Comparative - Superlative

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Comparative Adjectives (So sánh hơn – Tính từ )

Dùng để so sánh đặc điểm, tính chất của hai sự vật (A … hơn B)
Công thức:
- Tính từ ngắn (2 âm tiết trở xuống) : A + be (am/is/are) + ADJ-er + than + B
big/large – small
wet – dry
long – short
cheap – expensive
happy – sad
beautiful – ugly
interesting – boring
clean – dirty
hot – cold
heavy – light
fat – thin
wide – narrow
good – bad

 Quy tắc thêm -er

o Thêm đuôi er: long  longer (old, slow, clean..)
o Các từ kết thúc bằng e  thêm r: large  larger (nicer, safer, wider, …)
o Các từ kết thúc bằng y  bỏ y thêm ier : heavy  heavier (tasty, noisy, happy…)
o Các từ kết thúc bằng 1 phụ âm đứng sau 1 nguyên âm: hot  hotter (bigger, wetter,
o The Nile river is longer than the Mekong river.
o This city is larger than my city.
o Your bag is heavier than my bag.
o This summer is hotter than last summer.

- Tính từ dài (3 âm tiết trở lên): A + be (am/is/are) + more + ADJ + than + B

o Beautiful
o Expensive
o Difficult
o Dangerous
o Important
o Exciting
o interesting
- Một số tính từ đặc biệt
o Good  better
o Bad  worse
o Far  further

CHÚ Ý: Một số tính từ có thể viết ở cả hai dạng -er và more: common, cruel, gentle, handsome,
likely, narrow, pleasant, polite, simple and stupid, boring.
1. My new school is bigger than my OLD school.
2. THE MOVIE last night is more boring than THE MOVIE today.
3. PlayING badminton is more EXCITING than playING football.
4. People here ARE FRIENDLIER than ….
5. Summer IS hotter than FALL.
6. My ruler is smaller than your ruler.
7. Winter is WETTER than SPRING.
Superlative Adjectives (So sánh nhất)
Cấu trúc:
- Tính từ ngắn: S + be (am/is/are) + the + ADJ-est + (N)
Eg: + Blue whale is the largest animal in the world.
+ The Nile is the longest river in the world.
+ He is the smartest person in my class.
+ Summer is the hottest season in a year.
- Tính từ dài: S + be (am/is/are) + the most + ADJ + (N)
Eg: + These are the most expensive shirts.
+ Math is the most dificult subject.
+ This is the most interesting book.
+ She is the most beautiful girl in this town.

 So sánh kém hơn

S + be (am/is/are) + less + ADJ + than + N
Eg: This car is less expensive than your car.
 So sánh kém nhất
S + be (am/is/are) + the least + ADJ + N
Eg: This movie is the least interesting movie I’ve watched.

 Một số tính từ đặc biệt

- Good  better  the best
- Bad  worse  the worst
- Far  further  the furthest

1. Many people think that humans are _______________ (intelligent) than robots.
2. The price in countries is _______________ (cheap) than that in cities.
3. Vietnam is far _______________ (small) than Canada.
4. My garden is _______________ (colorful) than this park.
5. John is _______________ (noise) as me.
6. Science classes are _______________ (interesting) than art-related subjects.
7. My current apartment is _______________ (comfortable) than Mike's.
8. The weather this autumn is _______________ (nice) as last autumn.
9. Products in this store are _______________ (natural) than these in the near one.
10. A holiday by the sea is _______________ (memorable) than a holiday by the mountains.


1. than / Andy / younger sister / shorter / is / her.
2. Tom / intelligent / is / his / in / most / the / class.
3. I used to / visits / less / Andy / than / his family / frequently
4. mine / is / not as / Jenny’s phone / expensive / as
5. carefully / My brother / than / less / my father /drives

Bài 3: Viết lại các câu sau dưới dạng so sánh hơn và so sánh nhất.
1. Today is hotter than yesterday.

➔ Yesterday was __________________________.

2. No one in her team is more beautiful than Salim.

➔ Salim is _______________________________.
3. No house in my city is higher than his house.

➔ His house is ____________________________.

4. Lan is the most intelligent in her class.

➔ No one in her class _______________________.

5. If she reads many science books, she will have much knowledge.

➔ The more__________________________________.
6. If Kien wants to pass the exam easily, he will study harder.

➔ The more easily ________________________________.

7. This house is very beautiful. It’s expensive, too.

➔ The more _____________________________.

8. One of the greatest tennis players in the world is BJ.

➔ BJ is _________________________________.
9. No producers in the world is bigger than KW.

➔ KW is _______________________________.
10. Minh is very intelligent but his brother is the most intelligent in his family.

➔ Minh’s brother is ________________________________________.

Bài 1: Complete the sentences below, using either “as … as” or “not as … as”
Sam is ___________ me. (tall )
Portugal is ___________ Spain. (not big)
I am ___________ Pamela. (smart)
A rabbit is ___________ a fox. (not fast)
Helen’s hair is ___________ Sara’s. (long)
You are___________ always. (happy)
A cat is ___________ a tiger. (not dangerous)
She is ___________ me. (intelligent)
Bananas are___________ apples. (good)
Sweden is ___________ Mexico. (not hot)

Bài 2: Write the comparison of equality for the sentences below

E.g.: John is 30 years old. Anna is 30 years old. (is/old)
 John is as old as Anna.
1. Kate works harder than Jim. (work/hard)
 Jim ____________ Kate.
2. This province is 40ºC in summer. That province is also 40ºC in summer. (is/hot)
 This province ____________ that province.
3. Maria did better on the English test than Linda. (do/well)
 Linda ____________ Maria.
4. The first exam was difficult. The second exam was difficult too. (was/difficult)
 The first exam ____________ the second exam.
5. The impala runs 90km per hour. The cheetah runs 120km per hour. (run/fast)
 The impala ____________ the cheetah.
6. Mrs Smith talks very quietly. Mrs Brown talks more loudly. (talk/quietly)
 Mrs Brown ____________ Mrs Smith.
7. My house is 50 years old. His house is 50 years old. (is/old)
 My house ____________ his house.
8. Penny is 12 years old. Darwin is 10 years old. (is/young)
 Penny ____________ Darwin.
Bài 3: Complete the sentences below, using either “as … as” or “not as … as”
1. The green car is ____________ the purple car. (fast)
2. Jim is ____________ Andy. (not/tall)
3. The violin is ____________ the cello. (not/low)
4. This copy is ____________ the other one. (bad)
5. My sister is ____________ I am. (optimistic)
6. Today it’s ____________ yesterday. (not/windy)
7. This soup was ____________ that soup. (delicious)
8. Grapefruit juice is ____________ lemonade. (not/sweet)
9. Amanda is ____________ Mandy. (brave)
10. Silver is ____________ gold. (not/heavy)
Bài 4: Choose the correct answer
1. My phone __________ your phone.
A. is as not expensive as
B. is not as expensive as
C. as expensive not as not as expensively as

2. You must explain your problem ________ .

A. as clear as you can
B. as clearly as you can
C. as clear that you are
D. as clearly as you are

3. Nobody in our class plays_______ Nathan. good as
B. so well than
C. as best as
D. as well as

4. Her house is ______ mine.

A. twice as big as
B. as twice big as two time big as
D. as big as twice

5. My clothes ________ hers.

A. is as not modern as
B. as is modern as
C. is as modern as
D. as is modern not as

6. Your car is ________ mine.

A. as bigger as
B. as big as
C. much big as
D. not many times big

7. Impalas cannot run as ________ cheetahs but they are more efficient runners.
A. faster than
B. fast as
C. fast
D. are fast as

8.Albert Einstein’s contributions to the scientific theory were ________ those of Galileo and
A. important than
B. more important
C. the most important
D. as important as

Bài 6: Rewrite the sentences using As … as structure

I’m quite tall but you are taller.

My salary is high, but hers is higher.
You know a bit about history, but I know more.
It’s still cold, but it was colder last year.
I still feel quite tired, but I felt a lot more tired last week.
The Smiths have lived here for quite a long time, but we’ve lived here longer.
I was a bit nervous before the exam, but usually, I’m a lot more nervous.
The station was nearer than I thought. (far)
I know them better than you do.
There are fewer people at this meeting than last month.
Bài 7: Choose the correct answer

My car is ______ hers.

A. cheap than B. cheaper C. more cheap than D. cheaper than
Sarah is ______ at English than Susan.
A. good B. well C. better D. best

No one in my class is ______ intelligent ______ Amy.

A. as/as B. more/as C. as/than D. the/more

This book is ______ interesting than that book.

A. the most B. less C. as D. so

Peter works ______ than we do.

A. harder B. as hard as C. more harder D. so hard as

Emily ran ______ than Bruce.

A. more fast B. faster C. fast D. the fastest

Xavier is 18 years old. Mimi is 20 years old. Mimi is 2 years ______ Xavier.
A. older than B. younger than C. older D. younger

Bikes are ______ cars.

A. cheap than B. more cheap C. the cheapest D. cheaper than

My mom cooked ______ than me.

A. well B. more good C. better D. more well

Summer is ______ season of the year.

A. hot B. more hot C. hotter D. the hottest
Bài 1: Write the comparison of equality for the sentences below
E.g.: John is 30 years old. Anna is 30 years old. (is/old)
 John is as old as Anna.
9. Kate works harder than Jim. (work/hard)
 Jim ____________ Kate.
10. This province is 40ºC in summer. That province is also 40ºC in summer. (is/hot)
 This province ____________ that province.
11. Maria did better on the English test than Linda. (do/well)
 Linda ____________ Maria.
12. The first exam was difficult. The second exam was difficult too. (was/difficult)
 The first exam ____________ the second exam.
13. The impala runs 90km per hour. The cheetah runs 120km per hour. (run/fast)
 The impala ____________ the cheetah.
14. Mrs Smith talks very quietly. Mrs Brown talks more loudly. (talk/quietly)
 Mrs Brown ____________ Mrs Smith.
15. My house is 50 years old. His house is 50 years old. (is/old)
 My house ____________ his house.
16. Penny is 12 years old. Darwin is 10 years old. (is/young)
 Penny ____________ Darwin.
Bài 2: Complete the sentences below, using either “as … as” or “not as … as”
11. The green car is ____________ the purple car. (fast)
12. Jim is ____________ Andy. (not/tall)
13. The violin is ____________ the cello. (not/low)
14. This copy is ____________ the other one. (bad)
15. My sister is ____________ I am. (optimistic)
16. Today it’s ____________ yesterday. (not/windy)
17. This soup was ____________ that soup. (delicious)
18. Grapefruit juice is ____________ lemonade. (not/sweet)
19. Amanda is ____________ Mandy. (brave)
20. Silver is ____________ gold. (not/heavy)
Bài 3: Choose the correct answer
1. My phone __________ your phone.
A. is as not expensive as C. as expensive not as
B. is not as expensive as not as expensively as
2. You must explain your problem ________ .
A. as clear as you can C. as clear that you are
B. as clearly as you can D. as clearly as you are
3. Nobody in our class plays_______ Nathan. good as C. as best as
B. so well than D. as well as
4. Her house is ______ mine.
A. twice as big as B. as twice big as two time big as D. as big as twice
5. My clothes ________ hers.
A. is as not modern as C. is as modern as
B. as is modern as D. as is modern not as
6. Your car is ________ mine.
A. as bigger as C. much big as
B. as big as D. not many times big
7. Impalas cannot run as ________ cheetahs but they are more efficient runners.
A. faster than C. fast
B. fast as D. are fast as
8.Albert Einstein’s contributions to the scientific theory were ________ those of Galileo and
A. important than C. the most important
B. more important D. as important as
Bài 4: Choose the correct answer
1. My car is ______ hers.
A. cheap than B. cheaper C. more cheap than D. cheaper than
2. Sarah is ______ at English than Susan.
A. good B. well C. better D. best
3. No one in my class is ______ intelligent ______ Amy.
A. as/as B. more/as C. as/than D. the/more
4. This book is ______ interesting than that book.
A. the most B. less C. as D. so
5. Peter works ______ than we do.
A. harder B. as hard as C. more harder D. so hard as
6. Emily ran ______ than Bruce.
A. more fast B. faster C. fast D. the fastest
7. Xavier is 18 years old. Mimi is 20 years old. Mimi is 2 years ______ Xavier.
A. older than B. younger than C. older D. younger
8. Bikes are ______ cars.
A. cheap than B. more cheap C. the cheapest D. cheaper than
9. My mom cooked ______ than me.
A. well B. more good C. better D. more well

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