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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Negros Occidental
Brgy. Cabatangan, Talisay City
SY 2023 – 2024

Directions: Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer

1. Will you cook my favorite food______ will I just buy it?

a. and b. or c. but d. so
2. Pedro eats his dinner early _______ he needs to finish his assignment.
a. but b. because c. such as d. while
3. You can borrow my laptop _______ you will use it carefully.
a. and b. as long as c. even if d. so
4. Joy is going to finish her online work ______ the internet connection is poor.
a. also b. and c. even if d. or
5. What type of speech tells a story/real event that has happened to some characters in a specific
place and time?
a. demonstrative b. narrative c. informative d. persuasive
6. The woman likes to wear pink all the time. She must be a pink lover. What makes this statement
a. It is based on facts.
b. It is based on one’s personal opinion.
c. It is based on a logical explanation.
d. It is based on a scientific fact.
7. Which statement is NOT an example of the author's bias?
a. The no.1 song on the Billboard Top 100 this week is Rhianna's "Work."
b. The best song today is the song of Sarah Geronimo.
c. "One Call" is the most popular song of all time.
d. The songs of Black Pink are children's favorite.
8. What is the factor that makes an author’s information untrustworthy?
a. Opinions supported by facts
b. Generalized ideas
c. Ideas accompanied by research statistics
d. Logical arguments
9. Why is it important to be cautious in absorbing biased ideas or opinions from an author?
a. It may provide us with correct information.
b. It may change our views and lead us to the wrong conclusion.
c. It may aid us in achieving valid and authentic ideas.
d. It may direct us to the correct conclusion.
10. Which of following statement is TRUE?
a. A bias is any opinion that influences a person’s thoughts, feelings, or actions.
b. A bias opinion is authentic and reliable.
c. A bias opinion is scientifically proven fact, thus valid.
d. All the information stated by an author is unbiased.
11. North Koreans are desperately seeking and dying for freedom at this moment.
a. social issue b. moral issue c. economic issue
12. My mother allowed herself to be raped in order to protect me.
a. social issue b. moral issue c. economic issue
13. 70% of North Korean women teenage girls are being victimized, sometimes sold for as little as
a. social issue b. moral issue c. economic issue
14. There is only one channel on TV, there is no internet, we aren’t free to sing, say, wear, or think
what we want.
a. social issue b. moral issue c. economic issue
15. I have to do this because this is not me speaking, this is the people who wanted to the world
what they want to say.
a. social issue b. moral issue c. economic issue

16-20 Read the scenario and answer the questions below.

You are interested in buying a new smartphone. Sally is the owner of Phoney's, a cell phone store.
You go to Phoney's and talk to Sally, telling her all the features you are looking for in a smart phone.
You ask about the iPhone 4S, but Sally talks you out of it and you get something else instead. Later,
you find out that Phoney doesn't carry iPhones.
16. What is the scenario mainly about?
a. Sally sells iPhones.
b. Sally makes bias statements about other phones because she doesn't sell an iPhone.
c. Sally likes other phones than iPhones.
d. Sally convinces the buyer to buy other phones because she loves it.
17. Which among the statements suggests that there's bias?
a. Sally is the owner of Phoney's, a cell phone store.
b. You go to Phoney's and talk to Sally, telling her all the features you are looking for in a
c. You ask about the iPhone 4S, but Sally talks you out of it, and you get something else instead.
d. Later, you find out that Phoney's doesn't carry iPhones.
18. What makes the statement above biased?
a. Obviously, Sally is biased against phones her store doesn't sell and biased towards
the phones that they do.
b. Undeniably, Sally convinces the buyer to buy other phones because the feature of it is more than
that of an iPhone.
c. The opinion of Sally toward other phone is acceptable.
d. Sally gives a very impressive description of the phone.
19. Which sentence implies personal judgment?
a. sentence 1 c. sentence 3
b. sentence 2 d. sentence 4
20. If the paragraph above shows the author's bias, what feature of it is evident?
a. There are generalized words.
b. There are emotional words.
c. There is an opinion.
d. There is an overstatement
Our neighbor is such a horrible person that one can deal with. He doesn’t care about his
neighborhood because of his attitude. As a matter of fact, everybody hates him because he talks
arrogantly and doesn’t care whether he hurts the feelings of others or not. There was this one
time when our old landlady went his house and asked him to minimize the sound of his radio
because most of her student boarders were studying. Instead of responding to the request of the
old lady, he humiliated her.
21. The author is biased against __________.
a. horrible neighbor c. old land lady
b. student boarders d. neighborhood
22. Our neighbor is such a horrible person that one can deal with. He doesn't care about his
neighborhood because of his attitude. Which of the underlined words helps show the author's bias?
a. horrible c. deal
b. neighborhood d. attitude
23. What does it mean to show bias?
a. To be happy C. To be neutral
b. To be one sided D. To refuse to take side
24. Which statement is NOT an example of the author's bias?
a. The best song today is the song of Sarah Geronimo.
b. The no.1 song on the Billboard Top 100 this week is Rhianna's "Work."
c. "One Call" is the popular song of all time.
d. The songs of Black Pink are children's favorite.
25. Which among these sentences uses a cohesive device correctly?
a. I want to enroll this school year, yet I want to continue learning
b. I want to enroll this school year, but I want to continue learning.
c. I want to enroll this school year, unless I want to continue learning.
d. I want to enroll this school year, because I want to continue learning
26. Will you cook my favorite food______ will I just buy it?
a. and b. or c. but d. so
27. Pedro eats his dinner early _______ he needs to finish his assignment.
a. but b. because C. such as D. while
28. You can borrow my laptop ___________you will use it carefully.
a. and b. as long as c. even if d. so
29. Joy is going to finish her online work______ the internet connection is poor.
a. also b. and c. even if d. or
____________30. What type of speech tells a story/real event that has happened to some
characters in a specific place and time?
a. demonstrative
b. narrative
c. informative
d. persuasive
Below is an excerpt or portion of a text which lacks cohesive devices. Complete it by choosing your
answers from the words inside the parenthesis.
I could not imagine how I 31. (became, become) ___________________ what I am today 32. (and,
___________________ it was really different before. I stand before you now as a teacher. It was
seven years ago, 33. (so, yet)___________________ I could still imagine as if it were just yesterday. I
used to carry bags containing vegetables 34. (such as, for)___________________ okra, eggplant and
bamboo shoots. I would sell them to the neighborhood where my playmates would 35.(not only,
either) ___________________ laugh at me, and tell stories of our poor family, 36. (but also, nor)
___________________ bully me. 37. (However, Moreover) ___________________, I did not mind
them 38. (because, so that) ___________________ I needed to surprise my mother. I am secretly
buying her medicines. Four years after, I did not climb the hills to get vegetables anymore instead I
climbed the stage where my healed mother pinned more ribbons on me. Now, I still carry my bag no
longer with vegetables to sell but with the harvested fruits of hard work namely wisdom, knowledge,
and values. I carry them free for you as long as, you promise that you would put them in your bags
too .39. (However, Hence) ___________________ my dearest students it really matters how you
carry your bag. It can be heavy at times, and it does not hurt much to take a break. Rest and carry
on. Never forget that there are people willing to help. 40. (Yet, So)___________________ as your
classmate, do you want me to help you carry your bag too?

Prepared by:

Rey an Q. Montano, LPT

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