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repetitive thoughts (self-destructive) 2. Psychoanalytical

OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE PERSONALITY OCD arises when unacceptable wishes
DISORDER - personality of the person and impulses from id are only
(kinalakihan ng isang tao) (distract other repressed. They cause anxiety. Ego
people) defense mechanism (used
unconsciously) are used to reduce the
Obsession – recurrent and persistent anxiety.
thoughts, impulses or images that cause 3. Behavioral
distressing emotions such as anxiety 4. Neuroanatomical/Serotonin deficiency
and disgust.
These intrusive thoughts cannot be Clinical features OCD
settled by logic or reasoning. 1. Washer (obsessional rituals)
Typical obsessions include excessive 2. Checkers (obsessional doubt)
concerns about contamination of harm, (obsession to check again)
the need for symmetry or exactness, or 3. Pure obsession (intrusive thoughts)
forbidden sexual or religious thoughts. a. Obsessional thoughts (undoing
Compulsion- repetitive behavior or actions)
mental act that a person feels driven to b. Obsessional image (fantasizing
perform a response to an obsession. sexual things)
Although the compulsion may bring c. Obsessional impulses (urges to
some relief to the worry the obsession perform acts usually of embarrassing
returns and the cycle repeats over and kind)
over. d. Obsessional rumination (to make
Some of the common compulsions everything perfect)
include cleaning, repeating, checking, 4. Primary Obsessive slowing
ordering and arranging, mental (symmetry) (marked slowness in daily
compulsions etc. activity, person demand on being
precise arranging in order to neutralize it
OCD is a chronic and long lasting so it will be pleasing in their eyes. dapat
disorder in which a person has pantay lahat, walang lukot)
uncontrollable, reoccurring thoughts
(obsessions) and behavior Treatment
(compulsions) that he or she feels the 1. Psychotherapy
urge to repeat over and over. a. Psychoanalysis (childhood trauma)
b. CBT
Causes of OCD c. Supportive therapy
1. Biological Factor d. Behavioral therapy
First degree relatives 2. Pharmacological treatment
Identical twins 3. ECT (electro convulsive therapy)
(magnetic field)
4. Self-help coping 7. Attribution pf one’s flaw to other
(Do not live with the potential, live with problems of daily life.
reality) 8. over achieving nature
9. Self-esteem issue
1. BDD with eating disorder
DISORDER Anorexia nervosa - they see themselves
that they’re so thin even they’re not
BODY DYSMORPHIC DISORDER (body weight, mass)
(body dysmorphia) Bulimia nervosa- over eating pero
- Is a mental illness that involves sinusuka
believes that once appearance is 2. BDD with self-injury
unusually defective when in reality the 3. Passive BDD (they tend to see their
perceive flaw might be non-existent flaw but they don’t do anything about it)
Common thoughts of sufferers include 4. Barbie mentality and ken perception
phrases like ‘should I wear this?’, ‘what
will others think?’, ‘it’s because of my For women, looking good is a basic
flaws’, ‘why was I born like this?’, and social requirement.
‘it’s not fair’.
Men believe the only way they can
2% of the population of the US have succeed their personal goals is by fixing
BDD (11-15 y.o) their appearance.
8% of the total population have BDD)
Female has the higher risk of BDD Psychological impact
1. A person feels unworthy or unloved
Clinical features 2. They feel that their flaws are the only
1. Obsession occurs usually with one aspect to them
part of the body (ex. Facial hair, hips, 3. Other talents or skills are often left
thighs and feet) unexplored
2. A constant need to fix the flaw by 4. They find it difficult to maintain normal
adapting certain behaviors (only wearing social relationship to opposite sex
certain kind of makeups, modify eating 5. Secondary mental illness may
and cosmetic surgery) develop including type 2 bipolarity,
3. Depressive behaviors OCD, depression, and eating disorder
4. Constant comparison of their own (comorbidity)
bodies with other people. 6. Constant request for cosmetic
5. Mirror syndrome surgeries
6. Self-injury 7. They might develop attachment to the
objects (ex: dolls and pets).
Treatment Treatment
1. Psychotherapy (counseling) 1. CBT
2. Positive body image reinforcement 2. Medication
(one way of family that will compliment
you. “The boundaries between normal and
abnormal blur when it comes to
HOARDING DISORDER - is a new hoarding. We all become attached to
disorder in dsm-5 characterized by in our possessions and save things other
persistent reluctant to discard object people wouldn’t. So we all share some
resulting in severely obstructed living of the hoarding orientation."
spaces. Distress impairment can
adverse repercussion both for the TRICHOTILLOMANIA (HAIR PULLING
sufferer by individual around him/her DISORDER)
Reason for saving PICKING DISORDER)
1. Sentimental (This represent my life,
it’s part of me)
2. Instrumental (I might need this,
someday I could use this)
3. Intrinsic (this is beautiful, think of the

Hoarding behaviors
1. Saving- sentimental, instrumental,
2. Acquisition- Buying, acquisition of
free things.
3. Cluttering/Disorganization- random
piles, churning.
4. Difficulty in discarding- indecision,

Reason for hoarding

1. Family history of ocd
2. Childhood trauma (Common in
3. Material deprivation
4. Severe and enduring mental illness

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