Doc Users: Click <Share>, <enter your address>, <make sure it says viewer next to
your email address>, <send>, now it’s in your google drive shared with me section, move to your google
drive, open it, change the file name to 03_08 your first and last name.

• Complete Part A, First Draft
• Complete Part B, Revise
• Complete Part C, Edit
• Complete Part D, Publish
• Complete Part E, Reflect
• Complete Part F, Works Cited
• Complete Part G, Are you On Target?
Writing Prompt: Based on outside research, describe and analyze a current human
rights issue. You will illustrate how this real-life issue affects people within the
United States and one other country.
Part A: In 03.06: Research and Citations, you completed the pre-write to help
you get started with your first draft. Now it is time to write the first draft of your
research paper based on the human rights issue you selected. You will need
five-paragraphs (Introduction, Body Paragraph A, Body Paragraph B, Body
Paragraph C and the Conclusion) with a minimum of five sentences in each
paragraph. Do not forget to incorporate at least one quotation, summary, or
paraphrase in the body of the essay.
Part B: If you just finished your first draft, a minute or two ago. Go take a break,
not too long. Come back with a fresh mind in order to revise your first draft.
Great your back. Now read your paper aloud, use your eyes and ears to make
sure your sentences flow from one to the next and that your word choice,
tone and purpose all are appropriate for your essay. Use your ARMS.
• Add sentences and words to expand an idea or details.
• Remove sentences / words that are not relevant.
• Move paragraphs, sentences, and words around if they belong in a
different spot
• Substitute sentences / words for a more impactful or appropriate
Great, the revising is done and you can take another break. Breaks are important for
you to have a clear mind in order to make your paper the best it can be. They don’t
have to be long, just refreshing.
Part C: Time to edit the first draft.This is when you go through your essay, line
by line, check for any misspelled words, wrong or missed capitalization
and punctuation, making sure you have transition words and/or phrases or
any word usage errors. You will need your CUPS for this one.
• Capitalize where appropriate, including “I”.
• Usage: avoid fragments, make the tense consistent, make subjects
and verbs agree.
• Punctuation:check for proper punctuation
• Spelling: use spell-check or other methods.
Part D: At last you are ready to publish and submit your final draft. One more
time read your research essay out loud all the way through, make any last minute
fixes, copy and paste it in the shaded area. Congratulations you completed
your Research paper!
Paste or Type your essay inside the shaded area. It will expand as you type
Immigration Polices are an issue changing how democracy looks. The story “Enriques Journey”
is a good way to look at some of the immigration issues still going on in the world today. From
the story we can see some of the immigration policies in the United States and Mexico.

Dealing with immigration policies is an issue that not shapes the landscape of democracy but
also has a profound impact, on individuals within and beyond national boundaries. While
Congress grapples with crafting immigration reform a familiar narrative emerges; "Congress has
struggled to come to a consensus on how to tackle immigration issues leaving policy decisions in
the hands of the courts and executive branch." This statement encapsulates the gridlock
surrounding immigration policies in the United States. Sonia Nazarios account in "Enriques
Journey" sheds light on the realities faced by migrants offering insight into the side of policy
making. This analysis delves into immigration policies in both the United States and Mexico
examining their effects on individuals and communities.

In America immigration policies have undergone transformations over time impacting the lives
of immigrants and their loved ones. The implementation of border security measures and
increased deportations has instilled fear and uncertainty among populations. Asylum seekers—
those fleeing persecution in search of safety encounter obstacles navigating through intricate
legal procedures. Sonia Nazarios depiction of Enriques quest to reunite with his mother, in
America underscores the hardships propelling migration journeys and the hurdles faced along the
Immigration rules can greatly impact people, families and society in ways bringing about both
benefits and drawbacks.

In conclusion, immigration policies are an issue we are facing even today. Many different
policies and laws are changing the way immigration works.

Part E: Give credit where credit is due. Any resources you quoted,
paraphrased, or summarized needs to be included on a Works Cited page.
Make sure each source is included in the box below. They need to be in perfect
MLA formatting, refer to lesson 03.06 or the MLA Formatting Guide and need to
be listed in alphabetical order. Some great resources to use to help with
perfect MLA formatting is Purdue Owl, Citation Machine, or Scribbr.
Type your resources inside the shaded area. It will expand as you type
Works Cited

The us immigration debate June 6, 2023

Is it legal to cross the U.S. border to seek asylum?

July 1, 2022

Investigation finds sexual assault claims against immigration officials routinely ignored
Jul 21, 2023 6:40 PM EDT

Part F: Answer the reflection questions in a minimum of 2 complete sentences

Type your answers inside the shaded area. It will expand as you type
Explain what challenged you the most about writing your introductory paragraph (hook,
bridging statement, thesis statement).

I had a hard time creating a hook that would gain the readers interest and make them
want to continue reading.

Most students think that editing and revising are the same. Can you define these terms
in your own words and explain what you do when you revise and what you do when you

When you revise you are basically rewriting and making it sound better and when you
are editing you are checking for any grammatical errors.

Describe the last step of your writing process; how do you know when an essay is

The last step of the writing process is the revision and editing stage. The essay is
complete when you have addressed all the requirements of the assignment, you have
revised and edited your work, and you feel confident that your essay communicates
your ideas.

Part G: Use the Grading Rubric as a checklist to determine if you are On Target.
It is good practice to use your Grading Rubric as a checklist once you have completed
your assessment to make sure you are On Target.
Grading Rubric
On Target
Almost There
Needs Improvement
Final Copy of Essay
90 points
90-72 points

• The essay is on topic.

• The essay has a clear introduction paragraph with all three components.

• The body paragraphs have: opening sentence, at least one quotation, summary,
from an outside source, and connects to the thesis statement.

• The conclusion paragraph synthesizes information for the reader. The central
idea of the essay is presented in a thoughtful manner and does not sound repetitive.
71-55 points

The essay is somewhat on topic.

The essay has an introduction paragraph with two of the three components.

The body paragraphs contain all but one element: opening sentence, at least one quotation, summary
from an outside source, and connects to the thesis statement.

The conclusion paragraph synthesizes information for the reader. The central idea of the essay is
presented somewhat, or the information sounds somewhat repetitive.
54-0 points

The essay is not on topic or is a book report.

The essay has somewhat of an introduction paragraph with only one component or there is no an
introduction paragraph.

The body paragraphs contain only one or non of the elements: opening sentence, at least one quotation,
summary, or paraphrase from an outside source, and may or may not connect to the thesis statement.

The conclusion paragraph does not synthesize information for the reader. The information sounds
Reflection Questions
15 points
15-12 points

• All questions are answered in 2 or more complete sentences.

11-8 points

Questions are answered in less than 2 sentences.

7-0 points

Not all or any of the questions are answered.

Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics
10 points
10-8 points

• There are virtually no spelling, capitalization, punctuation, or grammatical errors.

7-6 points
There are a few spelling, capitalization, punctuation, or grammatical errors.
1-0 points

There are several spelling, capitalization, punctuation, or grammatical errors.

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