Rafli Asrafi-22201072034.binggris

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Aimless travel

That morning Sunday, May 18, 2023, I and 3 of my friends, namely Amir,
Riski, and Husni planned to go to the rampal field to do morning sports there,
but after I went to pick up Amir suddenly one of my friends suggested to go to a
tourist destination in the Dampit area called the blue cotton panorama which at
that time was viral on social media. With soprantanitas we all agreed to go there
with no preparation and only armed with modest pocket money and motorbikes,
we immediately set off.
After approximately 2 hours drive, we finally arrived at the blue cotton
panorama tourist area, entering this tour only paid Rp 15,000 for 2 people as
well as a motorbike parker. After we parked the motorbike, my three friends and
I walked to the blue cotton panorama, passing through a small alley alley of
local residents' houses, and our salak garden garden arrived at the location. The
thing that surprised us was that this blue cotton panorama is just a small river
which when taking pictures of the begroun is directly straight with a blue cotton
waterfall and Mount Semeru which when we see on social media will spoil the
eyes so we want to go there, besides that to take pictures there we have to rent a
camera and photographer for Rp 20,000 to get the best photo angle at the
location. . Finally, we felt disappointed about the scenery that did not meet
expectations and we decided to leave the tourist site.
In the middle of the way Back to the motorbike parking location. We
decided to go to the Gladak Perak Bridge, because it had already gone far and
the tours we visited did not meet expectations finally we went to the Gladak
Perak Bridge, which at that time was only repaired after the incident of cold
lava Mount Semeru overflowing. In the middle of the journey to the gladak
perak bridge we really enjoyed the trip because we were treated to shady forest
views and cool to look at, ending after a while we decided to have lunch at the
surrounding stalls.
After lunch we continued our journey and after a while we arrived at the
Gladak Perak Bridge where we saw traces of Semeru's cold lava overflow that
stretched as far as the eye could see. We also took a break while taking thin thin
pictures and also bought snacks there.
After resting for a while, my friend named husni suggested to go to the
city of lumajang – probolinggo – pasuruan – malang. Finally we agreed again,
we went to the city of Lumajang just for motorbikes. After a while we arrived at
the city of lumajang and we rested for a while. During our break we searched
the internet for free tourist destinations with good views, finally we found a
name, namely ranu pakis Located between the city of Lumajang – Probolinggo.
Without thinking long because it was afternoon we left there, this fern mine is a
lake located in the village of ranu pakis, kec. Klakah lumajang regency which
has beautiful views of the surrounding hills. . We also took pictures while
resting and saw a lot of children in the area who fished and bathed in the lake,
when the time showed 16.00 we continued our journey to Probolinggo City on
the way I felt scared because there was traffic jams and we had to break through
trucks, buses, and cars that were faced with traffic jams tens of kilometers away.
After passing 2 hours through the badly congested roads we arrived in the
city of Probolinggo and rested at a gas station and refueled and because it was
already night we decided to go to Probilinggo Square, but in the middle of the
trip we felt hungry and finally did not go to the square and decided to eat at
Ayam Geprek Sa'I. After eating we continued our journey to Pasuruan City and
when we were going out of Probolinggo we stopped by a tape selling shop on
the border of Probolinggo, we bought a tape where 1 box of Probolinggo tape
for 35,000 after tough negotiations finally we bought 6 packs of tape and even
then we were not in corting. . Without thinking, we paid for it and went straight
to Pasuruan City. On the way to Pasuruan City – Malang there was nothing
interesting because it was night and after 4 hours of travel we just arrived at
each house.

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