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OK to Comm matchmaking notes Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3 Cluster 4 Team Needs

Team Agent Name Role go? Lead? ? (2PM) A&B (3PM) (4PM) (5PM) Individual Needs Team To-Do List Individual To-Do List
Magenta The Imbalanced Joe Philley's (stuff that nobody on the ~50 more XMPs (transfers, testing,
SmurfSlasher Offense Pony Diamond Cylinders Lunch team has, and they transport, etc.) Hotspot Need transport from Penn Station
need to get from antoher password and testing
PoisonDart Logistical yes x x Palace team)
SAMPLE Springtime Deploy yes
Has 100 spare X8 res to give away
OtherSide Mods yes

High-deploy S1 S1 S1 S1
BlackSpringZero Deploy x
Alpha thelifeof Deploy High-deploy
Volatile kogent Offense

LandieAccem Deploy x High-deploy, Comm-tested S2 S2 S2 S2 Needs power cubes

Antlee Offense High-balanced, deploy

Bravo kelaiem x Comm-tested, might be in HQ

Volatile dootdoot82 With LandieAccem, L4 linker

negaduck Deploy With LandieAccem, L7

Arbitrage Offense x High-destroy, comm-tested S3 S3 S3 S3

dokebi Offense High-destroy
Charlie may need low level res and high level power completed platinum farm this afternoon.
emzee Deploy High-deploy cubes. mostly only have resos in l6+ bucket at 80 l6+ pc. will need more
Volatile TyphoonJim Bringing lots of people with him

derp Offense x x High-destroy, comm-tested S4 S4 S4 S4

lucipherAlpha Deploy High-deploy
Delta Laing Mostly deploy?
Ulich Offense x High-balanced, destroy S5 S5 S5 S5 Only 65 L7+ PCs :/
StraightAhead x High-balanced, Comm-tested
Echo Mid-balanced, bringing more
Hudson County with him, Comm-
Volatile JSRecon
tested (headset issue)

anyone else from

Hudson County

Henrock S6 S6 S6 S6 Team will be short of

three players.
Deploy x CrimsonBlitz's brother
Und3rgr0undW1r3 Offense High-balanced may join us as a low-
level deployer and
CrimsonBlitz Deploy X Mid-balanced, mod linker. His name is
Foxtrot karlashi Mods

Volatile Zrozue
? No survey
No survey
No survey
RedJava No survey
djIED Offense x S1 S1 S1 S1
Battlefool Deploy
Golf Cluster mardev X Balanced-deploy
[2] ChaoticV1rus? No survey

S2 S2 S2 S2 attend 2 farms tonight (Friday), test

das x Resonators/Mods comm
vandals04 Deploy
Hotel Might be switching over to fielding
Cluster work; Comm-tested
FudoMyoo Comm-tested

wants lots of L8 deployers S3 S3 S3 S3 More resonators

Encoder Offense x
Encoder's Fiance
India Mods

Cluster Weap0nX Deploy X Comm-tested


exussum Mods x S4 S4 S4 S4 Falstafff joining half way


Juliett Falstafff visitor, might be bringing many

Cluster Krishean Offense comm-tested
tandbkrish Offense comm-tested - also + 2 friends
hightwr Offense x x S5 S5 S5 S5
Daikini Mods
Kilo Cluster PointerUnion Mods Mid-balanced
Darkstarling Deploy Mid-deploy
hyp3 Offense
eiota visiting

Lima pez252
Cluster reds184
anyone else from
mdl x
lighthouse0 x
Mike Fire Trevre
[3] WheresYourFacee

spanishgadfly x x uws, ues, comm-tested

Scaroth Offense

November Sparktester
Proteus815 No survey
Baeslippin L3/4 - Farm everything
Adjta L3/4 - Farm everything

Teknologist wants to be with inoxnyc

lakalakin Deploy X Comm-tested

Oscar Fire inoxnyc

More items or dedicated comms... Have
RedLightning Comm-tested Don't have much gear in game... some L7-8 gear, need L6
Muevelo x X Car driver?

Papa Fire
Crapbuster Offense
MrsCrapbuster Deploy

visitor, might be bringing many -

80L5, 6 L6 RESO/92 L3, 7 L4, 1 L5, 10 L6, 1 L7 Bursters. 3 ADA, 1 Jarvis,20 Common Shields, 7 Rare Shields, 2 VR Shields,2 Rare Link Amp,4 Common Heat Sink, 1 Common MultiHack, 1 Rare MultiHack, 3 Rare Force Amp, 3 Rare Turret, 2 L1, 1 L2, 3 L3, 1 L4, 6 L5 Power Cubes


[1] Volatile teams deploy to a nearby volatile portal as soon as it's known, and focus on capturing that one

[2] Cluster teams try to capture as many portals as possible in their assigned area

[3] Fire teams are highly mobile, helping where directed by COMM (building/breaking links, etc.) - the
cluster assignments are defaults if there are no other orders

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