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Liceo Nlo9 Instituto Dr EduardoAcevedo

Examen de Inglés -Diciembre 20L5 Sth grade -

Name: Written Test:

Date: OralTest:
Teacher's signatures: Final Mark:

24th February,2O15
Imagine a
new chocolate that keeps you younger looking. lt seems too good to be true, but
a team of scientists believes they have
invented anti-ageing chocolate. A laboratory.
working with the UK's Cambridge University
have been working on a method to keep away
wrinkles and keep the skin looking younger. lt
has called its new product'Esthechoc'. This is a
combination of the words 'esthetic' (meaning all
things beautiful) and 'chocolate'. The new product is also called Cambridge Beauty Chocolate.
The makers will start selling it from next month.
The laboratory has not said anything about the price yet, but it is likely to be quite expensive.
The lab hopes young, rich business executives úill buy it. The laboratory.used a special chemical
called an antioxidant in the chocolate. The antioxidant they used is one that gives flamingos their
pink colour. The scientists say that the antioxidant can bring parts of the skin of a 50 to 60-year-old
person back to the levels of a 20 to 30-year-old. They said people who ate the chocolate could see
changes in their skin within just three weeks. A spokesman for the laboratory said it took a decade of
research and trials with more than 3,000 volunteers to produce Esthechoc. The ctrocolate bar will
only be sold in boxes of 21 bars - one a day for thfee weeks. Other scientists say;mbre research is
needed for people to know whether or not Esthechoc actually works.

Sources: I / harleymedical

Choose tfie best title for the article:

Scientific festival about anti-aging chocolate.

Scientists invent'anti-ageing' chocolate

ls chocolate really good for our health?


Answerthe questions: Y

l-What are the health benefits of chocolate?

2-What do you think of the idea of anti-ageing.chocolate?

3-Would you like to buy this chocolate?

4-How much do you worry about youi,skin?

5-Vúhat is Esthechoc?
True, false or Dont Know?

a)There is an imaginary new anti-ageing chocolate. lt doesn't

exist' """ ""': """ "' "¡':":'

b) cambridge university helped work on the new chocolate.

c) The new chocolate is called YoungChoc' """ "'

d) The new chocolate will cost $21 a bar' "'
e) People will be able to see the difference in their skin in 20

Find the odd one:

begin made produced
l"- invented
said system way
2- meüod
actually week year
3- month
combine mix unite
4- separation
inclusion within outside
5- indoors

sentences to sum uP
Listen to an interview with chocoholic oliver Penrose' Complete these
New Framework tistening track 6'4
the interuiew

1-He has been a chocoholic since

2-He eats of chocolate a daY'

3-He starts eating chocolate because

4-He wants to stop eating because ...

S-He thinks he should

Complete each column with 4 words in each:

Technology devices Entertainment i Free time ac'tivities
Unhealthy food and activities

Write a paragraph of about 80'100 words to answer ONE of the following:

a) Health @nsequences of unhealthy habits'

b) Advantages and disadvantages of technology'

c) Your entertainment activities.

\ic¡e'Uh -'p Ze4l- -r-Gf--a
rr*rÉfiFi J

llX;1!?ll§ iiE i§tit,rtÉi - l--{o

l Ct

.;, ...,. ....1.-" 11, :, i- -",r¡i't: l. : r,,..-,,...--.,..,.,..,.

!.Ésfen f+ §ardrs nT€tñessr,, flñ ür't critie sf The Tires. gíviag lrer cpisri n ehou? graffüti.
Sary if ?he senf*nce§ {re TRU§ er F*i-SE.

1- The b¿st Ersff iti is son'¡etimes bett¿r thsn

''..{4rrrni' nr*
2- ÁAnr,¡., ¡1n¿{$:+;.tr-*i<*
.,, :,,*, han¡,*i{rrl r¡,nnk< n{
t- rrtv{.
Jtln<*I Y¡ú,i¡¡¡
n¡n{§r+i ic ¿**nr¡*i,¡s

4- 6r.sff iti is clriqht in scrne picces

5- The speüker supports Si-{xffiti.
5 points


Text A: Teresa Fotuel, Meurher af Te:rt B: Mike Lees, graffiti artist.

Parliament for East Swindon.
A politician r*cently said that slraffiil artists
Everywlrere you gü, yüij see i¡¿elb c¡;ver*d +¡ere vandals and that graffiti was * ci'ime. i
in stupic! narnes i dcn't kncw anyone whc +¡+¡llv Ai.-á*^^
LUtArly qt,)dÉtcE. l:.-ÍÍiri
úrortrlt i¡ ¡n ¡x
,J drr ul\ f^r*
ru,rt¡. l+r¡
lt J

th!nks it is attraclive. More impart*i'itly, been discovered ln the ruins oi Pompeii. and
gratfiti is a crírr¡e: this 'ertists' paint cn it teils us *rüre abaut ordinary iife than
private property. staiues than rno*uments Cc, Anri tcday
graffiti glves c*iour to *ur grey rlty centei's. lt
Wiien a builciing ís couered ln ugly graffiti.
is tr*e that:crrre graffiti is Éimiteci but a toi *f
ii's an in,¡itation fcr young peopie to
graffiti is brilliant and ímaginative. it's radical,
vandalise it even ry:ore. §a graffiti
it's f*n, it's beautifui"... Anrj it's fr-oe.
enüoilrages more crirne" And firratlg', it's
darigerous, many ai-tists ciimb high walis On* day peaB¡e i¡¡ill uciderstand ihai s*me ,:f
or buildings. When they have an accident, the greatest art of our tir:'ie isn't in galieries,
we atf have t* pay their haspita{ costs. but on iartcry walis and urban trains.
G¡'affiti is not accepta'nie anci it shoulc be

ai FaSd-ier-r_{ eh*e§* 3hp hest gEtiaIU

*. sost peúpie think grsffifi is beaufifui.lugiy.
b. 6rsff¡ti is rmprfant.¡ ili*gai.
s. Feoule m*y §omrnit eiher crimes be¿euse fh*i¡ d+r*'? iike/ have s*en gr"ef fiti
d. S*rns gr*f fiti srfist :.isk ihci:" ke*it*/ ;obs"
2 t¡'*ints
*" **¿* th* wr"iÍer thry¡k gr*_ff rrr ¡s n
:¡,:.nsi yV|",:vl, ;Vi:,v n*t.} {ipi
b. Why- is gr"*§lfiti bet-*er fhr¡n *ther krnds af crt?
i. in wh*t wats cjs gr"cff;ti lmprov* {rfi.:ke ir l¡e*ter} put,ii* picees} ,{Zri
5 *cir¡?s
§] Pr*:-writias:-Reqd--sbost_snqltsr_§srsl ssá-{sl|§*s§$_*luss-*h.eisw.
q) ften{3ryq te,fP ond ccs$ü{a?e it q@
¡rtuyy objeefs pcint*r cüffiffiere¡cs srf wcrÉ< *h*frscf, ryiy§?€ri6ijs
We cre Shir'iev Ériffith snd ür*ug iairnscn rl,¡'ih FñüfLE ii"j Á,a"4fft.icÁ in
}pecrci vu.{
iJA ¡

Engiish' -rodü'v we ?eii cb,tu? ariist f;dwarC Fiappea..

iiopper painr*ei ñüi*Firni
':nd peeple :n intsrcsting and mys?*i'rous +rüys. l{;s p*irrfii:gs shcwed
¡rsrntal sc*i:es frc¡.ii
árneríccn iife. Br.¡t they !oaked__*:..* and

EcjwarC Happer wss born in eighteen eiqht-v,-trso in

lt\.cck, o smaii rorvn ín i\iew vork stat¿.
from ü yüuíig oge. Edwa.* xn"* he wanteij io be ü
.-. i=iis par*n?s wei.e not wei:iÍhy-
Grso sf'.8dred more se¡"ious anc
cr"tistic kincs of painting.
iiopper sfus'ieci in f*ew'.t'crk ciry far six ye$rs. During
ihose y¿ars. l{apper" cjreamed of going
to Eurepe' fvtrcny pcinters there were mcking picfur-es in ways nc
o*e had ev,er seen befo;-e.
soy these works u'¡ere sbout ieiess rather than things
ihat exisied in ihe reci wcrief. in
ninet'ee* foriy*fwc, Hcppe;" paintec* hie mosi f*moüs ,,lJightha.nvks",,
painting show:s four pe+pie in cn eeting-pfsee ealled -.- The
a dinr,r lste sr night. They lsek. scc.
i'ircd, aneÉ ianeiy.

ilonv vecrs aíter his rieuth, Happer's ,¡rork is strii pcBuisi- in

thrs country uncj outsrse
Amer-íea' iri tr¡uo thous*nei four^. fhe fqincr¡s
Tofe 4rt rlaiier'.' in Loneion haci s
his painiings' Tnis show L,r*ugfit fhe seeond-iei'gesf nu*i¡e¡. _ sf
of visito¡"s of any shor.¡ iir thc
hist*r-y af the ;:iüs*ütii' -rod*Y, peopie ec'¡ i-iopper
wüs üri€ af ihe besf F,n:eriecn
c;"tists ef the twentiefh centu;"y.


ii p*ints
, Wriften English Exanr
5'n Grade - f,lovember 2ü.!3
Liceo g IDEA

Snfuotoin rtnt - cA4ofubu¡ 9r{r*

The Actrclan¡c trarrrri Ir.

The productioir of the highly successful film The Acfiams
lamity was marked by a serres ol crises First, the script lor
the film had to be rer¡r¡ritterr again anci again 3rigrnally ciorre by §criptruriters
Thompson and Larry Wilson the final version wás rn ritten bry the novelist paul
Then the*twenty weeks of iiiming i¡rere fr:ll of minor disasters AÍter three
weeks the
director, Barry sonnenfierd, actrilly passed clL-lt on set and lilnring had
to bá
suspended until he recovered Not long after that, the director oi'photography
Rolzman, walked out to go-to another movie. Then his re¡:lacement,
Gayl Tattersoll
was rushed off to hospital lor several days l.jext carne the actors. ,¡i¡tn
táaorng actor
off with eye problems ancJ Christophei-Ltcyct (Uncie Fester) nearllr
loslng hrS eOr in a frght scenel

Worse than all this, however, weie the frnancial problems for producer
Scott Rudiii
Three-quarters of tne way throurgh the film the backers ol the movie,
orion pjctr.;res,
dectded to sell the filrn to Paramouni Pictures because ol rJesperate
money problerns
Sonnenfield and Rudin hacj a tough time but ttey managed to concentrate
on the
shootirrg oi ihe film "l alv,rays try to rememi:er two thrngl" sair
the sensible Rr;cjirr on
set "cne, hoi,v good the nrovie ls And two il-rat rt's alilcst overr,'

1-The irirn v,¡as a faílui-e because of the problems.
2-A lot of people had health problenrs rlirring lilmrng
3-Uncle Fester ci;t hrs ear cff
4-Paramount Ptctures hacj a lot olftnanoral problems
5-The producer knew jt was go{ng to be a gooci filnr

§- Answer these qqestions ls

a- why was the film 'The Acldams Farnily' crrrrsrcierecl problematrc?

b- wnv ivas 1tr@lreer\ieek§?

c- What was the prcblem w¡th Cfiristorrle{ Llovcl?

d Whai drd Lrrron plctui-es Cec¡Oe to Oof

e- Whai tvr¡o thrnqs cioes Rudin rem.ñs",2

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