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By Eddie And Lucas

01 Migration statistics
The population migration statistics of rural
migrations to the cities has had a signifigant
trend over recent years. the number of rural
mirigrants in rural areas has reached 282 million
in 2020, thats 20% of chinas whole population

Growth of cities
The growth of cities has been influenced by urbanization
and econimic growth. This urbanisation has led to the
growth of more cities. many chinese cities have seen the
population grow to the millions with some of the mega
cities like shanghai and beijing growing to the population
of 20 million residents. the expansion of more cities in
China has also allowed the city to have more urban
areas with more infastructure.

Why move?
People would move from a urban area to a more urban area
because of... One of the main reasons why people would

03 actually move from the two is because of the cost of living, this
is one of the major reasons why because some people who live
in China can’t afford the rural way of living and living in an
urban area would fit their life more. Another reason why
people would move is because they would want to go back to
their family if they would be living in the urban area or people
would want to move to go back for herritage.
Benefits & Disadvantages

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