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Litan Jesstine Jesus O.

/// BSEE -1A


1. What is the Raiders of the Sulu Sea all about?

- The documentary "Raider of the Sulu Sea" tells the story of how the Spaniards
defended Fort Pillar in Zamboanga City from invaders, especially Filipino-Muslim
raiders. These indigenous fighters, including the Illanuns, Tausug, and Balangingi
Samal tribes, are skilled in combat, sailing, and shipbuilding. The film highlights
their deceptive tactics, like posing as fishermen to capture people for slavery.
While the documentary clarifies that these indigenous people are not typical
pirates but defenders of their way of life, the Spaniards aim to capture them.
They acquire a faster steamboat from England to navigate the waters efficiently.
Despite facing losses against the advanced colonial forces, the tribes,
undeterred, continue resisting without fear.
2. Why it is important? Give 3 reasons and explain.
- Philippine History, Our past is always important. The course is Philippine History,
we need to learn what happened in the past so we don’t relive it. This
documentary only showed the hardships of Filipino people against foreign
oppressors and how we already have a government, culture and a working
system even before we were colonized.
- Nationalism, The raiders of the Sulu Sea gave their lives for their beliefs, for their
government. They fought an Enemy which has more technology than them. They
fought cannons and guns with their swords, for their honor of what they believed
- Culture, Mindanao was blooming of culture, from art, Religion and Weoponry.
They have fighting styles using their swords or a Barong used by the Taosug
3. What is the difference between Raiders and Pirates? Explain?
- Raiders and Pirates are always being confused to the other, while they both
attack on seas, their Difference is their Agenda. Pirates attack for their personal
gain and for material objects, raiders on the other hand are forces of a
4. In your own opinion, the 3 tribes or ethnic groups that were mentioned in the
documentary are Pirates or Raiders ? explain your answer.
- Balangingi Tribe, Illanuns and Taosug, The three tribes in my opinion are raiders.
They are libirators of freedom against the foreign oppressors, They had their own
culture even before the Spanish came, and the Spaniards intend to change it,
That did not sit right for the tribes, they are raiders because they don’t intend to
merely steal from the spaniards, they intend to dive them out their provinces.
5. After you watched the video or documentary, what did you realize or gain? Elaborate

- What I learned or realized after washing the raiders of the sulu sea is that, first, I
knew the difference between a pirate and a raider, and I realized that we
Filipinos, or our past ancestors, were part of a raiding community; they fought for
what they believed in and did not merely steal from the Spaniards. Another thing
that I realized after watching the Raiders of the Sulu Sea is the undying
nationalism of a community that will fight an enemy with greater technology and a
bigger army. Although the ending was not in favor of the raiders of the sulu, still,
it's good for our fellowmen to fight for the oppressor, even if it was in exchange
for their lives, as long as they can see that if they fought, they might gain
independence and they will fight until their last breath. This gave me some sort of
patriotism because of our ancestors' sacrifices for what we are today.

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