Situation Reaction Test

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Situation reaction test is also a test of imagination but situation will be given to you in
advance. You have to give answer/solution of the problem in shortest/telegraphic language. In a
test there will be 60 situation and you have to answer them in just 30 minutes, only third person
he, she, they is to be used, no present or future tense is allowed.


1. Accidents
2. Crossing the river
3. Fire
4. Financial Crises
5. Games & Sports
6. Hiking & Mountaineering
7. Journey by Bus/Train
8. Natural Calamities
9. Picnics
10. Studies & Exams
11. Social Disorders
12. Strikes & Unions



(a) He met with a serious accident while going on a bicycle with scooter resulting into serious
injury to pillion rider and serious damage to his vehicle. He……………………….....

* Took the injured to the nearest hospital leaving his vehicle safely behind/or locked behind.

(b) Going on bicycle he was hit by a speeding car. He…………………………..

* Balanced his movements, noted down car number & reported to traffic police.

(c) While moving on a bicycle towards his village, carrying his brother suddenly found the
vehicle punctured and his brother was running high temperature, no public transport was
available. He …………………………

* Took lift from a passerby vehicle (bullock, cart/tractor/truck) to take his brother to the nearest
doctor on the way.


(a) While returning from picnic, he had to cross the river with his friend, when he found that
the temporary bridge had collapsed. He……………………………

* Swam across the river.

(b) While going over the bridge on a river with his friends he found half of the party had
already crossed the bridge when suddenly the bridge collapsed. He……………………

* Arranged boat for the remaining.

(c) Mid stream of the river he found his boat over-returning. He………………………….

* Jumped out & swam across to the river bank.

(d) While going in a boat he found that boat had developed a leak/or hole when water started
coming in. He…………………………….

* Plugged the leak with cloth, threw the water by bucket and continued boating.

(e) Due to very heavy rains the river rising and he had to cross the river. He…………...

* Waited for rain to stop and then crossed over by boat.

(Fire in Village)

(a) He saw fire in a village people were panicking. He ………………………

* Pacified the people, used sand and water to put off fire and called up fire brigade from city.

(Fire in City)

(b) He saw fire in a city building people were panicking. He ……………………

* Pacified the people, switched off the mains switch, used fire extinguisher, sand buckets to put
of fire and called up free brigade, rescued people from fire and admitted them to the nearest


(a) Urgent need. He ………………………….

* Borrowed money from friend.

(b) Need was of long term duration. He …………………………

* Took up part time job or tuitions. / He took lone from Bank or Finance Company.

(c) When his close relations refused to help him financially. He ……………………….

* Borrowed money from his friends.

For others

* Helped them financially.

* Arranged money for his friends.


(a) He was passing through a Jungle. It was getting dark when he heard some noise in the
bushes behind him He……………………….

* Looked back, found nothing suspicious and so carried on.

(b) He, accompanied by his younger brother, going through a thick jungle when he spotted a
tiger going ahead of him at some distance. He…………………………

* He and his brother ducked quietly behind the bushes, let the tiger pass and carried on after
some time.

(c) He was face to face with armed Nagas in the forest. He………………….

* Gave them his identity through body language and was allowed to move on.


(a) While playing a hockey match, he twisted his ankle very badly. He…………………

* Took First Aid and continued playing.

(b) As captain of the team, he found his players rather discouraged while flaying a match. He

* Encouraged them.

(c) Just before the start of a double match he found his partner missing. He …………

* Took the substitute player to play the match.

(d) While watching a match he found the supporters of two rival teams started fighting. He

* Urged both side players to show sportsman spirit and control the situation.

(e) He found his captain was unable to continue due to serious injury. He………………

* Took the responsibility of the captain.


(a) While going on a mountaineering trip he found some members of his team were injured
and some had got tired because of longer route taken by the party. He…………….

* Gave First Aid to the injured, consults route map to take shortest route to continue further
(b) Just before reaching the mountain top or peak, he found his feet were slipping due to
sand/snow underneath his feet. He………………….

* Dug the axe to control his body balance, changed steps to move upto the top.


(a) During the train journey he found some passengers arguing unnecessarily, disturbing
other persons. He………………......

* Persuaded them not to do so.

(b) During the train journey, he found the compartment catching fire and people were trying to
jump out. He…………………..

* Pulled the alarm chain, advised the people not to jump out until train stops. Plugged the source
of fire and pacify the fire.

(c) During the journey, he found some miscreants or robbers entering the compartment and
trying to loot the passengers. He……………………

* Overpowered the miscreants along with the follow passengers and handed them over to RPF.

(d) While going to a particular destination at the platform, he entered into a wrong train when
two minutes were left for the right train to start. He……………….

* Rushed to board the right train.

(e) During the journey, he found some one pick pocketing his purse. He………………..

* Caught him red handed, handed him over to the railway police.

(f) He found an old lady was about to fall from the door of the compartment. He………

* Rushed to save lady from falling, got her boarded inquire well being and come back to his seat.

(g) Conductor came to ask his ticket but he found that his purse was pick pocketed containing
the ticket and cash. He……………………

* Established his identity, took cash from a fellow passenger in lieu of cheque and paid his ticket


(a) While going to a place on urgent mission he found the only bus left was full and no other
public transport was available. He…………………..

* Somehow managed him entry into bus and traveled the distance standing.


(a) Being the eldest of the family he found his family was uprooted due to cyclone.

* Rehabilitated the family by arranging necessary things.

* Arrange a job for him and continue to support the family.


(a) His family members were planning for picnic but some of elder members were not
interested to go on picnic. He……………………..

* Persuaded them to join the picnic.

(b) In a picnic towards the late hours of the evening he was served with cold food.

* Accepted the cold food.


(a) He saw people crowding outside ticket window trying to by the ticket first resulting into
quarrel. He………………………

* Tactfully persuaded them to form a queue.

(b) He was working under two officers who were giving conflicting orders. He………….

* Obeyed both tactfully.

(c) He found a group of people holding hockey sticks surrounding a lovely individual.

* Rushed to persuade them not to harm the individual.

(d) He saw in his native village two group of people fighting each other for the post of
Surpunch. He………………….

* Tactfully persuaded both groups to follow electoral rules for the post.

(e) In a show he found the main organiser or actor missing. He………………………

* Took the role of the organiser or actor.


(a) He was returning from office, after seeing a late night show at a lonely place he was
confronted by some people bearing lathis. He…………………..

* Asked them the reason, finding that he was not their target, they let him go. He, then informed
the PCR Van standing at a distance.

* He persuaded then tactfully not to commit any violence.

(b) At a lonely place he found a person teasing a girl. He……………………….

* Rushed to the place, challenged the person, who ran way.

(c) His car broke down on a lonely road. It was dark. He………………………..

* Used his cell phone, called the helpline and got his car repaired.


(a) While traveling in the crowded bus he saw a person picking the pocket of a passenger. He

* Caught the man red handed and with the help of a co-passenger handed him over to the police.

(b) He was in the picture hall when the interval was about to be over, he saw a person
brushing/teasing the girl sitting by his side. He……………………

* Immediately caught hold of the person, called the staff and the police man on duty and handed
him over to them.

(c) He accompanied buy his sister, was moving in the market when two person teased his
sister. He……………………..

* Asked them to stop and apologise.

* Confront them and ask to behave them selves.

(d) One of his friends didn’t like his arguments and rebuked him. He…………………….

* Asked him to calm down and made him realise his mistake.

(e) Due to some misunderstanding a close friend hit him. He………………………

* Coolly removed the misunderstanding and later apologised.

(f) He was in the NCC; during Annual Camp his team was assigned a difficult task. But his
teammates refused to cooperate. He………………………
* Explained to them and persuaded them to complete the task in time.


(a) While preparing for his examination his sick father needed a lot of attention.

* Managed his time by paying proper adequate attention to both father and studies.

(b) All through he was a first division but in one examination he failed to get first division.

* Worked hard to get first division in the next examination.

(c) His roommate in the hostel was constantly disturbing him when he wanted to study.

* Compromised with his so as to concentrate on his studies.

(d) His teacher threatened him to fail him in the examination. He……………………..

* Respectfully inquired into reason and removed teachers misunderstanding.

(e) While going to the examination centre, he was stopped by the police due to curfew in that
area. He………………………..

* Showed his hall ticket or admit card to police who allowed him proceed further.
* He pursued them by showing his admit card and go for exam.

(f) On the last day of application the clerk refused to accept his application as one testimonial
was found unattested. He…………………………

* He request to clerk for some time, rushed to get his testimonial attested by a Gazetted Officer
and resubmit the application on same day.

(g) While discussing a subject with other friends he found he was wrong and others were
right. He……………………..

* Accepted his mistake gracefully.

(h) While expressing his view to other were not willing to accept his idea. He…………

* Convinced them.

(i) He was called for a job interview and required to appear in his final examination in the
same day. He……………………….
* Postponed the interview and appear in the exam.


(a) Sickness (unconsciousness/heart attack etc.) of somebody at home. He……………

* Called doctor at home.

(b) When the sickness is normal of somebody at home. He………………………

* He took the patient to the nearest hospital for checkup.


(a) He was faced with the union and strike. He……………………….

* Tactfully persuaded them to call off their strike.

(b) He was asked to speak in a debate whether student union should continue.
* Spoke against the union.


(a) He was asked by his instructor to walk a long distance when he was having fever.

* Took medicine to control his fever and obeyed the instructor.

(b) While riding a horse, he saw the horse going amok.

* Controlled the horse by holding the reins tightly.

(c) He suddenly saw a snake creeping towards his foot at his house.

* Killed the snake.

(d) The issue of his marriage created a rift between his father and grand father.

* Brought about a compromise between the two to settle the issue.

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