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It is important for people to take risks, both in their professional lives and their personal lives.

Do you
think the advantages of taking risks outweigh the disadvantage?

It is a fact that the life you live depends on the choices you make, including taking risks or choosing safe
options. While some people think taking risks may harm a person in the short term, I believe these
advantages far outweighs any potential disadvantages, primarily due to the new opportunities it allows
to create.

On the one hand, making a risky move may hurt a person short term,

Some children spend hours every day on their smartphones. Why is this the case? Do you think this is
a positive or negative development?

The given provided diagram demonstrates how sugar is manufactured from sugar cane.

Overall, the process of making sugar consists of four main stages: farming, crushing, separating,
and drying.

The first initial step is growing sugar cane the cultivation of sugar cane, which takes from 12 to
18 months for the canes to reach fully mature. Once matured, it then can be harvested either by
hand or by machine. Regardless of the method used, these collected canes are then fed into a
crusher to extract juice.

By using a limestone filter, the juice is purified (cấu trúc này đúng, nhưng thiếu trang trọng hơn).
The juice undergoes purification using a limestone filter. It is subsequently boiled at high
temperature in an evaporator to remove (từ này vẫn đúng) eliminate water, which concentrates it
into a syrup (đổi cấu trúc câu cho phong phú) resulting in the concentration of the juice into a
syrup. The next step takes place occurs in a centrifuge where syrup is spun at high speed to
separates sugar crystals. After Following the separation process, the sugar crystals undergo a
final transformation. They are dried and cooled to create the final product: sugar. (chat GPT
chấm 6.5-7 band score)

The initial step involves growing sugar cane, which takes from 12 to 18 months to reach fully mature.
The initial step involves the cultivation of sugar cane, which takes from 12 to 18 months to reach fully

"The provided diagram illustrates the intricate process of sugar production from sugar cane,
encompassing four primary stages: farming, crushing, separating, and drying.
Commencing with the cultivation of sugar cane, this initial step demands patience, requiring 12
to 18 months for the cane to reach full maturity. Once matured, the cane undergoes harvesting, a
task executed either manually or through mechanized means. Regardless of the chosen
harvesting method, the collected canes are subsequently fed into a crusher to extract the vital
Purification of the juice follows, facilitated by the use of a limestone filter. The purified juice
undergoes a transformative process in an evaporator, where it is subjected to high temperatures,
effectively removing water and concentrating it into a thick syrup. The subsequent phase unfolds
in a centrifuge, a high-speed spinning chamber that efficiently separates sugar crystals from the
syrup. Post-separation, the sugar crystals undergo a final transformation—they are meticulously
dried and cooled, culminating in the creation of the end product: sugar." (chat GPT đề xuất bài
viết band 7 - 7.5)
The provided layouts illustrate a public park called Grange Park when it initially opened in 1920,
and how it looks now.
Overall, the park layout has been updated including modern facilities (cần làm rõ cụ thể loại nào,
ví dụ: playgrounds, sports areas, or amenities), which have replaced several natural features. The
updates have improved the park’s both the accessibility and functionally of the park.
Two main entrances on Eldon Road and Arnold road Road have been retained. However, a brand
new right -side entrance (nên đổi thành) a new entrance on the right side has been added from
Eldon street, which is dedicated for underground car park users. The park’s central part, where
previously housed a fountain, now features a rose garden surrounded by seats.
On the right side of the park, a new water feature has situated close to the entrance from Eldon
street and replaced a glass house and seats. Additionally, while a coffee shop has occupied place
where a rose garden used to be, a children’s play area has been added, take the place of a
previously pond for water plants. The only unchanged feature on the left side of the park has
been a rose garden close to Arnold Avenue. A stage for musicians has been was demolished to
make way for a amphitheatre for concerts. (chat GPT chấm 6.5 -7 band score)
The provided diagrams depict the transformation of Grange Park from its inaugural year in
1920 to its present state.
Overall, the park layout has undergone a substantial update, incorporating modern amenities
that have replaced various natural features. These enhancements have significantly improved
both the accessibility and functionality of the park.
While the primary entrances on Eldon Road and Arnold Road have been preserved, a new
entrance has been introduced on the right side of Eldon Street, specifically designated for
underground car park users. The central area of the park, formerly adorned with a fountain, now
showcases a rose garden surrounded by seating arrangements.
On the park's right side, a new water feature has been installed near the Eldon Street entrance,
supplanting a glass house and seating area. Additionally, the space once occupied by a rose
garden now houses a coffee shop. Conversely, a children's play area has taken the place of a
previous pond designated for water plants. The sole unaltered feature on the left side of the park
is a rose garden in proximity to Arnold Avenue. Notably, the removal of a stage previously
dedicated to musicians has given rise to an amphitheater, enriching the park's cultural offerings.
(chat GPT đề xuất bài viết 7.5 -8 band score)
Inauguration (khánh thành) => inaugural year: năm khánh thành
a substantial update: đáng kể
a comprehensive update: toàn diện
The provided diagram illustrates the life circle cycle of the salmon, which is a large fish species.
Overall, the life circle cycle of the salmon consists of four primary stages: egg, fry, smolt, and
adult salmon. Additionally, while three first stages occur in fresh water areas, the final stage
takes place in the saline water area.
The life cycle begins when salmon eggs are laid among small stones at the base of reeds in the
upper part of the river, where the current is slow. After approximately 5 to 6 months, fry average
3 to 8 centimeters long can be seen in the water. The fry then move to lower part of the river with
the fast current. These fry takes about four years to grow into smolts, which reach from 12 to 15
centimeters long.
Once being considered smolts, they continue to move to saline water. In there, they takes take
approximately five years to mature into adult salmon, which measure 70 to 76 centimeters long
in length. Then, they migrate upstream to their birthplace to spawn, and the entire journey is
repeated all over again entire cycle is repeated. (chat GPT chấm 7 band score)

The provided diagram illustrates the life cycle of the salmon, a significant fish species. Overall,
the life cycle of the salmon comprises four distinct stages: egg, fry, smolt, and adult salmon.
Notably, the first three stages unfold in freshwater environments, while the final stage occurs in
saline waters.
Starting with the deposition of salmon eggs among the small stones nestled at the base of reeds
in the upper reaches of the river, characterized by a slow current, the life cycle begins. After a
period of approximately 5 to 6 months, fry, averaging 3 to 8 centimeters in length, can be seen in
the water. Subsequently, these fry migrate to the lower part of the river, where the current is more
rapid. This downstream journey, lasting about four years, culminates in their growth into smolts,
measuring between 12 and 15 centimeters.
Once reaching the smolt stage, the transition to saline water commences. In this marine
environment, a maturation period of around five years leads to the development of adult salmon,
measuring an impressive 70 to 76 centimeters. Subsequently, these fully matured individuals
commences a challenging upstream migration to their birthplace for spawning, beginning
the cycle all over again.(chat GPT- 8.5 band score)

Deposition (dành để mô tả sự đẻ trứng của frog, fish)

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