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Final Project Guidelines

universidad ean

With this project, you will learn how to design a successful international marketing plan and
strategy. This includes understanding different cultures around the world, global consumer
needs and wants, technological tools for communication, and the importance of developing
sustainable and purposeful brands. Additionally, you will learn how to use business and
marketing templates and tools to make informed decisions, leverage robust data to support
ideas, and effectively present and defend your strategies.

Final Online Presentation: In this keynote, you will present your international marketing plan
and strategy. The presentation should be concise, yet provide enough information for the
other students to understand the plan and why it will be successful. You are allowed to use
complementary content such as slides, videos, or any other visual aids that you believe will
enhance your speech. The time limit for the presentation is 20 minutes.

Recommended Steps
Select a local brand and an international market of your preference. The goal is to create a
global marketing plan and strategy for a product or service from the chosen brand in the
selected international marke
Provide a brief overview of the brand you will be working with to ensure understanding of
their purpose, value proposition, and products or services.
Analyze and understand the chosen international market (you can use the PESTEL tool). It is
crucial to comprehend the environment in which you will be introducing your products and
services to choose appropriate marketing strategies for success in this new market.
Consider potential risks and opportunities and adopt a proactive approach to
internationalizing your company. Remember that "distance still matters" and don't forget
about competitors
Conduct in-depth research and gain understanding of the culture, including religion,
aesthetics, customs, values, and other relevant elements. This analysis will facilitate the
creation of consumer segments and profiles
Based on the market and cultural analysis, create consumer segments and profiles for the
brand to facilitate decision-making in the international marketing plan. Consider the global
consumer's DNA and their buying style to better understand the type of market you will
enter and the competitors you will face. Recommended tools: Consumer Journey Map,
Empathy Map, Buyer Persona, Competitive Map, Hard and Soft Variables segmentation tool
Make and explain decisions regarding the international marketing plan. Determine whether
you will adapt your product and communications. If the answer is yes, explain how you will
make the changes and why. Recommended tool: Product Adaptation Template. Consider
language, packaging, prices, distribution, and other factors
Analyze and explain the brand's purpose. If there is no clear purpose, create one using the
steps described in class. It would be interesting to analyze the chosen brand's business
model, whether it is traditional, circular, or social, for example. Based on the model, explain
or establish the brand's purpose. Consider the brand's sustainability in the Global Value
Develop the digital marketing strategy for the global market. Recommended tools: Brand
Identity Matrix, Content Map, Inbound Marketing strategies. Choose the platforms on which
the brand will have a presence and create specific strategies for each. Provide examples of
how the brand will be present on the chosen platforms.

Quality: 60 points. I will evaluate the content's quality, including the depth of your research
and the strength of your argumentation
Creativity: 20 points. Be creative in your presentation of the international marketing plan.
Include a keynote presentation at a minimum. Avoid reading directly from your phone or
notes. Practice your presentation to ensure fluency, adequate time, and the ability to
answer questions
Sophistication: 20 points. Go above and beyond by using different templates or tools from
your research, conducting in-depth analysis, and incorporating elements such as
mockups or other objects to provide the audience with a sense of the culture or plan you
are presenting. Demonstrate your dedication to the project.

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