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Republic of the Philippines


Echague, Isabela

Tel # 078-305-9176

Name: _______________________________ Date: ________________

Year Level & Section: ___________________


1. Explain the purpose of Body Mechanics
2. Discuss the elements of Body Mechanics.
3. Weight is best balanced when the centre of gravity is close to the base
provided by the feet.
4. Enlarging the base support increases the stability of the body.
5. A person or an object is stable if the center of gravity is close to the
base of support.
6. Enlarging the base of support in the direction of the forced applied
increases the amount of force that can be applied.
7. Tightening or contracting the supporting muscles (abdominal muscle
and back muscles) before beginning a lifting task prevents back injury.
8. Facing the direction of task to be performed and turning entire body in
one place lessen back injury/ pain.
9. Lift by bending legs and use leg muscles instead of using muscles.
10. Less energy is required to move an object on a level surface than to
move it up in a slanted surface against the force of gravity.
11. Less energy is required to move an object when friction between object
and surface on which it rest in minimized.
12. Less energy is required to move an object when it is held close to the
body than at a distance from the body.
13. Use weight of the body as a force to assist in lifting or moving.
14. Smooth, rhythmic movements at moderate speed require less energy
than rapid, jerky ones.
15. Pulling an object results to availability of all force for the task of moving.
Pushing an object results to absorption of force exerted leaving less
force available to move an object.
16. Less energy is required to work on a surface at an appropriate height
that it does to stop or stretch to reach the surface.

Rating Scale:
1- Needs Improvement
2- Satisfactory
3- Very Satisfactory
RS x 100
Where: RS- Raw score
N- Total # of items

Clinical Instructor

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