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All reasonablecarehas beentaken in the preparation
of this Manual; however, the Asphalt Institute can
accept no responsibilityfor the consequencesof any
inaccuracvwhich it mav contain.

This publication incorporrtes dusl unils of
mersurement: The Internrtionrl Systemof Units,
Sl (metric),followedby U.S. CustomeryUnits.

TheAsphalt isaninternational,
Institute nonprofit
sponsoredbymembers ofthepetroleum
t0serve bothusersandproducers materials
0fasphalt throughpr0grams service,
manulacturing asphalts non-paving
and/or butnotstarting
asphalts fromcrudepetroleum;
t0companies specifically related
withasphalt rawmaterial
-Aftzo hc., Willowbrook,
llobelChemicals lllinois lnc.,Sioux
Jebro City,lowa
AllStailes Massachusettsl(ochMaterials
Inc.,Sunderland, Company, Wichita,Kansas
Texas Ashland
Marathon Petmleum lIC, Findlay,
-Andrie Michigan
lnc,,Muskegon, E.A.Mafiani G0.,Inc.,Tampa,
Asohalt Florida
.ArFMar Poducts, Haven,
Winter Fl0rida MathyConstruction
Gompary, Onalaska,
Ontario, McAsphaltlndusfies
Canada Canada
AsphaltMatodals,!nc.,Indianapolis,Indiana Moe JawAsphaltlnc., MooseJaw,Saskatchewan,
AssociatedAsphalt,lnc., Roanoke,Virginia Canada
.At0finaPetmDhemicals, InG.,Dallas,
TX Murphyoil lFA, lnc.. Superior.Wisconsin
AtofinaPetochemicals, Inc.,Houston, Texas llynis Petloleum,AB,Johanneshov, Sweden

Charlotte, oldcastleMaterialsGmup,Washington, DC
Quebec, Canada Paramount Pefooleum Conoration,Paramount,
BitumlnousPruductsGompany, Maumee, 0hio Californra
.BouchardGorlwhe Management .PennMaritine,Inc.,Stamiord,Connecticut
NewYork Petm-Canada lnD.,oakville,ontario,Canada
Indiana .Petro-l{avInc.,l\4ontreal,
CalterG0rpofatlon,Sydney,Ausllalia PetmleoBEsileim,S,A.- Petrobras, RiodeJaneiro,
Canadian Asphalt Indusldes Inc.,Markham,0ntario, Brazil
Canada OillIG, Parket
Pioneet Colorado
GheE0n PmduclsCompany, SanRamon, California BECoPE,
G1IG0 Asphalt Re{iningGonpany, Reps0lPmduc{oslsfahicm, S.4., Madrid,Spain
Pennsylvania .R0hmandHaasGompany,
Plymouth Meeting, NorthAndover,
Coastal lowing,Inc.,Houston, TX Massachusetts
Colas, S.A.,Paris, France Oilf,ecoveryllivisi0n,Elgin,lllinois
Gonsolidated oil & Iransportatim Co.,Inc., SanJoaqulnRefiningCo.,Inc., BakersJield,
Englewood, Colorado California
-DuPort, Wilminglon, Delaware Sargeant Marine,lnc., BocaRaton,Florida
-oynaol[,!,C.,Houston, Texas SenecaPefoleumGo.,Inc , Crest\rvood, lllinois
EMCo limited,Building Prodrcts, 0uebec,
Lasalle, ShellCanadaPmducb,T0ronto,ontario,Canada
Canada "ShellChenical,lftatonPolymeF,Houston, Texas
"Eniohem Americas, Inc.,Houston,Texas Shelllnternational PetmleumGompany limited,
Equiva Tradlng Gompany, Burbank,California London,England
Ergon, lnc.,Jackson, Mississlppi S{ Gorporation, Seoul,Korea
E[0nilobill||bdcants& Petoleum Specialtaes Sou$landoil Gompany, Jackson,Mississippi
Company, Houston, Texas $tit-X0teC0nomtion,Cortland,NewYork
Frontierleminal& fladingConpany, Tulsa, Tenyhdrcfiies, Inc., Hamilton,0hio
0klahoma Tesoru Petroleum Conoration,Anacortes, WA
Wayne, -Texac0
GAFlrlatedals Corpo.aiion, NewJersey RetiningandMalketing,Inc.,Marrero,
Golden Eearoil SpeDialties, LosAngeles, Calitornia Louisiana
Gomra[ IsplElt, [TD,Rensselae( NewYork Imco SefiningConpany,Phoenix,N
GuffSfahsAsDhalt Go.,lnc.,SouthH0uston, Texas IlumbullPmducb(Dirisionof lhrcnsComing],
.lleatec, lm., Chattanooga, Tennessee Toledo.
HunlBefining Gompany, Tuscaloosa,
Alabama Cfiporation,Resaca, Georgia
Huntuay Refining Company, Wilmington,California UnitedRefiningCompany, Warren,Pennsylvania
Hudq0llihdcting Gompany, Calgary,
Alberta, U.S.oil& ReliningCompany, Tacoma, Washington
Canada llfardenlUlodllied
Asphalt,Harrisburg, Pennsyivania
ll(0,Chicago, lllinois YPFS.4.,Buenos Aires,Argentina
lnDedal 0ll,T0ronto, 0nlario,Canada
Turkey . Atfiliate
lstaltA.S,,Uskudar, lstanbul, Member
This publication is intended to be a useful, but brief, introduction to
asphalt and some of its uses. Terms relating to asphalt are defined;
standard tests for asphalts, mineral aggregates,and asphalt-aggregate
mixtures are summarized; specifications are abstracted or referenced;
and recommendationsfor asphalt paving mixtures are summarized.
Students should find Introduction to Asphalt especiallybeneficial as
an adjunct to textbooks in engineeringmaterialscourses.
The Asphalt Institute welcomes commentson this publication.

ResearchPark Drive
P.O.Box 14052
List of Asphalt Institute Member Companies .. iii
List of Asphalt Institute Offices.. iv
Foreword.. v
List of lllustrations..... vii
List of Tables....... viii


A. Asphalt Materials 9
B. Asphalt Pavements and Surface Treatments. ll

A. Asphalts............. t7
B. Mineral Aggregates 36
C. AsphaltPavingMixtures... 42

A. Specificationsfor Asphalts............. 55
B. Gradingand Quality Standardsfor
Mineral Aggregates 55
of Asphalt PavingMixes.....
C. Classification 59
D. Designof AsphaltPavingMixes....... 59
E. Control of Asphalt Mixture and Spraying
Temperatures...... 6l

Index 67

SomeImportant Technical Publicationsof

The Asphalt Institute. 72
Figure Pase
I-1 PetroleumAsphaltFlowChart 2
t-2 Emulsifiedand CutbackProducts 3
III-I The Asphalt Institute Vacuum Viscometer 19
ill-2 Cannon-Manning Vacuum Viscometer t9
III.3 Viscometerin Bath 19
III4 Zeitfuchs Cross-Arm Viscometer 19
III-5 Saybolt Furol ViscosityTest 2l
III.6 StandardPenetrationTest . . 2l
III-7 ClevelandOpen Cup FlashPoint Test . . 22
III.8 Pensky-MartensFlashPoint Test ZJ

III.9 Thin Film Oven Test
III.1O Rolling Thin Film OvenTest 25
III-I 1 Ductility Test . . 26
Ut-r2 Tag Open Cup FlashPoint Test 28
III.13 Distillation Test . 29
III-14 Dstillation Test for Emulsified Asphalts 31
III.I5 Ring and Ball Softening Point Test . . 35
III-16 AggregateGradingChart . J6

III.I7 FederalHrghwayAdministration0.45 Power

Gradation Chart . 39
III-18 Los AngelesAbrasionTest . . 40
III-19 MarshallStability and Flow Test . . 43
III-20 MechanicalKneadingCompactorfor the Preparation
of Test Specimens
lll-21 Hveem Stabilometer Test . . 46
lll-22 Extraction Apparatus (ASTM D 2172 Method B) . . . 41
lll-23 Swell Test 50
IV-l Minimum Percent Voids in Mineral Aggregate (VMA) 62
IV-z Viscosity Conversionsfor Various Methods of Measurement '....... 66

Table Page
I-1 Guide for Uses of AsPhalt 4
t-2 Someusesand applicationsof asphalt 6
III.I Authoritative methodsof test as commonly specified 5l
IV-1 Sizesof coarseaggregates. . 51
tv-2 for asphaltpavingmixtures ' . .
Fine aggregates 58
IV.3 Mineral ltller for asphaltpavingmixtures . . . 58
IV.4 Composition of Asphalt Paving Mixtures 60
IV-5 Suggestedcitena for test limits . 6l
IV.7 Typical temperaturejsfor usesof asphalt -
DegreesCelsius("C) o+
IV.8 Typical temperaturesfor usesof asphalt-
DegreesFahrenheit("F) 65

Chapter I
l.0l OCCURRENCE-Asphalt is a natural constituent of most
petroleums in which it exists in solution. The crude petroleum is re-
fined to separate the various fractions and recover the asphalt. Similar
processesoccurring in nature have formed natural depositsof asphalt,
some practically free from extraneous matter and some in which the
asphalt has become mixed with variable quantities of mineral matter,
water, and other substances.Natural deposits in which asphalt occurs
within a porous rock structure are known as rock asphalts.
1.02 PROPERTIES-Asphalt is of pafiicular interest to the engineer
because it is a strong cement, readily adhesive,highly waterproof, and
durable. It is a plastic substancethat imparts controllable flexibility to
mixtures of mineral aggregateswith which it is usually combined. It is,
moreover, highly resistant to the action of most acids, alkalies, and
salts. Although a solid or semi-solid at ordinary atmospherictempera-
tures, asphalt may be readily liquefied by applying heat, or by dissol-
ving it in petroleum solventsof varying .zolatility, or by emulsifying it.
Prehistoric.-Skeletons of prehistoric animals preserved intact to
present day in surface deposits of asphalt, La Brea Pit, Los
Angeles, Calif.
3200 to 540 B.C.-Recent archaeologicalexcavationsshow extensive
use of asphalt in Mesopotamia and Indus Valley, as cement for
masonry and street construction and as waterproofing layer for
temple baths and water tanks.
300 B.C.-Asphalt extensivelyused for mummificationin Egypt.
A.D. 18)2-Rock asphaltused in France for floor, bridge, and side-
walk surfacing.
A.D. IB38-Rock asphaltimported and used in sidewalkconstruc-
tion in Philadelphia.
A.D. 1870 (circa)-First asphalt pavement laid in Newark, New
Jersey by ProfessorE. J. DeSmedt,a Belgianchemist.
A.D. 1876-First sheet asphalt pavementlaid in Washington,D.C.,
with imported lake asphalt.
A.D. 1g}2-Approximately 20,000 tons of asphaltrefined tiom pet-
roleum in the United States.
Since1926-The Petroleumasphalt and road oil tonnageproduced
annually has increasedsteadily-from 3,000,000tons in 1926 to
over 11,000,000tons in 1950.Then to more than 30,000,000
in 1985.


I coruoe*sens


C U T E A C KA S P I i A L T S
D I( T I L L A T I O N)





Figure I-l -Petroleum asphaltflow chart

1.04 ASPHALTFROM PETROLEUM-Almost all asphaltusedin
the UnitedStatesis refinedfrom petroleum.Suchasphaltis producedin
a varietyof typesand gradesrangingfrom hard brittle solidsto almost
water-thinliquids.The semisolid form, knownasasphaltcement,is the
basicmaterial.Typesof productsproducedby refining are shown in
Someasphaltproductsaremadefluid by emulsifyingasphaltcements
with water,or by cuttingbackor blendingthem with petroleumdistillates.
Typesof emulsifiedor cutbackproductsare illustratedin Figure I-2.



NOTE: TheseDiagramsare not proPortionalto composition

Figure l-2-Emulsified and cutback products

Sometypical usesof asphalt are shown in Table I-1 and scoresof other
usesand applicationsof asphalt are listed in Table I-2.

o ooo
YKiA.i r @ S N F O O O F O

Asphalt-Aggregate Mixtures
Asphalt Concreteand
Hot Laid Planl Mix
P a v e m e n tB a s e a n d S u r t a c e s
P a r k i n gA r e a s
Dam Facings
Canal and Reservoir Linings
Cold.LaidPlant Mixlo
Pavement Base and Surfaces
O p e n . G r a d e dA g g r e g a t e
W e l l - G r a d e dA g g r e g a t e
P a t c h i n g ,l m m e d i a t e U s e
P a t c h i n g ,S t o c k p i l e
M i x e d - l n - P l a c e( R o a d M i x ) 1 0
P a v e m e n tB a s e a n d S u r f a c e s
O p e n - G r a d e dA g g r e g a t e
W e l l ' G r a d e dA g g r e g a l e
Sandy Soil
P a t c h i n g ,l m m e d i a t e U s e
P a t c h i n g ,S t o c k p i l e
A s p h a l t - A g g r e g a t eA p p l i c a t i o n s
Surface Treatments
Single SurfaceTreatment
Multiple SurtaceTreatment
Aggregate Seal
Sand Seal
Slurry Seal
Asphalt Applications
Surface Treatment
Fog Seal
Prime Coat
Tack Coat
Dust Laying
Reseruoi r Linings
Crack Filling
Portland Cement Concrete

]M'red rn Pnme Only fOrtuteO* tn waler by rhe manulaclurer

:Diluled wrlh waler ;MS2ony
JSlurry 6rx
lFor use In cord clrmates
asohall comoounds
oBelore us,ng MC s lor sprayapplrcatrons
(orherthan pnme coals) checkwrli ocal pollutron
conlror agency
-, U
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:= ot
E OC 8€
r.ssc -9
,9 €'i
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o I.SUC og
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F t qt-ss Ee
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lt I'SU ; q E5

o EE;E
T A B T EI - 2 - S O M E U S E SA N D A P P T I C A T I O N S
A0nrcutTuRE tircrllrnrout
(Al$ rcc Buildin3s, Hydraulics ancl Air dryin3lnints,yarnishes
Pavi4) Artiticirllumbcr
Crttlo Spnn Ebonized lumbcr
Drmpproofint r nd wttGrproof ing IneulatinS paints
buildings, ltructures Plumbing, pipes
Oi3infcct!nts Tfeatedawnings
FGncGPost coating HYDRAULTCS & ERoStoilCoiltRot
Mulchingpapcr CanalLinings, sealants
Pavedbarn floors, barnyards,feed Catchment areas,bastns
platforms,stc. Damgroutings
Protectingtanks, vrtq etc. Damlinings,protection
Protectiontor concrete structures Dikeprotection
Trce paints Ditchlinings
Waterlnd moisturebarriers(above DrainageSutters,structures
& belowground) Embankment protection
Wind and water erosion control Groins
Weathermodificationareas Jetties
Mattresses lor leveeand bank
SUrL0rr{Gs Drotect|on
(Alsosee Industrial,Paving) Membraneltnings,waterProoling
Ore leachingpads
Floort Reservoirlinings
Dampproof ing .?ndwaterproofint Revetments
Floorcompositions, tiles, coverings Sanddunestabilization
Insulatingfabrics,papers Sewagelagoons, oxidatton
Step lreads Swimming pools
Aluminum Foil ComporltiontUring
Shingles Automotiya
W.llr, SidinS,Crilingr Brakelinings
Acousticalblocks,compositions, felts Clutchfacings
Architccturaldecoration Floor sound deadeners
Bricks Frictionelements
Bricksiding InsulatinBfelts
Buildingblocks,papers Panelboards
Dampproofi ng coatings,compositions Shim strips
Insulatingboard,fabrics, felts, paper Tackingstrips
Joint filler compounds Underseal
Masonrycoatings El.ctric|l
Plastcr boards Annaturecarbons,windings
Putty, asphalt Batteryboxes,carbons
SidinScompositions Electricalinsulatingcompounds,
Soundproofing papers,tapes,wire coatin8s
Stucco base Junction box comoound
Wallboard Moldedconduits
TABTEl-2-(Cont.) S O M EU S E SA N D
INDUSTR|AL Mi$crll.n.ou3(Cont.)
Conpositions Depilatory
Blackgrease Expansionjoints
Buffingcompounds Flowerpots
Cablesplicingcompound Foundrycores
Embalming Frictiontape
Etchingcompositions Gaskets
Extenders. rubber,other lmitation leather
Explosives Mirror backing
Fireextinguisher compounds Phonograph records
J o i n tf i l l e r s Rubbei.moldedcompositions
Lap cement Shoefillers,soles
Lubricatinggrease Tabletops
Pipecoatings,dips,joint seals
Plasticcements PAVIT{G
Preservatives (Alsosee Hydraulics, Agriculture,
PrintingInks Recreation)
W e l ld r i l l i n gf l u i d Airportrunways,taxiways,aProns'
Woodencask liners etc.
lmprGgnstcd, TrcatcdMatcfials Brickfillers
Armoredbituminizedfabrics Bridgedeck surtacing
Burlapimpregnation Crackfillers
Canvastreating Curbs,gutters,drainageditches
Carpeting medium Floorsfor buildings,warehouses'
Deckcloth impregnation garages,etc.
Fabrics,lelts Highways, roads,streets,shoulders
Mildewprevention Parkinglots,draveways
Packingpapers PCCUnderse:ll
Pipesand pipewrapping Roof-deckparking
Planks Sidewalk,tootpaths
Rucs.asDhaltbase Soilstabilization
Textiles,waterproofing RAILROAOS
Treatedleather Eallast-treatment
Wrappingpapers Curvelubricant
Dust laying
Plintt, Yrmirhrt, atc. Pavedballast,sub-ballast
Pavedcrossings,treitht yards,
Acid-prootenamels,mastics, stationolatforms
varnishes Railfillers
Acid-resistant coatings Railroadties
Air-dryingpaints,Yarnishes Tie impregnating,stabilization
Anti-corrosive& anti-foulingpaints
Anti-oxidants and solYents
Basefor solventcompositions RECREATION
Bakingand heatresistantenamels
Eoat deck sealingcompound Prvcd Surtrcr for:
Lacquers,japans Dancepavilions
Marineenamels Drive-inmovies
Gymnasiums, sportsarenas
ilirccllrnrour Playgrounds,school yarcts
Belting Race tracks
Blastingfuses Runningtracks
Briguettebinders Skatingrinks
Burialvaults Swimming& wadingpools
Castingmolds Tenniscourts,handballcourts

Refer to Table I-I for a guide to the usesof asphalt for some paving and hydraulic applicatiotts.

A. Asphalt Materials
2.01 ASPHALT-"A dark brown to black cementitiousmaterialin
which the predominating constituents are bitumens which occur in
nature or are obtained in petroleum processing." (ASTM* Designation
Asphalt is a constituent in varying proportions of most crude pet-
2.02 ASPHALT BLOCKS-Asphalt concrete molded under high
pressure. The type of aggregatemixture composition, amount and type
of asphalt, and the size and thickness of the blocks may be varied to
suit usagerequirements.
2.03 ASPHALT, BLOWN OR OXIDIZED-Asphalt that is treated
by blowing air through it at elevated temperature to give it character-
istics desired for certain special uses such as roofing, pipe coating, ufl-
dersealing portland cement concrete pavements,membrane envelopes,
and hydraulic applications.
asphalt produced by using a catalyst during the blowing process.
2.O5 ASPHALT CEMENT-Asphalt that is refined to meet specifi-
cations for paving, industrial, and special purposes.(See Specifications
for Asphalt Cement,ASTM DesignationD 946or AASHTOf Designa-
tions M 20 and M226.) Its penetrationis usuallybetween40 and 300.The
term is often abbreviated at A.C.
2.O7 ASPHALT JOINT FILLER-An asphalticproduct used for filF
ing cracks and joints in pavement and other structures.
of asphalt mixed with fine mineral substances,fibrous materials, cork,
sawdust, or similar materials; manufactured in dimensions suitable for
construction joints.
2.I0 ASPHALT, MINERAL FILLED-Asphalt containing finely
divided mineral matter passing 75 1tm(No. 200) sieve.
*American Society for Testing and Materials.
tAmerican Associationof State Highway and TransportationOfficials.
2.11 ASPHALT, NATURAL (NATIVE)-Asphalt occurring in
nature which has been derived from petroleum by natural processesof
evaporation of volatile fractions leaving the asphalt fractions. The
native asphalts of most importance are found in the Trinidad and
Bermudez Lake deposits. Asphalt from these sources often is called
2.12 ASPHALT PAINT-A fluid asphalt product sometimescon-
taining small amountsof other materialssuch as lampblack, aluminum
flakes, and mineral pigments.
2.13 ASPHALT PANELS, PREMOLDED-Generally made with a
core of asphalt, minerals, and fibers, coveredon each side by a layer of
asphalt-impregnatedfelt or fabric, coated on the outside with hot ap-
plied asphalt. The panelsare made under pressureand heat to a width of
0.9 to 1.2 m (3 to 4 ft) by 3 to 25 mm (1/8 to I in.) thick, and to any de-
sired length.
2.14 ASPHALT, PETROLEUM-Asphalt refined trom crude pe-
2.15 ASPHALT PLANKS-Premolded mixtures of asphaltfiber and
mineral filler, sometimesreinforced with steel or fiberglass mesh. They
are usuallymade in 0.9 to 2.4 m (3 to 8 ft) lengths and 150 to 300 mm (6
to 12 in.) wide. Asphalt planks inay also contain mineral grits which main-
tain a sandpaper texture throughout their lif'e.
2.16 ASPHALT, POWDERED-SoIid or hard asphalt crushedor
ground to a fine state of subdivision.
2.17 ASPHALT PRIMER-A cutback asphalt product of low vis-
cosity that penetratesinto a non-bituminous surface upon application.
2.18 ASPHALT, ROCK-Porous rock such as sandstoneor lime-
stonethat has becomeimpregnated with natural asphalt through geologic
2.19 ASPHALT, SEMI-SOLID-Asphalt that is intermediatein con-
sistencybetween emulsified and cutback asphalt products and solid or
hard asphalt-that is, normally has a penetrationbetween 10 and 300.
2.20 ASPHALT, SOLID OR HARD-Asphalt having a normal pen-
etration of less than 10.
2.21 BITUMEN-A mixture of hydrocarbonsof natural or pyro-
genous origin, or a combination of both; frequently accompanied by
nonmetallicderivativeswhich may be gaseous,liquid, semisolid,or solid;
and which are completely soluble in carbon disulfide.
2.22 CUTBACK ASPHALT-Asphalt cement which has been lique-
fied by blendingwith petroleum solvents(also called diluents), as for the
RC and MC cutback asphalts(see a and b below). Upon exposureto

atmospheric conditions the diluents evaporate, leaving the asphalt ce-
ment to Perform its function.
a- Rapid-Curing (RC) Asphalt-Cutback asphalt composed of
asphalt cement and a naphtha or gasoline-type diluent of high vola-
tility. (See Specifications for Rapid-Curing Asphalt, ASTM Desig-
nation D 2028 or AASHTO DesignationM 81.)
b. Medium-Curing (MC) Asphalt-Cutback asphalt composed of
asphalt cement and a kerosene-typediluent of medium volatility.
(See Specifications for Medium-Curing Asphalt, ASTM Designation
D 2027 or AASHTO DesignationM 82.)
c. Slow-Curing (SC) Asphalt-Cutback asphalt composedof asphalt
cement and oils of low volatility. (see Specificationsfor slow-curing
Asphalt, ASTM DesignationD 2026or AASHTO Designation
M l4r.)
d. Road-Oil-A heavy petroleumoil, usually one of the Slow-
Curing (SC) grades. (SeeSpecificationsfor Slow-CuringAsphalt,
ASTMDesignationD 2026or AASHTODesignation M l4l.)

2.23 EMULSIFIED ASPHALT-An emulsionof asphaltcementand

water that containsa small amountof an emulsifyingagent,a hetero-
geneoussystem containing two normally immiscible phases(asphalt
and water) in which the water forms the continuousphaseof the
emulsion,and minute globulesof asphaltform the discontinuous phase.
Emulsified asphalts may be of either the anionic, electronegatively
chargedasphaltglobules,or cationic,electro-positivelychargedasphalt
globuletypes, dependingupon the emulsifyingagent. (SeeSpecifi-
for Emulsified Asphalts,ASTM DesignationD 9',7'7
DesignationM 140 and Specificationsfor CationicEmulsifiedAsphalts,
ASTMDesignationD 239'l or AASHTODesignation M 208.)

2.24 FLUX OR FLUX OIL-A thick, relativelynonvolatilefraction

of petroleum which may be usedto soften asphaltto a desiredcon-
sistincy; often used as basestock for manufactureof roofingasphalts.

2.25 GILSONITE-A form of natural asphalt, hard and brittle,

occurringin rock crevicesor veinsfrom which it is mined.
B. Asphalt Pavements and SurfaceTreatments
2.26 AGGREGATE-Any hard,inert,mineralmaterialusedfor mix-
ing in graduatedfragments.It includessand,gravel,crushedstone,and
1.zl AGGREGATE,COARSE-That retainedonthe2.36mm (No.
8) sieve.
2.28 AGGREGATE,COARSE-GRADED-Onehavinga continuous

grading in sizesof particlesfrom coarsethrough fine with a predomi-
nanceof coarsesizes.

2.29 AGGREGATE,FINE-That passingthe 2.36mm (No.8) sieve.

2.30 AGGREGATE, FINE-GRADED-One having a continuous

grading in sizesof particlesfrom coarsethrough fine with a predomi-
nanceof fine sizes.

2.31 AGGREGATE, MACADAM-A coarseaggregateof uniform

size usually of crushed stone, slag, or gravel.

2.32 AGGREGATE, OPEN-GRADED-One containinglittle or no

mineral filler or in which the void spacesin the compactedaggregateare
relatively large.

2.33 AGGREGATE, WELL-GRADED-Aggregate that is graded

from the maximum size down to filler with the object of obtaining an
asphalt mix with a controlled void content and high stability.

2.34 ASPHALT BASE COURSE-A foundation course consisting

of mineral aggregate,bound together with asphalt material.

2.35 ASPHALT BLOCK PAVEMENTS-Pavements in which the

surface courseis constructed of asphalt blocks. These blocks are laid in
regular coursesas in the caseof brick pavements.

2.36 ASPHALT CONCRETE-High quality, thoroughly controlled

hot mixture of asphalt cement and well-graded, high quality aggregate,
thoroughly compacted into a uniform dense mass typified by ASTM
SpecificationD 3515.

2.37 ASPHALT EMULSION SLURRY SEAL-A mixture of slow-

setting emulsified asphalt, fine aggregate and mineral filler, with water
added to produce slurry consistency.

2.38 ASPHALT FOG SEAL-A light application of a slow-settingas-

phalt emulsion diluted with water and without mineral aggregatecover.

2.39 ASPHALT INTERMEDIATE COURSE (sometimes called

Binder Coune)-A course between a base course and an asphaltsurface

2.40 ASPHALTLEVELING COURSE-A course(asphaltaggregate

mixture) of variable thicknessused to eliminate irregularitiesin the

contour of an existing surface prior to superimposed treatment or

2.41 ASPHALT MACADAM-A type of pavement construction

using a coarse, open-graded aggregate that is usually produced by
crushing and screeningstone, slag or gravel. Such aggregateis called
macadam aggregate.Asphalt may be incorporated in macadam con-
struction either by penetrationor by mixing.

2.42 ASPHALT MASTIC-A mixture of asphalt and fine mineral

material in such proportions that it may be poured hot or cold into
place and compacted by troweling to a smooth surface.

2.43 ASPHALT OVERLAY-One or more courses of asphalt

construction on an existing pavement. The overlay generuIlyincludes a
leveling course, to correct the contour of the old pavement,followed
by uniform courseor coursesto provide needed thickness.

2.44 ASPHALT PAVEMENTS-Pavementsconsisting of a surface

course of rnineral aggregatecoated and cemented together with asphalt
cement on supporting coursessuch as asphalt bases;crushedstone, slag,
or gravel;or on portland cement concrete,brick, or block pavement.

2.45 ASPHALT PAVEMENT STRUCTURE-A pavementstructure

(seeArticle 2.64) with all its coursesof asphalt-aggregatemixtures, or a
combination of asphalt coursesand untreated aggregatecoursesplaced
above the subgradeor improved subgrade.

2.46 ASPHALT PRIME COAT-An application of a low viscosity

cutback asphalt product to an absorbentsurface. It is usedto prepare an
untreated basefor an asphalt surface. The prime penetratesinto the base
and plugs the voids, hardens the top and helps bind it to the overlying
asphalt course.
2.4'7 ASPHALT. SAND-A mixture of sand and asphalt cement or
cutback or emulsifiedasphalt. It may be preparedwith or without special
control of aggregategrading and may or may not contain mineral filler.
Either mixed-in-place or plant-mix construction may be employed.
Sand-asphaltis used in construction of both baseand surface courses.

2.48 ASPHALT SEAL COAT-A thin asphalt surface treatment

used to waterproof and improve the texture of an asphalt wearing
surface. Depending on the purpose, seal coats may or may not be
covered with aggregate.The main types of seal coats are aggregateseals,
fog seals,emulsion slurry sealsand sand seals.

2.49 ASPHALT, SHEET-A hot mixture of asphalt cement with
clean angular, graded sand and mineral filler. Its use ordinarily is
confined to surface course, usually laid on an intermediate or leveling


Treatment of naturally-occurring non-plastic or moderately plastic soil
with cutback or emulsified asphalt at ambient temperatures. Aeration
and compaction of the asphalt-soil mixture produce water-resistant base
and subbasecoursesof improved load-bearingqualities.

2.51 ASPHALT SURFACE COURSE-The top courseof an asphalt

pavement, sometimescalled asphalt wearingcourse.

2.52 ASPHALT SURFACE TREATMENTS-Applications of as-

phalt materials to any type of road or pavementsurface, with or without
u of mineral aggregate,which produce an increasein thickness of
lessthan 38 mm (L% in.).

2.53 ASPHALT TACK COAT-A verylight applicationof asphalt,

usually asphalt emulsion diluted with water. It is used to ensure a bond
between the surfacebeing paved and the overlying course.

2.54 BASE COURSE-The layer of material immediatelybeneath

the surfaceor intermediate course.It may be composedof crushedstone,
crushed slag, crushedor uncrushed gravel and sand, or combinations of
these materials. It also may be bound with asphalt (seeAsphalt Base

2.55 COLD-LAID PLANT MIXTURE-PIant mixes that may be

spread and compacted at atmospherictemperature.


practice in which the asphalt courseis placed in one or more lifts of 100
mm (4 in.) or more compactedthickness.


DEEP-STRENGTH (registered by The Asphalt Institute with the U. S.
Patent Office) certifies that the pavementis constructed of asphaltwith
an asphalt surface on an asphalt base and in accordance with design
concepts establishedby the Institute. (See latest edition of Thickness
Design manual(MS-1.)

DEPTH (registeredby The Asphalt Institute with the U. S. Patent
Office) certifiesthat the pavementis onein which asphaltmixturesare
employed for all coursesabovethe subgradeor improved subgrade. A
FULL-DEPTH asphalt pavementis laid directly on the preparedsub-
grade. (The mathematical symbol Ta denotesFull-Depth or Total

2.59 HOT-LAID PLANT MIXTURE-PIanI mixes that must be

spread and compactedwhile at an elevatedtemperature.To dry the
aggregateand obtain sufficient fluidity of the asphalt(usuallyasphalt
cement),both must be heatedprior to mixing-givingoriginto the term
"hot mix."

2.60 MINERAL DUST-The portion of the fine aggregate
the 75pm (No. 200) sieve.

2.61 MINERAL FILLER-A finely dividedmineral product at least

70 percent of which will passa75pm (No. 200) sieve. Pulverizedlime-
stone is the most commonly manufacturedfiller, although other stone
dust, hydrated lime, portland cement, and certain natural depositsof
finely divided mineral matter are also used.

2.62 MIXED-IN-PLACE (ROAD-MIX)-An asphalt course pro-

duced by mixing mineral aggregateand cutback or emulsified asphaltat
the road site by means of travel plants, motor graders, or specialroad-
mixing equipment.

2.63 MULTIPLE SURFACE TREATMDNT-Two or more surface

treatments placed one on the other. The aggregatemaximum size of
each successivetreatment is usually one-half that of the previous one,
and the total thickness is about the sameasthe nominal maximum size
aggregateparticles of the first course. Or, a multiple surface treatment
may be a seriesof single treatments that producesa pavement courseup
to 38 mm (l% in.) or more. A multiple surfacetreatment is a denserwear-
ing and waterproofing course than a single surface treatment, and it
adds some strength.

2.64 PAVEMENT STRUCTURE-AII courses of selectedmaterial
placed on the foundation or subgrade soil, other than any layers or
coursesconstructed in grading operations.
POSITE-TYPE-When the asphalt pavement is on an old portland
cement concrete pavement,a portland cement concrete base,or other
rigid-type base, the pavement structure is referred to as a combination-
or composite-type pavement structure.
2.66 PLANT MIX-A mixture, produced in an asphalt mixing plant,
that consists of mineral aggregateuniformly coated with asphalt cement,
emulsifiedasphaltor cutback asphalt.
2.68 ROCK ASPHALT PAVEMENTS-Pavements constructed of
rock asphalt, natural or processed and treated with asphalt or flux as
may be required for construction.
2.69 SEAL COAT-A thin surface treatment used to improve the
texture of and waterproof an asphalt surface. Depending on the purpose'
sealcoats may or may not be coveredwith aggregate.The main types of
seal coats are aggregateseals,fog seals,emulsion slurry seals,and sand
2.70 SINGLE SURFACE TREATMENTS-A single application of
asphalt to any kind of road surface followed immediately by a single
layer of aggregateof as uniform size as practicable. The thickness of the
treatment is about the same as the nominal maximum size aggregate
particles. A single surface treatment is used as a wearing and water-
Z.'71 SUBBASE-The course in the asphalt pavement structure im-
mediately below the base course is called the subbase course. If the
subgradesoil is of adequatequality it may serveas the subbase.
2.'72 SUBGRADE-The soil prepared to support a structure or a
pavementsystem. It is the foundation for the pavementstructure.The
subgradesoil sometimesis called "basementsoil" or "foundation soil."
2.'73 SUBGRADE, IMPROVED-Subgrade, improved as a working
platform ( I ) by the incorporation of granular materials or stabilizers
such as asphalt, lime, or portland.cement, prepared to support a struc-
ture or a pavement system, or (2) any course or coursesof selector
improved material placed on the subgrade soil below the pavement
structure. Subgrade improvement does not affect the design thickness
of the pavement structure.

Chapter III

A. Asphalts

3.01 GENERAL-Asphalt is availablein a wide variety of standard

scribed briefly in the following paragraphsand references are given to

standard test methods. For convenience,testsapplicable to eachtype
of asphalt are glouped together.
Correct sampling procedures must be used to obtain representative
test samples of asphalt.Proceduresfor sampling asphalt are describedin
sampling Asphalt Productsfor specificqtions compliance (MS-18), the
Asphalt Institute and in AASHTO* Method of Test T40 and ASTMT
Method of Test D140.

Asphalt Cement

3.02 VISCOSITY-Specifications for viscosity-gradedasphalt ce-

vice in the United States,and elsewherein the world where substantial

roadbuildin g activity is in progress.The I 35" C (27 5' F) temperature was
chosen as one that approximatesmixing and laydown temperatures for
hot asphalt Pavements.
The viscosity test at 60o c (140" F) employs a capillar-ytubevisco-
meter. Two types are in common use. One is the Asphalt Institute
vacuum viscometer (Figure III-I). The other is a cannon-Manning
Vacuum Viscometer (Figure III-2). Each viscometeris calibrated by use
of standard calibrating oils. A "calibration factor" is thus developedfor
*l*itGn Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
tAmerican Society for Testing and Materials

each viscometer and used as describedlater. Normally, viscometersare
calibrated by the manufacturer and calibration factors are fumished
with them.
The viscometer is mounted in a thermostaticallycontrolled, constant
temperature bath (Figure III-3). Water may be used as the liquid
medium in the bath. Preheatedasphalt is then poured into the large side
of the viscometer until its level reachesthe filling line. The filled vis-
cometer-is kept in the bath for a prescribedperiod of time to allow the
system to reach an equilibrium temperatureof 60" C (140" F).
Becauseasphaltcementat 60o C (140' F) is too viscousto flow read-
ily through capillary tube viscometers,a partial vacuum is applied to the
efflux (small) side of the viscometer to induce flow. A vacuum control
device is illustrated in FigureIII-3. A vacuumpump (not shown) alsois
connected into the system.
After the bath, viscometer, and asphalt have reached temperature
equilibrium at 60o C (140" F), the prescribedvacuumis applied and the
time in seconds required for the asphalt cement to flow between two
timing marks is measuredby a stop watch. Multiplying this measured
time by the calibration factor for the viscometer gives a value for vis-
cosity in poises,which is the standard unit for measurementof absolute
The Asphalt Institute Vacuum Viscometer has severaltiming marks.
This feature permits a single viscometer to be used for asphalts of
widely varying consistencysimply by selectingthe appropriate pair of

(Figure III-4).
A suitable clear oil must be used as the bath medium for viscosity
tests at 135'C (275'F). These viscometersalso are calibrated with
standard calibrating oils. The viscometer is mounted in the bath and
asphalt is poured into the large opening until it reachesthe filling line.
The system is allowed to reach equilibrium temperature. A slight
pressure is applied to the large opening of the tube or a slight vacuum
to the small opening. This causes asphalt to start flowing over the
siphon section just above the filling line. Gravity pulls the asphalt
downward in the vertical section of capillary tubing. A timer is started
when the asphalt reachesthe first timing mark and stopped when it
reaches the second. The time interval, multiplied by a calibration factor
for the viscometer, givesthe kinematic viscosityin units of centistokes.
It will be noted that viscositymeasurementsat 135"C (275" F) are in
units of centistokes where those at 60o C ( 140" F) are in units of poises.



Figure III-I -The Asphalt lnstitute FigureIII-2 - Cannon-Manning

vacuum viscometer vacuumviscometer


Figurelll-3-Viscometer in bath c(Ns"atmviscometer

Gravitational forces induce flow in the kinematic viscosity test, where
results are in centistokes, and density of the material affects the rate of
flow through the capillary tube. In the absolute viscosity test, where
results are in poises, flow through the capillary tube is induced by a
partial vacuum and gravitational effects are negligible. The absolute
viscosity may be calculated from the kinematic viscosity by multiplying
the kinematic viscosity by the density of the asphalt at the test temper-
ature. Determination of density is describedin AASHTO Method of
Test T 201 and ASTM Method of Test D 2170.
The test procedure and apparatus for kinematic viscosity are de-
scribed in AASHTO Method of Test T20l and ASTM Method of Test
D2170. The test for absoluteviscosity is describedin AASHTO Method
of Test T202 and ASTM Method of Test D2l7l.
An empirical type of viscosity test, known as the Saybolt Furol
viscositytest, is occasionallyused in specificationsfor asphalt cements'
Its most frequent use, however,is for emulsifiedasphaltsand for blown
or oxidizedasphalts,describedlater.
The Saybolt Furol viscosity test is illustrated in Figure III-5. A given
volume of material is heated in a standard "tube," in the bottom of
which is an orifice of specifiedshape and dimensions.A stopper closes
the orifice until the material reaches the prescribed test temperature.
The stopper is then withdrawn, and the time in secondsrequired for 60
milliliters of the asphalt to flow through the orifice is determined. This
interval of time in secondsis termed Saybolt Furol viscosity in units of
seconds,Saybolt Furol (SSF). It is readily apparent that the more
viscousthe material, the greater the length of time required for a given
volume to flow through the orifice.
Equipment and proceduresfor the Saybolt Furol test are detailedin
ASTM Method of Test E102.

3.03 PENETRATION-The penetration test is an empirical measure

of consistencythat is rapidly being replacedby the more fundamental
viscositytest. Also, it hasbeen retained in viscosity-basedspecifications
for asphalt cements-for an interim period at least-to ensure that
materialsof undesirably low penetration values at 25" C ('77" F) are
precludedfrom use. It is probable that a more suitable, low-temper-
ature test will be developedin the future and the empirical penetration
test completelyeliminatedfrom asphaltspecifications-
Figure III-6 is a schematic illustration of the standard penetration
test. A container of asphalt cement is btought to the standard test
temperatureof 25" C (77" F) in a temperature-controlledwater bath. A
needle of prescribed dimensions, loaded to a total weight of 100 g is
allowed to bear on the surface of the asphalt cement for exactly five
seconds.The distance,in units of 0.1 mm, which the needle penetrates
Figure lll-S-Saybolt Furol viscosity test

zs"c 07'Fl

5 SEC.


into the asphalt cementis calledthe "penetration"of the asphalt

penetration test are prescribedin AASHTO Method of Test T49 and

ASTMMethod of TestD5.
3.04 FLASH POINT-The flashpoint of asphaltcementindicates
the temperature to which the materialmay be safelyheatedwithout
dangerof instantaneousflash in the presenceof an open flame.This
temperature,however,is usuallywell below that at which the material
will burn. This latter temperatureis called the "fire point" but is
seldomincluded in specifications on asphaltcements.
The flash point of an asphalt cementis measuredby the cleveland
open cup flash point test under standard conditionsprescribedin
AASHTO. Method of Test T48 and ASTM Method of Test D92. A
schematic illustration of the testis shown in FigureIII-7. A brasscup is

Frgurelll-7-ClevelandopenCup flashpoint test

partly filled with asphaltcementand heatedat a prescribedrate.A small
flame is played over the surface of the sample periodically, and the
temperatureat which sufficientvapors are releasedto producean instan-
taneousflash is designatedas the flash point.
The Pensky-Martensflash point test is sometimesused for asphalt
cements.It servesthe samegeneralpurpose as the ClevelandOpen Cup
flash point test describedabove. Equipment and procedures,however,
are somewhatdifferent in that provisions are made for continuousstir-
ring of the sampleduring the testingperiod. Equipment and'procedures
for this testare prescribedin AASHTO Method of Test T73. Equipment
for this test is illustrated in Figure III-8.

3.05 THIN FILM OVEN TEST-The Thin Film Oven(TFO) testac-

tually is not a test. It is a procedure intended to subject a sampleof
asphaltto hardeningconditionsapproximating thosethat occur in nor-
mal hot-mix plant operations.Viscosity or penetrationtestsmadeon the

Figurelll-8-Pensky-Martensflashpoint test
sample before and after the TFO text are consideredto be a measure of
the anticipated hardening.
The TFO test is made by placing a 50 ml sample of asphalt cement in a
cylindrical flat-bottom pan 140 mm (5.5 in.) in inside diameter and
9.5 mm (3/8 in.) deep. The asphalt layer is about 3 mm (1/8 in.) deep.
The sample and container are placed on a rotating shelf in an oven (Fig-
ure III-9) maintained at a temperature of 163" C (325" F) for a period of
five hours. The shelf rotates at approximately 5 to 6 revolutions per
minute. Proceduresfor the Thin Film Oven test are fully explained in
AASHTO Method of Test T179 (ASTM Method of Test D1754).
A variant of the Thin Film Oven test hasbeen developedby agencies
in the westem United States.It is known as the Rolling Thin Film Oven
(RTFD /esl. Its purpose is the same as that of the TFO test but
equipment and test proceduresare different.
The oven used for the RTFO test is illustrated in Figure III-10, along
with a specially-designed bottle used as the container for the test
sample.A specifiedamount of asphaltcement is poured into the bottle
which, in turn, is placed in a rack that rotates at a prescribed rate

Figrre III-9-Thin Film 0ven test

around a horizontal axis, with the oven helu at a constant temperature
of 163" c (325" F). The rotating bottle contin\rously exposesfresh
films of asphaltcement. once each rotation, the orifice of the sample
bottle passesbefore an air jet. Heated air from the jet purgesaccum-
ulated vaporsfrom the sample bottle.
The rolling thin film oven accommodates a largernumber of samples
than the thin film oven.Jime required to achievea given degreeof
hardeningis lessfor the RTFO test than for the TFO test.
Procedures for the Rolling Thin Film oven test are explained in
AASHTO Method of Test T240 (ASTM Method of Test D2872).

3.06 DUCTILITY-In many applications,ductility is an important

characteristicof asphaltcements.The presenceor absenceof ductility,
however, is usually of more significancethan the actual aegree of
The ductility of an asphalt cement is measuredby an "extension,'
type of test illustratedin Figure III-l 1. A briquetteof asphaltcementis
molded under standardconditions and dimensions.It is then brought to
standard test temperatureand pulled or extendedat a specifredrate of
speeduntil the thread connecting the two endsbreaks.The elongation
(in centimetres)at which the thread of materialbreaksis designaiedas
ductility. Standard conditions for this test are fully prescribed in
AASHTO Method of Test T5 I and ASTM Method of Test D I 13.
3.07 SOLUBILITY-The solubility test is a measureof the "purity"
of the asphaltcement.The portion of the asphaltcement that is soluble

Figure III-10-Rolling Thin Film Oven test

FigureIII-I 1-DuctilitY test

in trichloroethylene represents the active cementing constituents' Only

such inert matter as salts, free carbon or nonorganic contaminants are
Solubility is determined by dissolving the asphalt cement in the
solvent and separating the soluble and insoluble portions by filtering'
The test equipment and procedure are fully prescribed in AASHTO
Method of Test T44 and ASTM Method of Test D2O42'

3.08 SPECIFIC GRAVITY-Although not normally specified,it is

desirable to know the specific gravity of the asphalt cement being used'
This information is of value for making volume corrections when
volume measurements are made at elevatedtemperatures.It is also used
as one of the factors for the determination of voids in compacted

gravity value, the temperature of the material and the temperature of

ihe water should be shown. Thus, 15.6115.6" C (60/60'F)
indicates that the determination has beenmade with both materialsat a
temperatureof 15.60C (60" F). The specificgravity of asphalt cement is
norrnally determined by the pycnometer method as prescribed in
AASHTO Method of Test T228 and ASTM Method of Test D70'

3.09 SOFTENING POINT-Different grade asphaltssoften at differ-
ent temperatures. The softening point is usually determined by the ring
and ball test method. Although this test is not included in the spec-
ification tests for the paving grade asphalts, it is often used to char-
acteize the harder materialsused in applications other than paving. It
indicates the temperatures at which these harder asphalts reach an
arbitrary degree of softening. In this test the heated asphalt is poured
into a brass ring of specified dimensions.The sample thus prepared is
suspendedin a water bath and a steel ball of specifieddimensionsand
weight is placed in the center of the sample. The bath is heated at a
controlled rate and the temperature at the instant the steel ball reaches
the bottom of the glassvesselis recorded. This temperature is termed
the softening point of asphalt.
The test procedures and apparatus are fully describedin AASHTO
Method of Test T53 and ASTM Method of Test D2398.

Rapid-Curing (RC) and Medium-Curing (MC)


3.10 VISCOSITY-The kinematic viscositytest is used as a basisfor

classifyingthe RC and MC cutbackasphaltsinto standardgrades.The test
procedureis the same as that used for asphalt cement, already described
and illustrated. While the test for asphalt cement is made at 160oC
(275" F) and requires the use of oil in the thermostaticallycontrolled
bath, it is made at 60oc (140'F) for the RC and MC gradesof cutback
asphalt,with water commonly used as the bath medium. Except for
some differences in sample preparation procedures' the test is con-
ducted as previously described.The apparatus and test procedure for
kinematic viscosity are describedin AASHTO Method of Test T201 and
ASTM Method of Test D2l'70.
The saybolt Furol test can be used if capillary viscometers are not
available. Equipment and procedures for this test are detailed in
AASHTO Method of Test T72 andASTM Method of Test D88.
3.ll FLASH POINT-The flash point of rapid-curing and medium-
curing asphalts is measured by the Tag Open Cup flash point test. The
purpose of the test is the same as described for asphalt cements. The
iquipment, however, is modified to provide for indirect heating of the
cutback asphalt (Figure III-12). Equipment and proceduresfor the test
are prescribed in AASHTO Method of Test T79 and ASTM Method of
T e s tD l 3 l 0 & D 3 1 4 3 .
3.12 DISTILLATION-The distillation test is usedto determine the
relativeproportions of asphaltand diluent presentin RC and MC cutback
asphalts.It is also used io measurethe amount of diluent that distills
off at various temperatures, denoting its evaporation chafacteristics.
This, in turn, indicates the relative rate at which the material will
"cure" after application. Asphalt recoveredin the test may alsobe used
for other tests as describedfor asphaltcements.
The asphalt cement and diluent are separatedfor further ident-
ification by the distillation test, illustrated in Figure III-13. A specified
quantity of the cutback asphaltis poured into a distillation flask con-
nected to a water-cooled condensertube. As the flask is slowly heated,
the diluent vaporizes in the distillation flask and is againliquefied in the
condensing tube. The condensateis drained into a graduatedcylinder.
The quantity of condensatedrivenoff at severalspecifiedtemperatures
is thus determined, and this is an indication of the volatility character-
istics of the diluent.
After reaching a temperatureof 360oC(680"F), the material re-
maining in the distillation flask is consideredto be asphaltcement.Its
penetration, ductility and solubility properties may be determinedin
the same way as previously describedfor asphaltcement.Equipment
and proceduresfor the distillationteston cutback asphaltsare detailedin
AASHTO Method of Test T78 and ASTM Method of Test D402.

Figure III-l2-Tag Open Cup flash point test

Figurc UI-l 3-Distillation test


remaining from the distillation test is usually tested for penetration,
ductility, and solubility.
3.14 WATER IN ASPHALT-Asphaltic materials,except for emul-
sified asphalts,are usually specified to be "water free," or substantially
so, primarily becausewater causesfoaming when the material is heated,
thus creating a hazardouscondition.
A measured volume of asphalt is placed in a metal still and thor-
oughly mixed with a petroleum naphtha solvent. The still is provided
with a reflux condenser,which dischargesinto a graduated trap. Heat is
applied to the still, and water present in the sample is collected in the
trap. The volume of water is measured and calculated on the basis of
percent by volume of the original sample. Equipment and procedure for
this test are detailed in AASfilO Method of Test T55 and ASTM
Method of Test D95.
3.15 SPECIFIC GRAVITY-Although not normally specified,it is
desirable to know the specific gravity of cutback asphalts being used.
This information may be used for making volume corrections when
volume measurements are made at elevated temperatures. The specific
gravity is determined by the hydrometer method as prescribed in ASTM
Method of Test D3142.
Slow-Curinc (SO Cutback AsPhalt
3.16 VISCOSITY-Equipment, procedures,and purposeof this test
are the same as described for rapid-curing and medium-curing asphalts.

The kinematicviscositytest at 60o C (140'F) is also used to measure
of the residueafter distillation to 360o C (680" F).
the consistency

3.17 FLASH POINT-Equipment, procedures,and purpose of

this test are the same as describedfor asphalt cements.Becauseof the
low volatility of the SC asphalts the Cleveland Open Cup (COC)
flash point test (Figure III-7) is used for these products. The purpose
and procedure for the test are the same as previously described for

3.18 DISTILLATION-Equipment, procedures,and purposeof this

test are the sameas describedfor RC and MC cutback asphaltsexcept
that diluent distilled off only at 360" C (680" F) is measured,rather
than at several temperatures. This is because the diluent in SC
asphaltsis oily in nature and theseproducts are not intended to cure in
the samemanneras RC and MC asphalts.


made on SC products. Becausethe rate of curing of an SC material is
slow, it may or may not reach a penetration of 100 during its service
life. The principal value of the test is that it piovides a residue upon
which standardtestsfor asphaltcementsmay be run.
A sample of SC asphalt is heated to a temperature of 249-2600 C
(480- 500'F), and maintained at this temperature until it loses suffi-
cient oils to reach a penetration of 100. The proportionate quantity, by
weight, of asphaltresidueremaining is then determined. Specifications
prescribe minimum proportions of such residue for each grade of SC
asphalt. The test procedure is prescribed in ASTM Method of Test

3.20 DUCTILITY-Ductility of the asphalt residueof 100 penetra-

tion usuallyis determinedfor slow-curingasphalts.

3.21 SOLUBILITY-Equipment, procedures,and purpose of the so-

lubility test for SC asphalts are the same as described for asphalt

3.22 WATER IN ASPHALT-Equipment, procedures,and purpose

of this test are the same as describedfor rapid-curing and medium-
curing cutbackasphalts.

3.23 SPECIFICGRAVITY-The proceduresand the purpose of the

specific gravity test for slow-curing asphalts are the same as those
describedfor rapid-curing and medium-curing cutback asphalts.


Methodof TestD244.

(500' F).

Figure III-1 4-Distillation test (for emulsified asphalts)

Equipment and procedures for the test are described in AASHTO
Method of Test T59 and ASTM Method of Test D244.

3.26 SETTLEMENT-The settlementtestindicatesthe emulsion'ssta-

bility in storage.It detectsthe tendencyof asphaltglobulesto settleduring
storage.This testalso servesas an indicator of quality evenif the emulsionis
not to be storedfor a period of time. Failure of the settlementtestindicates
that somethingis wrong or out of balancein the emulsificationprocess.
A prescribedvolume of emulsion is allowed to stand in a graduated
cylinder for a specifiednumber of days(usuallyfive). Small samplesarethen
taken from the top and bottom parts. Eachsampleis placedin a beakerand
weighed. The sample is then heated until all water evaporates;then the
residue is weighed. The weights obtained are used to find the difference,if
any, betweenthe asphalt cementcontent in the upper and lower portionsof
the cylinder. This provides a measureof settlement.
The proceduresand equipment are prescribedin AASHTO Method of
Test T59 and ASTM Method of Test D244. Whenthe asphaltemulsionis to
be used promptly, most agencieswill acceptthe storagestability test (one-
day settlement),Article 3.33, in lieu of the settlementtest.

3.27 SIEVE TEST-The sievetest complementsthe settlementtest

and has a somewhat similar purpose. It is used to determine quant-
itatively the percent of asphalt present in the form of relatively large
globules. Such globules do not provide thin and uniform coatingsof
asphalt on the aggregateparticles and may or may not be detected by
the settlementtest.
In the sieve test, a representative sample of emulsified asphalt is
poured through a 850 pm (No. 20) sieve. For anionic emulsionsthe
sieve and retained asphalt are then rinsed with a mild sodium oleate
solution and finally with distilled water. For cationic emulsions,distilled
water only is usedfor rinsing. After rinsing,the sieveand asphaltaredriedin
an oven and the amount of retainedasphaltdetermined.The procedureand
equipmentfor this test are prescribedin AASHTO Method of TestT59 and
ASTM Method of Test D244.

3.28 DEMULSIBILITY-The demulsibilitytest indicatesthe relative

rate at which the colloidal asphalt globules in emulsified asphaltswill
coalesce(or "break") when spread in thin films. Calcium chloride will
coagulate or flocculate the minute asphalt globules present in these
emulsifiedasphalts.In the test, a solution of calcium chloride and wateris
thoroughly mixed with emulsified asphalt and poured over a sieveto
determine the degree of coalescenceof the asphalt globules.

In testing rapid-setting (RS) emulsions, a very weak solution of calcium
chloride and water is employed; specifications prescribe the concentration
of the solution and the minimum amount of asphalt to be retained on the
sieve.A high degreeof "demulsibility" indicates a rapid-setting (RS) emul-
sion. Equipment and procedures for this test are prescribed in AASHTO
Method of Test T59 and ASTM Merhod of Test D244.

3.29 CEMENT MIXING-The cementmixing test does rhe samefor

slow-setting (SS) emulsified asphalts as the demulsibility test does for
rapid-setting grades.The ss grades are used with fine materials and dusty
aggregates.They are normally unaffectedby calcium chloride solution as
usedin the demulsibility test.
In the cement mixing test, a sampleof emulsified asphalt is mixed with
finely-ground portland cementand the mixture washed over a L40 mm (No.
14)sieve.specificationsusually limit the amount of material that may be
retainedon the sieve.
The cement mixing reaction for cationic and noncationic emulsionsis
quitedifferent. The cationic emulsion reactsto portland cementbecauseof
surfacearea; the noncationic, particularlythe anionic type, reactschemically
with portland cement constituents, forming a water-insoluble salt.
Equipment and procedures for the test are prescribed in AASHTO
Method of Test T59 and ASTM Method of Test D244.
3.30 TESTS oN RESIDUE-The penetration, solubility, and duct-
ility tests, as made on asphalt cements,are usually made on the residue
from distillation.

gradedcalcareousaggregates.other aggregatesmay be used in the testif

calcium carbonate is omitted throughout the method. This test is not
adaptableto rapid-settingor slow-settingasphalt emulsions.
The reference aggregateis coated with calcium carbonate dust and then
mixed with the emulsified asphalt. About one-half of the mixture is
then placed on absorbent paper for a visual evaluation of the surface
area of aggregatecoated by the emulsified asphalt. The remainder of
the mixture is sprayed with water and rinsed until the rinse water runs
clear. This material is then placed on absorbent paper and evaluatedfor
A sample ofjob aggregateis similarly coated with calcium carbonatedust.
A given quantity of water is then mixed with the dust-coated aggregate.

Emulsified asphaltis then added and thoroughly mixed. Evaluationsare
made as describedabove for the dry-coated aggregates.
Equipment aad detailed procedures for the test are prescribed in
AASHTO Method of Test T59 and ASTM Method of Test D244.
3.32 PARTICLE CHARGE TEST-The particle charge test is made
to identify cationic emulsions. It is performed by immersing a positive
electrode (anode) and a negative electrode (cathode) into a sample of
emulsion and connecting them to a controlled direct-current electrical
source. At the end of a specified period the electrodes are observed to
determineif the cathodehasan appreciablelayer of asphalt depositedon it.
Cationic emulsionswill migrate toward the cathode. Equipment and pro-
cedures for the test are detailed in AASHTO Method of Test T59 and
ASTM Method of Test D?A.
3.33 STORAGE STABILITY-The storagestability test is used to
determine the ability of an emulsified asphalt to remain as a uniform
dispersion during storage. It is a measure of the perrnanence of the
dispersion as related to time.
A measured representativesample is placed in each of two glass
cylinders, which are stoppered and allowed to stand at laboratory
temperature for 24 hours. A 50g sample from each cylinder is siphoned
from the top, placed for a set time in an oven heated to a prescribed
temperature, then removed, allowed to cool, and weighed. After the
top sample is removed, all but a small portion of the asphalt emulsion
remaining in each cylinderis siphonedoff. A 50g sample of the portion
that is left is measured,heated,cooled, and weighedfollowing the same
procedure as for the top samples.
The storagestability is expressedas the numerical difference between
the average percentageof residue in the top samples and the bottom
The procedures and equipment are prescribedin AASHTO Method
of Test T59 and ASTM Method of Test D244.
3.34 OIL DISTILLATE-The oil distillate, percent by volume of
the original emulsion sample, is obtained from the amount of oil in the
graduated cylinder at the end of the test for residue by distillation,
AASHTO Method of Test T59 (ASTM Method of Test D244).

Blown Asphalt

3.35 SOFTENING POINT-The softening point test is used as the

basic measurement of consistency for blown asphalts. The test appar-
atus is illustratedin FigureIII-15.
Samples of asphalt loaded with steel balls are confined in brassrings
suspendedin a beakerof water or ethyleneglycol at a specifiedheight

FigureIII-1S-Ring andbdl softeningpoint test

above a metal plate. The water is then heated at a prescribedrate. As

the asphalt softens, the balls and the asphalt graduallysink toward the
plate. At the moment the asphalt touchesthe plate,the temperatureof
the water is determined and this is designatedasring and ball softening
point of the asphalt.
Standard equipment and proceduresfor making the softening Foint
test are prescribed in AASHTO Method of Test T53 and ASTM
Methods of Test D2398 and D36.
3.36 PENETRATION-specifications for blown asphalts usually
include penetration requirementsat temperatureof 0" C (32" F),25' C
(77" F) and 46" C (1 l5'F). The penetrationtestasmadeat 25" C (77'F)

is describedin Article 3.03 for asphaltcementsand at this temperature
the test is the same for the blown asphalts.At 0'C (32" F) and 46oC
(l15'F) the differencesare in the needleweightand in the lengthof
time the needle is permitted to bear on the surface of the asphalt.
These differences are indicated in the specificationtables.

3.37 LOSS ON HEATING-The losson heatingtest is generallysimi-

lar to the thin film oventest as describedand illustrated(Figure III-9) for
asphalt cements. Fifty grams of the sample to be tested are placed in a
container55 mm (2.17 in.) in diameterand 35 mm (1.38in.) in depth.The
asphalt and container are placed on a rotating shelf in a ventilated oven
and maintained at a temperature of 163o C (325' F) for a period of five
hours. The shelf rotates at approximately 5 to 6 revolutions per minute.
Like the thin film oven test, the losson heatingtest actually is not a test
within itself. It is a procedure which is intended to subject the asphalt to
hardening conditions similar to those expected in the application pro-
cesses.A penetrationtest usually is made on the asphalt after the losson
heating test for comparison with the perletrationof the asphalt prior to
the test.
Standard equipment and proceduresfor making the loss on heating
test are prescribed in AASHTO Method of Test T47 and ASTM Method
of Test D6.

B. Mineral Aggregates

3.38 GENERAL-Mineral aggregatesare usedin combination with

asphaltsto prepare mixes for a wide variety of purposes. As the ag-
gregatesnormally constitute 90 percent or more by weight of such
mixes, their propertieshave a very important effect upon the finished
product. The most commonly used mineral aggregates are crushedstone
and slag, crushed or uncrushed gravel, sand, and mineral filler. In
asphalt pavement construction the control of properties of mineral
aggregates is just as important as the control of asphaltproperties.Tests
commonly employed with mineral aggregates are described briefly in
the following paragraphs and references are given to standard pro-
ceduresfor thesetests.
Correct sampling procedures must be used to obtain representative
test samples of mineral aggregates.Proceduresfor aggregatesampling
are detailed in AASHTO Method of Test T2 andASTM Method of Test

3.39 SIEVE ANALYSIS-A weighed quantity of thoroughly dried

aggregateis shaken over a set of sieveshaving selectedsizes of square
openings.The sievesare nested together such that the one having the
largestopening is on top and those of successively
smaller openingsare
placed beneath. A pan is placed below the bottom sieve to collect all
materialpassingthrough it. The shakingis normally accomplishedwith
a mechanicalsieveshaker.
The weight of material retained on each sievesizeis determined and
expressedas a percent of the weight of the original or total sample.For
convenience,these data are usually plotted on a chart, as illustratedin
FiguresIII-16 and III-17. On such charts, total percent by weight of
material passingeach sievesize may be plotted. Such plots provide a
meansof readily visualizingthe gradation characteristicsof the mineral
Sievesizescommonly used for aggregatesin paving mixes are: 63 mm
( 2 I / 2 i n . ) ,5 0 m m ( 2 i n . ) , 3 7 . 5m m ( 1 l / 2 r n . ) , 2 5 . 0 m m ( l i n . ) , 1 9 . 0m m
( 3 / 4 i n . ) , 1 2 . 5m m ( I / 2 t n . ) , 9 . 5 m m ( 3 / 8 i n . ) , 4 . 7 5m m ( N o . 4 ) , 2 . 3 6m m
( N o . 8 ) , 1 . 1 8m m ( N o . 1 6 ) , 6 0 0p m ( N o . 3 0 ) , 3 0 0 p m ( N o . 5 0 ) , 1 5 0 p m
(No. 100),and 75 r.rm(No. 200).
Specifications for testing sieves are contained in AASHTO Specifi-
cation M92 and ASTM Specification Ell. Standard procedures for
making sieve analyses of coarse and fine aggregates are given in
AASHTO Method of Test T27 and ASTM Method of Test C136. For
mineral fillers, such proceduresare given in AASHTO Method of Test
T37 and ASTM Method of Test D546.

3.40 SAND EQUIVALENT-The sand-equivalent tesr, developedby

the california Division of Highways,indicatesthe relative proportion of
detrimental fine dust or clay{ike materials in mineral aggregatesused
for asphaltpaving mixtures and mineral aggregates or soils used for base
courses.The test is appliedto the fraction passinga 4.j 5mm (No. 4) sieve.
A sample of material is placed in a transparent,graduated cylinder
containing a prepared solution of calcium chloride, glycerine, and
formaldehyde in water. The sample and solution are vigorously shaken
in a prescribedmanner. The same solution passedthrough an irrigator
tube, under pressure,is used to wash the clayey material upward and
out of the sample as the cylinder is gradually filled. After a 20-minute
settling period, the top level of the clay suspensionis read. A metal
weightedfoot is then loweredinto the cylinder and allowed to come to
rest on top of the clean sand. The level of the bottom of the foot is
read. The sand-equivalentvalue is the ratio, multiplied by 100, of the
readingat the top of the sand, divided by the readingat the top of the
clay. Equipment and proceduresfor this test are detailed in AASHTO
Method of Test Tl76 and ASTM Method of Test D2419.
CHART Iocation
Materials sttvts . ASTilDtstcnATtoft
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SF $urt ffi
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Figure III-17-Federal HighwayAdministration 0.45 powergradationchart

3.41 ABRASION (WEAR)-The Los AngelesAbrasion Test is used
to measurewear or abrasion resistance of mineral aggregate.*The Los
Angeles abrasion machine is diagrammatically illustrated in Figure
III-18. The drum is charged with a standard weight of aggregate
particles conforming to one of four standard sievegradingswhich most
nearly approximates the grading of material proposed for use. A
standardweight of steel spheresis also placed in the drum as an abrasive
charge. The drum is then rotated for 500 revolutions after which the
material is removed and sievedon a l.70mm (No. 12) sieve. The per-
centagepassingthis sieveis reported as percent of wear.

FrgureIII-18-Los Angelesabrasiontest

Relativelyhigh resistanceto wear, as indicated by a low percent of

abrasionloss, is a desirable characteristic of aggregatesto be used in
asphaltpavementconstruction. Equipment and proceduresfor this test

+krcent of wear as measuredby the Los Angeles

Test does not necesarily have any
relationshipto polishing of aggregate
under traffic wear.

are detailed in AASHTO Methodof Test T96 and ASTM Method of
T e s tC l 3 l .

3.42 SPECIFIC GRAVITY-The specific gravity of aggregatesis

usually determined for two reasons:
(l) To permit a calculation of voids of compactedasphaltpaving
(2) To adjust quantities of aggregatecomponents of a paving mix,
where such componentsvary appreciablyin specific gravity.
Equipment and procedures for determining apparent and bulk
rpr.ifiC gravitiesof coarse aggregatesare detailed in AASHTO Method
o1 Test T85 and ASTM Method of Test C127. For fine aggregates, see
AASHTO Method of Test T84 and ASTM Method of Test c128. For
mineral filler, seeAASHTO Method of Test T100 0r Tl33 and ASTM
Method of Test D854 or C188. A method for measuringasphaltlost by
absorption into the aggregateparticles is given in The Asphalt Institute
publiiation, Mix Design Methods for Asphalt Conqete and Other Hot-
Mix Types,(MS-2).

3.43 LNIT WEIGHT-The unit weight of an aggregate may be

determined on either a loose or compacted basis. A cylindrical con-
tainer of known volume is used for the test. Volumes are usually 3, 8.5,
| 4, or ZSlitres(0. l, 0.3, 0. 5, or 1.0ft3 ), dependingupon the sizeof aggre-
gaie to be tested. For measurementof loose unit weight, the container
is filled by a specified procedure and the weight of aggregatein the
filled container is determined. For measurement of compacted weight,
the container is filled in three approximately equal layers and
..rodding" or .Jigging" procedures are applied to eaohl1ver, depending
upon the size of' aggregatebeing used for the test. Equipment and
piocedures for thesJlesis are detailed in AASHTO Method of Test T l9

proposedfor use.

3.44 MOISTURE-The determinationof moisture in mineral aggre-
gates is made by weighing a sampleof the material, drying it to con-
stant weight in an oven maintainedat about ll0'C (23O' F), and then
determining the dry weight of the sample.The difference betweenthe
original and final weights is consideredto be moisture loss during dry-
ing. The loss in weight, expressedas a percent of the final or dry
weight, is the moisture content of the aggregate.
Equipment and procedures for determination of moisture in mineral
aggregatesare detailed in AASHTO Method of Test T255 or ASTM
Method of Test C566.

C. Asphalt PavingMixtures

3.45 GENERAL-NoI only is it important to test the asphaltsand

mineral aggregateseparately,but testsshould also be made on combina-
tions of these materials to establishproper proportions and characteris-
tics for such mixtures. Tests commonly employed for asphaltpaving
mixtures are described briefly in the following paragraphs and refer-
encesare givento standardproceduresfor such tests.

3.46 MARSHALL TEST-The Marshall test for asphalt paving

mixtures may be used for laboratory design and field control of
mixtures containing asphalt cement and aggregates not exceedingone
inch in maximum size. Principal featuresof the test are density-voids
analysis and stability-flow tests on specimensof compacted asphalt
paving mixtures.
Test specimensapproximately64 mm (2 l/2 in.) high and 100mm (4 in.)
in diameter are prepared by prescribed procedures and compacted by
drop-hammer method compaction procedures.The density and voids of
the compactedspecimen are establishedand the specimenthen heatedto
60o C (140' F) for the Marshall stabilityand flow tests.The specimenis
placed in a split breaking head for these tests as illustrated in Figure
III-19. Load is applied to the specimenat a rate of 50.8 mm (2 in.) per
minute. The maximum load registered during the test, in kilograms
(lbs), is designatedas the Marshall Stabilityof the specimen.The amount
of movement, or strain, occurring betweenno load and the maximum
load, in units of 0.25 mm (0.01 in.) is the flow value of the specimen.
Specimensare prepared at a range ofasphalt contents, aboveand below
the estimated optimum, and tested by the procedures just described.
Usually, specimensat each asphalt content are made in triplicate.

Fieure III-19-Marshall stability and flow test

Testdata thus derivedareusedto establishthe optimum asphaltcon-
tent of the mixture and to determinecertain physicalcharacteristics of
the mixture. Equipmentand procedures for thesetestsare described in
detail in Mk DesignMethodsfor Asphalt Concreteand Other Hot-Mix
Types,(MS-2), AsphaltInstitute.Suggestedcriteria(seeTableIV-5) for the
evaluationsof pavingmixesarealsoincludedin thispublication.Equipment
and proceduresfor the Marshalltestsare also outlined in AASHTO
Methodof TestT245or ASTM Methodof TestD1559.

3.47 HVEEM METHOD-The HveemMethodof designingandtest-

ing asphaltmixturesinvolvestwo principal testsas follows:
(1) The stabilometer test
(2) The centrifugekerosene equivalent(CKE) test.
Both are used for designingmixesin the laboratory.The CKE is also
usedas a field test.
The stabilometertestis suitablefor mixturescontainingeitherasphalt
cement,emulsified,or cutbackasphaltand aggregates not exceeding25
mm (1 in.) in maximumsize.Tesi specimens of asphaltmixture 64 mm
(2l/2 in.) high and 100mm (4 in.) in diameterarecompacted by speci-
fied proceduresin a kneadingcompactoras shownin Figure III-20.
The densityandvoidsof the compactedspecimenareestablished and
the specimenthen heatedto 60oC(140'F)and tested in the Hveem
Stabilometer.Thestabilometer is a type of triaxialtest in which vertical
loadsare applied and resultinglateral pressures read at severalincre-
mentsof verticalload.Thetestis illustrated in Figure lll-21.
The specimenis enclosedin a rubber membrane,surroundedby a
liquid that transmitsthe lateral pressuredevelopedduring the test.
Valuesderivedfrom the test are relativein nature.The scalehasbeen
establishedon the basisthat if the specimenwere a liquid, the lateral
pressurewould equalthe verticalpressureand for this casethe relative
stability is considered to be zero. At the other end of the scale,an
incompressible solid that transmitsno lateralpressureis consideredto
havea relativestabilityvalueof 90. Testson asphaltpavingmixesyield
valueswithin this G90 range.Relativestabilityof the specimenis calcu-
latedby an established formula.
A featureof the HveemMethod,sometimes employed,is a determina-
tion of the estimatedoptimumasphaltcontentof the mix by a procedure
knownas the centrifugekerosene equivalent(CKE) test. The portionof
aggregate in the mix whichpasses the 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieveis saturated
with keroseneand then centrifuged.The 9.5 mm (3/8 in.) to 4.75 mm
(No. 4) sizeaggregate, considered to representthe coarseaggregatepor-
tionof the mix, is saturatedin lubricatingoil and allowedto drain for 15
minutesat 60o C (140' F). Weightsof keroseneandoil retainedby these



Figure Ill-20-Mechanical kneading compactor

for the preparation of test specimens


[o D ro sPEcu tN




PUtAt Ot
ttsnNc HclilNt

FigurcIII-2l-Hveem stabilometer

aggregatesare used in the prescribed procedure for calculating and esti-

mating the optimum asphalt content of the mix. Normally, the stabilo-
meter test will be run at the asphalt content indicated by the CKE test
and at greater and lesserasphalt contents, in order to establishthe opti-
mum asphalt content and to determine certain other physical character-
istics of the compacted mixture. Suggestedcriteria (seeTable IV-5) for
the evaluation of highway paving mixes are included in this publication.
Equipment and proceduresfor the tests summarizedaboveare described
in detail in Mix Design Methods for Asphalt Concrete and Other Hot-
Mix Types, (MS-2), Asphalt Institute. Equipment and procedures for
making the stabilometertestare detailed in AASHTO Method of TestT246
or ASTM Method of TestD 1560.Equipment and proceduresfor preparing
the test specimenswith the kneading compactor are detailedin AASHTO
Method of Test T247 or ASTM Method of Test Dl56l.

3.48 DENSITY-The density, or unit weight, of a compacted

asphaltpaving mixture is determined for the following purposes:
(l) On laboratory compacted specimensto:



Figure lll-22-Extraction Apparatus (ASTM D2172Method B)

a. Provide a basis for computing the percent of air voids and

voids in the mineral aggregatein the compacted mixtures; an
integralpart of some asphaltpavingmixture designprocedures.
b. Provide an indication of the optimum asphalt content in
somemix designprocedures.
c. Establisha basisfor controlling compaction during construc-
tion of the asphaltPavement.

d. Provide a basisfor calculatingthe spreadrequiredfor a given
thicknessof pavement. /
(2) On specimensobtained from pavementsto check density of
pavementand effectiveness of rolling operations.
The usual procedure for determiningdensity is to weigh the speci-
men, determine its volume, and calculatethe weight-volumerelation-
ship in terms of some convenientunit (e.g., kg/m3 or lb/ft3). The
specimenis first weighed in air, then in water, and the difference in
weight providesa measureof the volume of the specimen.
This procedure is satisfactory if the specimen is practically im-
permeableto water. Where specimensare water permeable,however,
they should first be coatedwith paraff-rnbefore immersion.Calculation
of density must then allow for the weight and volume of the paraffin
In some instances, the volume of a specimen is determined by
measurements.Generally, however, it is difficult to obtain proper
accuracyby this method.
A detaileddiscussionof weight-volumerelationshipand methods for
determining the density of compactedspecimensmay be found in an
Appendix of Mix Design Methodsfor Asphalt Concrete and Other Hot-
Mix Types,(MS-2), Asphalt Institute. Equipment and details for such
proceduresmay also be found in AASHTO Method of Test T166 and
ASTM Method of Test Dl188 and ASTM Method of Test D2126.


under mix design methods discussedpreviously the determination of
voids in the compactedspecimenof pavingmixture is included as a part
of the designmethod. The data requiredbefore a sampleof compacted
paving mixture can be analyzed for air voids, voids in the mineral
aggregate (VMA), and the effectiveasphaltcontent are:
( I ) Composition of the mixture in terms of percentby weight of
aggregate and total asphaltcontent.
(2) Bulk specific gravity of the aggregate.
(3) Apparent specificgravity of the asphaltcement.
(4) Asphalt lost by absorptioninto the aggregateparticles.
(5) Bulk specificgravity of the compactedpavingmixture.
(6) Measuredor calculatedtheoreticalmaximum specificgravity
of the pavingmixture.
Proceduresare presentedin detail in Mix Design Methods for Asphalt
Concreteand Other Hot-Mix Types,(MS-2), Asphalt Institute.

3.50 EXTRACTION-Extraction is the procedureused for separat-

ing the asphalt from the mineral aggregatesin an asphalt paving

mixture. The purpose of extraction is to provide a basisfor determining
the asphaltcontent of a mixture and to provide asphalt-freeaggregates
which may be used for a gradation analysisand such other testson the
aggregateas may be desired. where further tests on the extracted
asphaltare desired a "recovery" is made.
The centrifugal method is a widely used extraction method for deter-
mining asphalt content and for obtaining asphalt-free aggregates.The
asphalt mixture is heated, broken apart, and placed in a centrifugebowl.
Then, a solvent is added which dissolvesthe asphalt. Solventsused are
trichloroethylene,benzene,methylenechloride, or 1, 1, l-trichloroethane.
The dissolvedasphalt is then separatedfrom the mineral aggregateby a
special type of centrifuge. Solvent must be added severaltimes during
the centrifuging procedure before all of the asphalt is extracted.
The difference between the original weight of the asphalt mixture and
the weight ofthe dry aggregateafter extraction is used as the basisfor de-
termining the proportions of asphalt and aggregatein a mixture. Correc-
tions must be made for the small amount of fine mineral matter passing
through the centrifuge bowl filter ring during the extraction' This is done
by evaporatinga portion of the solvent-asphalt solution,burningthe resi-
due and weighing the ash. Correctionsmust also be made for water, if
present in the asphalt mixture.
Alternative extraction methods, using extractors of severaldifferent
designs,are described along with the method in ASTM Method of Test
D2172 (Fig.IlI-22) and AASHTO Method of Test T164. All of the alter-
native extraction methods utilize a perforated sample container, a con-
denser and an external heat source.
3.51 RECOVERY OF ASPHALT-Where further testsare desired
,for asphalt extracted from paving mixtures, recoveryof asphalt must be
made without changing its properties.
The asphalt may be extracted from the mixture by the standardproce-
dures described in Article 3.50, provided nitration grade benzeneor re-
agent grade trichloroethylene, or reagent gradebenzenesolventsare used.
Solutionsfrom the extraction are first centrifuged to removemost of the
fine mineral matter. The asphalt then is recoveredby distillation. Proce-
dures include the introduction of a controlled flow of carbon dioxidegas
into the contents of the distillation flask to femove the last tfaces of the
solvent. Equipment and proceduresare detailed in AASHTO Method of
Test T170, and ASTM Method of Test D1856.
times desirableto know the amount of moisture and/ or volatile distillates
in an asphalt paving mixture, especiallywhere emulsified and cutback
asphaltsare used. Such measurementsusually are made by sometype of
aiitillation procedure, such as the one outlined in ASTM Method of Test

D255. Some agenciesuse procedures detailed in AASHTO Method of
Test T110 and ASTM Method of Test D1461.
3.53 SWELL-Asphalt mixtures containing fines of doubtful quality
are sometirnesmeasuredfor swell as a basis for judging the possibledet-
rimental effects of water on the pavement. This test is more frequently
used with dense-gradedmixtures using emulsified and cutback asphalts.
A sampleof paving mix is compactedin a metal cylinder, usually 100mm
(4 in.) in diameter, and cooledto room temperature. The specimenand
mold are then placed in a pan of water and a dial-gauge assemblymounted
abovethe sampleas illustrated in Figure lIl-23 . The initial reading of the
dial-gaugeis recorded and additional readings are taken after a specified
period of time, usually 24 hours, or until there is no further swellingin
the specimen.Equipment and proceduresfor the test are usedby the Cali-
fornia Department of Transportation and are described in Mix Design

ro r/r0@rNcH


Figrre III-23-Swell test

Asphalt Institute.
3.55 MAXIMUM SPECIFIC GRAVITY-In designing a Paving
mixture with a given aggregate, the maximum specific gravities a1
different asphalt contents are needed to calculate the percentageof air
voids for each asPhaltcontent.
Equipment and procedures for determining maximum sPecific
graviiy of asphalt paving mixtures are-d-etailedin AASHTO Method of
test T209 and ASTM Method of Test D2041'

A- Asphdts


Asphalt Cement

3.02 VisccitY T20l D2170

't202 D2l7l
(Seealso Saybolt Furol test, at high temPeratures,
or ASTM Method of Test8102)
,.... T49 D5
3.03 Penetration
T48 D92
3.04 Flash Point
(SeealsoPercky-Martensflash point test, AASHTO
Method oJ Test 773)
Tl79 Dl7S4
3.0s Thin Film Oven Test
Rolling Thin Film OvenTest. - . T?/,O D2872
T5l Dll3
3.06 Ductility
T44 D2042
3.07 Solubility
3.08 Specific GravitY . t228 D70
SofteningPoht . . T53 D2398

Rapid-Orringand Medium-CuringAsphalt

3.10 Viscoity T201 D2170

lsee alsofuybolt Furol test,AASHTO Method of
Test 772 or ASTM Method of Test D8B)
3.ll FlashPoint T79 D1310
3.12 Distillation T78 D402

TABLElll.1 (Cont.)

3.13 Terts dl Reridue(SeeAsphalt Cements,Articles

3.02 thru 3.09)
3.r4 IrVaterin Asphalt T55 D95 Specific Gravity D3142

Slow-Grring Asphdt

3.f6 Viscosity(SeeRCandMCAsphaks). .....T2O1 D2l7O

3.17 Flash Point (SeeAsphalt Cements) T4g Dg2
3.18 Distillation T78 D4O2
3.19 AsphaltResidueofl00Penetration.... T56 D243
3.20 Ductility T5l Dll3
3.21 Solubility (SeeAsphalt Cemenn and RC and
MC Asphalts) T44 D4
3.22 WatermAsphalt TS5 D9S
3.23 Specific Gravity . Dll42
Emulsified Asphalt

3.24 Viscosity . .. .. . . TS9 D244

3.25 ResiduefromDistillation.... ....TS9 D244
3.26 Settlement . .. . . TS9 D244
3.27 SieveTest ......TS9 D244
3.28 Demulsibility ... TS9 D244
3.29 C e m e nM t king . .... .... TS9 D244
3.30 Tests on Residue(SeeAsphalt Cements,Articles
3.02 thru 3.09)
3.31 AggregateCoatingWaterResistanceTest .. ........ T59 D244
3.32 Particle ChargeTest .. .. . TS9 D244
3.33 S t o r a g e s t a b i l i t y ........TS9 D244
3.34 OilDistillate ....T59 D244

Blown Asphalt

3.35 SofteningPoint .........T53 D2398

3.36 Penetration ,... T4g Ds
3.37 los on Heating .. .. . ... T47 D6

TABLE lll-1(Cont.)
B. Mineral Aggregates


3.39 Dry SieveAnalysis

CoarseandFinefugregates..... T27 C136

Mineral Filler .. T37 D546
3.40 SandEquivalent..... ...T176 D2419
3.41 Abrasion (Wear) . T96 C13l
3.42 Specific Gravity
CoarseAggregate..... T85 Cl27
Fine Aggregate T84 Cl28
Filler . .. . . . T100 or D854 or
Tl33 Cl88
3.43 Unitweight Tl9 C29
3.4 Moisture ...... T25S CS66

C. Asphalt Paving Mixtures

3.46 MarshdtTest*. . ... .. .. T245 D1559

3.47 llveem Method*
Stabilometerand C-ohesiometerTests . . T246 D1550
Kneadingcompactor, ........T247 DlS6l
3.48 Density* ...... Tl6G Dll88 or
3.49 Voids* .
3.50 Extraction ... .. T164 D2172
3.51 Recoveryof Asphalt . . . . Tl70 Dl8S6
3.52 Moisture and/or Volatile Distillates - D2Ss
Alternate Methods . . . Tl l0 Dl46t
3.53 Swell* .
3.54 Maximum Specific Gravity . ... .. T2O9 D2O4l

*See Mix Design Methods for Asphalt Concrete and Other Hot-Mix Types, (MS-2),
Asphalt Institute.

Chapter IY

4.01 GENERAL-This chapter contains a summary of recom-
mended specifrcationson asphaltand aggregatesfor pavement construc-
tion. In addition, the chapter includes principal recommendationsby
the Institute for this type of work. Specifically,the following parts,
extracted.from various publications by the Asphalt Institute, are in-
A. Specificationsfor Asphalts
B. Grading and Quality Standardsfor Mineral Aggregates
C. Recommendations for the Classification and Gradation of
Asphalt PavingMixtures
D. Recommendationsfor the Design of Asphalt Paving Mixtures
E. Recommendationsfor the Control of Asphalt Mixture and
Spraying Temperatures.

A. Speciftca,tionsfor Asphalts

4.02 ASPHALT SPECIFICATIONS-Sp ecificationsfor Paving and

Industrial Asphalts (SS-2),the Asphalt Institute, contains recommended
standardasphalt specificationsof the American Associationof State High-
way and Transportation Officials(AASHTO) and the American Society
for Testing and Materials (ASTM). Thesespecificationsare not summa-
rizedherebecauseof frequentrevisionsof the standards.The latest edition
of this publication is availablefrom the Asphalt Institute.

B. Grading and Quality Standards for Mineral Aggregates

4.03 MINERAL AGGREGATES-Mineral aggregates used for
asphaltmixtures are required to meet certain grading and quality stan-
dards. Criteria for mineral aggregatequality usually are set in the job
specificationsand one or more of the following methodsof test of the
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Offrcials
(AASHTO) or the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
are used to test them.

Method of Test
Characteristic AASHTO ASTM

Amount of Material Finer than 75p"m

(No. 200) Sievein Aggregate Tlt cltT
Unit Weight of Aggregate T19 c29
Sieve Analysis, Fine and Coarse Aggregates T27 c136
Sieve Analysis of Mineral Filler T37 D546
Abrasion of Coarse Aggregate,
Los Angeles Machine T96 cl3l
Plastic Fines in Graded Aggregatesand
by use of the Sand Equivalent Test Tt76 D2419
Specific Gravity
Coarse Aggregate T85 Cl27
Fine Aggregate T84 Cl28
Filler Tl00 D854or
orTl33 Cl88

4.04 COARSE AGGREGATE-Coarse aggregateis all mineral ma-

terial retained on the 2.36mm (No. 8) sieve.It consistsof crushedstone,
crushed slag, or crushedor uncrushedgravel. Chapter III summarizesthe
recommended test requirementsand briefly describeseachtest. Table IV-1
gives the grading requirementsfor various sizesof coarseaggregates.
4.05 FINE AGGREGATE-Fine aggregate is all mineralmatter pass-
ing the2.36mm (No. 8) sieve.It consistsof natural sandor manufactured
material derived by crushing stone, slag, or graveland it includes mineral
filler and mineral dust. Chapter III summarizesthe test requirements and
briefly describeseach test. Tables IV-2 and IV-3 give grading require-
ments for fine aggregateand mineral filler.
4.06 SPECIAL LOCAL AGGREGATES-There are a number of
local types of aggregatewhich often do not passthe standard tests but
which make excellent asphalt mixtures becauseof certain inherent
qualities. In areaswhere aggregates meeting standardtestsare scarce,it'
often will be possible to use substandardmaterialsif experiencehas
shown them to be satisfactory or where researchand testing warrant
such use.
require that the sand-equivalent test be performed on the combined
mineral aggregate.ChapterIII briefly describesthe test.

T A B T EI V . I _ S I Z E S O F C O A R S EA G G R E G A T E S
Amounts Finer than Earh Lrborator) Sieye{squarc Opcnings), masspcrcent

Srzc Nominrl S're 4-in- J'h-i^ !-in 2t/,-tn 2-rn li1 in l,in J/8 in No 4 No 8 N o 1 6 No 50 No l0O
Num' Squnreopenintss (t0o (90, (75- (63- (S0 (3? 51- (25 0- ilg 0- il 2 5- (9 5- (,175- (2 -16- ilrE (0 300 (0 r50
ber mm) mml mm) mm) mm) mm) mm) mml nrnr) mm) ntm) mm) mm) mm) mm)
J 1 4t o l0O 90 ro l0O 2 5r o 6 0 0to 15 0ros
(90to 37 5t-mrn)
2 2r,1to lt'r tn 100 9 0 r o l 0 0 1 5 r o 7 0 0 r o l 5 0(o5
(63 lo 37 5*-mrn
2.1 Lth to j.1
in r00 90ro 100 25k) 60 0rol0 0lo5
(t'.1to l9 0 f,rnr)
J 2 ro l-in 100 90 ro 100 J5 (o 70 0ro15 0to5
(Y) lo 25 0 nlml
J57 2'in ro No 4 l0O 95 to l0O J5lo70 loloJo 0{o5
(5{l !,.{ 75 mm,
4 100 90 ro I00 20ro55 0ro15 0to5
(37 5+ ro l9 o-mm)
467 l % i n k ) N 0 4 - I00 95 to 100 J5torl, t0toJo Otu5
(3? 5+ ro 4 ?5-mm)
5 I tor r-in . r00 g O r o l 0 0 2 0 r o 5 50 t o t 0 0lo5
(37 5' ro l2 5-mm'
56 I lo J lt-in ,, r00 q)rol0Ol0ro75 l5rol5 0lot5 0ro5
57 l-in ro No 4 , r00 g5(o100 25(060 0rot0 0ros
(250to4 75-nrnr)
{ 6 %roluin
100 90rol00l0to55 0tot5 0to5

61 %.irt to No 4 l0O S0tol00 20ro55 0rol0 0ro5

( 1 90 t o 4 7 5 n r n r )
66 %-in to No E 100 qOrol00 J0to65 5ro25 0rol0 0lo5
1 , r - r nr o N o 4 lm 90rolm40lo70 0rolS 0ro5
7E %-in to No 8 100 90tol0040to755ro25 0tot0 0ro5
d -l/8 'n rdNo 6 too 85rot00t0roJ0 0rot0 0ro5
(q 5 to 2 J6 nrnr)
ll9 -l u-iil roNo 16 l0O 90tot0020ro55 Srol0 0(ot0 Oro5
( c - st o I l 8 - n r n r )
9 Nu { to N0 ltt lm 85tot00 l0to40 orot0 0ros
({ l5 to I l8-ilrnr)
l o N{ .l ro 0' - 100 85 to l0O l0 to J0

+U.S.A,Standardsievedesiunationis l8 Imm

tl) tn inctres, except where otherwise indicated. Numbered sieves ate the those of the united States standard
sieve Series.
(.) screerungT,
Reprintedby permision from AASHTo Designation M43 - Standard Sizes of Coarse Aggregate For Highway
To convert from in. to mm multiply by 25.4.

Amounts Finer than Each Laboratory

Sieve(SquareOpenings),percent by
Grading Grading
No. 3 No.4

9.5mm(3/8in). 100
4.75mm(No.a) 100 80 to 100
2.36mm(No.8) 95 to 100 65 to 100
l.l8mm (No.l6) 85 to 100 40 to 80
600pm(No.30) 65 to 90 20 to 65
300pm(No.50) 30 to 50 7 to4O
l50pm(No.100) 5to25 2 to20
75pm(No.200) . . 0to5 0tol0

Referto ASTM DesignationD1073, "Fine Aggregatefor BituminousPavingMixtures," for

criteria ard methodsof samplinga4d testing.

SieveSize Passing

500pm(No. 30) r00

300pm(No. s0) 9s-100
75itm(No.200) . 7G100

Refer to ASTM Designation D242 "Mineral Filler for Bituminous Paving Mixtures," for
criteriaand methodsof samplingand testing,

C. Classificationof Asphalt PavingMixes
pavingmixesmay be designedand producedfrom a wide rangeof aggre-
gateblends,eachsuitedto specificuses.The aggregate compositionmay
varyfrom coarseto fine particles.Many differentcompositions arespeci-
fied throughoutthe world-the mixesin anygivenlocalitygenerallyare
thosethat haveprovenadequatethrough longusage,and in mostcases
theseare the onesto be used.However,for a generalclassification of mix
compositionsThe Asphalt Institute recommends considerationof mix des-
ignationsand nominal maximum sizeof aggregate 37.5 mm (l l/2in.),
2 5 . 0m m ( 1i n . ) ,1 9 . 0m m ( 3 / 4 i n . ) , 1 2 . 5m m( l / 2 i n . ) , 9 . 5m m ( 3 / 8i n . ) ,
4.75mm (No.4), and 1.18mm (No. 16)asspecified in ASTM* Standard
D3515.The gradingand asphaltcontentlimits of thesemixesagree,in
general,with overallpractice but may varyfrom the practiceof a given
local arca.Table IV-4 givesthe ASTM D3515grading limits.

D. Design of Asphalt PavingMixes

4.O9 GENERAL-The best known designmethodsfor asphaltpav-

ing mixes are the Marshalland the Hveem.They havebeenwidely used
for construction design with satisfactoryresults.For each method,
criteria have been developedby correlatingresultsof laboratorytests
on the compactedpavingmixesunderserviceconditions.
Suggestedcriteria are given in Table IV-5. The designof asphalt
paving mixesis discussedin detail in the AsphaltInstitute publication
Mix Design Methods for Asphalt Concreteand Other Hot-Mix Types,
4.10 JOB-MIX FORMULA-The term job-mix formula generallyis
usedin the singularbut actually threeor morejob-mix formulasmay be
involvedby the time a project is well underway.Theseare:
(l) The DesignJob-Mix Formula, usedin the preliminarystages
of the project design when the specificationsare prepared,the
preliminary investigationof materialsis made,and the preliminary
mix designsare studiedin the laboratory.
(2) The PreliminaryJob-Mix Formula,tentatively determinedon
the basisof testsof samplestaken from the aggregate deliveredand
stockpiledon the project or from the hot bins of the asphaltplant.
(3) The Final Job-Mix Formula, determinedafter the asphalt
plant is in regularoperation and the characteristics of the mix have
been determined from samples from the roadbed.

rAmerican Society for Testing and Materials.

Sand Sheet
Asphalt Concrete Asphalt Asphalt

Sieve Size M i x D e s i g n a t i o na n d N o m i n a l M a x i m u m S i z e o f A g g r e g a t e

11h in. 1in. 3/t in. 1/z in. 3/a in. No 4 No. 16
(37.5 mm) (25.0mm) ( 1 9 . 0 m m ) ( 1 2 . 5 m m ) (9.5 mm) (4 75 mm) (1.18mm)

Grading ot Total Aggregate (Coarse Plus Fine, Plus Filler if Required)

Amounts Finer Than Each LaboratorySieve (Square Opening), weight percent

2 in. (50 mm) 100

1 % i n . ( 3 7 . 5m m ) 90to 100 100
1 in. (25.0mm) - 90to 100 100 -
% i n . ( 1 9 . 0m m ) 56 to 80 90 to 100 100
% i n . ( 1 2 . 5m m ) - 56to80 - 90 to 100 100
% in. (9.5 mm) 56 to 80 90 to 100 1 0 0
No. 4 (4.75mm) 23 to 53 29 to 59 35 to 65 44 to 74 A E i ^ q q 80 to 100 1 0 0
No I (2.36mm)- 1 5t o 4 1 1 9t o 4 5 23 to 49 28 to 58 32 to 67 6 5 t o 1 0 0 9 5 t o 1 0 0
N o . 1 6 ( 1 . 1 8m m ) 40 to 80 85 to 100
No.30 (600 pm) 20 to 65 70 to 95
No.50 (300 pm) 4to16 5to17 5to19 5to21 7 lo23 7to40 45 to 75
No. 100 (150 pm) 3to20 20 to 40
N o . 2 0 0( 7 5 p m ) " 0too 1to7 2to8 2to10 2 to 2to10 9to20

A s p h a l t C e m e n t ,w e i g h t p e r c e n to f T o t a l M i x t u r e t

3to8 3tog 4to10 4to11 5to12 6to12 8to12

Suggested Coarse Aggregate Sizes

4and67 5and7 67or68 7ot78

or or 57 or
4 and 68 6and8
'ln consideringthe total gradingcharacteristicsof an asphalt paving mixture the amount
passingthe 2.36 mm (No. 8) sieve is a significant and convenientf ield control point between
fine and coarse aggregate.Gradings approaching the maximum amount permitted to pass
the 2.36-mm(No. 8) sievewill result in pavement surfaces having comparativelyfine texture,
whilegradingsapproachingthe minimum amount passingthe 2.36-mm(No.8 sieve)will result
in surfaceswith comparativelycoarse texture.
"The materials passing the 75-pm(No. 200)sieve may consist of fine particlesof the ag-
gregatesor mineral f iller,or both. lt shall be free from organic matter and clay particlesand
havea plasticity index not greaterthan 4 when tested in accordance with Method D 423 and
MethodD 424,except that this plasticity requirementshall not apply when the f iller material
is hydratedlime or hyclrauliccement.
tThe quantity of asphalt cement is given in terms of weight percent of the total mixture.
The wide difference in the specific gravity of various aggregates,as well as a considerabledif-
ferencein absorption,resultsin a comparativelywide range in the limiting amount of asphalt
cementspecified. The amount of asphalt requiredlor a given mixture should be determined
by appropriatelaboratorytesting or on the basis of past experiencewith similar mixtures,or
by a combination of both-

Reprintedby permission
from ASTM Designation3515,StandardSpecifications
for Hot-Mixed,Hot-
Laid BituminousPavingMixtures.

Light Trafficz MediumTrattic2 Heavy Traffic2

Surface& Base Surtace& Base Surface & Base

M a r s h a l lM e t h o d
Mix Criterial Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max.
Compaction,number of
blows each end of
specrmen '0 r5
Stability,- N 2 224
(tb.) (500)
3 336
(750) I 6 672
Flow,0.25mm (0.01in.)
PercentAir Voids
PercentVoids in
I 20
8 16
MineralAggregate (VMA) (See F y u r el V - 1 )
Hveem Method
Mix Criteria

StabilometerValue 30 37
Swell,mm 0.762 0.762 0.762
(in.) (0.030) (0.030) (0.030)
PercentAir Voids3 + 4 4
t c r i t e r i aa p p l i c a b l eo n l y w h e n t e s t i n gi s d o n e i n c o n f o r m a n c e
w i t h m e t h o d s o u i l i n e di n
the Asphalt f nstitute publication,Mix Design Methods for AsphaltConcrete and Other Hot-
Mix Types(MS-2).All criteria,not stability value alone, must be considered in designingan
a s p h a l tp a v i n gm i x .

Light: T r a f f i c c o n d i t i o n sr e s u l t i n gi n a D e s i g nE A L < 1 0 4 .
M e d i u m : T r a f f i c c o n d i t i o n sr e s u l t i n gi n a D e s i g nE A L b e t w e e n1 0 4a n d 1 0 6 .
H e a v y : T r a f f i c c o n d i t i o n sr e s u l t i n gi n a D e s i g nE A L > 1 0 6 .
3 A l t h o u g hn o t a r o u t i n ep a r to f t h e d e s i g nm e t h o d ,a n e f f o r ti s m a d et o p r o v i d e m i n i m u m
p e r c e n ta i r v o i d s i n t h e t o t a l m i x .
' N = Newton

E. Contol of AsphaltMixture and SprayingTemperatures

4.rr GENERAL-Asphaltis a thermoplastic materialthat decreases

in viscositywith increasing
temperature.The relationshipbetweentem-
peratureand viscosity,however,
maynot be the samefor differentsources
or typesand gradesof asphaltmaterial.
4.12 TEMPERATUREoF MIXTURE-The mixingtemperature for
a hot asphaltplant mix is governedby placingandcompactingrdquire-
ments. The lowest temperaturethat will allow time for the mixture to
be hauled,placed,andcompacted shouldbe used.The maximummix-
ing temperature shouldneyerexceed177"C(350"F).

Nominal Maximum Aggregate Size - Millimetres
o q?q:9u?
s ;: P R 5 33



4 3/8 1/2 3/4 I

Nominal Maximum Aggregate Size - Inches

rstandard Specifications for ll'ire Cloth Sievesfor Testing Purposes, ASTM Designation Ell
(AASHTO Designation M92).
2For processed aggregate,the nominal maximum particle size is the largest sievesize listed in the
applicable specification upon which any material is retained.
:Mixtures in the lEotolerancebandshall be permitted only when experienceindicatesthat the mixture
will perform satisfactorily and when all other criteria are met

Figure IV-l-Minimum percentvoids in Mineral Aggregate(YMA)

Both asphalt and aggregate must be heatedbeforethey are com-

bined in the pugmill-the asphaltto makeit fluid enoughto be pumped
and the aggregateto makeit dry and hot enoughto keep the asphalt
fluid while it is coatingthe particles. The degreeof heat in the dried
aggregatecontrols the temperafureof the asphalt-agglegate mixture in
the pugmill becausethe temperatureof the asphaltcementrapidly ad-
justs to that of the aggregate
whenthe two aremixed.

Temperaturesfor emulsifiedasphalt-aggregate mixturesand MC and
SCcutbackasphalt-aggregate mixturesaresubstantiallylower than those
requiredfor hot asphaltplant mixes. Whiletheselowermixing temper-
aturesmay not providethoroughly dry aggregates, hasshown
that they usuallyaresatisfactory.
Typicaltemperaturerangesfor pugmill mixingarepresentedin Tables
IV-7 andIV-8.


The purpose of Tables IV-7 and IV'E is to indicate tempet'

ature ranges necessary to provide Proper asphalt vlscoslty for
spraying and mixing applications for the grades of asphalt
shown. It MUST be recognized, however, that temperature
ranges lndiceted by the charts generally are above the mlnl'
mum flash point for the RC, MC and SC cutback asphah ma'
6'flash" at
terials. In fact, some of these cutback asphalts wlll
tcmperatures below these indicated ranges. Accordinglyr sult'
able safety precautions are mandatory at all times when handl'
ing these cutback asphalts. These safety precautlons include,
but are not limited to, the followlng:
(1) Open flames or sparks must not be permitted close to
these materials. Controlled heat should be applied ln heatlng
kettles, mlxers, distributors, or other equipment designed and
approved for the purpose.
(2) Open flames must not be used to inspect or examine
drums, tank cars, or other containers in whlch these materlals
have been stored.
(3) AII vehicles transporting these materlals must be prop'
erly vented.
(a) Only experienced personnel must be permitted to super'
vise the handling of these materials.
(5) AU applicable intrastato and interstate commerce re'
quirements must be met.

4.13 SPRAYINGTEMPERATURES-Thehighesttemperatureused
for sprayingshould be that at which no foggingoccurswhen the asphalt
materialleavesthe spray nozzle. TableslV-7 andIV-8 presenttypical
sprayingtemperaturerangesfor emulsifiedasphalts.
As the lower temperatures are more critical for sprayingasphaltce-
mentsand cutback asphalts, theseasphaltmaterialsonly minimum
temperatures are shownin TableslV-7 and IV-8.

PugmillMixtureTemperaturesl SprayingTemperaturess
Type and Grade
of Asphalt Dense-Graded Open-Graded Surface
Mixes Mixes RoadMixes Treatments

AC.2.5 115-140 80-120 1 3 0r
AC-5 120-145 80-120 1 4 0+
AC-10 120-155 80-120 1 4 0+
AC-20 130-165 80-120 1 4 5+
AC.40 130-170 80-120 150+
AR.1000 105-135 80-120 1 3 5+
AR-2000 135-165 80-120 1 4 0+
AR-4000 135-165 80-120 1 4 5+
AR€OOO 135-165 80-120 1 4 5+
AR.16000 150-175 80-120
200-300pen. 115-150 80-120 1 3 0+
120-150 pen. 120-155 80-120 1 3 0+
85-'100pen. 120-165 80-120 1 4 0+
60-70 pen. 130-170 80-120 145+
40-50 pen. 130-175 80-120 150+
RS-1 20-60
RS.2 50-85
MS-1 10-702 20-70 20-70
MS-2 10-702 20-70
MS-2h 10-702 20-70
HFMS-1 10-702 20-70 20-70
HFMS.2 10-702 20-70
HFMS-2h 10-702
'to-702 20-70
HFMS.2s 20-70
SS-1 10-702 20-70
ss.1h 10-702 20-70
CRS.1 50-85
cRs-2 50-85
cMs-2 10-702 20-70
cMs-2h 10-702 20-70
css.1 10-702 20-70
css.1h 10-702 20-70
CutbackAsphalts(RlI, MC, SC)3
30 (MConly) | 30+
70 1 20+ 50+
250 | 55-804 40+ 75+
800 | 75-1004 55+ 95+
3000 | 80-1154 1 1 0+
NOTES:Exact conversionstrom oF rounded to nearest soO.
-Temperatures for asphalt cements and cutback asphalts are guides only.
tTemperatureof mixture immediatetyafter discharge trom the pugmitl rather than temper-
ature of asphalt cement or cutback asphalt.
2Temperature of the emulsified asphalt in the pugmill mixture.
3Appticationtemperature may, in some cases, be above the flash point of the material.
Caution must therefore be exercisedto preventf ire or an explosion.
aRapid-Curing (RC)grades are not recommendedfor hot pugmill mixing.
5Themaximumtemperature(asphaltcement and cutback asphalt) shall be below that at
which foggingoccurs.

PugmillMixtureTemperaturesl SprayingTemperaturess
- andGrade
of Asphalt Dense-Graded Open-Graded Surface
Mixes Mixes Road Mixes Treatments
AC-2.5 235-280 180-250 270+
AC-5 250-295 180-250 280+
AC.10 250-315 180-250 280+
AC-20 265-330 180-250 295+
AC40 270-340 180-250 300+
AR.1000 225-275 180-250 275+
AR.2000 275-325 180-250 285+
AR4000 275-325 180-250 290+
AR€OOO 275-325 180-250 295+
AR.16000 300-350 180-250
200-300pen. 235-305 180-250 265+
120-150pen. 245-310 180-250 270+
85-100pen. 250-325 180-250 280+
60-70 pen. 265-335 180-250 295+
40-50 pen. 270-350 180-250 300+
RS.1 70-140
RS.2 125-185
MS-1 50-1602 70-160 70-160
MS.2 50-1602 70-160
MS.2h 50-1602 70-160
HFMS-1 50-1602 70-160 70-160
HFMS.2 50-1602 70-160
HFMS.2h 50-1602 70-160
HFMS-2s 50-1604 70-160
ss-1 50-1602 70-160
ss-1h 50-1602 70-160
cRs-1 125-185
CRS-2 125-8
CMS.2 50-1602 70-160
cMS.2h 50-1602 70-160
css-1 50-1602 70- 160
css-1h 50-1602 70-160
CutbackAsphalts(Fc, Mc,sc)3
30 (MConly) 85+
70 65+ 120+
250 I 135- 1751 1 0 5+ 1 6 5+
800 | 165-2104 135+ 200+
3000 | 180-2401 230+

Temperaturesfor asphalt cements and cutback asphalts are guides only.
lTemperatureof mixture immediatelyafter dischargef rom the pugmill ratherthan temper-
ature of asphalt cement or culback asphalt.
2Temperature of the emulsifiedasphalt in the pugmill mixture.
3Applicationtemperatures may, in some cases, be above the tlash point of the material.
Cautionmust therefore be exercisedto preventfire or an explosion.
lRapid-Curing(RC)grades are not recommendedfor hot pugmill mixing.
sThemaximum temperature(asphaltcementand cutback asphalt)shall be below that at
which fogging occurs.

Es i

€3 C

|ul^ :

g d-
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f;s -g ,
e lll
o- I >ol

<- ;s vl


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a 3


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Figure lV-2-Viscosity conversionsfor various methodsof measurement

A Asphalt pavement structure, defined,
AASHTO and ASTM Test Methods Asphalt pavingmixture tests,42-53
for asphaltpavingmixtures,asphalts
Asphalt prime coat, defined,13
and mineralaggregates,5l-53
Asphalt primer, def,rned,10
J J-J+ Asphalt seal cost, defined, 13
Aggregates,defined. I i Asphalt, semi-solid, defined, l0
Aggregategradationcharts,38-39 Asphalt soil stabilization,defined, l4
Agriculture,asphalt'susesin, 6 Asphalt surfacecourse,defined,l4
Anionic emulsified asphalt, defined, I I Automotive industry, asphalt'susesin,
Brief history of, I
Defined,9 B
Occurrenceof, I
ProperLiesof, t Basecoune, defined,l4
Usesof,4-7 Base course, asphalt pavement, de-
Asphalt basecourse,defined, l2 fined, 12
Asphalt block pavements,defined, l2 Binder asphalt course, defined, l3
Asphalt blocks, defned, 9 Bitumen, defined, l0
Asphalt cement Block asphalt pavement, defined, 12
Defined,9 Blown asphalt
Tests of, 17 Defined,9
Asphalt concrete,defined, 12 T e s t so n , 3 4 - 3 6
Asphalt emulsion slurry seal, defined, uses
Building industry, miscellaneous
t2 of asphaltin, 6
Asphalt intermediatecourse, defined,
Asphalt leveling course, defined, 12

Asphalt macadampavement, defined, Catalytically blown asphalt,dehned,9

Cationic emulsified asphalt,defined,
Asphaitmastic,defined, l3 ll
Asphalt overlay,defined, l3 Cementmixjng test, asphaltemulsions,
Asphalt pavements,defined, 13 JJ

Classificationof asphaltpaving mixes, Filler, mineral, defined,15
59-60 Fine aggegate
Coarseaggregate D e h n e d ,l 2
Defined, 1l Grading,56,58
Flashpoint, tests
Cold-laidplant mixture, defined, 14 Clevelandopencup, 22,30
Combined mineral aggregate,test on, Pensky-Martens,23
56 Tagopen cup,27-28

Composite-type pavement structure, Floors,asphalt'susesin, 6

dehned,l 6 Flux oil, defined, I I
Cutbackasphalt,defined,I 0 Fog, asphaltseal, defined, 12
Full-Depth asphaltpavement,defined,
Thick-lift asphaltconstruction, defined,
l4 G
Deep-strengthasphalt pavement, de-
Gilsonite, defined, ll
fined, I 5
Grading charts, mineral aggregates,
Asphalt materials, 9-1 I
Asphalt pavementsand surface
treatments,I l-16
Demulsibility Iest, 32-33 H
Density, compacted asphalt paving Hard asphalt, defined, l0
mix, 46-48 History of asphalt,l
Dstillation test Hot-laid plant mixture, defined, l5
Asphaltemulsion,3l -32
Cutback asphalts,27-30 Hveem method of test,44-46
Suggestedcriteia for test limits, 6l
Ductility tesI,25-26, 3O
Hydraulicsand erosioncontrol,
asphalt'susesin, 6

Electricalindustry, asphalt'susesin, 6
Emulsified asphalt
Definition, ll
Tests,3l-34 Impregnated,treatedmaterials,asphalt
Extraction methods,48-49 usesin, 7
Improvedsubgrade,defined, l6
I Industrial usesof asphalt, 6-7
Federal Highway Administration 0.45 Intermediate asphalt coluse, defined,
power gradationchart, 39 t2

J Mixed-in-place

Job mix formulas for design,final and

Moisture and volatile distillates de-
preliminaryasphaltmixes, 59
terminations in asphalt mixtures,
Joint filler, asphalt,defined,9 49-50
Moisturein mineralaggregates,
Multiple surface treatment, defined,
K 15
Kneadingcompactor,Hveem, 44-45
Native asphalt,defined, l0
L Natural asphalt, defined, 10
Lake asphalt,defined, l0
Leveling asphalt course, defined, 12
Occurrenceof asphalts,I
special,use of, 56
Local aggregates,
Oil distillate, 34
Los Angeles abrasiontest, 40
Open-graded defined,l2
Loss on heating test, 36
Overlayasphaltconstruction, defined,

defined, l2

Macadam asphalt pavement,defined, Paint, asphalt,defined, l0

Paints, vamishes,etc., asphalt'suses
Marshall method of test. 42-44 in. 7
Suggested criteriafor test limits, 61
Panel, asphaltpremolded, defined, l0
Particlechargetest, 34
Maximum specific gravity of paving
mixture, 5l Pavementstructure,defined,l6

Medium-curinC(MC) asphalt Pavingmixturesclassifications,59-60

Defined, 1l Temperatures ,61-65
Testson, 27-29 Tests,42-5 I
Mineral aggregate Pavingusesof asphalt,7

Mineraldust.defined,15 Penetration1r-sr,20-22, 3 5-3 6

Mineral filled asphalt, defined, 9 Petroleumasphalt

Defined, l0
Mineral hller Flow chart, 2
Definition,l5 Producedas cutback asphaltstypes
G r a d i n g , 5 65, 8 and grades,3
industrialusesof asphalts
Miscellaneous Refiningtypes and grades,2-3
and compositions,T Tonnageproduction, 2

Planks,asphalt,defined' l0 Sieve analysis of mineral aggregates,
Plant mix, defined, 16
Powderedasphalt,defrned, 10
dehned,I 6
Preformed asphaltjoint hller' defined,
Slow-curing (SC) liquid asphalt de-
fined, I I
Prime coat, asphalt,defined, 13 Tests,29-30
Propertiesof asPhalt,I Slurry seal,asphalt emulsion,dehned,
o Softeningpoint test, 21,34-35
Quality standards for mineral agge- Soil stabilization with asphalt, de-
gates, 55 fined, l4
Solid asphalt,defined, l0
R Solubility test, asphalt cemenl,25-26
Railroad usesof asPhalt,7 SpecihcgravitYtests
Rapid-curing(RC) asphalt, defined, l0 Asphalt cemenl-,26
Rapid-curing(RC) and Medium-curing
Mineral aggregales,4l
(MC) asPhalttests, 27-29
Specificationssummary and principal
Recoveryof asphaltfrom mixtures, 49
Recreationalareasusing asphalt,7 Aggegates grading and qualitY
Residue from distillation test, asphalt standards, 55-58
emulsions,31-32 Coarseaggregate,56-57
Combined mineral aggregate,56
Road-mix asphalt course, defined, l5 Fine aggregate,56-58
Road oiJ.defined,10 Mineral filler, 58
Speciallocal aggregates,
Rock asphalt,defined, l0
Pavementsdefined, 16 Asphalts, 55

Rolling thin film oven test,24-25 Classificationof asPhaltPaving

Roohng industry, asphalt'susesin, 6
Control of asphalt mixture and
rFf sprayingtemperatures, 6l'65
D Design of asPhaltPaving mixes,59,
Safety cautions in handling liquid 6r
asphalts, 63 Job mix formulas,59
Suggestedcriteria for test Limits,
Sampting and testing mineral aggre-
gates, 36
Sprayingasphalt temperatures,63-65
Sand asphalt, defined, 13
Stabilometertest, Hveem,44-46
Sand equivalent test, 37
Storage stability, asphalt emulsions',
Seal coat, defined, 16
Settlement test, 32
Sheetasphalt,defined, 14

defined,16 Thin film oven test,23-24
Improved subgnde defined,16
Trinidad lake asphalt,defined, 10
Surfacetreatment, multiple, defrned,
Swelltest, asphaltmixtures,50-5 I
Unit weight determination, mineral
TI aggregates,4l

Tack coat with emulsified liquid

asphalt,defined, 14 V
Tests Viscosityconversionsfor variousmeth-
Asphalt cement,77-27 ods of measurement,66
Asphalt, genenl17
Blown asphalt,34-36
RC and MC cutback asphalts,27
Cutback asphalts,27-30
Mineral aggte gates, 36-42 Voids and effective asphaltcontent,48
Testmethods, authoritative,common-
Asphaltpavingmixtures,52 Walls, Sidings, Ceilings, asphalt'suse
Blown asphalt,52 in, 6
Emulsifiedasphalt,52 Waterin asphalttest, 29-30
Mineral aggregate,53
Rapid-curing (RC) and Medium- Waterresistance-Aggre
curing (MC) asphalt,5 1-52 33-34
Slow-curing(SC) asphalt,52 Well-gradedaggregatedefined, 12

ThicknessDesign-Asphalt Pavementsfor Highwayssnd Streets(MS-l)
Mix Design Methodsfor Asphalt Concrete and Other Hot-Mix Types (MS-Z)
Asphalt Plant Msnual (MS-3)
TheAsphalt Handbook(MS-4)
Asphalt PocketbookoJ UsefulInformotion (MS-6)
Asphalt Paving Manual (MS-8)
SoilsManual (MS-10)
ThicknessDesign-Asphalt Pavements for Air CaruierAirports (MS-l l)
Asphalt in Hydraulics (MS-I2)
Asphalt Cold-Mix Manuul (MS-14)
Drainage of Asphalt PavementStructures(MS-15)
Asphalt in PavementMaintenanc€(MS-I6)
Asphalt Overlaysfor Highway and StreetRehabilitation(MS-17)
SomplingAsphalt Productsfor SpecificationsCompliance(MS-l8)
Basic Asphalt EmulsionManual (MS-I9)
Asphalt Hot-Mix Recycling(MS-20)
Asphalt Cold-Mix Recycling(MS-21)
Principles of Constructionof Hot-Mix Asphalt Pavements(MS-2?)
ThicknessDesign-Asphalt Pavements for Heavy WheelLoads (MS-23)

Model Construction Specificotionsfor Asphalt Concrete(SS-l)

Specfficationsfor Paving and Industrial Asphalts (SS-2\
Specificationsqnd ConstructionMethodsfor Asphalt Curbs and Gutters

*For a complete catalog of all asphalt publications contact:

ResearchPark Drive
P.O.Box 14052


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