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FM 102 – Banking and Financial Institution

Topic 1 – Quiz (2A)

1. It refers to a period wherein the banking and financial systems are influenced by historical,
economic, and political environments.
a) Banking in United States
b) Banks at the Time of the Outbreak of War
c) Banking in Britain
d) Banking During Commonwealth Period

2. It is a period of banking that can be considered to have started in the Kingdom of England in the
17th century.
a) Banking in United States
b) Banks at the Time of the Outbreak of War
c) Banking in Britain
d) Banking During Commonwealth Period

3. It refers to the period of banking wherein the conflict accelerated the evolution of the Federal
Reserve into a true central bank by increasing its financial resources.
a) Banking in United States
b) Banks at the Time of the Outbreak of War
c) Banking in Britain
d) Banking During Commonwealth Period

4. It is a period of banking that began when the Congress authorized the First Bank of the United
States in the year 1791.
a) Banking in United States
b) Banks at the Time of the Outbreak of War
c) Banking in Britain
d) Banking During Commonwealth Period

5. It refers to the period of banking wherein new banks and financial institutions may emerge,
leading to increased competition within the banking sector.
a) Banks after Liberation
b) Banking in United States
c) Banking During Commonwealth Period
d) Banks at the Time of the Outbreak of War
6. He was the economist who wrote the quote “The war reshaped the Federal Reserve System in
many ways.”
a) George Watson
b) Allan Meltzer
c) Thomas Smith
d) John Holland

7. He was the one who opened the first provincial bank in Nottingham.
a) George Watson
b) Allan Meltzer
c) Thomas Smith
d) John Holland

8. He was one of the founders of the Bank of England during 1694.

a) George Watson
b) Allan Meltzer
c) Thomas Smith
d) John Holland

9. They came to be known as ‘keepers of running cash’.

a) depositors
b) colonizers
c) merchants
d) goldsmiths

10. It is the year the Federal Reserve System was founded.

a) 1791
b) 1863
c) 1913
d) 1976

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