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The 20th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 27 – September 01, 2017


1* 1 1 2
C. Staubach , S. Krane , K. Desinger and A. Staubach
Siemens AG, Rheinstr. 100, 45478 Muelheim/Ruhr, Germany
Universität Duisburg-Essen, Bismarckstr. 81, 47057 Duisburg, Germany

Abstract: A new approach for fault detections within rotor windings is the “Sweep
Frequency Response Analysis” (SFRA) method that is also widely used in diagnosis of
power transformers. This paper gives an overview about the possible use of this
measurement method and explains the principal functionality in detail. Comprehensive
measurement results from standstill as well as during rotation in a spin pit are shown and
discussed. Advantages and disadvantages of the measurement technique are
summarized and compared to other well-established diagnostic methods. To determine
the effectiveness of the SFRA for rotors of turbo-generators multiple measurements with
artificial faults are carried out. It has been shown by measurement in standstill and in a
spin-pit that permanent and speed-dependent winding shorts change the signal response.
Especially the value of the first resonance frequency shows promising evaluation results
for assessment of inter-turn, coil-to-coil or winding-to-ground shorts.

1 INTRODUCTION During operation these shorts between turns in the

rotor winding may reduce the amplitude of the
For full and safe operation rotor-windings of turbo- generated magnetic field as well as generate an
generators have to be insulated towards ground asymmetry in field distribution. The quantity of this
and between each neighbouring turns. During decrease is strongly depending on the conductivity
manufacturing, revisions and operation several of the short and compensated by an increased
methods for fault-detecting exist to validate the current, which will result in an asymmetrical
functionality of the insulation. Some of these temperature distribution. The magnetic field
methods not only detect faults but also allow for distortion will result in asymmetrical forces and
positioning these faults within the winding. increased vibration level of rotor of a turbo-
A ground fault, i.e. a short between the winding
and the (grounded) rotor body, can be easily 3 STATE OF THE ART TEST METHODS
detected with an insulation resistance
measurement or a high voltage test. Much harder This paper only covers standardized tests that are
to detect is a short (mainly ohmic transition performed during manufacturing, revisions and
contacts) between two neighbouring turns or two operations to detect faults in windings. The test
neighbouring coils. methods can be modified to position an already
detected fault within the winding that particularly
2 CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF SHORTS work well if individual coils and turns can be
contacted e.g. with a measurement tip.
Possible causes of faults in rotor windings are
ageing of the insulation due to relative movement In principle, methods can be divided into online
of the coils within the slot (figure 1a), diagnosis (performed during operation) and offline
contamination that cause an ohmic contact diagnosis (performed during standstill). For online
between individual turns (figure 1b) or loosening of diagnosis the evaluation of magnetic flux within the
blocking within the end-winding area that may lead air gap between rotor and stator is commonly used
to plastic deformation of the windings and the coils (also commonly called flux probe measurement).
(figure 1c). The flux is evaluated with the help of an induced
voltage in a small coil (“flux probe sensor”) [2-4].
Reliable offline test methods include the winding
resistance measurement, the impedance
measurement (at power or elevated frequency),
the voltage surge measurement (“Recurrent Surge
Oscillography”), the voltage drop measurement
Figure 1: Electrical faults in rotor windings: (a) and the “C-Core”-measurement. Impedance and
damaged insulation, (b) contaminated winding, (c) pole balance tests that depend on rotational
deformed end-winding coils [1] frequency can only be performed under specific
conditions, e.g. when a spin-pit is available [5].
4 MOTIVATION FOR A NEW ONLINE The advantage of the flux probe measurement is
DIAGNOSIS TECHNOLOGY that it can be performed during operation and
allows positioning of the fault within the winding.
The only possibility to identify potential short Drawback of this technique is that the sensitivity of
between turns in rotor windings during operation is the measurements depends on the load (MVA and
the flux probe measurement, when the rotor is cosφ) and determining a boundary value is very
excited. Due to the turning of the excited rotor complex and depending on the fault location.
during operation a sinusoidal alternating voltage is
applied to the air-core coil that is permanently Therefore a new online diagnosis technology
attached to a stator tooth as shown in figure 2. based on SFRA is proposed that addresses the
disadvantages of the flux probe measurement.



The principle measurement setup for the SFRA on

Figure 2: Installation of an air-gap flux probe to the a rotor winding is shown in figure 4.
stator tooth [3-4]

When analyzing the signal from the air-core coil

shortened turns in the rotor winding can be
detected when superposition the signals for each
pole winding due to their symmetrical structure. For
evaluation the measurement signal is divided into
sections of defined time periods that can be used
for further calculations. Figure 3 shows a
calculation of the total current through the slot/nut
and radial flux signal when no short is present and
figure 4 shows results when a short is present.

Figure 4: Measurement setup for SFRA on a rotor

winding between pole A and B (top) or between
pole A or B and ground (bottom)

The impedance is measured over a defined

frequency range via an impedance analyser. This
can be done between pole A and B (top view) or
between pole A or B and ground (bottom view). For
the last-mentioned setup the opposite pole can
either be grounded or remain opened.


In the following chapter results of comprehensive

measurements are presented. These
measurements are taken in standstill as well under
rotation in the spin pit.


In a first step measurements are performed in

standstill. These measurements are conducted on
2 pole rotor with an indirect cooled winding. The
winding consists of 7 coils per pole; each coil has
10 turns in a slot. Due to the absence of the
retaining rings it is possible to simulate different
types of shorts within the winding.

Figure 3: Calculated measurement signals of flux The following figure 5 shows the principle setup for
probe when no short is present (top) and with a the sweep frequency response analysis method
short in coil C of pole 1 [1] (SFRA) by means of the impedance analyser.
Figure 8 summarizes the results for frequency
depending winding impedance separated in
absolute value (top) and phase (bottom) for ground
faults located at various coils. Coil A is the smallest
one, coil G the largest one close to the pole
crossover. In addition the reference curves for a
healthy winding (“Fehlerfrei”) is shown.

Figure 5: Measurement setup for SFRA on a

healthy rotor winding

In a first step the impedance of the healthy winding

between pole A or B against grounded rotor body
is determined, compare to figure 4 (bottom).
Figure 8: SFRA results for a rotor winding with
The following graph in figure 6 summarizes the simulated ground faults measured between pole A
results for frequency depending winding and ground
impedance separated in absolute value (top) and
phase (bottom). For further evaluation the first Table 1 summarizes the measured first resonance
resonance frequency, where the phase angle frequencies depending on the fault location. If you
becomes 0 degree, is of important. In this compare the first resonance frequency, where the
particular case this value is about 5.2 kHz. For phase angle becomes 0 degree, obtained for the
frequencies below this value the rotor winding has different fault location, two main results can be
mainly inductive behaviour. derived. There is a shift in the resonance
frequency to higher values in case of a ground
fault. The amount of shift depends on the failure
location and is higher at the smaller coils.

Table 1: Comparison of determined resonance

frequencies for different ground fault location

The next figures 9 and 10 show the measurement

results for SFRA with simulated coil shorts or inter-
Figure 6: SFRA results for a healthy rotor winding turn shorts at different positions. In these cases the
measured between pole A and ground impedance is determined between pole A and B,
see figure 4 (top). In comparison to figure 6 only
In a next step different types of rotor winding faults the frequency range close to the resonance
are introduced. The pictures in figure 7 show frequency is presented. As mentioned before, the
simulation of ground faults, coil and inter-turn resonance frequency is characterised by the value
shorts in the end-winding region of the rotor. where the phase angle becomes 0 degree.
Although, detection of ground faults is not directly
the motivation for this testing method, we are able
to identify these faults, too.

Figure 9: Detailed view on SFRA results for a rotor

Figure 7: Simulation of different kind of rotor winding with simulated coil shorts measured
winding shorts between pole A and B
Figure 11 shows the rotor in the spin pit. SFRA
measurements are taken during standstill and
3000 rpm without shorts for references. In addition
inter-turn shorts are simulated at two different
locations within the winding (in coil E and G). The
measurements are taken between pole A and B,
compare to figure 4.

The following picture gives the measurement result

of SFRA for the healthy rotor winding impedances
absolute value (red) and phase (blue). This
Figure 10: Detailed view on SFRA results for a measurement is taken under rotation with 3000
rotor winding with simulated inter-turn shorts rpm. The first resonance frequency, at which the
measured between pole A and B absolute value reaches its maximum and the
phase angle equals 0 degree, is clear visible.
In both cases shifting of the resonance frequencies
is clear visible. Although, the effect is smaller
compared to the simulated ground fault in figure 8,
the affected coil is still detectable.
Table 2 gives an overview of the determined
resonance frequencies depending on failure
location of the coil or inter-turn short, respectively.

Table 2: Overview on determined resonance

frequencies for different coil (top) and inter-turn
short location (bottom)

Figure 12: SFRA results for a healthy rotor

winding measured between pole A and B at 3000

For further assessment the resonance frequencies

are determined for the different cases an
summarized in the table 3 below. Due to the
The shift of the resonance frequency related to a special configuration the inter-turn shorts are only
healthy winding without shorts increases with the present under centrifugal forces, i.e. rotation.
size of the coil (coil A is the smallest, coil G the
largest one). Table 3: Overview on determined resonance
frequencies for different coil inter-turn short
ROTATION MEASUREMENTS location at standstill and 3000 rpm

In a second step measurements are performed

under rotation in a spin pit. These measurements
are also conducted on 2 pole rotor with an indirect
cooled winding. The winding consists of 7 coils per
pole; each coil has 7 turns in a slot.
For the healthy winding there is a small change in
the resonance frequency, which can be explained
by settling effects of the rotor winding exposed to
centrifugal forces under rotation. If a inter-turn
short is present under rotation there is a clear shift
of the resonance frequency detectable. Like also
observed during the standstill measurements the
amount of frequency shift depends on the failure

A possible and promising concept for online

monitoring of the rotor winding is a trend analysis
Figure 11: Rotor in the spin pit ready for SFRA of the first resonance frequency over time.
measurement Therefore, the SFRA is conducted continuously.
The impedance analyser can be coupled with the
rotor winding by means of a capacitance to enable REFERENCES
inserting the frequency signal. Similar technique is
[1] C. Staubach, R. Merte; Windungsschluss-
already used for ground fault detection.
analyse an Rotoren von Turbogeneratoren, 7.
The first resonance frequency is then determined Essener Tagung: Turbogeneratoren in
and evaluated by a special algorithm. If a failure is Kraftwerken, Essen, Germany, 2014.
present a sudden shift of the resonance frequency
[2] D. R. Albright; Inter-turn short circuit detector
can be easily detected by the software
for turbine-generator rotor winding, 1970.
automatically. The sketch in figure 13 illustrates
this trending analysis. [3] Generatortech Inc.; Generator Field Winding
Shorted Turn Detection Technology, 2006.
[4] M. Sasic, B. Lloyd, A. Elez; Finite Element
Analysis of Turbine Generator Rotor Winding
Shorted Turns, IEEE Transactions on Energy
Conversion, 2012.
[5] C. Staubach, S. Krane; Detection of Faults in
Rotor-Windings of Turbogenerators,
Conference on Diagnostics in Electrical
Engineering CDEE, 2016

Figure 13: Illustration of the online monitoring

concept by means of SFRA

The advantage of this principle is that the

measurement technique is quite robust and
provides reliable results. Potential slow shifting of
the resonance frequency caused by thermal or
settling effects will not be detected. In addition this
concept allows not only monitoring of the rotor
winding itself but also of the residual excitation
system, like rotor brushes.


This paper shows the possibility of detecting

failures in the rotor winding in standstill and under
rotation by means of sweep frequency response
analysis (SFRA).
Compared to conventional technique (flux probe)
the advantages are the following:

 Assessment of winding and brushes

 Easy to evaluate by trend analysis,

definition of alarm levels possible

 Robustness of measurement technique, no

influence of load condition

 Easy to install, no access to the stator

necessary, no cabling through laminated
core, no risk of damaging during rotor

A principle concept how to use the SFRA-

technique for online monitoring of rotor windings is
also presented and explained.

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