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2012 IEEE 10th International Conference on the Properties and Applications ofDielectric Materials

July 24-28,2012,Bangalore,India

Application of a Class of Nano fluids to improve

the Loadability of Power Transformers

T. S.Ramu \ B.K.Keshavan2, K. N. Balasubramanya Murthl

1 Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
PES Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India

Abstract: It is generally known that addition of conducting The temperature gradients so set up induce permeability
or insulating particles to mineral transformer oil, lowers its gradients that causing a motion of the oil itself and along
breakdown strength, Ed' However, if the particulates are of with it the ferro NPs. As a result, a "ferro-dyamic" effect
molecular dimensions, or nanoparticles, (NPs), as they are occurs resulting in highly turbulent convective flow of the
called, the breakdown strength is seen to increase fluid enhancing transformer cooling.
considerably. Recent experiments by the authors on oil
cooled power equipment such as transformers showed that,
It has been observed that non magnetic NPs also enhance
nanofluids comprising NPs of selected oxides of iron, such
cooling of transformers, albeit to a lesser extent. Further
as Fe304, called magnetite, added to transformer oil
more, in this case, the temperature reduction is purely due to
increased the breakdown voltage of the virgin oil and more
increased surface area of the bulk due to the presence of NP
importantly a remarkable enhancement in the thermal
and their relatively higher thermal capacity. The quantum
conductivity and the viscosity and hence an increased
mechanical formulation treats the NPs in such a way as to
loadability of the transformer for a given top oil temperature
make them scavengers, or absorbers of fast electrons
produced by the initial breakdown channels. For this to
happen, the sites of NPs shall act as sinks to the source of
Index Terms- Loadability, Nano particles, Ferro fluids, Top oil
Joule heating. In effect, the NPs induce the formation of a
conglomeration of electrons reducing the tendency for
INTRODUCTION positive streamers to form anywhere in the oil increasing
there by breakdown strength as well as thermal conductivity.
A nano fluid defined as a fluid in which any nanparticles
(NP) are uniformly dispersed in the virgin fluid. A ferrofluid In this paper, the Authors attempt to develop certain semi
in the context of power transfer cooling medium is a mineral empirical relations for estimating thermal and electrical
transformer oil in which ferro- nano-particles, generally properties of nanofluids (both ferro- and insulating NP­
magnetite (Fez04), are dispersed. A ferrofluid is seen to based) from the stand point of enhancing the loadability of
enhance cooling of power transformers. Heat generated by Power and related transformers.
the windings and magnetic core produces temperature
gradients in the ferro-fluid, where there is also a non­ THEORETICAL FORMULATIONS
uniform magnetic field. It is also thought that the high
alternating magnetic field in the vicinity of the windings and The theoretical work presented here is a sequel to already
oil ducts can cause magnetic particle move randomly and published work [1, 2] of one of the Authors of this paper. As
hence reduce temperature gradients in the body of the a logical extension of these formulae, dielectric parameters
transformer fluid. Studies have shown that a reduction of of the nano fluids can be worked out under the assumption
about 12°C in the top oil temperature in experimental 50- that r1 the radius of the nano particles to be very small
kVA units of ferro-fluid transformers compared to pure compared to a volume. The formulation is divided into two
transformer oil. Also, 10 nm size Fez04 particles are so parts, The dielectric and the thermal behaviour of the nano
small, they appear to have no deleterious effect on the fluids.
dielectric properties including electrical breakdown strength.

The enhanced cooling method uses the temperature

In the following, expressions for the complex permittivity
dependence of ferro-fluid magnetization described by the
and conductivity are derived based on the work of Van Beek
Langevin relation, so that the magnetic susceptibility
[3]. The nano particles of radius, rz are all assumed to be
decreases with temperature increases. The ferro fluid in the
identically uniformly dispersed in the bulk of the oil.
VICInIty of the transformer windings has a lower
Consider a spherical volume of radius r1 in which there are
permeability due to higher temperature than cold ferro -fluid.

978-1-4673-2851-7/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE

N number of nano particles shown in Fig.I. The volume volumetric proportions in terms of the conductivities (JI and
fraction of the particles, v is given by; N (rl/r2l Under the (J2 of the individual components.

assumption that r2«rJ, first order interaction of the mutual

electric and magnetic fields can be neglected. Let the In an exactly similar way, expressions for the permittivity
dielectric admittance of the nano -fluid in the spherical and dielectric loss factor can be derived thus.
volume with of the oil with indistinguishable particles be Y.


A =ps-t crr , B = qr -ps

p = 2��(1 - v) -I- ,��{1 + 211') '

p = 2�� (1- v) -I- ,��(1-1- 2v)

r = , � � (1l. + 2v) -I- ' S! � ( 1- v) .
:; = Z, iS{(2v) -t e; (1 . - v)
Fig.t. Model for the calculation of Admittance
of a 2-component nano fluid system

Let the dielectric admittances of the oil and nano particle

congregate be respectively Y1 and Y2, and that of the nano The heat transfer process in a power transformer establishes
fluid, Y. It has been shown in [1] that; the steady state temperature of the winding and core due to
the power loss in the copper. The viscosity and the thermal
conductivity of the pure fluid phase (mineral oil) together
-(1) determine the top oil temperature (TOT) and the hot spot
temperature (HST) of the transformer. In the case of a nano
fluid, similar processes take place, however, the heat transfer
The admittances in terms of the conductivities (J and is enhanced considerably. Avoiding details at this point,
certain empirical relations are given hereunder to estimate
permittivities E' respectively are given by :
the viscosity and thermal conductivity of nano fluids as
Y =Gf -t i qB' Yj[ =Uj[ + Jq.s� Y-: =0"-: + Jq.:i:
w heret q = IW G;D Kinematic Viscosity

Using the set of equations (1) and (2), and equating now the
As has already been pointed out, the exact formulation for
real parts,
viscosity 11 of a binary nano-f1uid is very involved. Note also
(y� t- q2j.Up)(J.. - (p� - r<p)q2s� has to be taken of the strong dependence of 11 with
,0= ------
(2 .. q 2(jJ2 temperature. If the concentration of the dispersed phase
-(3) (NPs) is small « -10%) and neglecting the inter particle
interactions, a phenomenological expression suggested in [4]
where can be used at constant temperature given thus;

y = 2(f1. + Clz + 2,v (az - (fl.) - (6)

P. = 2s� ... s� + 2,v rs; - s�) The classical Eyring [4] expression for the temperature
dependence of 11 is given by ;
{ = 2(f1. + (f2 -V (az - (fl.)
"'1(17') = �,oExp k fl' -(7)
qJ = 2S� +s� -v (s� - s�)
in which, AGE is the activation energy of the process and
9= T +273
Eqn.(2) therefore permits predetermination of the
conductivity of the mixture over the entire range of
Thermal Conductivity

The enhancement in thermal conductivity cal be computed L. "\j Gt
by solving the Classical Heat conduction (HCE) under Ii --- (I I )
relevant boundary conditions. This exercise involves solving
unsteady coupled nonlinear equations of the Elliptic type EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES
which are generally inhomogeneous due to the source
function. The boundary conditions are of the Neumann The experiments described herein are all aimed at verifying
Diritchlet type. A simpler, empirical relationship for the the theoretical formulations developed in the earlier sections.
thermal conductivity with a reasonable accuracy has been All the dielectric measurements have been made using the
suggested. This expression is particularly applicable to nano­ test setups suggested by standardizing bodies, in particular,
fluid and to an extent to Ferro-fluids of the magnetite type. ASTM.

Materials and Methods

In the preparation of nano fluids, it is necessary to vacuum
In which, Kr and Kb are the thermal conductivity of the nano dry the virgin oil and the NPs before using them in
fluid and that of the virgin transformer oil, at a temperature experiments and later filling them in Model transformers.
e. The models of the transformers procured from a local
manufacturer were rated for 5 kV and a continuous current
On the Loadability of Ferro / Nano fluid transformers
of 1 ampere. The winding and core were designed as per
normal design practice and the winding insulation was kraft
The loadability, or the limiting current loading of a power paper. The nanoparticles were washed in de-mineralized
transformer is a complex function of many variables, the water (PH 7) and later in N-hexane. The NPs were dried to
thermal properties of the cooling fluid, the winding losses, constant weight, and mixed with the mineral oil at 80°C in a
the iron loss, the dynamic ambient temperature, among stainless steel chamber. A stirring and shaking arrangement
others. Based the earlier work of the author 1 [5,6], easily ensures uniform dispersion of the NPs in the oil matrix.
applicable general empirical relations connecting the Regular sampling of the nanofluid from different locations
limiting load, L(in pu) and the consequent Top Oil of the mixing chamber and measurement of dielectric
Temperature (TOT) above the ambient (ea), !leT has been properties of the specimens were made to ensure uniform

1[1.2R2 lIll
suggested herein thus: mixing. The nanofluid is then vacuum died before filling the
'leT = �a
(R + 1 ) -(9)

1. Insulating chamber,
In which, R is the ratio of the load loss to no load loss and A.
2. Collet support,
is a parameter ��2 3.PVC tube,
N'::-C ..,���_.Y..I1��
�,=*l 4.Collet (the needle can be replaced by

Equation above applies to power transformer fluid without �i'[��������I a steel sphere if required),
NP doping. If the transformer is filled with a nano / ferro
6.solid Steel sphere,
fluid, Eqn. shall be modified as:

7.Electrode support,

+ 11.:1.

9.Stainless steel base.
Ae fJa
T -
(R + l ). f(v)

In the above equation, ff1;) = Jl + av .. ... a and Fig. 2. Test Cell for measuring breakdown voltage under
b are parameters of equation (10), and 11' is the percentage lightning impulse.
volume of the NPs in the transformer oil. The parametric
values of the top oil temperature model have been The liquid test cells for measuring the conductivity and
determined based on laboratory experiments on prototype dielectric loss were of the Tettex make and available in the
transformers. Consequently, the limiting load in pu for any Author' s laboratory. The laboratory is equipped with the
top oil temperature can be reworked from Eqn. (10) as required voltage sources, AC (200 kV 500 rnA), DC (350
kV 100rnA) impulse (1.2 / 50 �s 600 kV) for conducting
breakdown measurements. However liquid breakdown cell
shown in Fig. 2 was specially fabricated as per IEC
standards. Using this cell, AC, DC and Impulse breakdown Contrary to the expectations, the dielectric loss factor of
tests of either polarity could be conducted. The collet, shown ferrofluids is somewhat lower than those suggested by
in Fig.2, can be unscrewed to fix different electrodes, here, calculations. The reason for this is due to the fact that in
needle and spherical configuration. Brass electrodes have deriving the formulae (3)... (5), the inter-particle
been used in the experiments reported here. The travel time interactions were neglected. But the ferrofluid in particular,
of the streamers and hence the streamer velocity could be shows a tendency to relieve the local field seen by the
recorded by a self synchronized high speed camera capable particles, possibly due to the direction of the local field
of taking pictures at a speed of at least 10 frames Isecond. being in opposition to the main field. This fact is further
Synchronization of the camera w.r.t the voltage source was borne out by the figure 3. While ferro-fluids significantly
done by a hit and miss method and carefully conducted improved the thermal properties including the heat
initial trials ensured the capture of the streamer in at least transformer, the dielectric behaviour other than the impulse
75% of the cases. breakdown, appear to be somewhat questionable.

The dielectric and thermal Characterization of the nano fluid

were made before filling the model transformers for running
the thermal loading cycle. The properties of the nanofluid
measured before filling are shown in terms of the volume
fraction V2 of the particles.

Diectric Behaviour of Nanol Ferro Fluids

The dielectric parameters, cr, E' and E" can be computed

using the formulae (3), (4) and (5) as well as can be
measured. A large number of measurements in the
laboratory showed that the values thus obtained are
generally in agreement with each other. In what is reported Fig 3. Permittivity (E' ) and loss factor(E") vs volume
here, the computer values are given. Table.l includes the concentration of NPs
measured values of the dielectric properties of the virgin
mineral oil and the NPs used in the computations. The Thermal Characteristics
properties of NPs are not directly measurable. An indirect
measurement has been made by dispersing the NPs in a non The thermal aspects include the viscosity and the thermal
polar liquid dielectric such as N-hexane having very low conductivity. Equations (6) and (7) are plots of thermal
dielectric loss and nearly constant permittivity w.r.t conductivity and viscosity of the ferro I nano fluid as a
temperature, frequency and other local conditions. Formulae function of the volume fraction of the doping NPs. The
given in [1,2] can be directly used to calculate the said figures 4, 5 and 6 are self explanatory, however, the
parameters. The electrical conductivity cr has been measured enhancement of thermal conductivity and viscosity of the
under alternating voltage. The direct voltage counterpart is nano/ferro fluid show contrasting behaviour.
seen to be about an order of magnitude greater.
Fig. 4 : Vi scosity temperature c h aracteristics of transformer fluids

" .
Table1: Measured values of the dielectric parameters of 30
, , ,

:. ' : ' ' : : :

, i1 ' 1.
...... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........c ................

, :
Mineral oil and Nano particles
Mineral oil!Menuredl
25 ; ------ -:--------� --------t------ f
2. N il no Sial fluid Ico mputed) v =S 'jI!ii
-- --- :l · FeI O. fluid l co mpuud ) v=87f.
, ' "
conductivit Permitt- Loss
Dielectric y (AC ), ivity factor Remarks
' "
0, 0-1 m-l e e

1.6 x 10-14 2.2 0.0047 10
at 50 Hz
NP 2.75 x 10-8 36.5 2.87
and 270C
Silica NP �
Tenlper;lture C
1.4 x 10-15 2.2 0.0016
Fig 4. Viscosity temperature characteristics of mineral oil
the presence of nanoparticles, by as as much as 46%. The
electrical conductivity CJ has been measured under
alternating voltage. The direct voltage counterpart is seen to
be about an order of magnitude greater.

TABLE. 2: Impulse Voltage Withstand and other

BDV Time to BD
Velocity Remarks
( kmls)
+ - + - + -
86 170 12 27 2.12 0.94
mer oil
Fig 5. Thermal conductivity of SiOz NP - fluids vs volume Ferro
concentration of NPS 157 154 26 15 0.98 1.69 fluid
156 163 17 26 1.44 2.87
fluid SiOz

On the Loadability of Ferro I Nano transformers

Table 3.includes the estimated values of the parameters of

equations 9 and 10 based on prototype studies. Obviously,
the Hottest Spot Temperature is not directly measurable. The
Author 1 and his research group have carried out extensive
theoretical studies to compute HST in transformers with
known design details including the cooling patterns [5,6].
The oil top temperature, on the other hand can be measured
at site using different methods. The results of these studies
on prototypes are shown in figures 7 and 8 with per unit
Fig 6. Thermal conductivity of ferro fluids vs volume loading as a variable. In computing HST, the ambient is
concentration of Fe304 treated as dynamic in line with the recommendations of the
standardizing bodies.
Electrical Breakdown

Any oil-based nanofluid converts fast electrons traveling in

the direction of the electric field into relatively slow moving
negatively charged particles. Also, due to the low mobility
of these nanoparticles the development of a net space charge
zone at the streamer tip is hindered suppressing the
propagating electric field wave that is needed to continue
electric field dependent molecular ionization and ultimately
streamer propagation further into the liquid. General
expressions for the charging dynamics of a nanoparticle in
transformer oil with both infinite and finite conductivities
are derived to show that the trapping of fast electrons onto
slow conducting nanoparticles is the cause of the decrease in
positive streamer velocity and higher electrical breakdown
Fig 7. Limiting load vs top oil temperature of model
Electrical breakdown testing of magnetite nanofluid found transformer
that for positive streamers the breakdown voltage of the
nanofluids was almost twice that of the base oils during
lightning impulse tests. The lightning impulse withstand
results obtained by the authors. Table 2. Also, the
propagation velocity of positive streamers was reduced by
In summary, it can be concluded that; lthe dielectric
---------- ---------------------- ---------- -------------
200 -----------
: :
Fig. B: HST and TOT of transformer fluids at higher loads

1. HST
'.H5T(' ""0,,. O" 1
properties are not seriously undermined using ferro NPs, 2
the dielectric breakdown strength greatly improved under all
forms of voltages and of either polarity 3. the oil top and hot
160 4 .TOT .( hrro t� . Oill
spot temperatures are considerably lower in nano fluid
�� 140 :-----------�----------�--------­ (both Si02 and Fe3 04) filled transformers.

: ------,- - - - - - - - - - - � -- -- - -- - - - -1--
, ---------(-

80 ;-- ------- i ------ -+-- -------1- ------ ->---- ----+-------- + -

- -- - - -- - -

[1]. Y . Narayana Rao and T .S. Ramu, "Determination of

Permitivity of mixture of Liquid Dielectrics", IEEE
1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.2
load (p.u) Trans. on Electrical Insulation, USA, Vol. EI-7, No-4,
Dec. 1972.
Fig 8. Hottest spot temperature and top oil temperature of
transformer fluids at higher loads [2]. T .S. Ramu and Y. Narayana Rao, "On the evaluation
of the conductivity of mixture of liquid dielectrics",
TABLE. 3: Parameters of the Equations (9) and (10) IEEE Trans. on Electrical Insulation, USA, Vol. EI-8,
No-2, June 1973.
Transformer Parameter
Fluid R .l A b [3]. L.K.H.Van Beek, "Dielectric behavior of
Ferro Fe304 1.65 1.48 0.05 0.006 6A=300 C heterogeneous systems", progress in dielectrics,
Nano Si02 1.61 1.68 0.05 0.006 .d 9T = 75° vol. 7, pp76-77,92-101 (Heywood, London, 1967.
Mineral Oil 1.56 1.36 -- -- C
.. [4]. H.Eyring, "Theory of reaction rate process",
The hll11tmg load apphcable to prototype transformers with
J.Chem.Phys, vol. 3, p 107,1935.
NP and ferro - NP doped mineral oil filled transformers
based on the maximum top oil temperature considerations
are given by equations 9 and 10. Figure 9 depicts the [5]. M. K. Pradhan, T. S. Ramu "Prediction of Hottest
maximum load current in pu for Si02 and Fe3 04 nano fluids Spot Temperature (HST) in Power and Station
of the non magnetic and magnetic type. Ferro fluid Transformers."IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol-
18, No-4, Oct. 2003, pp: 1275-128.
transformers with a 10% Fe3 04 could be loaded to as much
as 40% excess load and the Si O2 counterpart to about 1.29
pu (29%) excess loading. It is therefore evident that ferro [6]. M. K. Pradhan, T. S. Ramu "Estimation of Hottest
fluids undoubtedly enhance the loadability and for a known Spot Temperature (HST) in Power Transformers
load, the oil top temperature and HST are much lower than a Considering Thermal Inhomogeniety of the
conventional transformer using virgin mineral oil as cooling Windings" IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol-19,
No-4, Oct. 2004, p:1703-12

: : : ------: ------ : ------ :------: ------ ------ ------ :------

1.4 --------------
Fig. 9: Limiting lo ad vIs volumetric concentration of Ferro (Fe3-04) and nano (Si02) p articles

1.38 ; -----�;1. FeI O.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 10

Fig 9. Limiting load vs volumetric concentration of Ferro

(Fe304) and nano (Si02) particles

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