Statement For VinMUN and Flow of Discussion

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“Implementing carbon taxes is essential to reducing harmful gas emissions, striking

a balance between economic development and environmental preservation.”

This is a topic that addresses the challenge of finding a balance between economic development and
environmental conservation. Carbon taxes are a policy tool aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions
by placing a price on carbon emissions, making businesses and individuals work to reduce their carbon

In this debate, participants would discuss the potential benefits and drawbacks of implementing
carbon taxes.

On one hand, carbon taxes can help mitigate climate change by encouraging the transition to renewable
energy sources, promoting energy efficiency, and fostering innovation in clean technologies. They can
also generate revenue for governments, which can be used to fund environmental initiatives or offset
other taxes.

However, opponents may argue that carbon taxes could have negative impacts on economic growth and
competitiveness, particularly for industries that rely heavily on fossil fuels. They may also raise concerns
about the regressive nature of carbon taxes, which could disproportionately affect low-income
households. Additionally, there may be questions about the effectiveness of carbon taxes in achieving
emission reduction targets and whether they could lead to job losses in certain sectors.

Overall, the debate would explore:

 The complex trade-offs involved in implementing carbon taxes and the need to strike a balance
between economic development and environmental sustainability.
 Participants would consider various factors such as the design of carbon tax policies, potential
exemptions or rebates for vulnerable groups
 Consider complementary measures to support affected industries and facilitate the transition to a
low-carbon economy.


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