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Open-Source Heterogeneous Constrained

Edge Computing Platform for Smart
Grid Measurements
Ashish Joglekar, Gurunath Gurrala , Senior Member, IEEE, Puneet Kumar ,
Francis C. Joseph , Graduate Student Member, IEEE, TS Kiran , Graduate Student Member, IEEE,
KR Sahasranand , and Himanshu Tyagi , Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract— This article presents a low-cost, open-source, Index Terms— Edge computing, Parallella, phasor
heterogeneous, resource-constrained hardware platform called measurement unit (PMU), power quality (PQ), signal
“Parallella” as a measurement device for edge-computing compression, waveform recording.
appli cations research in smart grid. The unique hardware
architecture of the Parallella provides a multitude of edge- I. INTRODUCTION
computing resources in the form of a Zynq SoC (dual-core
ARM + FPGA) and a 16-core co-processor called Epiphany. A Computing architectures have improved the
multifunctional intelligent electronic device (IED) design is MOBILE capabilities of edge devices that are used in smart
demonstrated to showcase the capabilities of the platform. A grid applications. Multicore processors, graphic processing
custom I/O board has been developed for the desktop and
units (GPUs), FPGAs, co-processors, and so on are being
embedded versions of Parallella, which can be interfaced with
external daughter boards and peripherals for measurements. integrated with mobile-/edge-computing platforms at an ever-
One such daughter board is an analog sensing board, which increasing pace. Moreover, in recent years, many of these
can measure voltages of all the three phases and four line platforms are being made available as a development board
currents using a 16-bit synchronous ADC set at 32 kHz. The to the research community, thus enabling unique edge-
ADC samples are synchronized to the PPS time clock of a GPS unit for providing global time reference.
computing applications. Some popular platforms are NVIDIA-
These captured seven-channel raw waveform data are sent to
a cloud server over a bandwidth-limited communication Jetson, Adapteva Parallella, Zynq Z-board, Intel Agilex, and
channel using a custom anomaly-aware data compression so on for industrial/product development. Rasberry-Pi,
algorithm implemented on the ARM. A phasor measurement Beaglebone, and so on are being used for the hobbyists or
algorithm using the Teager energy operator (TEO) is proof-of-concept developments [1].
implemented on the field-programmable gate array (FPGA). A
Many measurement platforms with multiple functionalities,
parallel power quality (PQ) measurement algorithm is implemented on the Epiphany.
The obtained measurements are found to be comparable to a called intelligent electronic devices (IEDs), have been
commercial power analyzer. proposed in the literature for recording and analyzing
meassured signals. A microcontroller with two dsPIC33
Manuscript received January 15, 2021; revised March 26, 2021; accepted
processes sors proposed in [2], one for sampling data at
April 21, 2021. Date of publication May 10, 2021; date of current version 7.68 kHz computations and the other for communication/
June 17, 2021. This work was supported in part by the Bosch Research and device control, to satisfy the power quality (PQ) measurement
Technology Centre, Bengaluru, India, and in part by the Robert Bosch Center
for Cyber-Physical Systems, Indian Institute of Science at Bengaluru, India,
requirements of the Brazilian power system. A synchronized
through the Project E-Sense: Sensing and Analytics for Energy Aware Smart 10-kHz data recorder is discussed in [3] with fast Fourier
Campus. The Associate Editor coordinating the review process was Dr. transform (FFT) for feature extraction. The need for low-cost
Guglielmo Frigo. (Corresponding author: Gurunath Gurrala.)
Ashish Joglekar is with the Robert Bosch Center for Cyber-Physical
measurement devices for research purposes has been
Systems, Indian Institute of Science at Bengaluru, Bengaluru 560012, India. recognized in [4] and developed an OpenPMU, which
Gurunath Gurrala is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian captures six channels of data at 6.4 kHz. In [5], an FPGA-
Institute of Science at Bengaluru, Bengaluru 560012, India, and also with
the Robert Bosch Center for Cyber-Physical Systems, Indian Institute of
based phasor measurement unit (PMU) with a sampling rate of 12.8 kHz
Science at Bengaluru, Bengaluru 560012, India (e-mail : In [6], a multipurpose board based on Mini-ITX Motherboard with peripherals performing PMU, PQ, and signal capture at
Puneet Kumar, Francis C. Joseph, and TS Kiran are with the Department
of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science at Bengaluru, Bengaluru
25.6 kHz is proposed. A 12.8-kHz sampling rate analog to-
560012, India. digital (A/D) board is proposed in [7], which was interfaced
KR Sahasranand is with the Department of Electrical Communication to notebooks for communicating the data to upstream
Engineering, Indian Institute of Science at Bengaluru, Bengaluru 560012,
India. servers. The notebooks were used for PQ indices
Himanshu Tyagi is with the Department of Electrical Communication computations as well. In [8], a waveform recorder with
Engineering, Indian Institute of Science at Bengaluru, Bengaluru 560012, sampling rate of 7.68 kHz is developed on an FPGA & ARM
India, and also with the Robert Bosch Center for Cyber-Physical Systems,
Indian Institute of Science at Bengaluru, Bengaluru 560012, India.
Cortex M4 board, which uses data compression based on a
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIM.2021.3078557 novelty detection in the waveform using discrete wavelet transform.
1557-9662 © 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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to reduce the transmission size. In [9], a PMU is developed sigma–delta ADC at a maximum sampling rate of 64 kHz, is
on a BeagleBone Black, which features an ARM core and two developed for Parallella.
programmable real-time units (PRUs) responsible for sampling A technique to synchronize the ADC's clock to the GPS
at 12.8 kHz. Usage of either a discrete PLL ASIC or a software- time clock PPS reference is also provided [9]. A custom serial
based PLL with reduced accuracy for the GPS discipline of peripheral interface (SPI) ADC driver and a GPS driver to
the ADC clock was also discussed. The ARM performed synchronize to GPS time clock reference have been developed
frequency and phasor estimation along with data on FPGA.
communication. An FPGA-based PMU sampled at 32 kHz is A custom FPGA binary has been compiled to port the
proposed in [10] using a NovTech IoT Octopus board with an devel oped custom drivers and algorithms. The developed
iterative Interpolated DFT algorithm for estimation. In [11], a binary file exposes the Zynq I/Os without losing the default e-
review of commercial PMUs, open-source PMUs, and link driver responsible for high-speed communication interface
integrated PMUs with digital protective relay functions is provided.
between the ARM and the Epiphany co-processor. Three
In [12], a 50-kHz IED intended for research and prototyping applications are demonstrated: a custom anomaly-aware data
HVDC protection on real-time simulators is discussed. Built compression algorithm on the ARM to enable the transfer of
on ZedBoard with modular peripherals, the IED performs 16- high-frequency sampled waveform data to a server, a Teager
channel signal sampling on one of its peripheral module and energy operator (TEO)-based phasor measurement algorithm
GPS synchronization on another. A very high-frequency proposed in [16] on the FPGA, and a parallel PQ measurement
sampling rate data capturing device, 215 samples per cycle, algorithm [17] on 16-core Epiphany. The accuracy of the raw
is proposed in [13], which requires a powerful desktop for real- measurements and the PQ measurements is compared with
time signal processing and frequency estimation. the measurements obtained from a high-end commercial
This article focuses on the development of a measure power analyzer. This is a first-of-its-kind effort in the literature,
ment platform with edge-computing capabilities for smart grids to the best of our knowledge, that explores the applicability of
based on a unique hardware developed by Adapteva, an open-source edge-computing platform under 5 W, with
advertised as a credit card-sized supercomputer, Parallella. three varieties of computing modules for a smart grid measurement platfor
This platform has three compute units: a Zynq SoC (an
industry-proven SoC), housing FPGA + Dual-core ARM Cortex- II. MULTIFUNCTIONAL IED HARDWARE DESIGN
A9 MPCore, clocked at 650 MHz, and a 16-core Epiphany co- A 5-W, 18-core credit card-sized microcomputer called
processor. Parallella is available in three variations, namely, Parallella-Desktop is used as the edge-computing module in
server version ($99), desktop version ($159), and an this article. The heart of this microcomputer is the Zynq-7010
embedded version ($249) consuming less than 5 W. SoC, which features a seven-series FPGA programmable
This heterogeneous resource-constrained computing logic. The FPGA features 28k logic cells, 2.1 Mb of block
architecture combines features of CPU, DSP, and ASSP on a RAM, 80 DSP slices, and 150 I/O pins. The cores of Epiphany
single board and makes the Parallella unique. This can exchange data with each other via a low-latency mesh
heterogeneous compute platform has been used as a network on chip [15]. The Epiphany architecture allows
compute node, accelerator, microserver, and server cluster in programming of each core using typical C code [18]. An
research applications covering image processing, video SRAM alongside each core is required to be managed,
filtering, encryption, AI, and machine learning [14]. considering the lack of cache. At 2 W, the Epiphany SoC
Parallella does not come with preprogrammed I/O interface provides promising power efficiency (performance/watt).
options for any external sensor integration. The internal ARM The Epiphany talks with the Zynq over e-Link implemented on
ADC is disabled on all versions of the Parallella. The default the FPGA. The Epiphany e-Link driver can be accessed from
FPGA binary file on Parallella does not allow an external the ARM's userspace over a memory-mapped AXI interface.
sensor interface to the FPGA GPIOs. The Epiphany co- The device connects to a 10-Mbps Ethernet backhaul.
processor can only be accessed from the ARM through a The device also has 1-GB SDRAM and 32 GB of onboard SD
proprietary e-Link protocol module implemented on the FPGA card storage.
[15]. Any configuration or modification on Parallella requires Fig. 1(a) and (b) shows the functional block diagram and
modification of the FPGA binary file. Modifying the FPGA the proposed implementation architecture on the Parallella.
binary of Parallella was not attempted before since it might Three voltage measurements for phase voltages, four current
impact the working of the Epiphany. This limited the application measurements for line currents, and neutral current are
of Parallella as a sensor node with edge-computing capabilities. provided using an AFE daughter board. The AFE and
An attempt is made in this article to harness the capabilities Parallella interact via a custom I/O board, which also provides
of Parallella as a powerful sensor node. the necessary hardware interfaces for making peripherals
A custom I/O board for the Parallella desktop and embedded compatible with the Zynq SoC. The developed IED using
versions is developed to expand the Parallella capabilities for Parallella and the I/O board is shown in Fig. 2(a) and (b),
peripheral sensor integration. The developed I/O board respectively. The IED provides eight high drive strength
provides high-speed, level-shifted GPIO interface to external GPIOs for the actuation of external circuit breakers or relays.
peripherals. One such peripheral, an analog front-end (AFE) The AFE can accommodate eight differential analog channels
daughterboard for analog measurements, using a synchronous for the IED. The clock for AFE is generated from the GPS reference. The d

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Fig. 1. IED design on Parallella. (a) Functional block diagram of the proposed IED. (b) Implementation architecture on Parallella.

Fig. 2. Developed IED using Parallella. (a) Prototype IED. (b) I/O board.

from the ADC move via the I/O board to the FPGA component arbitrator to send sampled data obtained from the FPGA-
of the Zynq SoC. The data are buffered in a 16-sample wide based ADC driver to the multicore co-processor. The Epiphany
first in–first out (FIFO) buffer from which different applications is used for data crunching applications, such as computation
can consume the data. of PQ on the measured signals. For want of space, security
The efficient utilization of the available compute mod ules algorithms implemented on Parallella are not discussed, and
is an essential step in edge-computing devices, such as the work of [20] can be referred to for this.
Parallella [19]. In this article, FPGA is proposed to be used
for sensing and compute-intensive real-time algorithms. A.I/ O Board
Hardware drivers for GPS (UART) and ADC (SPI) are ported The e-link Epiphany interface uses 48 GPIOs of the FPGA.
on the FPGA to meet the communication bandwidth Hence, only 24 external GPIOs on the desktop edition of the
requirements when the data are sampled at 32 kHz (provision Parallella are available for customization. However, these are
is made to use up to 64 kHz depending on the requirement). not exposed by the Parallella designers for external use,
Fig. 1(b) shows various modules added to the FPGA apart limiting the usability of Parallella as a sensor node.
from the default e-link interface. Due to the nature of FPGA, A custom I/O board is developed to provide a high-speed,
all modules get executed in parallel. The ARM processor is level-shifted GPIO interface to make the FPGA GPIOs
intended to communicate with the external world, file accessible for external peripherals, such as analog sensing
management on SD card, and security algorithms. The ARM alsoand acts as an
environmental sensors. This I/O board is one of the significant

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contributions of this article. Pin mappings for custom GPIOs

were added in the Xilinx design constraints (XDC) file.
This file maps physical pins on the FPGA to signals that
interface with the peripheral driver IP. The electrical property
standards are also defined for each GPIO in this file.
The pin mappings for the Epiphany E-Link driver are also
present in the XDC file. Besides FPGA GPIOs, ARM GPIOs
can also be directly routed to the physical pins using the
extended multiplexed I/Os (EMIOs) routed on FPGA fabric.
The I/O board uses high-speed level converters to convert the
Parallella's 1.8-V level GPIOs to 3.3-/5-V level GPIOs.
Eight GPIOs are interfaced with a Darlington driver to improve
their current sourcing, sinking capability for connection with
external relays/circuit breakers. Additional interfaces for future
expandability have also been brought out on the custom I/O
board. For example, BOSCH XDK, The Sensor X-perience Fig. 3. Current and voltage channel schematics.
(environmental sensors), has been interfaced with the I2C
port of the ARM over the EMIOs. Other peripherals provided
by Parallella, such as Ethernet port, SD card slot, and USB
port, are kept intact. AXI addresses are assigned to custom
peripher als using the address editor in Vivado. AXI memory-
mapped peripherals, such as the ADC's SPI driver, are
declared in the device tree file located on the ARM's boot
partition. The entry in the device tree specifies the physical
address allocated to the peripheral and the interrupts (if any)
that the device will trigger. The entry also contains the
corresponding Linux kernel driver that will be loaded on boot. The FIFO full
AXI GPIO is mapped as a userspace IO framework (UIO)
device in the device tree. These modifications make the FIFO
full interrupt available to any userspace code on the ARM
processing subsystem. Fig. 4. ADC and GPS state diagrams. (a) ADC driver. (b) GPS driver.

B.Analog Front End

The Zynq's built-in two-channel 12-bit ADC is insufficient the bandwidth needed when seven channels are sampled at
for simultaneous sensing of seven channels. Hence, an eight- 32 kHz. As a result, a custom ADC SPI driver IP is developed
channel AFE daughter board using a 16-bit syn chronous for the FPGA. The custom driver IP has the necessary code
ADC (ADS131E08) at a maximum sampling rate of 64 kHz to configure the ADC, read, and buffer sampled data in
(currently set to 32 kHz) is developed. The AFE is presently synchronization with the GPS time clock reference. Fig. 1(b)
intended to measure voltages up to 440 V and measure shows the ADC SPI driver IP's internal subsystems developed
harmonics in the power. Hence, a voltage divider circuit is in the FPGA along with the peripheral interconnections. This
used as it is widely recommended for high-speed data capture driver is realized using a state diagram shown in Fig. 4(a),
and the states are described as follows.
up to 800 V by the ADC manufacturers. For using the potential
transformers with the AFE, suitable compensation techniques 1) Default power-on state is S0. Set RESET = 0 on the
need to be employed as these transformers have deviations next clock edge after power-on.
in their effective transformation ratio [21], [22]. 2) In state S1, start the external clock at 2 MHz and then
A current transformer is used for current sensing since it is set chip select (CS) = 1.
robust and acceptable for harmonic magnitude measurement 3) In state S2, the ADC registers are configured.
[23]. The AFE board can be directly interfaced to a 1-/5-A CT 4) S2: Send stop data continuous (SDATAC) command
(0.2ÿ burden). Since the ADC is unipolar, a common-mode dc since the device wakes up in the read data continuous
bias is provided for the measurement of the bidirectional (RDATAC) mode.
quantities. This dc bias is derived from the ADC itself. The 5) S2: Set sampling rate and set reference as 2.4 V and
ADC's clock is derived from the GPS signal to obtain internal amplifier operation for common-mode bias
synchronized sampling. The schematics of the differential CT voltage.
secondary current and line voltage channels are shown in Fig. 6) S2: Send START command to start conversions and
3. The ADC on the AFE daughter board communicates over send RDATAC to put the device back in RDATAC mode.
an SPI interface with the FPGA. The ADC cannot communicate 7) In state S3, set dataFlag = 0, indicating that data is not
directly with the Zynq's ARM processor as the ARM SPI ready. As soon as DRDY becomes 1, the state is
peripheral driver does not provide changed to S4.

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8) In state S4, data for eight channels are received. Then, the
data flag is set to 1, indicating that data is ready.
After saving the data, state is changed to S3.
Nomenclature for Fig. 4(a): Capital is for command/signals sent
to or received from ADC, while small letters are for signals
generated within SPI driver to control the state machine.
To allow synchronization across ADCs, the ADC is configured to
accept an external clock signal. The internal ADC reference is
set to 2.4 V, and the common-mode bias VDD/2 = 1.5 V.
The differential ADC channels are set up with unity PGA gain.

C. Interface of ADC With GPS

Fig. 5. ADC output when connected to the same load.
The ADC (ADS131E08) used in AFE is an eight-channel
simultaneous-sampling sigma–delta ADC. The ADCs across
IEDs need to be synchronized to enable synchronous PMU 1) Default power-on state is S0. When reset = 1 go to
state S1.
functionality. A mechanism to correct oscillator frequency drift for
a SAR ADC-based AFE was proposed in [24]. 2) In state S1, wait for negative edge of Rx (or Tx from GPS
Sigma–delta ADCs are known to be less sensitive to clock jitter device). After that, reset dataReady and go to S2.
compared to SAR ADCs. In a setup similar to [25], the ADC 3) In state S2, check whether the first character is $ (=2A
master clock is generated using an FPGA-based custom clock hexadecimal). If “$” is received, then set $ = 1 and go to
generator module that uses the GPS universal clock reference S3; else, reset $ = 0 and return to state S1.
for drift correction. If the START pulse and ADC clock signal are 4) Extract UTC time and date information from the obtained
synchronized with the edge of the PPS clock reference, sampling GPRMC sentence. After this, set dataReady = 1 and go to
across ADCs is guaranteed to be in sync as per the device state S1.
datasheet. The reference clock is used to trigger the start of The receiver (Rx) of the GPS driver is tied to the transmitter
conversion and generate the ADC's external CLK signal. A (Tx) of GPS device (through MAX-232). Every signal input to the
frequency multiplier block generates the ADC's external clock ADC driver and the GPS driver has been passed through signal
reference of 2 MHz from the GPS PPS clock reference on the debouncers.
FPGA. The performance of the simultaneous sampling on the IED
was evaluated in a similar way as in [9]. All the three phases of
the AFE are connected to a single-phase load powered by 50-Hz
D. Global Positioning System (GPS)
power supply. The integer output values of the ADCs are shown
GPS device gives coordinated universal time (UTC) date and along with the maximum error among the signals in Fig. 5. The
time of the day information. Garmin GPS 18x LVC-5m, which plot shows ten cycles of power frequency waveform captured in
transmits this information using universal asynchronous receiver- 6400 data points, and hence, the sampling frequency would be
transmitter (UART) protocol, is used in this work This device also 32 kHz. The error is found to be under 0.05% with respect to the
gives measurement pulse output (called PPS) after reporting a 16-bit ADC.
valid and accurate position fix for at least 4 s. The rising edge of A Hioki Power Analyzer PW6001 and the developed IED are
this pulse is aligned to the start of each GPS second within 1 ÿs, connected to the authors' lab input power supply for simultaneous
which is highly accurate. recording of the data for comparison purposes.
Before interfacing GPS with the PMU processor, the baud rate The Hioki Power Analyzer is set to sample at 50 kHz (only
for the UART communication is set to 38 400. For PMU device
available setting close to 32 kHz) with a bandwidth of 100 kHz.
functionality, date and time information is required. Both the devices captured the dynamics of a load turn-on event
Hence, the GPRMC output sequence from GPS output is made created in the lab. The corresponding voltage and current
available. Since the GPS device gives output at RS-232 level waveforms from both the devices are shown in Fig. 6.
and PMU processor accepts data at TTL level, RS232 to TTL It can be observed from the figures that the recordings match
UART level converter, MAX-232 is used as a link between the very closely with each other.
GPS device and the PMU processor. As in the case of ADC, an
equivalent GPS driver to acquire GPS data is developed.
Output sequence that needs to be decoded is as follows: E.Data Pipeline
The ADC is configured to sample 7 channels at 32 kHz (640
samples per line cycle) with a 16-bit resolution. The data rate
10,11,12 ÿ hhCRLF can be calculated using the following equation:
where 1 contains UTC time in the hhmmss format and 9 gives
DR = (r × fs × c)/1024/8 (1)
UTC date in the ddmmyy format.
The state diagram of the GPS driver implementation is where DR is the data rate in kB/s, r is the bits per sample, fs is
shown in Fig. 4(b), which can be summarized as follows. the sampling rate, and c is the number of channels sampled.

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communication processor, which facilitates data transfer to an

external server.

A. Anomaly-Aware Compression Algorithm

The IED would have a throughput of 35 Mbps, as given in (2),
for the sampled raw values. Such a high data rate is formidable
and is not amenable to storage onboard or even transmission.
Therefore, it is desirable to subsample in an auto mated
fashion, keeping in mind the “frequency content” of the
underlying data. The proposed algorithm performs the required
adaptive sampling and bit packing needed while being feasible
in resource-constrained hardware. The algorithm prepares a bit
packing of the samples after filtering. It uses the number of bits
used in the bit-pack to measure the “informativeness” of the
samples. Highly informative samples are retained completely,
while less informative ones are further subsampled.
In effect, the algorithm detects anomalous behavior (such as
fault, PQ disturbances, or switching) and chooses between
lossless compression and lossy compression (obtained using
subsampling) adaptively, based on configurable thresholds.
This view allows the use of a single streaming data pipeline for
compression, fault-detection, and subsampling for different
operations, which would have required different features to be
computed in traditional signal processing. The compression
Fig. 6. Comparison of recorded waveforms. (a) Voltage waveform compare algorithm runs on the ARM processor and takes the channel
ison. (b) Current waveform comparison.
streams as input from the FPGA.
Formally, let x(t), t ÿ 0, denote the real-valued, continuous-
Accordingly, the data rate for the FDI is time power signal and x[i] = x(i/ fs), i ÿ N, be the corresponding
sampled sequence acquired at sampling frequency fs and
DR = (16 × 32,000 × 7)/1024/8 = 437.5 kB/s. (2) represented using r-bits per sample. The consecutive samples
are grouped into blocks x(1) with block x(i) comprising, x(2) ,... ,
The FPGA ADC driver IP provides a 16-sample wide FIFO, for
samples x[n(i ÿ1)+1],..., x[ni].
each channel. For a 16-sample wide FIFO, a PL fabric FIFO full
Thus, each block x consists of n signed integers taking values
interrupt is raised at 2 kHz (32000/16). A dedicated ARM core
in [ÿ(2r ÿ 1), 2r]. In the IED application, block size n = 16 and
services this interrupt. The CPU affinity flag is set in the OS to
resolution parameter r = 16 are used.
attach a single core to this interrupt. The interrupt service routine
The proposed compression algorithm operates block by-
transfers the data stored in the FIFO over a memory-mapped
block and maps the block x(i) to a bit sequence Bi using a fixed
AXI interface at a transfer rate of 2.4 GB/s.
quantizer function Q : x ÿ Q(x). The quantizer Q can be a
Thus, the FIFO is flushed before the next sample set. Raw data
variable-length quantizer that uses different lengths of Bis for
sampled at 32 kHz are compressed by a thread running on the
different is. Note that the length information itself must be
ARM core using a custom anomaly-aware compression
included in Bi for signal reconstruction. The goal is to reduce
algorithm. The 32-kHz data stream is fed to the custom PMU IP
the number of bits used per block while ensuring that it is
block within FPGA. The PMU IP block generates a phasor ready
possible to construct an estimate ˆx[i] of the sampled sequence
interrupt that is processed by the ARM core. The calculated
x[i] from the bitstream B1, B2,... It is desirable to have FIFO
phasors per channel are transferred from the FPGA PMU IP to
recovery, that is, the compressed bit sequences B1,..., Bi should
the ARM over a memory-mapped AXI interface.
suffice to recover the estimate xˆ[i] of x[i]. The accuracy of
The 32-kHz data stream is fed to the Epiphany co-processor
recovery is measured by the normalized mean-squared error
over the e-Link interface, with the ARM acting as an arbitrator.
(NMSE) for recovering the sampled sequence up to time N that
The Epiphany is tasked with PQ measurement.
is given by
No. 2
III. APPLICATIONS i=1(xˆ[i] ÿ x[i])
. (3)
Several power system-specific applications can be i=1
implemented on the IED. This article describes three such The performance of the algorithm at a fixed NMSE level will be
applications on each compute module: 1) anomaly-aware data measured by the compression ratio (CR) defined as
compression algorithm on ARM; 2) TEO-based PMU somewhat rnT
rithm on FPGA; and 3) PQ measurement on the Epiphany CR = (4)
parallel processor. Here, the ARM processor also acts as a i=1 |bi|

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Fig. 7. Anomaly-aware compression algorithm.

calculated over T blocks and |B| denotes the length of the bit
sequence B. NMSE is considered a standard metric in theory,
but it need not be an appropriate metric for error in power
applications. Indeed, it can be observed that the quality of
recovered waveform is much better than what is reflected by
the NMSE. A schematic summary of the proposed algorithm
is shown in Fig. 7, a preliminary version of the algorithm
appeared in [26], and the adaptation to the IED environment
is described in this work. The first step in the algorithm is to
pass each block of data x (comprising n samples) through a a high compression with n = 16, m = 4, and BUF = 40. For
linear filter. The filter used is an iterated filter where the output the medium case, ÿH = 11 for both the voltage and current
y = (y1,..., yn) is given by y1 = x[1] and y2 = x[2] ÿ x[1] and channels and ÿB = 7 for voltage channels and ÿB = 6 for the
for k = 3,.. ., n, yk = x[k] ÿ 2x[k ÿ 1] + x[k ÿ 2]. current channels are used. For the high case, ÿH = 15 and
The vector y is converted into a bit block B via a bit-packing ÿB = 14 are used for all the channels. It was observed that an
procedure in which each sample is stored using bits where is average CR of around 1.42 for current channels and 1.64 for
the maximum number of bits needed to represent any voltage channels could be obtained if all data have to be
sample within the block. The value of (represented using log2 retained losslessly. Table I shows that an average CR of up
r bits) is also included in B. An anomaly detector uses block to around 45 can be configured for waveform recording based
B and the corresponding to determine whether to label the on the accuracy requirements for the n, m, and BUF.
block as faulty or normal. If >ÿH , a fixed threshold, the block Figs. 8 and 9 show the heat map of the CR for a snapshot of
is labeled faulty, normal otherwise. Normal blocks are set to voltage and current channel for the two settings in the table.
be stored in a lossy fashion, but not immediately since it is Here, a higher CR is attained around the smooth part of the
necessary to retain a data cycle before and after the fault. signal and lower around the edges, illustrating adaptive
Toward this, the bit block stream B1, B2,..., BT resulting from compression. It was observed that the compressed data are
the input stream x(1) x(T) is passed ,...,to a FIFO queue of length captured without any loss and without overloading the network
BUF, which is set to the number of cycles intended to be bandwidth. The data collected and the computed data by the
retained around the detected anomaly. IED are streamed to the local server for storage and
Once the block x(i) is set to be stored in a lossy fashion, visualization. The user can access the streamed timestamped
the bits corresponding to the first sample in x(i) is retained data of the applications via a web browser.
and others are dropped. This procedure is repeated at a
higher level as well. Namely, if there are m consecutive blocks B. TEO-Based PMU Algorithm
with only the first sample retained, these first samples are Fig. 10 shows the block diagram of the TEO-based tech
passed through the same linear filter, and the output is used nique proposed in [16] implemented on the FPGA. As shown
to decide whether or not to retain all of the m values or just in the figure, the PMU IP block is fed with a 32-kHz raw data
the first one among them . In particular, if the number of bits stream. The measurement involves four main stages: 1) a
per sample resulting from this filter, >ÿB, is a fixed threshold, bandpass filter (BPF); 2) THEO; 3) low-pass filter (LPF); and
all m values are retained. Otherwise, all values, except the 4) moving average filter (MAF). Only a brief explanation of the
first one, are dropped. This process of downsampling the stages is discussed here due to space constraints. The raw
data first by n and then by m, if necessary, results in a hierarchical subsampling.
data signal is first passed through an adaptive BPF. The
In effect, the algorithm tests whether or not high frequencies adaptive BPF is based on a recursive discrete Fourier
are present and adjusts the sampling frequency accordingly. transform (RDFT). It was observed that updating the number
Reconstruction is performed by using splines to interpolate of samples N dynamically is not numerically stable in a
the dropped data points. The IED is connected to measure recursive floating-point implementation [27]. For practical
the author's laboratory input power supply. The measured implementation, N is fixed and calculated as N = fs/ f0, where
dataset comprises 5039 files of 1-s duration captured on fs and f0 are sampling and fundamental system frequency, respectively.
January 11, 2020, during daytime. The maximum, minimum, When the previously estimated frequency ˆf [n ÿ1] drifts from
and average CR and NMSE are calculated for all the 5039 fundamental ( f0), the phase and amplitude error are
files by varying the threshold settings ÿH and ÿB. Table I calculated as discussed in [28], and accordingly, compensation
provides CR and NMSE for two cases corresponding to a medium is and
done for the new sample x(n). Using the calculated amplitude, one

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Fig. 8. Heat map of block-wise CR for a voltage channel. Top: medium

compression. Bottom: high compression. Fig. 9. Heat map of block-wise CR for a current channel. Top: medium
compression. Bottom: high compression.

has to normalize the instantaneous fundamental component of the

input signal. Kaiser [29] introduced the TEO concept to calculate the
energy needed to generate speech signals. TEO is a nonlinear
operator and can be used to estimate the energy of a sinusoidal
signal. The TEO block takes the normalized fundamental component
as input and outputs the frequency deviation from nominal. TEO is
given as
E[x(n)] = x (n) ÿ x(n ÿ 1) ÿ x(n + 1). (5)
Fig. 10. Block diagram of RDFT-TEO.
For a sinusoidal signal, x(n) = A cos(2ÿ( f/ fs)n + ÿ), the Teager
energy is given as
For a 50-Hz system, ÿcut ÿ 250 rad/s, since window size of BPF is
E x 1or (n) = sin2 2ÿ fs (6) one fundamental time period. To further filter the estimated output,
a MAF is used so as to bring the errors within the PMU standards
where x 1or (n) represents the normalized version of x1(n). It is worth [30]. Window size for this filter is taken as one fundamental period
noting that only three consecutive samples are required to find the of nominal frequency (50 Hz) and its transfer function is given by
frequency deviation from nominal f (n) [16] using TEO as shown in
the following:
1 1 ÿ zÿM 1 ÿ
u 2 or Hmaf (z) = (9)
1 (n) uÿx1 (n ÿ 1)x 1 (n + 1) ÿ S0 m zÿ1
f (n) = ÿ fs (7)
2ÿC0 where M is the filter order.
where S0 = sin(2ÿ f0/ fs) and C0 = cos(2ÿ f0/ fs). This first-order Implementation on Hardware: The RDFT-TEO algorithm is
infinite impulse response (IIR) LPF restricts the bandwidth of the implemented on the FPGA. Xilinx Vivado HLS v2014.3 tool chain
estimated amplitude normalized fundamental signal component. The was used to convert the “C” code into “HDL.” The fol lowing points
cutoff frequency of LPF is calculated using [16] need to be followed to ensure optimal resource utilization within
device limits [31], [32].

ÿcut ÿ 5/TRDFT. (8) 1) Use of float32 instead of float64.

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Fig. 12. Real-time PMU-dashboard.

Since the frequency is lower than the nominal frequency, a

decreasing trend in the estimated phase can be observed.
The PMU data are also sent to the server for real-time display
Fig. 11. Voltage phasor output. and storage. A snapshot of the real-time PMU dashboard is
shown in Fig. 12. Voltage phasors, corresponding estimated
2) Use of directives such as #PRAGMA frequencies, and rate of change of frequencies for each
Ex: #pragma HLS allocation instances = fadd limit = 1 channel are displayed.
3) Avoid use of dummy variables to optimally utilize C. Measurement of PQ
memory elements. PQ refers to a wide variety of electromagnetic phenomena
The final resource utilization of the TEO-PMU algorithm is that characterize the voltage and current at a given time and
shown in Table II, where “SE” represents resource utilization a given location on the power system [33]. In this work, the
of the AXI compatible synchrophasor estimator IP and “Total” harmonic and interharmonic content of the captured voltage
represents the resource utilization of SE-IP along with SPI and current waveforms is calculated. The PQ parameters,
ADC driver IP, GPS driver IP, AXI Interconnect, and Epiphany magnitude, phase, crest factor, total harmonic distortion
driver IP. Resource utilization has been efficient, with room for (THD), and total demand distortion (TDD) are used to define
further expansion as given in Table II. The recorded output of the harmonic content. The measurement time interval for
PMU is shown in Fig. 11. It can be observed from Fig. 11 that calculating these parameters is a ten-cycle time interval for a
the frequency estimation is relatively consistent with the grid 50-Hz power system as per the STD IEC 61000-4-30 [33].
frequency of 50 Hz. Also, constant grid voltage amplitude and For power system, applications up to the 50th harmonic (ie,
minor variations in frequency can be observed. 2.5 kHz) would need to be captured [17]. Hence, the captured

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Fig. 13. PQ tasks on Epiphany.

waveform is downsampled to 6.4 kHz by dropping samples.

Considering the nominal case, ten cycles at 6.4 kHz would
lead to 1280 samples per signal. The nearest 2 power, which
can capture up to 50th harmonic, would be 1024; Hence,
another resampling stage is achieved by using the Newton
divided difference interpolation. The required antialiasing
filter is applied at the interpolation stage before passing
through a Fourier transform. Considering the frequency
resolution, the FFT would be the suitable choice since the
computation complexity would be O(n log n), where n is the
number of data points [34].
Usage of Epiphany: The measurement of PQ is divided
into four tasks, as shown in Fig. 13. The 16-core Epiphany
co-processor, which is fabricated as a 4 × 4 mesh, is used to Fig. 14. THD comparison of recorded waveforms. (a) Voltage THD
calculate the PQ parameters by efficiently mapping these comparison. (b) Current THD comparison.
tasks to one or more cores called workgroups (W1–W4). The
row and column indices form the core number. Fig. 13 shows TABLE III
the cores grouped with other adjacent cores in the same row; EPIPHANY USAGE
this reduces the core to core communication time; a message
is passed along the row and then across the column [18].
The first task, namely, decimation and channel segregation,
is assigned to workgroup W1, having the core (2, 0). The
second task, interpolation and buffering for ten cycles data,
is assigned to workgroup W2 consisting of cores (2, 1) and
(2, 2). One core processes the voltage and another the
current; the core processing the voltages acts as master. in each Epiphany, space available for instruction and data is
The antialiasing filter is implemented at 5.12 kHz, which only 32 kB [15]. Thus, binary exchange is used for FFT
corresponds to the sampling interval for 1024-point FFT. deployment. The FFT workgroup W3 writes back the results
Since 200 ms of data from seven channels lead to nearly 35- to another block in the 32-MB shared space. Apart from FFT,
kB block, this is stored in the 32-MB shared space. However, W3 computes the true RMS and max value per channel
the segregation of the cores into workgroups forces data required for the indices calculation.
sharing only from the shared space or host [18]. This leads The PQ parameters (indices) are calculated in the work
to the utilization of flag-based handshake between the group having the core (2, 3). The ARM can access the
adjacent workgroups and host for process management. computed indices from W4 and sends them to a server. The
A parallel FFT algorithm is used in the Epiphany, in which Epiphany SDK [18] coding framework allows different codes
the data are methodically divided among the workgroup W3 for each workgroup, keeping a smaller size code for each
consisting of processors (0, 0) to (1, 3). The binary exchange task rather than a single code enforced on all groups. The
algorithm [34] is one such parallel FFT method based on the resource utilization and average run time for each task are
Cooley–Tukey algorithm and can be deployed on any 2x shown in Table III. The timing is done on the data captured
processors. Alternatively, the 2-D transpose FFT [34] can be for a 2-s duration by the IED. It can be observed that the
used, but the number of processors is limited to even powers computation time (including communication time) is within
of 2. Since preprocessing and other tasks are to be the output interval of each workgroup. Each image is within
accommodated in the Epiphany cores, the maximum cores the 32-kB size, including the data space.
that can be used for 2-D transpose are 4, whereas for the Keeping the Hioki Power Analyzer and proposed device in
binary exchange, it can be 8. Hence, the data space used by parallel, the THD and FFT spectrum from both the devices
2-D transpose is twice that of binary exchange. However, are recorded. The power analyzer was set to use a rectangular

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analysis. The FIFO buffer implemented provides the separation

of AFE and the computation functions. Hence, applications
can be built without much regard to the measurement system.
The salient features of the proposed platform are given in the
1) Availability of ARM, FPGA, and multicore processors at
very low cost (ÿ$760) and low power.
2) The researcher gets hands-on exposure to all the com
pute modules at one go while designing smart grid
sensors and edge-computing applications.
3) The platform comes with an inbuilt Ethernet
communication module, which enables the development
of various IoT protocols and security features relevant
for smart grid sensing.
4) Availability of high sampling rate (32 and 64 kHz) data,
ability to connect a wide variety of sensors (such as
environmental sensors) and GPS synchronization
enables the development of wide variety of data-driven
applications in smart grids.
5) The modified FPGA binary provides a FIFO buffer that
allows the application to decide the rate of data
6) Availability of full-fledged Linux distribution on ARM, MPI,
python, and openMP for epiphany provides see satile
programming environment for niche applications
The proposed hardware can be extended as an IEC 61850
com pliant merging unit. The phasor measurement module
can be extended to communicate as per C37.118.2
Fig. 15. Real-time PQ-dashboard (VA shown). Synchrophasor Data Transfer Protocol. The PQ analysis can
be extended to include flicker, unbalance, and event detection
window, and the time window of FFT was kept at 200 ms, to provide features of a complete PQ analyzer.
which is the same for the Parallella device. Fig. 14 shows the
voltage and current harmonic spectrum given by both the
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