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2020 International Conference on Connected and Autonomous Driving (MetroCAD)

Equinox: A Road-Side Edge Computing

Experimental Platform for CAVs
Liangkai Liu∗ , Yongtao Yao∗ , Ruijun Wang∗ , Baofu Wu∗† , and Weisong Shi∗
∗ Department of Computer Science, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202, USA
† School of Computer Science and Technology, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018, China
{liangkai, yongtaoyao, ruijun, baofu.wu, weisong}

Abstract—The great success of artificial intelligence and edge ! 

computing technology has largely promote the development
of connected and autonomous driving. However, owing to the
missing of the experiment platform for Road-Side Unit (RSU),
majority of research works are either simulation based task of-
floading or commercial equipment’s based scheduling design. The
fundamental challenge of how to co-design the communication    
and computation in a practical system is not tackled.
In this paper, we proposed Equinox, which is our design of the

rode-side edge computing experimental platform for connected
and autonomous vehicles. With communication, data, as well   
as the computation taken into consideration, Equinox provides
stable and sufficient communication based on a combination of !

WiFi, LTE, and DSRC. Also, Equinox guarantees reliable and
flexible data collection, data storage, and efficient data processing.

Index Terms—road-side unit, connected and autonomous driv-  %

% !
ing, edge computing   #$    #$

I. I NTRODUCTION Fig. 1. The system overview of Equinox.

Owing to the high safety and efficiency, Connected and
Autonomous Vehicle (CAV) has become the fundamental
technology for the next generation of transportation [1], [2]. layer, and the computation layer. The communication layer
According to the estimation from Intel, with complicated enables Equinox to communicate with vehicles in three ways:
sensors including cameras, radars, LiDAR, etc. installed on WiFi, Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC), and
the vehicle, the total amount of data generated on one vehicle LTE. Since huge amount of data could be uploaded and stored
can attain 4,000TB per day. The challenge of processing this on the RSU, the data layer is proposed to include the data
huge amount of data efficiently pushes the services originally generation and data storage into the system of Equinox. Hence,
provided on the cloud to the edge of the network [3]. There- a Network-attached storage (NAS) and several Solid State
fore, both the vehicle and the Road-Side Unit (RSU) have Drives (SSD) are designed to be included in Equinox. In
been implemented with powerful computing platforms, how addition, Equinox is supposed to perform sensing and percep-
to leverage the computing systems together for connected and tion based on its own sensors. Through this design, Equinox
autonomous driving applications is a remaining issue. not only provides computation resources for offloading tasks
Recently, lots of works have been working on how to lever- running on the vehicle, but also broadcasts traffic information
age the computing resources on the RSU for the applications through its own sensing and perception process. Last but not
running on top of the vehicle. Numerous research works and least, Equinox is designed with a heterogeneous computation
projects are focused on how to schedule the offloading of layer, in which a CPU cluster with Field-Programmable Gate
tasks onto the RSU [4], [5]. However, these works are not Array (FPGA) accelerator, GPU, as well as edge Tensor
implemented and evaluated on real RSU prototype. Another Process Unit (TPU). This heterogeneous computing platform
portion of research works aim at designing a initial prototype is used to provide efficient processing of CAV applications
to realize RSU platform [6].However, they are all based especially machine learning based algorithms.
on single communication method. In summary, there is no
standard design as well as the prototype of the RSU.
In this paper, we proposed Equinox, which is a road- The goal of Equinox is to provide not only resources like
side edge computing experimental platform for connected and computation and storage, but also the traffic information which
autonomous vehicles. As is shown in Figure II, Equinox is is essentially extracted through the sensing and perception
composed of three main layers: communication later, data of Equinox. From Figure II, we understand the function and

978-1-7281-6059-7/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 41

DOI 10.1109/MetroCAD48866.2020.00014

Authorized licensed use limited to: Carleton University. Downloaded on July 28,2020 at 06:43:43 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
objective of each layer. In this Section, firstly we discuss the on the RSU is to make it capable of sensing and perception
overall design of Equinox, followed by the detailed design of the environment because the RSU is usually installed fixed
each layer. and it gets a better view on the traffic compared with the
vehicle. Making the RSU become intelligent is the key to
A. Communication Layer leverage the traffic infrastructures to improve the vehicle’s
The communication layer is supposed to provide reliable safety. On Equinox, currently we installed three surveillance
and sufficient communication between the vehicle and RSU, cameras which get a bird-view of the indoor autonomous
which can be represent as vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) in driving robots.
short. To the best of our knowledge, majority of the-state-of-
C. Computation Layer
the-art works focused on leverage the V2I communications for
the sharing of important warning information for the safety As an essential portion of Equinox, the computation layer
purpose. The biggest challenge for these research works is is responsible for the sensing and perception of Equinox’s
how to provide reliable bandwidth even in mobile environ- environment, the execution of tasks offloaded from the vehicle,
ment. For example, DSRC is able to provide reliable V2X and the manage of the communication as well as the stor-
communications even when the vehicle is driving 120 km/h age system. Considering the percentage of machine learning
but the communication coverage and bandwidth are limited. In especially deep learning based applications, a heterogeneous
contract, WiFi based communication provides high bandwidth computation platform is proposed in Equinox.
but is also limited by the coverage while LTE based communi- The proposed heterogeneous computation platform includes
cation doesn’t has the coverage and bandwidth limitation but four Inter Fog Reference based CPU-FPGA cluster, four Edge
neither of them can provide stable communication in mobile TPU based cluster, and an NVIDIA GPU. In particular, each
scenario. Intel Fog Reference has Xeon E3 CPU and Cyclone V FPGA
Therefore, the communication layer of Equinox combines board. The memory size of Intel Fog Reference is 32 GB.
these three types of communication mechanism together. As Edge TPU is designed to accelerate the model inference on
a complimentary to each other, Equinox achieves reliable the edge. Each edge TPU board has a Integrated GC7000 GPU,
and sufficient V2I communication. The choose of which 1GB RAM and 8 GB of flash memory. The NVIDIA GPU is
communication mechanism to use is based on the whether NVIDIA DRIVE AGX Xavier, which is the newest version for
the application is data-driven or latency-driven, as well as the autonomous driving vehicle and we use it to accelerate both
state of the vehicle and Equinox. model training and inference.
In terms of implementation, all the computing boards within All the computing devices are connected to the Ethernet
Equinox are equipped with WiFi antenna. An NI USRP based switch. For the software part, all the devices are linux-based
board is deployed on Equinox to provide LTE based com- system and we use Spark to manage the application running
munications, while OpenAirInterface based software makes in the whole system and ROS to mange data sharing process
it can be programmable for higher level applications. For between the vehicle and Equinox.
DSRC, a Road Side Entity (RSE) with an On Board Entity R EFERENCES
(OBD) is deployed on Equinox and vehicle respectively. An
[1] Y. Wang, L. Liu, X. Zhang, and W. Shi, “HydraOne: An indoor exper-
24-port Ethernet switch with a router is deployed in Equinox to imental research and education platform for CAVs,” in 2nd {USENIX}
make all the communication, storage, and computing devices Workshop on Hot Topics in Edge Computing (HotEdge 19), 2019.
connected and accessible to each other. RSE is also connected [2] Q. Zhang, Y. Wang, X. Zhang, L. Liu, X. Wu, W. Shi, and H. Zhong,
“OpenVDAP: An open vehicular data analytics platform for CAVs,”
to the the switch. in 2018 IEEE 38th International Conference on Distributed Computing
Systems (ICDCS). IEEE, 2018, pp. 1310–1320.
B. Data Layer [3] W. Shi, J. Cao, Q. Zhang, Y. Li, and L. Xu, “Edge computing: Vision and
challenges,” IEEE internet of things journal, vol. 3, no. 5, pp. 637–646,
Driven by the goal of supporting not only data and com- 2016.
putation offloading but also traffic information perception and [4] X. Wang, Z. Ning, and L. Wang, “Offloading in internet of vehicles: A
broadcasting, there can be huge amount of variety of data fog-enabled real-time traffic management system,” IEEE Transactions on
Industrial Informatics, vol. 14, no. 10, pp. 4568–4578, 2018.
generated and processed on Equinox. How to store the data [5] M. Fogue, J. A. Sanguesa, F. J. Martinez, and J. M. Marquez-Barja,
efficiently on Equinox is the first challenge. In our proposed “Improving roadside unit deployment in vehicular networks by exploiting
design, a Network-attached storage (NAS) which has five 10T genetic algorithms,” Applied Sciences, vol. 8, no. 1, p. 86, 2018.
[6] A. Al-Dweik, R. Muresan, M. Mayhew, and M. Lieberman, “Iot-based
of hard disk and five 1T of SSD will be deployed on Equinox. multifunctional scalable real-time enhanced road side unit for intelligent
NAS is also connected to the Ethernet switch to make it transportation systems,” in 2017 IEEE 30th Canadian conference on
accessible to other components. In terms of NAS, another electrical and computer engineering (CCECE). IEEE, 2017, pp. 1–6.
challenge is how to manage the data, since some data should
be open to developers in a security and privacy preserving way
while some data can be out of date and should be compressed
or even permanently deleted.
Besides NAS, another important part of the data layer is the
sensors. One of the biggest reason we also consider sensors


Authorized licensed use limited to: Carleton University. Downloaded on July 28,2020 at 06:43:43 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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