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Tutorial 2

PHY433 (chapter 2)


1. Determine the capacitance of a single capacitor that will have the same effect as the
combination shown.

2. (a) Six 3.8 µf capacitors are connected in parallel. What is the equivalent

(b) What is their equivalent capacitance if connected in series?

3. In Fig. 2, suppose C1 = C2 = C3 = C4 = C

(a) Determine the equivalent capacitance between points a and b.

(b) Determine the charge on each capacitor and the potential difference across each
in terms of V.

Fig. 2
4. A 0.5 µF (C1) and a 0.8 µF (C2) capacitor are connected in series to a 9.0 V
battery. Calculate

a) the potential difference across each capacitor and

b) the charge on each.
c)Repeat parts (a) and (b) assuming the two capacitors are in parallel.



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