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What is Justice?

by: Pj Miana

Justice is like a sweet treat where everyone gets an equal share. It's like a game
where the rules are fair for everyone, ensuring justice. For example, when playing a
game of kickball, it's important that everyone has an equal chance to win.

In our society, justice brings equality and respect for one another. If something unfair
happens, people feel upset. Therefore, justice is essential for a joyful community.

Two Types of Peace: Positive and Negative Peace

There are two types of peace: positive peace and negative peace. Positive peace
involves having good relationships and understanding with each other. For instance,
if friends have a disagreement, it's better for them to talk and understand each other
to remain friends.

On the other hand, negative peace is the quiet avoidance of conflict. For example,
hiding in your room when you're angry may not be the best solution. It's still better to
talk and resolve any misunderstandings.

Principles of Peace

To achieve peace, we need to follow some principles. First and foremost,

understanding each other's cultures is crucial. This means respecting our friends,
even if they have different colors, religions, or languages.

Another important principle is showing justice and respecting each other's rights. It's
not right to be rude or hurt others. Love and understanding are examples of this

In School and Community, What Can We Do?

In our schools and communities, we can practice justice and promote peace by
being fair in our games and activities. We should also make an effort to learn about
and appreciate different cultures. By doing so, we contribute to creating a world
where everyone is treated with kindness and understanding.

So, let's remember, as young learners, we play a vital role in making our schools and
communities peaceful and just. By practicing justice and embracing cultural
understanding, we can build a world where everyone can live happily together.

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