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Factors Affecting the Academic Performance of Grade 12 Students in Asian

Institute of Computer Studies 2023-2024

A Quantitative Thesis Paper

For the completion on the subject Thesis

Presented to the Faculty of

Asian Institute of Computer Studies (AICS) Academic

Year 2023-2024

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements under the Academic Strand Humanities and Social Sciences



Bacod, Jurie A.

Baldago, Jomari P.

Bueno, Joshua Jose B.

Perol, Maria Joy D.

Porcadilla, Mark Edmond M.

Tano, Cjay Sam E.

Viray, Gabriel C.



In many facets of our lives, information is crucial. Academic achievement matters a lot to

students' lives as it plays a huge part in shaping responsible individuals. Good study habits and

attitudes contribute to academic performance, including homework completion, class

participation, time management, concentration, and effort. Some students don’t realize the

significance of achieving academic excellence for themselves. Their academic accomplishment

matters a lot as well as learning valuable skills but in some ways it is difficult to achieve because

of some factors that affect their performance in school.

In the pursuit of academic excellence, understanding the myriad of factors that influence Student

outcomes are vital for educational institutions. There are various factors that affects the academic

performance of the students such as, Time management, Financial status, and Social media.

Time management is crucial for academic success, as it allows students to allocate time

efficiently, reduce procrastination, and minimize stress, ultimately enhancing productivity and

learning. Conversely, social media, while offering benefits, can distract students, disrupt time

management, and hinder critical thinking skills, emphasizing the need for moderation.

Furthermore, financial status shapes access to opportunities and resources, underscoring the

importance of addressing socioeconomic disparities for equitable education. Overall, time

management, social media, and financial status are essential for optimizing student academic

performance and ensuring educational equity.


study aims to understand the Factors Affecting the Academic Performance of Grade 12 Student in

Asian Institute of Computer Studies 2023-2024. The factors that this study only focuses on are:

Time management, Financial status, and Social media. This will serve as an insight for the factors

that affects the academic performance of Grade 12 students, in order to have a successful

academic career.


Student academic performance is influenced by a range of factors, including time

management, social media aspect, and financial status.

Time management directly impacts academic performance by enabling students to efficiently

allocate time for studying, completing assignments, and preparing for exams. Effective time

management reduces procrastination, helps prioritize tasks, minimizes stress, and facilitates active

learning strategies, leading to improved productivity, understanding, and retention of course

material. In essence, mastering time management skills empowers students to optimize their

academic efforts and achieve better performance outcomes.

Social media has an impact on academic performance by serving as a source of distraction,

leading to reduced focus and productivity. Excessive use can disrupt time management, fostering
procrastination and neglect of academic responsibilities. Late-night engagement can disrupt sleep

patterns, resulting in cognitive fatigue or hindering learning. Moreover, constant exposure to peers'

achievements may trigger feelings of inadequacy, pivotal role in shaping students' academic and

achievements, highlighting the importance of creating supportive and enriching educational

settings. Lastly, financial status significantly influences academic studies by shaping access to

resources and opportunities. Students from lower-income households may face barriers such as

limited access to educational materials, technology, and extracurricular activities, which can

hinder their academic progress. Financial constraints may also impact access to quality childcare,

healthcare, and nutritious food, affecting students' overall well-being and ability to focus on their

studies. Moreover, financial stress within the family can create distractions and additional

responsibilities for students, impacting their time and energy available for learning. Conversely,

students from higher-income families often have access to better educational resources.

Statement of the Problem

The research aims to study on the title Factors Affecting The Affecting the Academic Studies

of Grade 12 Students in Asian Institute of Computer Studies, School Year 2023-2024. The

following questions are:

1. What is the demographic profile of respondents in terms of?

1.1 Age
1.2 Sex

1.3 Strand

2. What are the factors that affects the academic performance of Grade 12 students at Asian

Institute of Computer Studies in terms of?

2.1 Financial status

2.2 Social media

2.3 Time management

3. Is there a significant relationship between the factors that affect the academic performance and

their demographic profle?


There is no significant relationship between the factors affecting the academic performance of

Grade 12 students of Asian Institute of Computer Studies demographic profile

Scope and Limitations

This study mainly and only focuses on the factors, these are: Time management, Financial

status, and Social media. And will only focus on Grade 12 students of Asian Institute of

Computer Studies, Montalban branch. The research is on the relevant/time of the present year

Focusing only on 3 factors that affects the academic performance of grade 12 from Asian

Institute of Computer Studies.

Significance of the Study

This present study will be beneficial to the Teachers, School Administrator , Curriculum

Planner, Students, Parents and Future Researchers.

TEACHERS:The findings of this study would suggest teachers on how to help their students on

the factors such as financial status, time management, and social media that students face on a day

to day academic basis. On that they will be inspired to develop their teaching style to guide the

students to walk on their chosen

SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR: The finding of this study may be used to establish intervention

programs that will serve as the bridge for senior high school students to their academic struggles,

such as the factors.

STUDENTS:They were the most-beneficiary of this research,it will provide them knowledge

about the factors affecting academic performance as an open door to give them opportunities and a

way to discover the life behind the academic world and expectations.
PARENTS:This study will encourage parents to help their kids both financially and

emotionally. It will also provide them insight into the challenges their kids face, which will

motivate them to help them make important financial decisions.

FUTURE RESEARCHERS:When conducting their own research on a topic related to this

one, they can utilize this study as a reference that will provide them with some information

and act as research material.

Conceptual framework

The main purpose of this research is to gain knowledge about the factors affecting the

academic performance of grade 12 students at Asian Institute of Computer Studies. This

conceptual Framework will show the problems that will be faced or are being faced and it will use

methods to give vulnerability to said problems.


1.1 SEX
1.2 AGE





Review Related literature and Studies

This presents relevant related literature the researcher considered in strengthening the

importance of present study. It also presents the synthesis of the art to fully understand the

research for better comprehension study.

Foreign literature

The Dang and Bulus,(2020)Financial plays an important role in students’ academic

performance. Financial problems are a serious issue that needs to be addressed as it leads to

multiple stages of problems such as health issues and academic performance. Education is a high-

cost social service therefore insufficient financial support will be a problem for students to

enhance themselves in academics thus leading to poor academic performance.

Nasser A et al (2019) indicates with peers for collaboration learning, as well as online

communication over social media enhances, the students learning activities and enable to sharing

knowledge, information, and discussions, and hence, They recommend students to utilize social

media for education purpose and should have encouraged them through lecturers at higher level

education institutions. Social media has been increasingly utilized by many instructors and

students for personal and educational use in higher education. Indicate that utilization and

educational usage of social media have a positive impact on learning, enhance students’

perception of performance, and produce greater learning satisfaction.

Additionally, Social media has shown a substantial influence on the daily lives of students,

mainly due to the overuse of smartphones. Students use social media both for academic and non-

academic purposes. Due to an increase in the usage of social media, academicians are now

confronting pedagogical issues, and the question arises as to whether the use of social media

affects students’ performance or not. Findings revealed that social media usage for non-academic

purposes harmed students’ academic performance. Additionally, social media usage for academic

purposes and social media multitasking did not affect students’ academic performance. Most

importantly, social media self-control failure moderates the relationship between “social media

usage for non-academic purposes” and students’ academic performance. The study suggests that

teachers not only rely on using social media as a learning tool but also concentrate on improving

student self-control over the use of social media through various traditional and non-traditional

activities, such as online readings, group discussions, roleplays and classroom presentations.

Hameed, I, et al (2022)
Moreover, one of the skills students use to succeed academically is the capacity for efficient

time management. To succeed in life, one must concentrate on effective time management. The

first time that time management behavior was described was in the late 1950s. The process of

making the most use of time available involves delegation, communication, goal-setting,

organization, and prioritizing tasks and goals. People that possess self-control are able to

accomplish a variety of tasks, identify what they need to do, and work within their constraints. The

existence and availability of time are prerequisites for the growth of other resources

(Mohamadkhani et al., 2019).

Additionally, By Rathnayake, R. (2021) has done a study endeavors to explore the correlation

between time management and academic achievement among Sri Lankan undergraduates. The

results underscore the significance of effective time management in enhancing students' academic

performance. Consequently, integrating time management skills into the curriculum is

recommended to support undergraduates in optimizing their educational outcomes.

Foreign studies

According to Kauser, S., et al, (2019) Media is playing a very prominent role in the life of a

modern man. There are a large number of people who use different types of social media in order

to keep them updated and connected with the entire world. Using social media affects their study

and academic performance and ultimately their results become effective. Some of the students

cannot remain away from using social media and it affects their academic performance badly.The

pervasive influence of social media on students' academic performance is evident across urban and

rural areas and among both genders. While social media offers benefits such as collaborative
learning, excessive usage negatively impacts academic performance, often leading to distractions,

time mismanagement, and health issues like malnutrition. Addressing social media addiction with

software programs and empowering teachers to integrate social media into learning processes can

enhance students' academic experiences. Balancing social media use is essential, recognizing its

potential as a valuable learning tool when utilized appropriately. Overall, promoting responsible

social media use can foster learning, sharing, and constructive activities, contributing to students'

academic success.

Additionally, finances play an important role in students’ academic performance. Financial

problems are a serious issue that needs to be addressed as it leads to multiple stages of problems

such as health issues and academic performance. Education is a high-cost social service therefore

insufficient financial support will be a problem for students to enhance themselves in academics

thus leading to poor academic performance. Norazlan N, et al, (2020)

Moreover, Ahmad,S et al, (2023) states that effective time management is crucial for

academic success among both distance and traditional students. The study aimed to investigate the

relationship between time management and academic achievement in distance learning

institutions, specifically Virtual and Allama Iqbal Open Universities. It revealed a strong positive

correlation between time management skills and academic performance. Students in web-based

learning environments must prioritize effective time management due to the lack of direct

interaction with instructors. It conducted as a correlation and survey, used self-developed

questionnaires validated by field experts. Reliability of the instruments was confirmed through

various statistical measures. In conclusion, mastering time management is essential for academic
success, particularly in distance learning settings. Students who effectively manage their time are

more likely to achieve academic excellence, while poor time management can lead to decreased

performance. Time management is a powerful tool for success in academics, enabling students to

compete effectively and achieve their goals.

Local literatures

A study found on Philippine E-Journalsstates that one of the financial constraints causing

students to work while studying is not having enough allowance to support and sustain their needs,

specifying that financial stability is necessary for student assistants to continue in their education.

It is also stated that students apply for student assistant to be able to proceed to colleges with free

tuition fees. However, other expenses still weigh students because those that are not covered by

the scholarship such as books and uniform are not easily affordable for these students

(Villahermosa et al., 2019)

Base on the study of Guirit, D (2021) The impact of financial status on the academic performance

of students enrolled at the University of Cebu-Maritime Education and Training Center. It focuses

on establishing relationships between student profiles, parents’ financial status, school

background, and academic performance among BSMT and BSMare students. Poverty

significantly limits students' resources, hindering their academic achievement compared to those

from more affluent backgrounds. Factors such as income, its source, and the mother’s education

level influence student achievement. Despite challenges, targeted instructional techniques and

strategies at various levels—classroom, school, district, and government—can help mitigate the
impact of poverty on academic performance, bridging the achievement gap and enabling all

students to reach their academic potential.

Camangyan, E. (2023) conducted a study to explore the relationship between time

management skills and academic performance among Grade 9 students. The findings suggest a

moderate significant positive correlation between time management skills and academic

performance, emphasizing the importance of students' attitudes towards developing effective time

management skills. The study concludes that students can enhance their academic achievement by

improving their time management planning, thinking, and actions. It highlights the need for

students to be mindful of time wastage and to take ownership of their time management. It is

essential for students to become more conscious of their attitudes, plans, ways of thinking, and

behaviors related to time management to improve their academic success. The research indicates a

strong association between time management skills and academic performance among students.

Overall, students demonstrated strong time management skills, which positively impacted their


Local studies

A study by Tus, J. (2021) The study examines the influence of social media usage on

students' academic performance in the context of the new normal in education. Notably, many

students utilize social media primarily for academic purposes, such as research, discussions with

classmates, and exam preparation. Despite its connection to academics, social media usage for

informative purposes remains relatively average, while entertainment and socialization purposes
are high. Moreover, students wisely allocate their social media time for academic activities,

including gathering news and sharing ideas, using it as a means to alleviate academic stress. The

study concludes that social media usage has a positive impact on students' academic performance,

underscoring its significant influence in the educational environment. Based on these findings,

several recommendations are proposed. Firstly, students should utilize social media for practical

learning purposes, such as sharing educational content and engaging in academic discussions.

Parents play a crucial role in monitoring and guiding their children's social media usage to ensure

it is managed responsibly without compromising privacy. Additionally, teachers can leverage

social media to enhance students' academic performance by integrating it into their teaching

methods and providing support. Lastly, schools can utilize social media platforms as learning tools

to support academic performance and maintain high educational standards.

Adding to that, The only thing, which can’t be changed by man, is time. One cannot get

back time lost or gone. Nothing can be substituted for time. Time management is actually self

management. The skills people need to manage others are the same skills that are required to

manage themselves. The purpose of the present study was to explore the relation between time

management and academic achievement of Higher Secondary students. The investigator used this

tool to assess Time management. Personal data sheet was prepared by the investigator. Percentage

analysis, Mean, Standard deviation and 't' test were used for analyzing the data. The results

showed that there is a significant relationship between the Time management and Academic

achievement of Higher Secondary students. On the basis of the findings, the investigator gives the
following recommendations. The result shows that female students are better than the male

students in time management. So the teachers should train the male students on effective time

management skills and create interest in the students by giving assignments, seminars related to

managing time etc. Teachers have to train the students and how to prepare the to-do list on a daily

basis and plan and work out the maximum task to be completed within the minimum available

time period. Teachers have to brief the students on the following categories: Prioritization,

Scheduling, Time Management Challenges, Goal setting, Self-Motivation, Concentration and

focus. The result shows no significant difference between male and female students in their

academic achievement. So Parents-Teacher meetings should be conducted on a regular basis to

understand the student's improvement towards education over a period of time which will help us

to identify the area of improvement required for students in Education. Cyrill, V., (2023)

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