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Step 1 of 2
Computer architecture refers to the design and organization of a computer system,
encompassing its hardware components and their interconnections, as well as the
instruction sets, data formats, addressing modes, and techniques used for
communication within the system.
Key aspects of computer architecture include:
Instruction Set Architecture (ISA): T his defines the set of instructions that a
processor can execute, including their formats, addressing modes, and operation
Processor Organization: T his includes the design and structure of the CPU, including
components such as arithmetic logic units (ALUs), control units, registers, cache
memory, and pipelines.
Memory Organization: T his covers how memory is addressed, accessed, and
managed within the system, including the hierarchy of memory levels such as
registers, cache, main memory, and secondary storage.


Computer architecture encompasses the design and structure of a computer

system, including hardware components, instruction sets, data formats, addressing
modes, and communication techniques. Key aspects include Instruction Set
Architecture (ISA), Processor Organization, and Memory Organization, which define
how instructions are executed, CPUs are structured, and memory is addressed and
managed. T hese components collectively determine the performance, efficiency,
and functionality of computer systems.

Step 2 of 2
Solustion: We'll develop the micro-instruction table based on the control word
format provided, and then we'll analyze the given data.
Register R3 contains the data: 10011011
Let's dissect the procedure in detail:
Initialize R7 to 0 : We assume that R7 initially holds 0 .
Counting Process: We iterate through the bits in R3 , counting the number of 1 's.
Here's how the micro-instruction table could look based on the provided control word

Address F ROM Outputs H Mux Select A B D ROM Address

9 0 - 0 - R7 R3 000000 000000

10 0 - 0 - R4 R3 000000 000001

11 0 - 0 - R5 R4 000010 000010

12 0 - 0 - R6 R7 000000 000011

13 1 R7+1 1 - R7 R7 000011 000100

14 1 R5+1 1 - R5 R5 000011 000101

15 1 R6+1 1 - R6 R6 000011 000110

16 0 R4+1 1 - R4 R4 000011 000111

17 0 - 0 - R3 R3 000000 001000

18 0 - 0 - R4 R3 0000000 001001

19 0 - 0 - R5 R0 000010 001010

20 0 - 0 - R6 R7 000000 001011

21 1 R7+1 1 - R7 R7 000011 001100

22 1 R5+1 1 - R5 R5 000011 001101

23 1 R6+1 1 - R6 R6 000011 001110

24 1 R4+1 1 - R4 R4 000011 001111

Here's how the microprogram works:

At address 9, we initialize R7 to 0 .
We start counting the number of 1's in R3 from address 10 to address 16 .
We repeat the process from address 17 to address 24 to count the remaining bits.
After completing the micro-operation, the contents of register R7 will be the count
of the number of 1 's in register R3 .
For the given data (R3 = 10 011 011), R7 will contain the count of 1 's, which is 5 .
So, after the micro-operation is completed, the contents of register R7 will be 5 .


T o count the number of 1 's in register R3 and store the count in register R7 , we
design a microprogram using a micro-instruction table. T he microprogram initializes
R7 to 0 and iterates through the bits of R3, incrementing R7 for each encountered 1

. After executing the microprogram with R3 containing the data 10 011 011 , R7 holds
the count of 1 's, which is 5 .

Final Answer
computer architecture serves as the blueprint for designing and organizing
computer systems. It dictates the arrangement and functionality of hardware
components, instruction sets, and memory organization. Key elements such as
Instruction Set Architecture (ISA), Processor Organization, and Memory Organization
play pivotal roles in defining how instructions are executed, CPUs are structured, and
memory is managed. Understanding and optimizing computer architecture is
essential for enhancing system performance, efficiency, and functionality in modern
computing environments.

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